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That One Boss


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Have you guys ever had just this one video game boss that you could never beat growing up? Recently, I've been trying to replay Marvel Vs. Capcom 1 simply due to the fact that I could never beat Onslaught as a kid. (I liked using Spider-Man/Venom. Oh, woe is me.)

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Phantasy Star Zero. Humilias on hard mode. *shudder*

I could explain it, but TVTropes already has that down pretty good.

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I recall that when I was about 8 years old, I could never have beaten the gigantic robot on Snivelak in Ratchet & Clank 2. Then I was saving for months to buy a Ryno II and defeated him in a matter of seconds. Gotta love Ryno II.

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The final boss of Tomb Raider III.

I don't really remember what it was, though. I think a spider of sort. What I do remember is getting oneshotted and having no idea what to do. I figured I should collect the artifacts but had no idea how to get the time necessary to pick them up. Not to mention that Lara literally controlled like a car and OoT style lock ons weren't yet invented. Of course, I made my way through most of the game with cheat codes, so I didn't have a lot of combat experience. The prison level might be the only level that I beat legit since you can't "input" a cheat without your gear.

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Champion Gary in Firered, back when I sucked at Pokemon and didn't know anything. Maja (2nd Fight) and Krux when I played Spectrobes, it took forever to beat those 2 bosses.

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I could not, for the life of me, catch Mewtwo in FireRed and LeafGreen and the Regis were also really hard. I had a Naruto fighting game for the Wii (can't remember what it was called) and I had a really tough time with that clay-throwing guy who looked like a chick.

More recently, I had to deal with the Yellow Devil in Mega Man, which I though would be the absolute most difficult until I faced Death in Castlevania for the NES. My god, that is difficult.

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Evrae from Final Fantasy X. No, not the one that you can just destroy with Phoenix Downs, I mean the encounter with Evrae on the way to Bevelle. Occasionally I could get it down to about 1/3 of its health, but then it'd just cast haste and kill everyone.

...but that's probably because I fled from just about every battle as a kid.

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3rd Form of Puppet Ganon in Wind Waker.

Also, tons of bosses in the Baten Kaitos games, especially Origins. Just say "Holoholobird" in front of someone who played Baten Kaitos Origins. Also in Origins, the "Godcraft" (actual name is a spoiler) and the 2nd last boss battle (Also a huge spoiler, and it's technically the final boss of the game if you don't do a certain sidequest).

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the shadow queen from TTYD took me a loooooooooooonnnnnnnnngggg time to beat, the final boss of mario and luigi 3 cause i couldn't mash the x button fast enough and if he counts the blue hair man guy with the alakazam in pokemon XD gale of darkness

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That owl guy from Soul Calibur 3 (Or was it 4?). That is the only boss I can think of that I was never able to beat, and it wasn't even a final boss. I don't know what was up with that guy, but it was just some ridiculously hard, and I think completely optional, enemy thrown into the story randomly.

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The Swamp Keeper from Sin and Punishment: Star Successor.


Probably the most annoying boss in the game. The larva it spawns will immobilize you and leave you defenseless, the leeches it fires stick to the ground and detonate after a while, and half the time you can't even attack it.

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1) The Eye of Valmar from Grandia II. Had to stop playing the game for three months my first time through because I kept getting my ass kicked. It's not one of the hardest bosses in the game for nothing.

2) Death Bringer from Golden Axe (Genesis). Though, that's an arcade game by heart, so it's understandable that he'd be hard as balls. But, you don't have access to unlimited quarters in the Genesis port, so it's quite possible you'll die frequently and have to start back at the beginning of the game.

3) Seymour Flux / Lady Yunalesca, Final Fantasy X. Only ever beat Seymour by Overdrive spamming and I don't even want to think about Yunalesca. Honorable mention goes to Ozma from Final Fantasy IX, though that's more a product of me getting rid of the anti-Shadow armors than anything else.

4) Kisuke's first boss in Muramasa: The Demon Blade (Wii). Something about this boss I just can't deal with. Maybe it's the fact that Kisuke is stuck with two longer katanas for this fight, which I don't like using. The reaction time's too sluggish for me. :/

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I tried to think of one but it seems like the games I play don't really conventional bosses or have bosses that can be considered hard.

The one that comes to my mind is the Egg Emperor from Sonic Heroes. I remember it a massive pain. Eggman constantly screaming "Take this! CHARGE!" didn't help either.

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Sephiroth in Kingdom Hearts.

Not much to say honestly.


That was pretty recent actually. The final boss of Spectrobes would work better here.

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The only one that really comes to mind atm is the Cannon Colossus from Resonance of Fate. It has a freeze attack. You only have two characters due to plot.

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Bouldergeist Daredevil Run.

The final boss of Tomb Raider III.

I don't really remember what it was, though. I think a spider of sort. What I do remember is getting oneshotted and having no idea what to do. I figured I should collect the artifacts but had no idea how to get the time necessary to pick them up.

You have to stun him with Desert Eagle shots, then run and get an artifact.

Not to mention that Lara literally controlled like a car and OoT style lock ons weren't yet invented..

Lara doesn't control that badly, and she does lock-on to enemies (at least, in the PC version she does).

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[spoiler= Kingdom Hearts 3D]

Young Xehanort, my god. Those clocks, his clones, and I just had to keep restarting. Took me 3 months, I rage quit, then came back to beat it after getting the dive ranks to A to unlock one of the secret keyblades for Riku.

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Lara doesn't control that badly, and she does lock-on to enemies (at least, in the PC version she does).

Yes, she does. Granted, a car can't roll on the floor to turn around but it is nevertheless far from idea.

She is fast, can jump high but something as simple as changing directions takes her several seconds. And the lock on is only maintained as long as you keep firing. Once you stop, (or turn around so much that Lara can't keep her guns aimed at the enemies) the camera will automatically move behind her. Which usually means that you will loose your enemies out of sight and are therefore pretty helpless as a result. Better hope they don't use poisoned darts or you need to use a medi-kit right there.

Honestly, the effect that Mario 64 and Ocarina of Time had on the third-person genre can not be exaggerated.

Come to think of it, Dullahan from Golden Sun: TLA would be another example.

Oh sure, I managed to cheap my way through the battle with summon spamming but I never beat him legit. I only beat him when I replayed the game in preparation for Dark Dawn. Needless to say that after that his nerfed version in that game went down like a sack of potatos.

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