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Pokemon Omega Ruby Alpha Sapphire Thread - The Game's out, go get it!

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I still haven't got Registeel. -_-

I failed to get it on the first attempt since I ran out of balls. Then it came time to decorate the Christmas tree. My stupid ass brother ruined that by indirectly causing an irreplaceable ornament that I bought to break (and it's the second irreplaceable thing this year that he's broken. And wouldn't you know, I bought that one too), so now I'm a little frustrated AND kind of pissed.

I hope I catch the damn thing this time...

Edited by Anacybele
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I'm suprised by how practical the dexnav is. I went into the game without looking into the changes much so I wasn't aware how good it was.

I managed to get a 3 star Nummel from it, who was around the same level as the rest of my team and who had heatwave as a special attack. I did't even need to go through that many pokemon. 15 at most I think.

Yeah, PokeNav and its apps are really useful. I love how the AreaNav tells you when a trainer is ready to have a rematch with you, it really encourages grinding and a confortable play when coupled with Exp. Share since your team gains a huge exp and level lead respecting main game. DexNav is also great for searching specific pokemons, I got a Destiny Bond Ralts :D
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I'm taking my sweet time going through this game. >.> So I only have half of the gym badges.

I'm having a hard time deciding on my team. :\ Originally, I was gonna have a Mega Sceptile, but then I bred Zell, my Combusken, and he's just amazing (Named after Zell Dincht from Final Fantasy VIII). This game's making it hard for me to decide what I want. XD Probably gonna at least have my Greninja and a Togekiss, though. Also, I really like the Secret Bases streetpass.

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Lol I've gotten only the first two badges so far.

Team planning is kinda hard too for me, but decided that Sceptile, Gardevoir and Manectric will be enough, I may be quite redundant on stat spread because I like Special and Speedy pokemons, but who cares :p.

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I got Registeel that time! In fact, I got even luckier than I had with Regice. After a few Ultra, Great, and regular Pokeballs, Registeel went into the first Dusk Ball I threw at it. That's right, I didn't use a Timer Ball at all this time. It's honestly surprising because it's that uncommon with me. :P

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Yeah, the Regis are really hard for me to catch too, I don't know why, I tend to use more than 20 ultra balls with even status affliction and they don't cede a bit. The hardest legendary trio to catch and yet the ones I use less or don't even use lol.

By the way, are the Regis viable competitively? I barely see them, their typing don't help them with so many Earthquakes and Fighting moves.

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The AreaNav's trainer rematch function is okay but Match Call from Emerald (can't remember if it was in R/S or not) was way better because you didn't need to be in the area to check which trainers wanted to rematch... you could just scroll through the trainers you had registered and see which of them, in any route, wanted to fight.

Regice was OU in gen 3 I think and since then none of them have been really viable competitively.

Edited by BBM
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The AreaNav's trainer rematch function is okay but Match Call from Emerald (can't remember if it was in R/S or not) was way better because you didn't need to be in the area to check which trainers wanted to rematch... you could just scroll through the trainers you had registered and see which of them, in any route, wanted to fight.

You can do that here...and fly straight to their route from the menu while at it.

Click AreaNav -> find your route -> trainers -> View details. Fly option is right there.

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Yeah, the Regis are really hard for me to catch too, I don't know why, I tend to use more than 20 ultra balls with even status affliction and they don't cede a bit. The hardest legendary trio to catch and yet the ones I use less or don't even use lol.

By the way, are the Regis viable competitively? I barely see them, their typing don't help them with so many Earthquakes and Fighting moves.

Pff, if you thought these guys were tough, try going after the legendary birds in Platinum. They're ALL roamers and they ALL know Roost. Meaning that even using an escape-proof ability like Shadow Tag or Arena Trap won't help much because the birds will just recover their HP with Roost. The only reason I managed to get all of them is because I got extremely lucky with Zapdos. It went into a Great Ball while STILL NEARLY FULL HEALTH.

Besides them though, the hardest for me to catch was Cresselia, in any generation it appeared in so far. Just...oh my god that thing. >_<

But I seem to have hit a road block in finding Regigigas. I was told earlier that Regigigas appeared in Regice's location when you brought all three Regis and Regice was nicknamed and holding either a Castelia Cone, Never-Melt Ice, or something else I can't recall. I did all that, but all I got in the Island Ruins was a message that said something was there, but left. I guess it's back to Bulbapedia or Serebii...

EDIT: Oh, I can only encounter it during the day. I figured as much... And I have to talk to a girl in Pacifidlog Town.

Edited by Anacybele
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By the way, are the Regis viable competitively? I barely see them, their typing don't help them with so many Earthquakes and Fighting moves.

Looking at Smogon, currently Steel is RU and the others are NU. Steel has a Curse and Sneaky Pebbles set, Rock has two Sneaky Pebbles sets (SpD and general Sneaky Pebbles), Ice has a Resto-Chesto set, and Gigas has a wall set to hold on until Slow Start wears out. They generally run full HP and either full Atk/SpA or max SpD.

Edited by Konnor97
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Welp, roaming legendaries were handled witg Mean Look, I dunno if Golbat or something else but I never had a zomg issue with them.

Also yeah the AreaNav indicates with white dots on the routes if there are trainers available for rematches and going deeper it shows you which specific trainer it is. If there's a Fly option then wowz.

Edit: the Regice I remember was the one on Pokemon Battle Revolution (Wii) which had like Double Team, Toxic and Rest spam with Leftovers or Chesto, and probably Ice Beam. Thanks for the info!

Edited by Quintessence
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the regis are, if not the most, very close to being the most objectively difficult legendaries (or pokemon ever, natch) to catch because the catch rate formula has a factor of something like (3*maxHP - 2*currHP) or something of the sort (someone can check me on the exact coefficients)

this would mean that the regis, at base 80 HP (idk what their hp actually is for the encounter but it's pretty low!) and catch rate of 3, clock in just above uxie and azelf (at base HP 75) for lowest catch rates in the game (this is definitely not a rigorous standard and i wouldn't be super surprised if i got rekt by not fact-checking more thoroughly); they tie with lati@s, but those are handed to you. I believe that the genies also have base 79 HP, but both the genies and the lake spirits are caught at level 50, pushing their base HP stats above those of the regis. All things combined, this gives you roughly a 2.34% chance at catching sleeping regis at 1 hp with a dusk ball.

Good luck.


If you're going to go by game, then yeah, some of the roaming legends are technically more difficult, although you can still lock them down with mean look/shadow tag/etc. I'm personally not counting them because they are all available in ORAS and are not roaming, which substantially lessens difficulty in obtaining them

Edited by CT075
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I've used Registeel in UU with decent success but there's better steel tires even in that tier. The others are unfortunately garbage.

That was in BW and XY. I'm sure ORAS is not going to be kind to them.

Although Regigigas is great in Twitch plays Pokémon Battle Revolution.

Edited by Ranger Jack Walker
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Backtracked to pick up an Aron. Sturdy ability with a neutral nature, so I'm happy with him. Also, I've just beaten Wattson.

Current team:

Grovyle, Taillow, Ralts, Gyarados, Aron, and my HM bitch, Zigzagoon.

I'm really considering switching out Taillow for someone else. Swellow has never appealed to me as the game's primary flyer like Pidgeot and Staraptor do. Considering grabbing myself a Zubat, because Crobats have never really let me down before. Someone's gotta Fly. Also, multi-typing is gr8. I wonder when I'll next be able to pick up a Zubat (or Golbat?).

Edit: Fuck that, Flygon all the way. I'll have to beat the 4th gym to get the Go-Goggles, but after that I can go to the desert and get me a Trapinch. I'll drop Taillow as soon as possible otherwise it's just gonna eat up more of my valuable EXP that needs to go into my other Pokemon right now. EXP Share has been off the whole game since I appreciate some sort of challenge in my Pokemon games.

Edited by Raven
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I never loved Swellow either, it is ridiculously restricted to Normal/Flying moves and is roflstomped by Rock/Steel types unlike say Staraptor that has Close Combat or Talonflame that has Flare Blitz (for Steels, though). Not a fan of Swellow but Toxic Orb + Brave Bird/Facade might wreck shit, and U-Turn, too.

Hey I'm considering a Swellow after all!

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I'm currently nearing the fourth gym and my team is sort of ready as well. I'm a bit surprised about how my team has turned out. Little status moves and lacking the speedy pokemon I usually pick.

Right now my team is.



3. Meditite

4. Chinchou

5. Swablu

6. Solrock (For the moment)

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I'm currently nearing the fourth gym and my team is sort of ready as well. I'm a bit surprised about how my team has turned out. Little status moves and lacking the speedy pokemon I usually pick.

Right now my team is.



3. Meditite

4. Chinchou

5. Swablu

6. Solrock (For the moment)

Why aren't you using your starter?

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Maybe he doesn't like the Hoenn starters. I certainly wouldn't be using any of them if it wasn't for Mega Sceptile. And the fact that there's no other available counter to Roxanne's gym that I'd be willing to use.

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Its not that I dislike the Hoenn starters, but there where just alternatives I preffered this gen. I wanted to use a shiftry and a Chinchou so I already had water and grass covered for my team. Not entirely fond of Blaziken so I did't pick that one either.

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I really need to get back to this game.

My current team planned so far:

Blaziken, Shiftry, Flygon, Metagross

I'm honestly not sure about my pokes, especially a water type. I WANT to use Lanturn or Walrein but their so late in the game I'm gonna need a water HM slave

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Regigigas is mine. :D Got it in a Dusk Ball, though I did use a few Timer Balls this time. It never reached a red HP bar, btw.

But what to do next in the game... I suppose I could go for Heatran since I found its location by accident while looking for Registeel's cave. lol

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