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Foggy Chapters


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Why doesn't the fog effect the enemy?

I just playd on Part 2 - Chapter 2. Leanne was standing flyingnext to un unlighten torch. And then an enemy soldier faced her with a javelin. The soldier came from the dark, about 5-6 spaces away. How cold he possibly see her?!

Oh, and of course, she died and I had to start over.

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Fog doesn't affect the enemy because IS loves making things difficult.

I know that most of the units (not all) in that chapter will not move unless you get into their range. In my relatively short time playing Fire Emblems, I think that almost all the enemies in fog maps work that way too(at least for PoR and RD).

Edited by ritsuo
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But seriously, even though the fog is a "trap" for me and not my enemies, it really SHOULD effect them too, in the same way that the territory effect everyone on the map.

I agree because it would be logic for the enemy not to be able to see you.

And disagree because it is supposed to be a strategy game and so IS want's to make you think how to move savely.

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Fog doesn't affect the enemy because IS loves making things difficult.

I know that most of the units (not all) in that chapter will not move unless you get into their range. In my relatively short time playing Fire Emblems, I think that almost all the enemies in fog maps work that way too(at least for PoR and RD).

In FE7 and 8's Fog of War maps, that's not what happens. The enemy will rush you regardless.

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Fog doesn't affect the enemy because IS loves making things difficult.

I know that most of the units (not all) in that chapter will not move unless you get into their range. In my relatively short time playing Fire Emblems, I think that almost all the enemies in fog maps work that way too(at least for PoR and RD).


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The fog chapters never really bothered me that much.

Nah, it doesn't bother me either. I just got upset when Leanne died and made this topic to be sure that the enemy are NOT being effected by the fog.

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And I've got promlems here too! Since I'm on a flying-unit-playthrough, I'm supposed to use Nealuchi and Leanne. But I had no idea the ravens had such a bad sight in dark! Nealuchi cannot even see one space away! Which means I can't have him attack enemies in case they are not somehow standing in the light. I suppose I'll have to light up all the torches and and allure thh enemy there.

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