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Pokemon Omega Ruby Alpha Sapphire Thread - The Game's out, go get it!

Book of Ereshkigal

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I'm happy Steven has been shown and not Wallace, because if Wallace were champion he'd probably be a more prominent character and would be more likely to be shown early.

You people forget that Tabitha's horrible new design isn't the ONLY reason I probably won't be buying this. I never liked gen 3 to begin with, remember? So ruining a character I actually LIKED from it isn't going to help me change my mind.

Mega Sceptile and Mega Diancie almost did change my mind though. Let's see what other stuff GameFreak has planned for this before I decide for sure. It's not like this is the only info we'll be seeing.

Every other potential reason isn't about the new games, though. You were in "I'll probably get it" mode until you saw the redesign for Tabitha, a character who will appear maybe three times (he appears twice in Ruby, three times in Emerald), have a few lines of dialogue each time, and have no character development. Not liking his redesign is totally understandable, I feel the same way there, but this isn't an actually important character like Steven or Norman, so if he's going to be a deal breaker, you might as well have never planned on getting the game in the first place.

Uh, no, I wasn't. I was in "I just might get this after all' mode. :/

Steven is okay, but I don't care at all for Norman. In fact, he's my least favorite gym leader, no contest.

There's barely a difference here <_<.

I don't care if you care for Steven or Norman, the point is that they are actually prominent characters for whom a drastic redesign would be a much bigger deal.

Edited by Red Fox of Fire
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Every other potential reason isn't about the new games, though. You were in "I'll probably get it" mode until you saw the redesign for Tabitha

Uh, no, I wasn't. I was in "I just might get this after all' mode. :/

Steven is okay, but I don't care at all for Norman. In fact, he's my least favorite gym leader, no contest.

Edited by Anacybele
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You people forget that Tabitha's horrible new design isn't the ONLY reason I probably won't be buying this. I never liked gen 3 to begin with, remember?

Why are you constantly reminding us about this? So you don't like Gen III, who honestly cares? Nobody is forcing you to buy the games.

You sound like you're making a life or death decision here.

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He looks somewhat irrelevant. I don't even recall fighting anyone called Tabitha in Sapphire or Emerald.

You wouldn't have fought him in Sapphire. You would have fought him in Emerald, but you might have mistaken him for a grunt.
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I sure hope we do get to change clothes in this game.

Having Pokemon following us like in HG/SS would be nice too, but I know better than to expect that lol.

Who the fuck's Tabitha?

*whispers* EXACTLY.

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If customisation is in, I'd be interested in seeing whether Norman/your mother changes skin colour to match the one you pick (this didn't happen in X and Y and they got away with it because there was no father character).

Edited by Dotty
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I'm surprised how you guys give so many importance to such an irrelevant subject: an enemy admin that you encounter, fight and leave behind? Guys please, discuss about Megamons, the characters or speculate whatever but an admin that was redesign into an "ugly and fat" man? :facepalm:

Any thoughts about Ninty revealing more news about ORAS tomorrow? Will MEGAMILOTIC be a thing? :awesome:

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Any thoughts about Ninty revealing more news about ORAS tomorrow? Will MEGAMILOTIC be a thing? :awesome:

I fully expect any part of OR/AS that's covered tomorrow to basically be an English equivalent to the leaked information that came out of CoroCoro. There might be some information that expands upon what was in the leaks, and there will most likely be footage to go along with it, but I'm not expecting anything beyond that. Otherwise, why would CoroCoro only publish part of the news? (Plus, whenever there's some kind of Pokémon news, it almost always leaks in the magazine before the Sunday show and subsequent website update or Pokémon Direct.)

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Any thoughts about Ninty revealing more news about ORAS tomorrow? Will MEGAMILOTIC be a thing? :awesome:

But... how do you make the perfection of beauty even more beautiful? :huh:

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Here's the trailer for those who haven't seen it.

Route 104 (outside of Rustboro City), Mr. Briney's ship, Fortree City, Route 110 and the Cycling Road, and two gyms (?) are shown.

Roxanne <3

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From the animation in the trailer, Ancient Devolution seems pretty similar to Mega Evolution (with the stone effect shining around Kyogre/Groudon while they're in battle)

Edited by LuxSpes
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It looked like they had the Red/Blue orb instead of a Mega Stone. That makes me feel like Rayzaquaza will have one too even if they haven't announced it yet.

At first I thought the gym with the trapdoor could be a redesign of Brawly's, but the rock formations make me think it's Roxanne especially since they showed her design. The other gym looks like Watson since none of the other gyms fit the theme except maybe Tate/Liza.

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