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Frederick's Family Playthrough

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Okay, before anyone asks, yes, I beat the game. I did so a couple hours ago (you happy now, SOC?). :P (though, I didn't pair up everyone. I left out four kids. I just decided the hell with it, I want to beat the game already)

Anyway, now that I've at least completed it once and it wasn't crazy hard like, say, RD, I'll try a different sort of playthrough. Frederick and his family will save the world! This will include Freddy, his wife and kid, and the in-laws. That is to say, his kid's spouse and the parents of said spouse. My party will thus be:


Kelli (Avatar)





I would normally pair Severa with Inigo, but my headcanon actually has her marry Morgan, so for this run, I'm going Morgan x Severa. I'll also stick with Normal/Classic mode for now since, unlike some people, I'm not an expert FE player. xP I've laid out some rules already for this run too:

- Everyone in my team that can get Galeforce will get Galeforce. Meaning, everyone except Stahl and Freddy. lol (and he can more than make up for this too. He crushed Grima in one blow! As for Stahl, I just need to hope he's not speed screwed this time)

- I won't do as much grinding as my first run, but I will do some, otherwise Frederick will probably fall behind in stats for obvious reasons.

- I'll use no DLC except Lost Bloodines 2 (I just can't pass up Dread Fighter Freddy, he's too sexyyy. Plus, he kinda NEEDS Res +10. xP I managed to get his res to sky-rocket for a guy like him too)

- I'll still do Paralogue chapters and recruit everyone (even Donnel, cause he's Donnel. <3) that will be available without other pairings.

- Chrom will still marry Olivia, as he does in my headcanon. I just see no point in changing that in this run.

- Speaking of Chrom, I will level him up in Risen skirmishes, since he's forced in the main game and I'm not going to risk leaving him too weak at the end of the game to survive anything. The same will go for Olivia because support bonuses.

Think I can do it? Or that it's even possible? I won't start just yet though, I need a break from the game first. lol

Edited by Anacybele
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On normal mode I'm pretty sure Chrom and avatar can solo the entire game themselves so it's definitely doable to finish the game with just the avatar and her, uh, family.

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unless you're playing on lunatic/lunatic+ (well this applies to everyone really), roflstomp

Kelli (Avatar)



appears late but roflstomp


unless speed screwed roflstomp




appears late but roflstomp

You'll be fine.

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Well, I know it's doable for someone that's skilled at the game, but I mean do you think I, someone who's rather mediocre at FE, can do it? I still found a few chapters challenging, mainly later paralogues and the Endgame. But not extremely challenging, I just wound up making a few dumb mistakes that I shouldn't repeat. :P

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You'll probably have to give your main units a bit more attention than on a normal run, but it should be doable unless things just go horribly wrong.

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Sangyul: Oh that's doable alright. lol I had a hard time diverting away from Frederick. XD

ZeeEmm: I actually already did make Kelli a Dark Flier in my first run, so I know what you mean. lol

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This will be a total cakewalk.

Just change Fred into a faster class and your team is set to win, hands down.

But as Sangyul said, the Avatar could solo the game herself. You should do it on hard or maybe Luna.

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My Avatar wouldn't be able to, actually. Her defenses sucked too much. She almost got her butt handed to her several times, but thankfully her Freddy Bear was there to protect her. He really lives up to his promises! Heh. (he says in his confession that he vows to defend her until death does them part)

And I'm always going to reclass Frederick to a Dread Fighter, at least for awhile, and he's faster in this class than anything else (it really gives him what he needs: speed and res), so I got that covered.

Also, skillsets and final classes I plan to go with. They'll generally be the same as what I have in my first file, but with a few differences, namely the number of Galeforcers (I hadn't known the skill existed when I recruited Morgan, so he never got it, for example). I'm working at this so my small team at least stands a chance with my not so expert skills. :P

Frederick: Great Knight

- Luna

- Dual Guard+

- Aggressor

- Res +10

- Outdoor Fighter

Kelli: Dark Flier

- Ignis

- Galeforce

- Rally Spectrum

- Lancefaire

- Tomefaire

Morgan: Great Knight

- Luna

- Dual Guard+

- Galeforce

- Aegis

- Ignis

Stahl: Great Knight

- Luna

- Dual Guard+

- Aegis

- Swordfaire

- Astra

Cordelia: Falcon Knight

- Lancefaire

- Galeforce

- Sol

- Bowbreaker

- Speed +2

Severa: Bow Knight

- Galeforce

- Luna

- Sol

- Bowbreaker (or should I go Bowfaire instead since her dad will give her the archer line?)

- Swordfaire

Suggestions for changes are welcome. :)

Edited by Anacybele
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Life taker isn't Griffonrider. They get lance breaker.

Should change rally spec. Unless you really want to play as the lead and have support options.

Morgan is good, have him support Severa.

Stahl has all his good skills equipped, have him support cordi

Switch speed 2 with a DLC skill or Armsthrift

Severa should stay as a hero, sniper or falcon knight for this pairing. If you really want her to be a bow, she should just avoid Bow Knight in general unless you want her to get Bow Breaker

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Well, Lifetaker is somewhere in the Wyvern line, isn't it?

Depends on what you think Rally Spectrum should be changed to.

Already planning on that. :P

Already planning on that too.

I said I wasn't going to use any DLC except Lost Bloodlines 2 and Dread Fighter is a male only class. Armsthrift sounds fine though.

Sorry, but I like Bow Knight more than Sniper because of Sword access and horse. :P

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Bow knight is more support, since they offer +1 movement to whoever is paired with them. Plus with Galeforce, snipers can hit and run.

And Lifetaker is a Dark Knight skill

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Oh. Huh, I could've sworn I saw it listed in the Wyvern rider line awhile back. Guess I'm remembering wrong. Scratch that then, I'll find a different fifth skill for Frederick. xP

I still prefer Bow Knight to Sniper. xP

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Sorry, im just excited you finally finished the game.

Ok now...

Are you building a team for DLC/Post Game Shenanigans? Cuz in Normal/Classic, you dont need to go full balls to the wall with skills to get the job done. I made a God!Virion. If you are interested in how that transpired, drop me a line for the recipe. Hes roflstomping on Lunatic.

Fred should get both Breakers available to him if you are aiming for God!Freddy. (Those Breakers include Sword and Lancebreaker. Thats from the Wyvern/Griffon branch)

I prefer Bow Knight only cuz Bow Breaker is yes.

Since you are doing a relatively low-to-no grind, the run should be kind of-almost interesting. Maybe.

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Since you are doing a relatively low-to-no grind, the run should be kind of-almost interesting. Maybe.

Actually, in Normal classic, the main game won't give you enough EXP to get all those skill setups.

Not that you even need it.

The weirdest "challenge" about Normal mode is getting those paralogues without trivializing anything.

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I was considering hard mode, but given how much trouble I had with a few chapters even on normal mode, I decided against it. Yeah, I kinda suck at FE. It's a miracle I was even able to beat RD, that game kicked my ass so hard. And I played on EASY mode. :P

So yeah, I'm just trying to play it safe here. This is the first ever sort of "challenge" run I've ever done on any game ever too.

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Actually, in Normal classic, the main game won't give you enough EXP to get all those skill setups.

Not that you even need it.

The weirdest "challenge" about Normal mode is getting those paralogues without trivializing anything.

Huh … interesting. If playing through normal classic by itself doesn't provide enough EXP to get all the skills Ana wants, I guess she can always break out reeking boxes. If you have any money to spare on DLC, Ana, I'd highly recommend Lost Bloodlines 3. Even if you don't care for Seliph, Paragon is an amazing skill, and the map is quite nice for grinding when your units are leveled up enough (which, if you're making a super team, they should be).

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Paragon WOULD be useful on Freddy since he gains exp slower than everyone else unless he goes Dread Fighter (he started gaining exp like crazy as soon as I put him in it last time). I'll keep it in mind. I do have the cash for it. :)

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Actually, in Normal classic, the main game won't give you enough EXP to get all those skill setups.

Not that you even need it.

The weirdest "challenge" about Normal mode is getting those paralogues without trivializing anything.

What was done here, i see it.

You have a point. Cuz like, my first run was a Normal/Classic (and the only Normal mode run ive ever done) and i didnt get all the paralogues due to the speed in which i went through the game. In Ana's case, she can get the ones shes planning on without trivializing anything too much. But those skill sets are definitely Post-Game Materials.

Hang on, which DLCs do you have?

Also, about Hard Mode: Just go Nancy Mode (Casual) for the safety net. Theres no shame in it. Oh yeah, God!Virion requires Paragon lul

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I have Champions of Yore 1 (cause it was free at the time), Lost Bloodlines 2, and Smash Brethren 1. I wasn't really interested in any of the others. But I do still plan to eventually work my first file further so I can grab me some Ephraim and Ike in Rogues & Redeemers 1 and 3. :D

Also, I've decided that Freddy's fifth skill will just be Outdoor Fighter. It isn't like there's a lack of outdoor maps in this game. :P

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For real Roflstompy Shenaniganry, drop that six quid on the Golden Pack. But thats only if you wanna play a higher mode and dont care about grinding like a rusty old cog. Hard mode skirmishes arent so bad but EXP gain gets diminished after a while. Lunatic skirmishes are a whole bag of Nope.

Outdoor Fighter? Sure it works for the mode you are doing. /shrug

(but i would go Quick Burn)

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Congrats on finishing the game. How much playtime is on your file? Here's some general skill advice/class paths:

Frederick: Great Knight

- Luna

- Dual Guard+

- Aggressor

- Res +10

- Outdoor Fighter

GK -> Dread Fighter -> GK. You'll need to level Dread Fighter all the way to 30 to reclass back to GK. This might be doable.

Kelli: Dark Flier

- Ignis

- Galeforce

- Rally Spectrum

- Lancefaire

- Tomefaire

Those faires take a really long time to get and stuff is weak enough on Normal that you shouldn't need them. I'd advise replacing them with Veteran and Solidarity or Rally Move. On lower difficulties or if you're bad at the game it's actually a really good idea to throw around some occasional Rallies on your main combat units because then you don't have to worry about protecting a rallybot, but can still use them if you need to. Class path: Tactician -> Gramdmaster -> Dark Flier.

Morgan: Great Knight

- Luna

- Dual Guard+

- Galeforce

- Aegis

- Ignis

Morgan will come as a Lv.10 Cavalier and needs to inherit Galeforce from Avatar, which might require some grinding to get in time. I don't advise putting Ignis on a GK because their Mag caps at 20 and they don't have very good Skl either. However, If Morgan promotes directly to Paladin for Aegis and inherits Luna or DG+ from Frederick, you can at least get three of those skills early on. If you don't mind not having GK as your ending class, you could reclass from Cavalier to Tactician and promote, and then use Galeforce/Luna/Veteran/Ignis/Rally Specturm. If you do all that and go to GK afterword, swap Ignis for Solidarity which gives +10 Crit to anyone standing next to Morgan, or who Morgan is supporting.

Stahl: Great Knight

- Luna

- Dual Guard+

- Aegis

- Swordfaire

- Astra

Cav -> Myrmidon -> Swordmaster -> GK. If Stahl's Spd turns out poor, consider going to Assassin or Paladin instead of GK.

Cordelia: Falcon Knight

- Lancefaire

- Galeforce

- Sol

- Bowbreaker

- Speed +2

That's 4 promoted classes, which won't work so well on Normal. I'd advise dropping Bowbreaker (on Normal, Archers are lenient enough that you probably won't die in one hit) for Armsthrift. Peg.Knight -> Mercenary -> Hero -> Dark Flier -> Falco. You may want to replace Spd+2 with Rally Spd.

Severa: Bow Knight

- Galeforce

- Luna

- Sol

- Bowbreaker (or should I go Bowfaire instead since her dad will give her the archer line?)

- Swordfaire

Severa should inherit Galeforce and Swordfaire/Luna. If you can live without the other of Swordfaire/Luna, replace it with Armsthrift or Bow Knight's Rally Skl. Hero is usually a better ending class than Bow Knight, but if you like BK better that's OK. Go Mercenary -> Bow Knight -> Hero or Mercenary -> Hero -> Bow Knight. This set shouldn't be too hard to pull off.

Suggestions for changes are welcome. :)

If you had trouble on Normal with grinding, I'd strongly advise not attempting to complete a Lunatic playthrough like some folks are suggesting. Maybe look at the prologue to see what it's like but stick with Normal/Cla or Hard/Cas for now.

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I know Dread Fighter has to get to lv. 30 to be able to reclass back to a promoted class. And I currently have Freddy at lv. 26 Dread Fighter in my first file, so that's definitely doable with some grinding and Paragon.

Veteran becomes useless after a certain point because it only increases exp gain when paired with another unit. So that one's out as soon as it fulfills its purpose.

I know what Morgan starts as and how he would need to get Galeforce, I just played through the game. xP But which class line is Solidarity in again?

I don't like Paladins nearly as much as Great Knights in this game, so I don't want any of those. The only reason I make anyone a Paladin is for Aegis, then I get them out of it asap. xP

Why won't four promoted classes work so well? Reeking Boxes and money are easy as hell to get on Normal mode. I'm swimming in gold in my first file right now.

Well, I loved how my Bow Knight Inigo started destroying everything in his path with just bronze and iron bows, and Severa sometimes turns out even better than him, I hear, so I'm sticking with Bow Knight. I'll have Severa inherit Swordfaire since that would take longer to get leveling up than Luna.

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