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Wich Fire Emblem world could have sequels?


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I guess they could manage to write a few prequels. Maybe one about how the Greil Mercenaries came together. We still don't know where Shinon got his respect for the man from, for one thing. I would also like to see a story that follows Alvis and the Grandbell Empire.

But stuff like this could hardly be extended enough, nor would it be interesting enough to cover an entire game. The last thing I want to see is a FE7 kind of prequel which has very little to do with FE6 except for the occasional cameo.

Maybe these kind of stories would work as a mini campaign. The DLC system could be used for that sort of thing if IS doesn't continue to waste it's potential on stuff like the Boys vs Girls deathmatches in CoY.

I was thinking something along those lines too. Less like Awakening's DLC and more like the Sattelview chapters.

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I was thinking something along those lines too. Less like Awakening's DLC and more like the Sattelview chapters.

Asdf. That streamed voice acting for the Satellaview.

Though I wish it isn't streamed.

Watching someone play those chapters with full voice acting really brought it to life... immersed in the experience EVEN if it was low resolution captures back then.

Edited by shadowofchaos
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I would adore a prequel to Ylisse's story starring Chrom's tyrannical father, ending with his death (preferably at the hands of one of his generals who finally got tired of his hyprocritcal, destructive shit, and decided to cut his victory speech short with a sword swipe to the neck - perfect).

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I would possibly like an Elibe sequel just to see how Idun manages to do in her recovery. (Assuming that the true ending is indeed the canon ending.) But on the other hand, it's likely never gonna happen. And I don't want Elibe getting the same treatment Arhanea got in recent years unless if it's a remake with more characters added. (Like another female option for Rath for starters in regards to including more characters.)

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And I don't want Elibe getting the same treatment Arhanea got in recent years unless if it's a remake with more characters added. (Like another female option for Rath for starters in regards to including more characters.)

Would you SERIOUSLY knock that off, really? The amount of passive aggressive hatred you have for Lyn/Rath and Hector/Florina is fucking embarrassing.

Also, in response to the topic, I don't feel that a sequel would work with any of the current FEs. I don't really want prequels, either, you'd probably have to end up retconning a lot of stuff or making accidental contradictions just by virtue of not being able to remember everything.

I do think, however, that Ylisse ~may~ have some sequel potential. Maybe. Regardless of how gone Grima actually is, there is a lot of potential for messy political stuff … especially with the way Chrom handles things. It's possible that by the time present Lucina and the other present versions of the children come to age, political instability may have boiled over to the point where a war and a new conflict is possible. It could basically be an extended version of RD's part 2.

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Would you SERIOUSLY knock that off, really? The amount of passive aggressive hatred you have for Lyn/Rath and Hector/Florina is fucking embarrassing.

Also, in response to the topic, I don't feel that a sequel would work with any of the current FEs. I don't really want prequels, either, you'd probably have to end up retconning a lot of stuff or making accidental contradictions just by virtue of not being able to remember everything.

I do think, however, that Ylisse ~may~ have some sequel potential. Maybe. Regardless of how gone Grima actually is, there is a lot of potential for messy political stuff … especially with the way Chrom handles things. It's possible that by the time present Lucina and the other present versions of the children come to age, political instability may have boiled over to the point where a war and a new conflict is possible. It could basically be an extended version of RD's part 2.

So basically a game designed to show how terrible Chrom is as a character?

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So basically a game designed to show how terrible Chrom is as a character?

It doesn't have to "show" that Chrom is a terrible character, and gives opportunities to develop him as well. In part 2 of RD, Elincia was shown to be a good person with high hopes and idealism, but she learns that idealism does not a ruler make, and that she has to be firm and show the people who's in charge. If Awakening didn't emphasize the consequences of Chrom's actions, then this hypothetical sequel could show these consequences finally happening. He doesn't even have to be a terrible person for letting these consequences happen, he could have been a naive ruler who had the best at heart but didn't know how to make the best happen.

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So does that mean that that woman was in games before Awakening? Because I would think I would remember a character who does nothing but saying money related puns and has greed as the sole element of her characterisation. Unless of course, NoA called her Pablo back in Sacred Stones. That happened to other characters too. Like with Aimee/Larabel, so it might well be the case.

Edited by BrightBow
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So does that mean that that woman was in games before Awakening? Because I would think I would remember a character who does nothing but saying money related puns and has greed as the sole element of her characterisation. Unless of course, NoA called her Pablo back in Sacred Stones. That happened to other characters too. Like with Aimee/Larabel, so it might well be the case.

She is in every fire emblem other than gaiden,(heck, she even does that finger to chin thing in many apperences) but she rairly gets more than a few lines of dialog. In FE4, for instance, she runs storage and gives leen's substitute the barier sword in a hidden event. In FE7, she operates the suspend feater and has dialog in "the port of badon" chapter(E16x/H17x). She is usualy in love with a man named jake (who was a playable balistician in FE1/11) She is also not usualy charictarised like she is in fe awakening. For example, her dialog in FE7 is:


I heard about your contest with the pirate captain, Fargus. You've got nerve, I'll give you that! Let me give you some advice. Don't try to overpower the pirates. Take the narrow path next to us, and follow the wall toward the sea. Pass in front of the last house, and stay close to the sea wall. You should be able to get to Fargus and win your game! Why do I know all this? Well, my sweetie's a pirate. His name's Jake, and he's the best. If you see him, tell him Anna's worried about him!

Sf actually has an article on her(and jake):


Oh, and as far as the OP goes, where is not really room for many full sequels, But the is plenty of room for small games and BSFE type one shots. This is actually being discussed in this thread:


Edited by sirmola
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I think that Awakening could benefit from a sequel/prequel detailing the future that Lucina and Co. came from (not the Future Past, that one's different). It could be the Thracia 776 to Awakening's FE4. Complete with capture and dismount and leadership and effect staves and...

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I recently thought about a Fire Emblem Awakening prequel where you play as Chrom's father slowly progressing from an idealist prince to a tyrannical ruler. It'd be a twist on traditional FE stories at least.

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I recently thought about a Fire Emblem Awakening prequel where you play as Chrom's father slowly progressing from an idealist prince to a tyrannical ruler. It'd be a twist on traditional FE stories at least.

So basically MGSV, but Fire Emblem.

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I recently thought about a Fire Emblem Awakening prequel where you play as Chrom's father slowly progressing from an idealist prince to a tyrannical ruler. It'd be a twist on traditional FE stories at least.

If we have to have another Ylisse game, I'll take that scenario.

Though what I'd really like if we're doing dark spin-offs is the saga of how idealistic, reform-minded Emperor Arvis spends the first ten-odd years of his reign securing territory and mopping up pesky rebellions (in other words, hunting down the remnants of Sigurd's peeps) and then right about when he figures he's got it made and can reign in peace with Deirdre and the kids, whoops.

I don't expect it but I can savor the fantasy now and again.

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She is in every fire emblem other than gaiden,(heck, she even does that finger to chin thing in many apperences) but she rairly gets more than a few lines of dialog. In FE4, for instance, she runs storage and gives leen's substitute the barier sword in a hidden event. In FE7, she operates the suspend feater and has dialog in "the port of badon" chapter(E16x/H17x). She is usualy in love with a man named jake (who was a playable balistician in FE1/11) She is also not usualy charictarised like she is in fe awakening. For example, her dialog in FE7 is:

Sf actually has an article on her(and jake):


Oh, and as far as the OP goes, where is not really room for many full sequels, But the is plenty of room for small games and BSFE type one shots. This is actually being discussed in this thread:


He was making a joke while saying that FE13 Anna has terrible characterization.

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He was making a joke while saying that FE13 Anna has terrible characterization.

Oh. Sarcasm is annoyingly hard to detect on the internet. <sarcasm>Which is why fake HTML tags and smileys are not useful at all and should not be considered by anyone ever</sarcasm>

Edited by sirmola
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I'd like to see a... "midquel", I guess... between FE7 and FE6, about the war mentioned in the A- or S-rank Tactician's ending.

My idea is that Desmond was so furious about the events of FE7, and the Tactician's involvement therein, that he tried to look all over Elibe for the Tactician. As a result, the Tactician sought refuge in Etruria, which was granted thanks to Pent and Louise.

Maybe Pent would be the main lord; certainly Desmond would be the main antagonist. At first I was thinking of having Mildain be the main lord, but he was in his 20's in FE6, so he'd still be just a child in the few years following FE7.

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I'd really hate another game in Ylisse, as much as I love Awakening, Ylisse is the worst Fire Emblem world by far.
I'm still prone to think that it is best to have a new world, rather than using the ones we have now.

Edited by Arrout
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