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fred falling over was the only contribution to his team the entire game, he was shite

also it was funny when the english commentators over here went "whoever comes second in this group has a tough game against Holland, Chile or Spain..... or Australia *laugh*"

Edited by Tryhard
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people are really fucking angry about the penalty call. i am too, but i really hope this dissipates soon. i'm still excited for the rest of the world cup, and it was an enjoyable match anyway (mostly).

croatia looked stronger than i expected, and those counters were intimidating.

Edited by fuccboi
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well that was actually a nice game to watch, apart from fred's blatant dive. He did nothing for the entire game and made it worse by diving

anyways, I reckon that Oscar should be man of the match. He played excellent both attacking and defending, and capped it off with a nice goal

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And yet I'll still need to hear about how England are the best and how it's going to be another 1966 all over again, like a broken record.

Not that Scotland can even qualify, but they NEVER shut up about it.

I actually really like Holland/Netherlands, but their play last time at the final was really poor.

(also I'm been trying to get into Football Manager again and wow I'm terrible)

Since when were you Scottish? Hello, fellow neighbour whose country also sucks at football. Did you know that Welsh football is so pathetic, our two best teams were forced into the English Premier League, where they are both average or below.

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Since when were you Scottish? Hello, fellow neighbour whose country also sucks at football. Did you know that Welsh football is so pathetic, our two best teams were forced into the English Premier League, where they are both average or below.

since i was born

it's a tough life - we have a league, but the only teams with any sort of quality are Celtic and Rangers (who were sent to the lowest league after liquidification)

edit: mexico should be 2 up here, gg referees

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screw dem matches

The opening was lacking and disappointing 0/10

Shakira > JLo because HIPS DON'T LIE

and even then, I'm not a huge fan of Shakira despite being Colombian and being born in the coast har har

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I kinda went off Holland since 2010 but now that they've stopped let's just hack into everyone and started playing, they look very decent.

damn, I never put a bet on them this time

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