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Almost OC Mafia - Game Over


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I just realized I left out the no nighttalk rule, so I added that in there.

[spoiler=Rules/Mechanics/Setup Info]
1. The game is NOC, for the most part, meaning you don't talk about the game outside of this game thread while it is ongoing.

2. If you're dead and have not received a link to the graveyard, don't talk to anyone. If you have received a link, don't talk to any living people. Living people, don't talk to anyone.

3. Screenshotting is terrible and will be punished accordingly.

4. Editting posts is banned, and modkills may be handed out based on the severity of the edit.

5. Quoting any information the mod may have given you outside of the thread (role pms, reports, etc.) is banned.

6. Should you be modkilled, you automatically lose. Tactical modkills are even lamer and will be dealt with accordingly.

7. The game starts on Day 1.

8.Nights last for 24 hours, days last for 72 hours.

9. If your action fails or is redirected, you will be informed as such.

10. In order to lynch, at least one third of the living game rounded up must be voting the same wagon. Two thirds will hammer early.

11. Failure to achieve a lynch will result in universal loss, although no lynch may be selected once by gaining at least a third of the votes.

12. MYLO/LYLO will be announced, but the only factors it will take into account are numbers of living alignments, lynches and factional kills. If the gamestate was 5/2 with a vig shot, MYLO would not be announced.

13. This game is cardflip. You will learn the role name of any players who die but their full role pm will be hidden.

14. Investigations are not guaranteed to be accurate.

15. You may not converse in thread at night.

16. There is at least one Vanilla Townie in this game.

17. Every player (including Vanilla Townies) have access to a 1-shot instantly resolving Neighbourize that may be used at any time and cannot be blocked, allowing them to converse with another player until one of them dies.

18. Play to win, but try not to make the game not fun for others while you do so.

Living (7/12):
-CT075 (Camtech)
-Pascal (FFM)
-Green Poet

Dead (5/12):
-DO NOT EDIT POSTS GUY (Junko) - Town Doctor, Lynched Day 1.
-Eurykins - Town Universal Backup, Killed Night 1.
-Polydeuces - Vanilla Townie, Killed Night 1.
-Shin - Town Tracker, Lynched Day 2.

-BBM - Town Census Talker, Killed Night 2.

Subs (1):

Day 1: 1.1. 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5, 1.6, 1.7

Role pms are going out. do not post yet.

Edited by SB.
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All role pms are now out.

[spoiler=Sample Vanilla Townie Role pm]

Welcome USER, to Almost OC Mafia.

You are a Vanilla Townie. Whilst you have no special abilities of your own, you still have your word and your vote, and the ability to ##Neighbourize another player once in the game at any time. This action cannot be blocked.

That's all that's needed to be said. Good luck!

It is now Day 1. With 12 alive, it takes 4 to lynch and 8 to hammer. You have until 20:30 GMT+0 on the 22nd of May to acheive a lynch.

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I'm informed. According to my role, one member of the mafia has the ability to anonymously infiltrate other people's QTs and read them. I'm not told how this ability is limited, if at all. Therefore, be careful of sharing any private or sensitive role info in these QTs, at least until this person is dead.

##Vote: Refa

when was the last time Refa was even town?

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##Vote: Euklyd

Because I've literally never been the same alignment as him, not once!

##Vote: Refa

when was the last time Refa was even town?

Not counting this, my last town game was Big NOCers. I know, it's been like FOREVER.

FFM, why would you out that? Really, give me one good reason.

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I figured I might as well claim since I don't really have a role worth keeping secret.

It is worth keeping secret. If your claim is legit, what you've just done has narrowed down the mafia's list of who the PRs are by one.

And if you're a goon, then you've just secured an explanation as to why you're still alive for the rest of this game, because "I'm a VT and the mafia doesn't want to waste their kill on me." I don't see any scenario in which claiming VT at the start of a game is a pro-town move.

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##Vote: FFM

Overzealous scum. His explanation and his passive aggressive response to GP do him no favors.

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I figured I might as well claim since I don't really have a role worth keeping secret.

There is always the possibility that you might draw scum to target you. You should keep that possibility. :(

##Vote: REFA

That's quite a quick jump on FFM.

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actually I don't think FFM's ever been a Vanilla. His claim was unnecessary and he shouldn't do it in future but I can see him doing it as town.

##Unvote, ##Vote: Green Poet

Do you think that what FFM did was scummy?

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Yeah, FFM's not like me and rolling VT in his first few games. This is his first VT performance.

That said, the response to GP was kinda ehhhhh, but I'm more bothered by Refa jumping on him really quick.

Refa, what about FFM's claim makes him seem like overzealous scum to you?

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I don't see FFM being so passive aggressive as town.

There is always the possibility that you might draw scum to target you. You should keep that possibility. :(

##Vote: REFA

That's quite a quick jump on FFM.

Quick jump from what, a baseless RVS vote?

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gee, guess I should have remembered my extensive experience playing games of Mafia

oh wait

If you believe you've made a mistake, there's nothing wrong with saying so. You'll notice that I don't think your post was definitively scummy, and I didn't vote you for it.

Right now you look as though you're trying to use your level as experience to justify your play, instead of commenting on the play's value to the game.

##Vote: REFA

That's quite a quick jump on FFM.

And you look like you're tossing out chainsaw.

Refa's voting someone for a clearly antitown post. Do you believe his recognizing that is scummy?

##Unvote, ##Vote: Green Poet

Do you think that what FFM did was scummy?

It's not telling enough to the point that I would vote him, no. But as I've said, the play is decidedly not pro-town.

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I thought that if there are any Town Rolecops/Trackers/Watchers it would be advantageous to keep them from wasting a Night action on me. Sorry if I offended anyone.

I got criticized for keeping my role as Town Ascetic secret the first time I got that role, after all.

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I don't see FFM being so passive aggressive as town.

How can you be so sure? I think you've only been in a game with a town FFM twice, and you don't speak to him outside of mafia like I do. Besides, you're relying on meta to justify that claim that FFM's 'overzealous scum' when no real meta exists for him at all?

It's not telling enough to the point that I would vote him, no. But as I've said, the play is decidedly not pro-town.

Then why are you dwelling on it so much? If you see it as scummy in some way, then vote him.

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I got criticized for keeping my role as Town Ascetic secret the first time I got that role, after all.

Stuff like Ascetic is better to claim early because it can screw with town. Millers are the same way.

VT is not like those roles. It's just... there. You don't need to claim it to "save time".

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It's not a meta read. To clarify, I don't see why town would be passive aggressive in general, especially this early on.

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Refa's voting someone for a clearly antitown post. Do you believe his recognizing that is scummy?

Actually, I should rephrase:

Shinori, do you believe Refa's haste in responding, and catching that play, is scummy?

Then why are you dwelling on it so much? If you see it as scummy in some way, then vote him.

I'll vote whom and when I think doing so will be useful. Or are you asking me to vote FFM with you, Poly?

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Also Polydeuces, if you don't agree with my case on FFM, why are you encouraging GP to vote FFM for very similar reasons?

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It's not a meta read. To clarify, I don't see why town would be passive aggressive in general, especially this early on.

There's plenty of people who come off as passive-aggressive as town or as scum here on SF. This isn't a relevant point.

I'll vote whom and when I think doing so will be useful. Or are you asking me to vote FFM with you, Poly?

I'm not trying to bw Frosty. I'm just trying to get insight into you lauding him for bad play and then dipping into it yourself.

Also Polydeuces, if you don't agree with my case on FFM, why are you encouraging GP to vote FFM for very similar reasons?

The two cases are different. You're relying on meta, whereas GP is just picking at a bad play. I see nothing wrong with GP's 'case' from a basic standpoint, whereas yours isn't very good because it relies on sketchy meta that Frosty doesn't really have.

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It's not a meta read. To clarify, I don't see why town would be passive aggressive in general, especially this early on.

To tell the truth, it was mostly a reaction to people criticizing me for saying something that I thought would be helpful.

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I'm not trying to bw Frosty. I'm just trying to get insight into you lauding him for bad play and then dipping into it yourself.

The two cases are different. You're relying on meta, whereas GP is just picking at a bad play. I see nothing wrong with GP's 'case' from a basic standpoint, whereas yours isn't very good because it relies on sketchy meta that Frosty doesn't really have.

"Picking at" bad play = bad play? I don't understand what you're finding disagreeable.

I don't think that judging FFM's meta is anywhere close to as telling as his content, but your bolded statement suggests otherwise.

Regarding the insight you asked for - I pointed out what I felt was poor about FFM's play because I thought it would contribute to discussion and get us out of RVS. As has been stated, FFM hasn't rolled VT before and is relatively less experienced, so it's not out of the question that he would claim as he has as town.

That said, neither of us intend on voting FFM at this point, so is this still a matter of contention to you?

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