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Resistance VI: Avalon (Assassination - Resistance 3-1 Spies)


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There's the chance that there were two spies in that group, and neither of them sabotaged the mission, due to the risk of them accidentally both sabotaging the mission and revealing that the past two approved groups had all the spies between them. Just a thought.

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The chances of that are terrible if you consider me to be very likely resistance (which it seems like you do from post 196) because that would imply Marth putting both himself and another spy on the same team when that wasn't really necessary. It's a far-fetched possibility at best.

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Although you seem pretty pro-resistance it's not confirmed that you are. There's the possibility that you and Eury are scum and neither of you sabotaged the mission because you thought the other would. If you had both chosen to sabotage all the scum would be right in front of our eyes and the most townish-seeming scum could lose their influence.

This is all conjecture, of course. You seem overly sure the previous group was trustworthy.

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And fmpov that would imply eury and rein arr spy buddies assuming two spies on the

mission. That's very unlikely esp if we looked at your previous behaviour.

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There's nothing overly sure about approving a group that passed a mission at all. I would say distrusting it is more paranoid, especially when we factor in you passed it the first time.

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Realtalk: I agree that Mission 3 should basically be same people as mission 2.2. If the results change in any manner, then we know someone's lying/had lied for 2.2. If not, then we're good with 3 solid Resistance members! (I doubt scum would let TWO missions float down river in favor of Resistance without at least one of them sabotaging, if they had the chance.)


Although you seem pretty pro-resistance it's not confirmed that you are. There's the possibility that you and Eury are scum and neither of you sabotaged the mission because you thought the other would. If you had both chosen to sabotage all the scum would be right in front of our eyes and the most townish-seeming scum could lose their influence.

This is all conjecture, of course. You seem overly sure the previous group was trustworthy.


*You = Reinfleche, I'm assuming?

So.... You admit that Rein seems pro-resistance (which most of us can see, I think?), but then you label him (and myself) as plausible scum who just passed on the mission anyways? [How did I even get on this list? Do I seem more likely to be scum than Bluedoom? (Since you chose to just list the two of us, not all 3)]


First part is an easy way/comment for you to backpedal hard, as you've been doing all game. In addition, as a Resistance member, yeah, we passed a mission. What reason do we have not to be happy about the results and pass the same team onto the next mission as solid confirmation that we're all Resistance members?

There's the chance that there were two spies in that group, and neither of them sabotaged the mission, due to the risk of them accidentally both sabotaging the mission and revealing that the past two approved groups had all the spies between them. Just a thought.

So, when Mission 2.2 was passed, you were fairly confident in that 2 spies were in it. When mission 1.1 failed, you were still insistent on packing Kay for 2.2 mission proposal (one of the participants of said failed/sabotaged mission).

I find it odd that you're worrying/seem more paranoid about a completed/successful mission than you are of a failed one and its members.

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##Mission 3.1 Proposal: Eurykins, Bluedoom, Reinfleche

I don't like Rein's attitude about this, but it does make sense. I'm 90% sure Rein's a spy if this mission is sabotaged, though.

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On one hand, I'm glad that it went without a hitch.

On the other hand, I'm still unconvinced of Bluedoom...

Give me a bit to think about this.

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On one hand, I'm glad that it went without a hitch.

On the other hand, I'm still unconvinced of Bluedoom...

Give me a bit to think about this.

If the mission is once again completed, we have no issues and it's safe to assume that we're all Resistance. If not, we have scum somewhere on the 3 man team. That is all. At this point and time, no Resistance member should have a reason to object to re-sending this team onto the mission, given the completion of the last mission, imo.

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Mission 3.1 proposed by: Kay:

Team Proposed: Eurykins, Bluedoom, Reinfleche

Voting YES: Kopfjäger, Eurykins, Bluedoom, Kay, Refa, Reinfleche

Voting NO: Frosted Fire Flakes

Result: Yes - 6, No - 1

Proposal passes

And everyone also submitted mission orders early (or got prodded to do so :P).

Mission 3 Results

Pass: 3

Fail: 0

Mission succeeds. Score is now Resistance - 2, Spies - 1

Mission leadership passes to Refa. Refa, please propose Mission 4. Mission 4 requires 4 people and will pass unless two spies play a fail.

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Yay- third mission went off without an issue. Awesomeness. :D

Imo for 4th mission: Send the same party from Mission 2/3 + plug in whoever suits the last slot best. Chances are we may not stick in the last townie as the final slot, but so long as the 3 of us hold to the pass vote, one sabotage/fail action shouldn't affect the outcome for this one.

[And will sheep Refa wrt FFM question; would also like to know more about what was posted during the time that Mission 3.1 was being considered/sent out.]

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Right, so here's what I'm going to do.

Exactly four people are available for this mission, right?

I'd usually include myself, but we have a bit of leeway here, so I thought I'd do something interesting.

Namely, picking someone from Mission 1 in lieu of me.

I mean yeah, there's guaranteed to be one spy.

Say it does fail though, then we'll know who the spy is from Mission 1! Oh joy~

Maybe this logic doesn't seem very Resistance to you though.

End of the day, I'm risking a failed mission instead of picking one that is guaranteed to succeed, right?

Right, you would be right indeed.

Like who do you think I am?

I'm no Resistance scrub.

No, I am the Assassin.


Good luck on the mission, guys!

Good luck on it, indeed...

##Mission 4 Proposal: Kay, Reinfleche, Bluedoom, Eurykins

Four townies on one mission! I must be the Protown Spy; if you don't believe me, just ask Merlin!

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Lolscum!Refa. Totes called it.

Past few games, Refa's been all sorts of scummy. Plus I'm cooler than he is- should obviously take me over him. :D

[And of course the other points are just as valid. ;D]

Dat post tho.

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A sabotaged mission is a success for the spies, while no sabotage is a success for the rebels.

Mission 4 requires 4 people and will pass unless two spies play a fail.

Ok Tables, you are officially confusing me, WHICH IS THE REAL RULE HERE!?

Also, will naturally veto this since I know Kay is the spy.

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