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Satoru Iwata's got a plan to get Nintendo back on track!


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And I think he's got the right ideas too. Check out the article that was linked on Facebook here: Nintendo President: "I feel deeply responsible" for poor performance.

Admitting to his mistakes and Nintendo's mistakes is certainly the first step. Kudos to that, Iwata. And obviously you can't do it overnight, that's impossible. lol Fans will understand that. At least they should.

Anyway, making games for the Wii U that utilize the gamepad in new and exciting ways would definitely help! But I also think some past games' gameplay styles would work great with it if new titles were made. I've had a few ideas in mind for awhlie.

A new Zelda Four Sword game: Sure, the Four Sword Zeldas aren't the most popular games ever. But The Minish Cap was loved by a lot of fans, and the new 3DS version of Four Swords adding a single player mode made that game more accessible to fans as well. Four Swords Adventures for the GC is like Zelda taking Mario's gameplay and adding a top-down point of view. I thought it was awesome and unique. And to do multiplayer on FSA, two to four players had to link up GBAs with link cables to the Gamecube.

Imagine being able to play a new Four Sword title using the Wii U, two Gamepads and two 3DS systems, or even just 3DS systems. Or, they could make a system update that will allow the Wii U to support four Gamepads at once so 3DS systems aren't needed. And surely Gamepads are cheaper than 3DS systems. :P But we wouldn't need any cables and it would be so much easier to invite friends to play! And FSA also had a Shadow Battle mode where you could face off against your friend(s) and see who gets the highest score. Imagine WiFi matches with people around the world!

And this is just the tip of the iceberg. There could be other cool new ideas that could be done with this too and make it a Zelda hot seller!

Mario Paint U: Anyone remember Mario Paint for the SNES? I loved this thing to pieces and I made Super Mario World-esque scenes all the time in it. My mom loved the bug swatting game and managed to beat it (I didn't care too much for that part though, cause I hate bugs lol). And you could also compose music in it. The Wii U could expand this to amazing horizons, imo, and you could use either the Wiimote or the Gamepad to draw. The Gamepad would probably be easier. Pictures can be posted on Miiverse too. It could also add a multiplayer function where you and a friend draw together and one of you can post your picture on Miiverse.

I realize we already got Art Academy, but Mario Paint is actually pretty different and has more than just drawing tools.

A new Pokemon Snap: Pokefans should remember Pokemon Snap for the N64. I think the Gamepad also has a camera on it or could probably function as one. Pokemon Snap was a really fun little game and I'd love to be able to take pictures of EVERY Pokemon this time! This game would also work on the 3DS since it has a camera too, but imo, it'd probably be easier to take good shots with the Gamepad since it's larger. I'm actually kind of surprised Nintendo hasn't done this already. Of course, pictures could be posted on Miiverse!

I think both new/innovative Wii U games and old favorites can help it get better sales. So this is all in addition to a different new Zelda, a Galaxy-esque Mario title, a new Fire Emblem, etc. There's just so much Nintendo can do with this system right now!

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Fun stuff, I like the ideas, I think to some extent getting quantity is going to be a deal, what with the droughts of games and just lack of hearing good stuff about the Wii U in general (outside of indie games that tend to not get much coverage), even releasing small titles like NES Remix helps, we just need more of them (e.g. Mario Paint U sounds like a boss idea and spin-offs like Hyrule Warriors are welcome so long as they come a little faster/we get more info on them... something Nintendo has been neglecting to do even with the few titles we *have* heard of).

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These are new games, not getting the company back on track. I don't think any of them will have very high sales numbers anyway.

Seriously? You don't even know what these games are. There's no way to predict their sales.

Trails in the Blaze: Thanks. :)

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Seriously? You don't even know what these games are. There's no way to predict their sales.

Trails in the Blaze: Thanks. :)

I've known what the games' predecessors are for quite a long time. I can't wait for Pokemon Snap, though.

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That's true too, but unfortunately, that's beyond Nintendo's control. They can't just march into other game developers' places and tell them to make Wii U games. xP

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How will they advertise those games? Nintendo should focus on getting new customers.

They should also focus on fixing their strained relationship with the Youtube community after that copyright strike controversy they had a while ago.

These games won't do any of that.

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Well, nothing says that new games isn't ALL Iwata is planning to do. Of course there has to be some advertising involved, or else the Nintendo fans won't know anything new exists. :P

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There are over 40 million 3DS's sold and only 5ish? million WiiUs.

They need to make 3DS games playable on the WiiU. Like the Gameboy player for the GC. The 3D function is moot because the 2DS exists. The TV can be the top screen and the gamepad can be the bottom touch screen.

This would be a huge success. The 3DS has so many good games, and there are alot of people who want to play them but either refuse to or can't play games on a handheld.

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Seriously? You don't even know what these games are. There's no way to predict their sales.

I personally don't think that any of these games would be system sellers, which the Wii U direly needs. Up to now, the Wii U has had a couple of good games, but they're more games that people will buy once they bought a Wii U, not games that will make people buy a Wii U. I have feeling that these games would fall in the category of 'nice options once you own the system' not 'I need to buy a Wii U to play this now'. And even then, these might just attract people who are already fans of Nintendo and Nintendo needs to get more than their core fanbase if they really want the Wii U to fly off the shelves.

That's true too, but unfortunately, that's beyond Nintendo's control. They can't just march into other game developers' places and tell them to make Wii U games. xP

While it's true that Nintendo cannot go see a dev and say: 'Make a Wii U game now!', they can do what they did with Bayonetta: Go see a 3rd party dev and offer them to finance a new game and make it exclusive to the Wii U. They need to use the money they have to secure more of these exclusives 3rd-party games and even to buy potential new talents to bring fresh ideas to the company.

Because ultimately, while Nintendo needs to keep doing the games they always did, since their fans want to keep seeing Zelda and Mario games, they need to add strings to their bow. They need to have games that appeal to the so called 'hardcore-crowd' since these types of gamers pretty much all migrated to the other consoles. They also need to up their marketing to make more people aware of their console. The Wii was a huge success since people who usually don't buy consoles picked up a Wii because of its controls. Most of these people probably still think that the Wii U is a gamepad accessory for the Wii or are not even interested in buying a whole new system.

There are over 40 million 3DS's sold and only 5ish? million WiiUs.

They need to make 3DS games playable on the WiiU. Like the Gameboy player for the GC. The 3D function is moot because the 2DS exists. The TV can be the top screen and the gamepad can be the bottom touch screen.

This would be a huge success. The 3DS has so many good games, and there are alot of people who want to play them but either refuse to or can't play games on a handheld.

Regarding the link between 3DS and Wii U, I think that Nintendo shot themselves in the foot by releasing SSB4 on the 3DS six month prior to the Wii U release. Smash as always been a big system seller and hugely popular games on their other home console. If people wanted to play the next smash, they needed to buy A GC or a Wii. Now, people that might have bought the Wii U for Smash will instead grab it for the 3DS, especially since it's coming out sooner.

I'm pretty grim at the chances of the Wii U rebounding, it might have a quite lifespan with great games like the gamecube had, but it will never reach the Wii. I definitely want Nintendo to succeed, but they need to see what worked and what didn't work with the Wii U and make the necessary change to their company to make sure they're still around several years down the line to grace us with great games and unique experiences.

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I think the three game ideas are pretty good as well. Those games won't save the Wii U by themselves, but if Nintendo can show how the Wii U is unique, there's still a slim chance they can turn this dire situation around.

That or just keep cranking out awesome games. That's how the 3DS rebounded, right? Then again, that didn't help the GameCube and N64 much.

Oh yeah, there's NFP too. I can see the potential for kids and grown ups to go cRaZy with the Nintendo/Pokemon figures.

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I think the three game ideas are pretty good as well. Those games won't save the Wii U by themselves, but if Nintendo can show how the Wii U is unique, there's still a slim chance they can turn this dire situation around.

That or just keep cranking out awesome games. That's how the 3DS rebounded, right? Then again, that didn't help the GameCube and N64 much.

Oh yeah, there's NFP too. I can see the potential for kids and grown ups to go cRaZy with the Nintendo/Pokemon figures.

I think the 3DS rebounded thanks to the fact that it doesn't really have any competition in terms of handheld console. If Nintendo had pushed out tons of good game before the PS4 and XBOne came out, they might have had a better start, but now, they effectively wasted their headstart. And like you said, despite having a wonderful library, the GC didn't sell that well.

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I think the three game ideas are pretty good as well. Those games won't save the Wii U by themselves, but if Nintendo can show how the Wii U is unique, there's still a slim chance they can turn this dire situation around."

That's not the issue this gen given how the its 2 competitors are basically trying to be static PCs. The Wii U needs more games, more 3rd party support and IMO, good controller options so that the players have the choice to use a more traditional control style (ie Gamecube as an option like they did with Sonic Colors, GoldenEye 007 and Brawl) if the new controller gimmicks are not to their liking.

As for the 3 things highlighted in the opening post, the new Zelda 4 Swords is the only thing of interest to me there and that's if the game doesn't have a stupid barrier of entry like the Gamecube game had.

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good controller options so that the players have the choice to use a more traditional control style (ie Gamecube as an option like they did with Sonic Colors, GoldenEye 007 and Brawl) if the new controller gimmicks are not to their liking.

Except the Wii U already has a traditional controller style, the Wii U Pro Controller or the original Wii classic controller. The thing is there is there are some many control types for the system its a bit cumbersome.

For example the Wii U allows you to use:

The Gamepad

The Wiiremote

The Wiiremote + Nunchuk

The Wiiremote + Wii Classic Controller (or the Wii Classic Pro Controller)

The Wii U Pro Controller

That's five controller types. Not to mention the additional gimmicks of the Wii balanced boards and the third party adapters that allow you to plug your gamecube controller into your Wii U system.

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Except the Wii U already has a traditional controller style, the Wii U Pro Controller or the original Wii classic controller. The thing is there is there are some many control types for the system its a bit cumbersome.

For example the Wii U allows you to use:

The Gamepad

The Wiiremote

The Wiiremote + Nunchuk

The Wiiremote + Wii Classic Controller (or the Wii Classic Pro Controller)

The Wii U Pro Controller

That's five controller types. Not to mention the additional gimmicks of the Wii balanced boards and the third party adapters that allow you to plug your gamecube controller into your Wii U system.

Hmm, excellent then. I remember hearing that for controlling Wisps in Sonic Lost World for example, the game only seems to tell you how to do it with the "gimmicky" part of the controller. That and I recall certain instances from the Wii where they forced just the Wii controller like with Other M and Donkey Kong Country Returns so I figured they probably wouldn't change on this aspect. Looking at the back of Super Mario 3D World, they're offering plenty controller options. How nice to be wrong on this.

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Hmm, excellent then. I remember hearing that for controlling Wisps in Sonic Lost World for example, the game only seems to tell you how to do it with the "gimmicky" part of the controller. That and I recall certain instances from the Wii where they forced just the Wii controller like with Other M and Donkey Kong Country Returns so I figured they probably wouldn't change on this aspect. Looking at the back of Super Mario 3D World, they're offering plenty controller options. How nice to be wrong on this.

Unfortunately Sonic Lost World is one of the few games that require the gamepad. The Wisp is only activated from the touchscreen but controlling the wisp itself does not require using the gyroscope or the touchscreen since they patched that months ago. They still won't allow you to use the Wii U Pro Controller to play it though. The issue is that it is up to the developers to allow these optional controllers. It's not the fault of the Wii U itself.

Luckily the majority of the games I do own which is about 9/10 of them allow you to use the traditional Wii U Pro controllers.

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I never meant to say that my ideas alone would save the Wii U. I only think they'd contribute a little bit for each title. Of course the Wii U needs more games than these. :P

As for the 3 things highlighted in the opening post, the new Zelda 4 Swords is the only thing of interest to me there and that's if the game doesn't have a stupid barrier of entry like the Gamecube game had.

Huh? What do you mean by "stupid barrier of entry"? You didn't need a GBA to play single player. A regular GC controller is compatible. You only need GBAs for multiplayer.

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Never was a big fan of the Four Swords series (I had the first one, since it was part of the Link to the Past GBA remake, but I never played it), but a new Mario Paint and Pokemon Snap sound like great ideas.

Also, I like the idea of a new Golden Sun game or remaking the first two as one game (why not both, actually?) that someone else had.

Another thing, Nintendo needs to work with more third parties. They should team up with Square Enix to make another Super Mario RPG. Or, even better, and All-Nintendo RPG. Sort of like Super Smash Bros, except an RPG. Square Enix can throw in a few Final Fantasy characters, too. We've gotten plenty of games with the #1 rivalry of the Super Nintendo vs. Genesis era (Mario and Sonic) in them, why not one with the #1 rivalry of the Nintendo 64 vs. PlayStation era (Link and Cloud)? Hopefully, if there are original characters, they're more in the vein of Super Mario RPG original characters (Bring Back Geno!) and less like all the annoying, generic bishonen of the Kingdom Hearts series (we've already got enough of them if we're putting Cloud in, which is a much better idea given the aforementioned history of FFVII vs. LoZ: OoT).

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