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Female-only "low" turn counts


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Working backwards from FE11 to FE10, FE9, and most recently FE8, I've landed back on the first Fire Emblem game I ever played. Supposedly, I should be much better at the game than I was the first time, so I thought about trying one of those "low turn count" things that seem so popular here.

Since there seem to already be hundreds of threads detailing the exact steps to get the lowest turn counts (which critical hits on which turns with which units), I've decided to add some additional constraints. Using only female units is standard enough for me, so that constraint is obvious. However, FE7 is a patriarchal conspiracy or something, since there's an extended drought of female unit availability, so I need some help deciding on rules.

Lyn Mode:

 P / Lyn / Lord
C3 / Florina / Pegasus Knight
C5 / Serra / Cleric

Easy enough. Lyn x Florina OTP.

Hector Mode:

C12 / Rebecca / Archer
C12 / Serra / Cleric
C14 / Priscilla / Troubadour
C16 / Lyn / Lord
C16 / Florina / Pegasus Knight
C19 / Fiora / Pegasus Knight
C21 / Ninian / Dancer
C22 / Isadora / Paladin
C25 / Farina / Pegasus Knight
C26 / Louise / Sniper
C28 / Nino / Mage
C29 / Vaida / Wyvern Lord
C30 / Ninian / dead
C31x / Karla / Swordmaster

The obvious problem is that nobody is capable of fighting until C16H when Florina rejoins. Then until C22H, I only get two healers, two flying horses, and Lyn.

Here are the rules:

  • Draft clause: Male units can not enter battles, interact with female units, break walls, steal items, open doors, or lure enemies.
  • Recruitment clause: All female units must be recruited, except Karla.
  • Patriarchy clause: Male units are not restricted on C11-C15.
  • Nils clause: Nils is just a crossdressing Ninian.

Progress so far:

Chapter / Turns / Total
      P       5       5
      1       5      10
      2       6      16
      3       5      21
      4       8      29
      5       5      34
      6       4      38
      7       2      40
      8       6      46
      9       3      49
     10       3      52
     11       6      58
     12       4      62
     13       5      67
     14       4      71
     15       8      79
     16       9      88
     17      11      99
     18       2     101
     19       3     104
     20       6     110
     21       2     112
     22       3     115
     23       4     119
     24       2     121
     25       6     127
     26      12     139
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Male units should definitely be able to enter combat in Chapters 11 through 15, but make sure Rebecca gets as much EXP as she can? *shrugs*
I agree with the Bartre and Nils' clauses.

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I disagree with Bartre clause. Just make him free and train him along the way. Turns are turns and outside of drafts, there's no such thing as turns that dont count IMO

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I disagree with Bartre clause. Just make him free and train him along the way. Turns are turns and outside of drafts, there's no such thing as turns that dont count IMO

I'm skeptical of this. I feel like adding a free combat unit, especially an axe unit, will centralize and distort the game. This happened last time when I made Hector free, although I was not aiming for "efficiency". If Bartre clause is too fishy for this forum, I would rather modify the recruitment clause to exclude Karla (she sucks). Edited by blogger
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Since there are so few female units early on, and Bartre needs to at least reach LV 10/5 for Karla you should just use him. Once he hits LV 10 stop using him till he gets a promo item, then use him until he hits LV 5 promoted.

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Thanks for the input, everyone. I've updated the first post with the final edition of the rules (no Karla) and added a placeholder for turn counts.

Here's the first two chapters (no strategy involved). Lyn has a terrible 5 MOV, so I don't think these chapters can go much faster. Hopefully the shenanigans will pick up soon when Florina joins.

Prologue: 5 / 5 turns


Here we go.


Wind affinity gets me +avoid for Fiora and Lyn. At least, that's how I think it works.


How rude.


This guy kept killing Lyn. I guess it's because he's a Beast.


Keep getting that STR, Lyn.

C1: 5 / 10 turns


No, go away.


I'm sure you can do it, Lyn. I believe in you.


Actually, that's exactly what you'll be doing.


It takes Lyn 5 turns to walk up to the boss. The tree next to the bridge leaves her just one tile short of him on turn 4.

C2: 6 / 16 turns


Somebody needs to get the writers a thesaurus. We've already been told that Lyn had "peerless skills".


Yeah, we need it more!


It's a good thing that I'm in charge, because we're totally not doing that.


He won't be needing that.


Walls are the strongest boss ever?


Everyone knows that attacking a stone wall is the best way to improve one's fencing skills.

Lyn needs to reach 8 STR to ORKO the bandit on the other side of the wall.


I didn't even manipulate for this one.


Got the Rapier!

These initial chapters can be summarized as "RNG abuse for strength". Lyn has leveled up 5 times and gained STR each time.

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I got another unit! She's got a horse! It even flies!


C3: 5 / 21 turns




He won't be needing that.


Not sure if I need to conserve the Mani Katti.


In this chapter, Florina needs to land a critical on both archers. She also needs to dodge at least two axes this turn.


Lyn wouldn't last two days without me. Look at all these terrible units she's recruiting.


You're not trying hard enough, Flo.


Silly girl, if we stopped fighting, you wouldn't get any stronger!

C4: 8 / 29 turns


I didn't even manipulate this one.


Lyn weakens the boss and Florina takes the kill. She took out the archer with a critical on the previous turn.


More level ups.


Swords are just not meant for breaking walls.


Might as well recruit him.

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I finished up the rest of LHM. The last half of LHM is noticeably quicker than the first half. Compared to this other run, I lose one turn on C7 and three turns on C8. A Javelin critical would have allowed a one-turn of C7. C8 could possibly be faster as I forgot to use Nils, but I'm not sure if it would have let me rout the map with 2 units before the reinforcements arrived.

C5: 5 / 34 turns


She's super annoying. Good thing I won't be using her for anything.


This chip is the only thing Erk will be contributing to this run.


Nevertheless, it was a very useful chip.


Time to buy some Javelins.


Selling useless items to buy more Javelins.


She's still several points too slow to one-round the C7 boss with a Javelin.

C6: 4 / 38 turns


Turns out Matthew is required for this chapter, so he might as well get the Angelic Robe.

Florina isn't fast enough to get to the southern tile by turn 3, so I have time to get the Armourslayer as well.


Lyn has one remaining job in this part of the run, for which she'll need that STR.

C7: 2 / 40 turns

C8: 6 / 46 turns

I forgot to take screenshots of these. Florina uses the Angelic Robe and solos C7 and most of C8. Lyn takes care of the northern enemies on C8.

C9: 3 / 49 turns


Florina is making slow but steady progress towards becoming flying Marcus.

C10: 3 / 52 turns


Ouch. Lungren OHKOs Lyn.


Florina softens him with a Javelin poke before Lyn kills him with a critical.


I wasn't able to manipulate both a critical and a STR level up, but I probably won't need Lyn again.


Lyn x Florina OTP.


She'll probably sit on the bench for the rest of the game.


Time for the manly men part of this run.

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Maybe you should use Bartre. Can you imagine LTCing the first few chapters with Rebecca?

A Rebecca solo is both impossible and anything but "low" turn counts. Hence, I'll be using the full cast until Lyn Florina rejoins. Maybe you can help me plan the more challenging half of the run though.

Unit selection

My combat force for HHM will consist of a bad paladin and three flying horses. Should I continue focusing on Florina, transition to a different main unit, or diversify?


I noticed that the first Elysian Whip is available on C18, but it needs to be stolen. Should I allow Matthew to steal the whip?


Do I need two users of Warp staff? If not, should I use Serra or Priscilla? I'm not familiar with warp-skipping tactics in FE7.

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In drafts, necessary promotion items can be stolen, so I'd allow Matthew to jack the Whip.

Also, if Florina stomps, why NOT use her?

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I'm unsure if a Rebecca solo really is impossible (you might be able to trap some units and keep attacking them with Rebecca). But then I guess she could run out of bows.

1. Whenever I LTC (like now, when I'm working on my new FE9 record) I try not to think about things like diversifying or transitioning for the sake of itself. The point is just to do the best you can to get the lowest amount of turns. But most likely, sticking to Florina would be best. Why waste that exp you gave her?

2. The next whip seems to be in chapter 20.

3. It's probably best to use both. I'm not an expert on FE7 either, but you might want to check dondon's 0% videos as he has some good warp strategies.

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There are alot of defend maps in this game so you should be able to use and promote both Serra and Prisilla. Plus, LV ups with staffs are easily manipulated so they should have pretty good stats.

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Master Seals being named "Earth Seal" in this game threw me off for a second. By not letting Matthew steal anything, I will pass up the Member Card, Silver Card, and every chest.

Promotion schedule

C18  / Florina   / Elysian Whip / ECG
C19  / Rebecca   / Orion Bolt   / Enemy
C20  / Priscilla / Guiding Ring / Chest
C21  / Fiora     / Elysian Whip / Village
C24  / Serra     / Earth Seal   / Village
C25  / Farina    / Elysian Whip / Village
C26  / Lyn       / Heaven Seal  / Automatic
C27A / --        / Guiding Ring / Chest
C32  / Nino (?)  / Earth Seal   / Automatic

All the Guiding Rings are locked away in chests, so I will need to substitute Earth Seals. This shortchanges Farina and Nino, which may or may not matter.

Stat boosters

Angelic Robe
C6  / Chest   / Florina
C22 / Isadora / --

Energy Ring
C10 / Village / N/A

Secret Book
C12 / Village / ??

C27A / Enemy / --

Goddess Icon
C14 / Erk / ??

C15 / Enemy / ??
C31 / Chest / --

C27 / Chest   / --
C32 / Village / --

C28 / Chest / --

Body Ring
C23 / Desert / --
C31 / Chest  / --

In the LTC thread I linked, most of these items were skipped. I'll see which ones are needed/possible when I get there. The Boots require Matthew and can not be obtained.

A vs B

According to the main page, C27A is selected if "Erk, Serra, Priscilla and Lucius's total gained EXP is greater than (or equal to) Guy, Dorcas, Bartre and Raven's total gained EXP." Unless I specifically aim for C27B by grinding Dorcas/Bartre, C27A should be guaranteed. Is there a reason to target C27A instead of C27B?

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There are also Chest keys in the Kinship's Bond secret shop, you might want to buy some for stuff like the rescue staff.

Honestly it might be worthwhile training Priscilla pretty heavily once she promotes, the Pegasus knights are too weak to ORKO at 1-2 range lategame, and Priscilla should be able to at 1-2 range.

Remeber to get Filla's might in the desert too, It will take a year to beat the dragon otherwise. Florina with max strength, the Rex Hasta and an A Support with Lyn (shouldn't be hard to get with all the defence chapters) should nearly ORKO, (102 damage). You should be able to scround up the other 18 damage from somewhere.

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There are also Chest keys in the Kinship's Bond secret shop, you might want to buy some for stuff like the rescue staff.

Honestly it might be worthwhile training Priscilla pretty heavily once she promotes, the Pegasus knights are too weak to ORKO at 1-2 range lategame, and Priscilla should be able to at 1-2 range.

Remeber to get Filla's might in the desert too, It will take a year to beat the dragon otherwise. Florina with max strength, the Rex Hasta and an A Support with Lyn (shouldn't be hard to get with all the defence chapters) should nearly ORKO, (102 damage). You should be able to scround up the other 18 damage from somewhere.

I was going to go for 2x triangle attack with Uber Spear on the Dragon. Secret shops can't be accessed because I can't get the member card, hence no chest keys. I will do some calculations to see if I need to transition away from Florina for endgame.

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The Rex Hasta still does more damage with higher hit, use that instead of the Uber Spear. You might want to burn uber spear uses when you actually need 1-2 range You won't need the Rex Hasta for anything ever.

And I forgot that bit about the Member card.

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Dat Florina and Lyn o_o. I dont think Ive ever seen abuse on this scale ;/

The sad truth is that they still struggle to do anything useful even after TAS-level abuse.

I managed to get through C11-15, copying the strategies of "MoogleBoss" (linked previously). Hector is a terrible unit and keeps dying. I was unable to 4-turn C14 as my Marcus and Lowen are apparently not as awesome as MoogleBoss's.


Serra at least gained a staff rank. Rebecca and Priscilla are still useless.

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