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Virion, Archest of Archers

Virion's partner of choice  

61 members have voted

  1. 1. Barring bench and death, who would you pair Virion with?

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    • Lissa
    • Sully
    • Miriel
    • Maribelle
    • Panne
    • Cordelia
    • Nowi
    • Tharja
    • Olivia
    • Cherche

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Hellooo twisting my words. I meant that I don't take the father into account for why a child is the way they are, not for why the supports happen the way they do. Big difference.

The father doesn't really "count" for a lot of things. SInce the father could be practically anyone, the kids are primarily characterized around their mothers - so any continuty found in the father supports is nothing more than a series of happy coincidences.

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I never understood why people think Virion being Inigo's father makes sense. Inigo's father support has his dad scolding him for coming to the past just to be popular with girls. I can't see Virion doing that at all since he goes around asking for marriage himself.

I like to have Virion be hypocritical towards Inigo.

Edited by NinjaMonkey
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Geez. It's like you have the same amount of hate for him and Cherche like Airship does for Gerome and Lucina.

He does. It is known. (and really hilarious)

I like to have Virion be hypocritical towards Inigo.

I really dont cuz Virion is my favorite and him being hypocritical despite generic supports, doesnt sit well with me. I find that Gerome and Owain make the most sense for Virion's children. Gerome actually looks like him. (without the mask on) And given how withdrawn Gerome is and how secretive Virion can be, it makes sense.

Owain, cuz hes bombastic and he had to have gotten that pride from somewhere. Being a giant ham is right up Virion's alley and seeing how Virion pumped himself up a lot with boasting (even if it was mostly true), it makes sense for Owain to be like that. Plus his love for poetry and style matches Virion's.

I dont feel like any of the second gen girls fit well with Virion. Not even Severa.

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I liked him with Panne. Most of her support conversations are "I HATE ALL HUMANS. EXCEPT FOR YOU. LET'S GET MARRIED." Virion seems to be the only exception. His flirting works really well here. In most other supports the girls just blow him off, but in this case it seems like his affection really endears him to her. It also seems more romantic on his part, instead of just skirt-chasing.

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I don't see Virion chastising Inigo as Virion being hypocritical. Virion flirts with girls because he considers it part of his dandy persona--it is consistent with his self-image of a refined gentlemen and merely an aspect of how he holds himself. Inigo flirts with girls because he's a skirt chaser who wants to be popular with girls. The difference is very obvious when comparing the male supports the two characters have: Inigo remains girl obsessed in his supports with Owain and Brady; Virion talks about a variety of other subjects.

Edited by Raftina
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That is the weakest, least credible claim to word-twisting I have ever seen.

Also, when Virion flirts with and compliments women, he does seem to be genuinely sincere about the compliments that he gives them. He wants them to feel like they are precious and treasured and valuable and sing their praises. He's not so much a womanizer as he is a person who enjoys things of value, and he sees the value in each individual woman that he compliments, even if it comes across as shallow flattery. Inigo, on the other hand, just wants to get laid. Virion would have every right to scold him for treating women the way he does, if not more so than most other potential fathers. How could any son of his possibly be so ignoble as to discard women so casually?

At any rate, no one's here to get into a shipping war or to argue logistics. Literally the only point of this thread is for people to say who they like to pair Virion with, not to say that any particular pairing makes any more or less "sense" or has any more or less validity than any other pairing.

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DodgeDusk once asked me if he should do Virion/Miriel.

I checked the stats for Laurent and was impressed with the mods, not so much with the classes, I suppose he could be a decent supporter for an Einherjar.

Story wise, Cherche or Sully.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I honestly have a hard time pairing my characters up (because I take story into account, but I like to spoil the kids with stats and skill pass downs), and Virion is one of the trickiest for me. Lately though, in my current avatar's file, I've found he's pretty good with Miriel.

Their supports are interesting in that we see some depth to the characters, and once their support points build up they become a fearsome team who always back each other up. I haven't met Laurent yet, but I plan passing down Lifetaker (Miriel) and Tomebreaker (Virion).

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Their supports are interesting in that we see some depth to the characters, and once their support points build up they become a fearsome team who always back each other up. I haven't met Laurent yet, but I plan passing down Lifetaker (Miriel) and Tomebreaker (Virion).

I think you've got that backwards, Miriel gets Tomebreaker but Virion doesn't. Anyway, have Miriel pass down a skill Laurent can't get on his own (Dual Support+ or Renewal) for best results.

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I think you've got that backwards, Miriel gets Tomebreaker but Virion doesn't. Anyway, have Miriel pass down a skill Laurent can't get on his own (Dual Support+ or Renewal) for best results.

Actually, I meant to put down Tomefaire, not Tomebreaker. So sorry about that. -_-; (Though I do agree the other skills are good for him. Mostly Lifetaker and Renewal (or one of them) for his Mage days.)

Edited by Rohesia
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On topic: Virion should always be paired with magnificence.

Hmm... I'm thinking that's Double Duel.

Also on topic: I'm gonna be the first person to vote Maribelle because I can! :D

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It's also possible to make Avatars (both male and female) that are almost indistinguishable from the Morgans.

No, you can definitely tell the difference if you've seen enough portraits.

And I'm not talking about comparing two images of them side by side.

Male MU also never says "desu" or formal speak in voice clips.

Edited by shadowofchaos
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Male MU also never says "desu" or formal speak in voice clips.

If he did actually go, "desu" I'd be so confused.

(I'm fairly certain that's a gender restricted term to girls/women? If not, then I've never heard a guy use it @_@)

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Learn something new every day. : >
Although…technically the MU becomes royalty themselves when their dad becomes the king of Plegia, so they're on similar levels?
(There's also speculation the MU may have been an exalted figure in the Grimleal religion, since they can host their god and all that)

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