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Admit it: You ENJOY being a Mary Sue

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If someone openly wants to be a Mary Sue, then they wish to be such a boring character that is always in the center of the spotlight and always does/achieves/etc. anything they wish to. I don't see how anyone would desire to be a character that flat. I'd rather shoot myself than be a Mary Sue.

(And if you need to imagine an imaginary character to pose as an IRL "waifu" (and the fact that you typed "waifu" to begin with made me cringe inside...)/spouse of any sort, you are a poor poor soul who should probably go home and rethink your life out- if you even have one at that point.)

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why should you care about someone that isn't seriously affect you, if you can COMPLETELY ignore it?

Because it's still there. It makes SF look pathetic as a community, and it really defeats the idea of a forum where anyone can post if you're just going to ignore everyone who mentions "waifu".

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like if you read Serenes_Txt while it still existed, those were the type of things people would think about SF.

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I feel the term Mary Sue has been thrown around so many times that it has lost all meaning to me.

I wouldn't mind a character the player could project himself into again, but I feel mostly impartial. I like the stories centering around mostly established characters because it feels more solid to me, so I wouldn't mind no Avatar the next games.

Or at least that he wouldn't play a strong part in the story, but that seems rare to reference from. I guess FE7 did it pretty ok...

(referring to FE12 here, haven't played FE13 so yeah; what I hear is that it's more of the same though)

FE MU's are so half assed because they never know if they want to be a self insert or a character in their own rights; what they end up being is a bland character who you could theoretically consider a self insert because their personality is so boring. Should have just made a silent protagonist with choices that you can make to define their personality. It's all the rage with the Western developers, and worked well enough in SMT.

Actually yeah pretty much this. :0

I like Robin. I despise Kris

It has nothing to do with marriage and wifes, though. I just kind of ignore that part of the game outside of a gameplay point of view

Mmm. What exactly did you despise about Kris? Robin and Kris don't seem all that different to me, since they're sort of blank slates. I guess Robin has more involvement in the main story?

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I think my biggest thing is, I'm not opposed to an "avatar" type of character by default. But people in general do not have the mental maturity to handle avatar type characters outside of something like FF:CC or Final Fantasy I. An avatar in a world like FE, where supports are a big part of the game and there are many colorful and likable characters that people get attached to is only asking for more poor self-inserts and "waifu wars". Something like Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles, where all your playable characters are build-your-own and you don't really get to interact with OCs much, that's another thing.


It affects me when merely expressing dislike of a character means that people are going to rage on you because "HOW DARE YOU INSULT MY WAIFU/HUSBANDO/CHILD YOU AWFUL PERSON". It affects me when people get so EMOTIONALLY INVESTED IN A NON-IRONIC WAY that they become depressed or upset or hurt when people don't like their spouses/children or are "hurting" them in silly games like HnH and then cry about it to me or in a general place where I am. People being creepy is creepy and enough of a reason to be mad.

It's far from silly.

I think this seems to be more of a serious problem with people than with the actual game. Is it only bad because it attracts the "crazy" people?

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I feel the term Mary Sue has been thrown around so many times that it has lost all meaning to me.

Are you Mary Sure about that?

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I think this seems to be more of a serious problem with people than with the actual game. Is it only bad because it attracts the "crazy" people?

The game itself had its own issues because I don't think IS is very good at writing avatar type characters from what I've seen of FE13. However, a terrible fanbase or a small vocal terrible part of the fanbase can ruin anything good.

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Yes I do? I'd rather not be associated with a bunch of people who are insane about waifus? I've made some decent friends here too, some people I can say I'll be friends for life with, but as a whole, the image on this forum is poor, and I think that image isn't exactly wrong.

And it's like, the boards with awakening, I want to have a decent discussion, but like many threads have had immature users going into it and derailing it into waifu wars and complete bullshit like that. If they make a waifu thread whatever, but shitposts like that often end up in threads where they don't belong.

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This is something I completely disagree with. Like, why let people affect your enjoyment of something? It doesn't make the smallest sense to me

Maybe you're less social then. People play a big part in most peoples lives and enjoyments of things.

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Ok. I think you just care too much

bye now

we have different views on things

I'm sorry that I'm not completely apathetic and uncaring about what people think like you are. Have fun not caring what other people think about you in life.

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At the end of the day, I believe topic creator has rused you all.

(funny that it was moved into fftf from General FE I believe, though)

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Yeah it was in General FE when I first replied to it.

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*says a stupid thing on the internet and gets called out* why are you taking this so seriously, it's just the internet

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Are you Mary Sure about that?

How dare you.

He's everywhere yet does nothing for the story. He's boring. He's always like: "I have to protect Marth. Here catria, come to protect Marth with me! Here, Shiida, let's protect Marth. Marth is so amazing, isn't him, Sir Jeigan". And then you have those annoying introduction to chapters where jeigan explains everything to the MU rather than something interesting happening.


I think that's the reason he works for me. His ties with story are as many as the player's. Which makes it more relatable than having an unkown past to me. The introductory chapters are where they're trained to become a Knight of Altea and gain admiration for marth but whilst I had some enjoyment being in the low point of view I recon it could have been done better and with a much faster pace than 8 chapters.

I appreciated how low-profile they were because I could invest some of my personality in them. They were still almost their own character though and the assassin sub-plot ended up adding a gap to that, so I think they were bland in the end. But I appreciated them as much as the FE13 avatar, which I found to be more of an established character myself.

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Whoa a lot of stuff happened. :0

I am impartial towards the people that make big deals about video game wifes but that's generally because I laugh about the really bad ones in private chats.

I guess I'm a bad person. :x

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Yes I do? I'd rather not be associated with a bunch of people who are insane about waifus? I've made some decent friends here too, some people I can say I'll be friends for life with, but as a whole, the image on this forum is poor, and I think that image isn't exactly wrong.

And it's like, the boards with awakening, I want to have a decent discussion, but like many threads have had immature users going into it and derailing it into waifu wars and complete bullshit like that. If they make a waifu thread whatever, but shitposts like that often end up in threads where they don't belong.

i agree with this post btw, the FE13 board is shit. if anybody from there is reading this: you are but casual scum. why don't you play a real fire emblem game like blazing sword or scared stoners? awakening is a casualized dating sim that panders to lonely waifufags. can you even take on the black fang and fight in the name of lycia? try not to feel TOO bad, BUT, but the objective best waifu in the series is actually soren, and lucina / sumia / cordelia etc are but baka unpure girls compared to him


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