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The ~controversial~ opinions topic

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I don't like the controversial opinion thread

I don't like feminism.

I'm all for equal rights, but I have several problems with feminism, and the way it's used. Focusing on one gender in an attempt to bring equality is misguided to me, just like me calling myself a masculinist. That said, there are good feminists that truly want equality and I respect them for that, I just feel like modern feminism is often used to poke into things that really aren't an issue at all.

Sorry about the srs one, I usually don't have too many things I stray from the norm with, I guess.

ur a faget

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forum games is hardly the worse board

oh my god this so much


The people complaining about the awakening subforum are worse than the awakening subforum itself

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forum games is hardly the worse board

isnt that the awakening board


The people complaining about the awakening subforum are worse than the awakening subforum itself


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Like this?

i call bullshit


Also people are way too easily impressed by amateur anime/manga influenced art but this is mainly from younger teens/kids

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I wonder how long it'll take for this thread to degenerate.

the instant it does, I'll ask it to be locked.

It's not that hard, unlike some people think.

If it's not locked quickly, then it's someone else's fault.

But I doubt it will go anywhere bad

I have faith in this forum

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Have I not been here long enough to lose my faith

Honeslty the most controversial thing I can think of right now is that I liked Neon Genesis Evangelion's ending

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