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Godzilla 2014

Phoenix Wright

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We were cheated out of two fight scenes and I am not ok with that

twice I had a big ol grin on my face thinking, aw yeah godzilla gonna layeth the smacketh down on this muto ass

then they cut away to drama about a bunch of people I didnt care about

Ken Watanabe summed it up best

"Let them fight"

but it was still a good movie, and the fight at the end was totally fuckin rad

7 out of 10

edit - actually 6/10, because no godzilla punches or dropkicks boo hiss boo

Edited by Pride
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Saw it because my internet was out.

Was perfect.


what didn't you like? i've heard a few valid complaints about the movie, i'm just too much of a godzilla nerd to care haha.

We were cheated out of two fight scenes and I am not ok with that

twice I had a big ol grin on my face thinking, aw yeah godzilla gonna layeth the smacketh down on this muto ass

then they cut away to drama about a bunch of people I didnt care about

Ken Watanabe summed it up best

"Let them fight"

but it was still a good movie, and the fight at the end was totally fuckin rad

7 out of 10

edit - actually 6/10, because no godzilla punches or dropkicks boo hiss boo


for as long as there exist films, this will be the best scene of everything.

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Honestly, I thought it was great, really well paced and filled with awesomeness. I also like how the film was really serious, with no comic-relief or subplots that have nothing to do with the main focus.

We were cheated out of two fight scenes and I am not ok with that

I think that if the movie had fight scenes so early on then there would be nothing to anticipate in the final act, more fight scenes would make the novelty of it all go to waste (as how I felt half-way through Pacific Rim)


for as long as there exist films, this will be the best scene of everything.

My fucking godzilla.

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what didn't you like? i've heard a few valid complaints about the movie, i'm just too much of a godzilla nerd to care haha.

for as long as there exist films, this will be the best scene of everything.



I think that if the movie had fight scenes so early on then there would be nothing to anticipate in the final act, more fight scenes would make the novelty of it all go to waste (as how I felt half-way through Pacific Rim)

After talking about it/thinking about it some more I realize that you're right

Even if we got to see Godzilla fight the muto in Hawaii or the beginning of San Fran, all muto would have done is fly away after a hot minute and neither could sustain lasting damage because otherwise no finale

so I GUESS those fight scenes didnt need to be

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what didn't you like? i've heard a few valid complaints about the movie, i'm just too much of a godzilla nerd to care haha.

Nothing specifically. It just isn't really my kind of movie in the first place.
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The things I liked about this movie:

- The redaction thing in the opening credits was cool.

- A lot of the establishing shots were awesome (giant mountain or volcano or whatever to the right, man-made residential stuff in the middle, big ass nuclear power plant to the left was a powerful shot, regardless of how obviously telegraphing it was on commentary).

- The opening sequence where you hear the most generic-sounding white guy voice but you don't see any faces so it seems like the movie is going to be Japanese actors with hilariously bad American English dubbing only to find out "hey it's fucking BRYAN CRANSTON".

- The Japanese-accent character who first says "Godzilla" going out of his way to not pronounce it "Godzirra" tickled me.

- The over-all pacing was really, really well done.

- The father-son tension escalated to the water whistling because it boiled. It kept going as their tension sort of dissipated and kept going and going and was awesome.

- Bryan Cranston.

- The roar was great.

- Blue fucking breathe attack. Will never stop being sweet.

- "fuck you dude, take a tail spike"

- The overall nature vs nature only indirectly affecting the man vs collective self struggles going on in the movie.

- We all know this year's Best Kiss Oscar should go to this movie. SO cuuuute! Also, it was enjoyable to see the movie portray the muta/muto pair as just natural beings trying to get by in this crazy day and age. It really lent itself to the idea that giant monster attacks are a natural disaster and we helped cause it. Man-made climate change = giant monsters, basically.

- The movie didn't feel quite as preachy as I was getting scared it might, mostly because I was distracted by all the awesome.

- To counter an above concern, I quite liked how the fighting was obfuscated earlier on. It made the awesomeness of all the awesome things that Godzilla and the other monsters did even more awesome. If we learned anything from Star Wars Ep 3 it's that we don't need a 45 minute long lightsaber battle to tell a story and have it be awesome. The fight-scene placement and rendering was expertly done by people who really know their shit about making movies.

The things that bothered me:

- WTF does that dude's father dying in Hiroshima have anything to do with killing giant monsters with a giant bomb out in the ocean? This felt way too forced to me. Enough to make a joke about how the Japanese are always throwing that damn "atomic bomb attack" in us American's faces even though it happened like totally forever ago. Cause that's really how it came off in the movie. It was unnecessary and one of the few times the social commentary slapped me out of my immersion.

- What did that kid make the "Happy Birthday" sign out of? Fucking lead? The stuff that survived in the house was ridiculous compared to the damage everything else took. Especially considering these were loose objects. I mean hell, now I now how to protect my floppy disks from nuclear annihilation: put a god damn box over them.

- The sheer luck the main characters had throughout the second half of the film was ludicrous. Scenes that coulda been cool had I maintained my suspension of disbelief were ruined by the protagonist surviving and always seeming to be in the right place at the right time. Also, how did he get off the fucking train? How did he survive the fall off the train tracks? How did he..you know what nevermind fuck it haha. Protagonist luck factor always bugs me, but I guess I understand its necessity.

- Okay, so all that stuff didn't bother me as much as this last thing: With as much as this movie tried to seem true to science and keep it a science fiction (compared to a science fantasy) they seemed to completely disregard it in favor of trying to tell the story. Which normally would be fine unless it was absolutely insane (think my above point on the happy birthday sign). The biggest thing in this movie that was so glaring I couldn't stop thinking about it was the nukes. The monsters ate radioactivity or whatever, sure, fine. But last I checked, a nuclear warhead isn't a Sprite can full of radioactive juice. It's not a giant monster 5-Hour Energy. It's a device that creates radioactivity when it detonates. I mean even if there was an amount of radioactive fluid or something inside the bomb, would it really contain enough to cause one of these things to eat it? I don't think so. Why this bothered me so much, I dunno, it just really stuck out.

Overall Thoughts:

This movie was fucking fantastic. I enjoyed it a lot, even if the second half made a lot of reaches and made a helluva lot less sense. It's great to see the story get told and the CG and all that used to supplement a good story. That doesn't happen as often, if at all, anymore in Hollywood.

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Hah I saw it twice with my fiancee and my little brother. They were going nuts for it. x3 On the whole, I thought it was quite good. It uses a lot of filmmaking techniques quite successfully and was overall very smartly made, I thought.

One thing I liked about this film was its portrayal of the military-- it subverted a lot of the shitty tropes you usually see them fitting into in movies like this; they were not (too) stupid, they weren't incompetent, they weren't overly tropy or silly-- they just did their job to the best of their ability. I really respected that about this movie.

And of course. Motherfucking Godzilla himself. What a badass. I never saw a TON of the more recent Toho Godzilla movies, (only the old ones which were REALLY silly), so I don't know how much credibility I have when I say this was probably the best incarnation of him in a long-ass time (fuck Godzilla 2000). Any times when he actually got to stay onscreen and do things were pretty nerd-tastically great.

Personally I didn't really give a rat's ass for any of the people outside of Bryan Cranston, though the military guys were okay.

[spoiler=Spoilery thoughts]It's pretty convenient that they never show the collateral damage of Godzilla walking around after his first appearance in Honolulu. (those poor schoolbuses full of hundreds of innocents that we SAW on the GG bridge before ol' Goji rips through it ;~; )

Speaking of Honolulu, how about the acting chops on that little girl who saw the tidal wave? 'Ohh noo a giant wave is about to kill us I better stare impassively at it and show no emotion whatsoeverrrrrrr' I mean I know she's a kid but honestly, I believed that the Brody kid was concerned about his situation, just direct her better

Everyone cheering for Godzilla at the end felt kinda far-fetched to me... Like it was reflecting the audience too much or trying to show us how to feel about him or something. Most of those people were underground, how would they know that Godzilla was trying to save (?) us? Furthermore, how does ANYONE know that Godzilla was trying to save us as opposed to like defending his global territory or something? I mean, don't get me wrong, 'whoo godzilla' and all, but everyone was pretty much just as terrified of him as they were of the Mutos right? How were we suddenly aware that Godzilla was the good guy, did the military (the only ones who probably realized this) REALLY have time to spread the word about the heroic monster lizard? I dunno maybe I'm reading too much into it but it seemed silly to me.

We were cheated out of two fight scenes and I am not ok with that

twice I had a big ol grin on my face thinking, aw yeah godzilla gonna layeth the smacketh down on this muto ass

then they cut away to drama about a bunch of people I didnt care about

Ken Watanabe summed it up best

"Let them fight"

but it was still a good movie, and the fight at the end was totally fuckin rad

7 out of 10

edit - actually 6/10, because no godzilla punches or dropkicks boo hiss boo

Yeah this was one of the few problems I had with it as well

Don't jump the gun on the dropkicks or punches tho, the possibility of a sequel for them to happen in is still open-ended!

Honestly, I thought it was great, really well paced and filled with awesomeness. I also like how the film was really serious, with no comic-relief or subplots that have nothing to do with the main focus.

I think that if the movie had fight scenes so early on then there would be nothing to anticipate in the final act, more fight scenes would make the novelty of it all go to waste (as how I felt half-way through Pacific Rim)

You've got a point, and I DO like that the movie was paced so well and took its time to build up the action, BUUUUT let's be honest: none of us came for the drama or Bryn Cranston (though he was a good selling point) or for the military action: we came to see giant kaiju beating the shit out of each other.

- We all know this year's Best Kiss Oscar should go to this movie. SO cuuuute! Also, it was enjoyable to see the movie portray the muta/muto pair as just natural beings trying to get by in this crazy day and age. It really lent itself to the idea that giant monster attacks are a natural disaster and we helped cause it. Man-made climate change = giant monsters, basically.

Overall Thoughts:

This movie was fucking fantastic. I enjoyed it a lot, even if the second half made a lot of reaches and made a helluva lot less sense. It's great to see the story get told and the CG and all that used to supplement a good story. That doesn't happen as often, if at all, anymore in Hollywood.

You're talking about Bryan Cranston and Juliette Binoche right? ;3

Yeah I had a feeling that some of the sciencey things they were trying to get us to believe weren't really all that scientifically founded, but nothing in it was quite ludicrous enough to break my suspension of disbelief.


heard it will be this summers hit romantic comedy



Edited by BANRYU
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No way! It was easily upstaged by the monster nuke nuzzle!

Of course how silly of me to forget

Point happily conceded <3

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- The Japanese-accent character who first says "Godzilla" going out of his way to not pronounce it "Godzirra" tickled me.

doctor serizawa? he was saying "gojira."

And of course. Motherfucking Godzilla himself. What a badass. I never saw a TON of the more recent Toho Godzilla movies, (only the old ones which were REALLY silly), so I don't know how much credibility I have when I say this was probably the best incarnation of him in a long-ass time (fuck Godzilla 2000). Any times when he actually got to stay onscreen and do things were pretty nerd-tastically great.

You've got a point, and I DO like that the movie was paced so well and took its time to build up the action, BUUUUT let's be honest: none of us came for the drama or Bryn Cranston (though he was a good selling point) or for the military action: we came to see giant kaiju beating the shit out of each other.

i loved godzilla 2000. :( godzilla '98 is trash, though.

i'll be honest--i came not just for godzilla, but also for drama. godzilla hasn't had an interesting human component since the original in 1954, and i was looking forward to it here. as far as godzilla movies go, it didn't disappoint, though i hope they do even better in the sequel.

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If they do a sequel, should they bring an old villain or other monster? Like King Ghidora (is that how you spell it?) or Mothra.

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Too little Godzilla, too much of one-dimensional characters I didn't care about. Not awful, but I was pretty bored towards the end. The main dude's father was way more interesting than him... in fact, main dude was pretty dull all together.

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i loved godzilla 2000. :( godzilla '98 is trash, though.

Oh whoops yeah the '98 version with Matt Broderick is the one I was referring to. o___o not sure why I thought that one was called Godzilla 2000. o____0

If they do a sequel, should they bring an old villain or other monster? Like King Ghidora (is that how you spell it?) or Mothra.


I was all hyped to see Rodan or Battra or some shit and then we get the weird-ass new things

I mean, don't get me wrong, they were very cool and all... but.. recognizable characters in this new style? Gimme plz

Too little Godzilla, too much of one-dimensional characters I didn't care about. Not awful, but I was pretty bored towards the end. The main dude's father was way more interesting than him... in fact, main dude was pretty dull all together.

Yeah, I agree. I didn't find him interesting at all.

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they didn't have the rights to rodan. i don't think they own the rights to king ghidora either.

i like that godzilla was reborn with all-new monsters and stuff. i think the next movie should bring in one familar kaiju and another brand new one.

Edited by Phoenix Wright
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A fine movie but nothing I havent seen. Just another generic giant monster movie that failed to capture the spirit of a Godzilla movie. If this film was about a random monster instead of Godzilla, I bet people would not hyped up like that.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Might be a bit late on this one, but this vid sums up the few problems i had with this movie.(and i find the ending funny)

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^Man, it's one thing to try to use established physical principles/laws/theories/whatevers to enhance or inspire a creative work, but when you start talking about the fucking square/cube law or something?

The reason why people go "it's just a movie" when people drag that stuff out is that on some level, they grok that every story is literally an alternate universe. That's why it's so obvious that shit does not have to work the same way as it does for us.

Personally just got out of it, kinda conflicted. I liked watching it, and I liked Godzilla, and I liked when he fucking brought the pain in the theater with the special effects and the big screen and how it was so awesome it even got a small child who was saying "Mama" to be totally quiet and all that, but..

[spoiler=actual maybe spoilers]While I had a lot of fun watching the movie, after I got out (and stopped looking at the construction crane over my head funny), I started asking a ton of questions, and they weren't about scientifically tested principles.

-Like, why wasn't Ken Watanabe the main character? Why didn't he get more time to talk about stuff? He'd supposedly been studying what turned out to be Godzilla for a lot of his career or whatever, so why wasn't he able to say more about it than the trickle of info he gave at the beginning? Every time any monster appeared, he looked at least as dumbstruck as anybody else onscreen. And I could even understand that, if he had just so much as said something to the effect of, I dunno, "my entire life I've been wondering if I've been staring into the abyss, and now I finally know it has been staring back at me this whole time, and I kinda cannot fucking deal with this (and that I know so much and cannot deal is a sign of just how scared you should be)" or something. He gets like one total "HISTORY SHOWS AGAIN AND AGAIN HOW NATURE POINTS OUT THE FOLLY OF MAN" speech, like a couple of lines, and I didn't even see his point then, aside from "yo we can't really do shit here". Like, I don't see how we were really provoking nature or anything like in the original, the worst thing humans did in response to Godzilla shit going down was trying to cover it up.

-Brian Cranston was so fucking good, and they used him for, what, half an hour? why

-I'm not automatically against making Kickass guy the protagonist, and I guessss I'm not automatically against making him a jarhead, but they barely gave him anything to do or say. He just seemed to look at things and remind you he has a family every so often, and he gets himself put on a crash course with the monsters now and then because they tend to also be headed for them, and maybe he feels some responsibility for them but he never gets to say that in so many words IIRC?

-And what the fuck even is Godzilla's deal

We spent like 2 hours with him, we got he's awesome, and, ? Why did he help us out? Why did he hate the MUTOs so much? Was it because he's basically living radioactivity and that's what they eat? Could you have just said that movie damn

-That idea of a time on earth when life was radioactive and everything was the stuff of nightmares owned, why didn't we get more context for Godzilla's place in it, or just anything about it? More background behind the Monarch program than Watanabe character's dad being a Hiroshima victim? Anything?

It was a fun movie, at least for me, and I was actually kinda with it at every step when it was happening, but I can understand why for a critic it would be dull. And now that I'm out and thinking about it, I can think of a million points where it could have gone from "fun to watch" for me into "*shuffles out of the theater in a stupor, falls to knees, whispers

'history shows again and again how nature points out the folly of man'


, dies*"

I don't even mean to get into "what makes a good Godzilla movie," because I've heard some of you kaiju experts talk about that shit and some of y'all seem to have a totally different set of ideas on it from me. I just mean like "could have had more to it"

E: Please don't close this just because it's a bit of a bump guys it was still on the first page

and I feel very strongly about this large lizard in this instance

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this is why i never care about science in tv. also the still image of tyson's face is beautiful.

edit: godzilla fights the mutos because eons ago they were parasites that killed godzilla's young (like, the species, not the single kaiju).

Edited by Phoenix Wright
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