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Wet shaving


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I usually shave using shitty Gillette Razor blades, but we all know that they cost a lot of money and dont give the best shave. Wet shaving looks interesting, and I was wondering if anyone shaves this way. If so, any tips? I am interested in purchasing a butterfly razor/blades but a few people (my father included) warned me against it saying that it is dangerous. Is the shave worth the danger?

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what other kinds of shaving are there? what is wet shaving?

i use a shaver with two razor blades, lather shaving cream onto my face, and shave with water. gets the job done, and doesn't irritate my fairly sensitive skin too much.

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what other kinds of shaving are there? what is wet shaving?

i use a shaver with two razor blades, lather shaving cream onto my face, and shave with water. gets the job done, and doesn't irritate my fairly sensitive skin too much.

It's basically shaving with a straight razor, it's a much more of a close/clean shave. It's considered more dangerous because you are literally putting a large heavy sharp blade against your face, people usually go into barbers to get it done simply because a second party will generally have a lot more control and precision with the blade (on top of experience) as opposed to doing it yourself where certain angles may be hard

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Only if you are fine with taking a device that can easaly used to slit a throat or wrists(and frequently has been, by murderers and suicides, respectively) and puting it right next to your throat on a daily basis. There is a reason that straight razors are commonly called "cutthroat" razors, and why standard razors were originally marketed as safety razors. If cost is the only issue try a trimmer or a guarded shaver(such as a microscreen or a lift and cut). These can be expensive, but the cost is one time, and you do not have to bother with creams at all. The shave offered by these is not exelent in my experience, though.

Edited by sirmola
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Y'know what else is ridiculously dangerous? The knives in my kitchen. But the safety of common household objects isn't the topic.

TC, your best bet would probably be outside of these forums. Do some research/shopping on straight razors, and that should lead to discussions about wet shaving.

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I am happy with my Gillette Mach whatever number/Turbo and shaving foam/gel. I'm not sure if you're somehow doing something different than I am, but I wouldn't call them shitty.

I usually shave against the grain of my hair, and that picks up the remaining rough patches left from shaving along the grain.

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I use those crappy disposable ones. When I'm in the dorms I'll usually shave in the shower, that way I have a constant flow of water and using a straight razor hurts like hell otherwise, and when I'm at home I'll shave over the sink.

Also, since I'm too cheap to buy shaving cream, I just use soap. Skin usually hurts, but afterwards it feels nice and fresh.

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Y'know what else is ridiculously dangerous? The knives in my kitchen. But the safety of common household objects isn't the topic.

TC, your best bet would probably be outside of these forums. Do some research/shopping on straight razors, and that should lead to discussions about wet shaving.

True, but i don't put knives right next to my neck on a regular basis(and also i only use kitchen knives when i really have to and there is no alternative because of how dangerous they are, and am extremely careful when i do). and the OP did mention above that his family had warned him about safety, so it is part of the topic(otherwise, he wouldn't have mentioned that.) You are right about there being better places than the FE forums to research shaving though.

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I went electric a while back, due to now having a beard. Electrics are better for trimming, but don't shave as close, or as evenly.

If you're going for straight razors, make sure it's decent quality (duh) and maybe take a few 'test strokes' before buying

If you want to be clean shaven, I'd recommend a razor with removable heads. Each head lasts a couple weeks, comes with a few heads per pack, and they're not too expensive. Plus they're easy as he'll to use

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I usually shave using shitty Gillette Razor blades, but we all know that they cost a lot of money and dont give the best shave. Wet shaving looks interesting, and I was wondering if anyone shaves this way. If so, any tips? I am interested in purchasing a butterfly razor/blades but a few people (my father included) warned me against it saying that it is dangerous. Is the shave worth the danger?

I use Gillete too. A Mach 3 that I got from my 18th birthday. And I am still happy with it. There is no reason to try something new and dangerous like a blade, especially when I am kinda clumsy.

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I started wet shaving a little over a year ago, and the shave isn't just smoother than with cartridges, it's also more enjoyable. It's cheaper in the long run, too.

If you're interested, I'd recommend going to Badger and Blade for a lot of information about wet shaving.

Minor note: If you're intimidated by straight razors (I don't blame you,) you can give safety razors a try instead. Replacement blades for them are dirt cheap, I got a pack of a hundred blades for less than 15 dollars.

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How good of a shave you get with electric razors depends on the price class of the device. My experience with them is that the budget models get the job done somewhat decently but it's impossible to get an even shave, and getting a god result under the chin is very difficult. The results get much better as you move up in price range, I currently use a €120 electric and it gives a pretty clean and even result.

Also AFAIK you can get very good results with cheap cartridges and proper technique.

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Well since this topic is still going...

Rather than purchasing a blade, I've purchased the brush and shaving cream that does not propel out of a can, and I'll stick to my regular razor.

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