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Petition to delete Far from the Forest.


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Petition to delete Internet... It isn't working as intended. (The original purpose of internet was to share knowledge, had mostly a scentific purpose but now with social networks many are pretty much showing and sharing their own stupidity with the world)

Edited by Naughx
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Just purge all of the Touhou related threads in fftf instead

Do people seriously need to make several threads over a shmup game

Shoot em up series. And yes we do.

Edited by Spiriter Kalas
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Shoot em up series. And yes we do.

"Yes we totally need to clutter up a forum over things that could be easily talked about in a general series discussion thread we already have"

is all I'm getting out of this um

PK pretty much already stated what I was going to say though \o/

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How come two Touhou threads are a problem that clutters FFtF but general chat threads and fad topics are a-okay and not clutter.
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How come two Touhou threads are a problem that clutters FFtF but general chat threads and fad topics are a-okay and not clutter.

Because people don't like different things(Touhou threads and the like) "cluttering" what they want to see(chat threads, etc).

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How come two Touhou threads are a problem that clutters FFtF but general chat threads and fad topics are a-okay and not clutter.

Thing is there have been more than two... over time there have been probably a few others that were made but just died.

Chat threads, I don't know~ I think they aren't quite as easy to control (a couple of them became chat threads on accident) as it is to "keep touhou stuff in the touhou thread"

It sort of makes them different that the different chat threads have different groups of people (I've noticed there are a few hhh threaders that don't like fe4 thread or are intimidated by it, and many many new people are afraid of fe4 thread and feel a bit braver with greetings thread) so I guess if people want random discussion they at least have a bit more of a choice...

But I won't say there weren't times when I considered that "we really don't need this many chat threads." I just think it's a bit easier to control all this touhou stuff taken outside of that thread.

Though the clutter from those isn't as nearly as bad as...

Fads. So... fads? Since when did people not think fads were a problem? x3 Many many people complain about the fads (although... that even goes for some of the people who've joined the fads~)

Buuuuut anyway, since none of those are against the rules then unless they strike the staff as big problems probably nothing will happen with any of these things. Since it isn't like anything happened to people who started fads besides maybe some encouragement that made people stop making more.

I guess complaining people will just complain~

Edited by Freohr Datia
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How come two Touhou threads are a problem that clutters FFtF but general chat threads and fad topics are a-okay and not clutter.

Both general chat topics and fad topics get threads calling them out on a regular basis.

How come one thread about the two Touhou threads makes it the sole target of derision?

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How come two Touhou threads are a problem that clutters FFtF but general chat threads and fad topics are a-okay and not clutter.

Because fad threads get knocked off the 1st page fairly quickly after a week and the only two active chat threads are FE4 and HHH which don't have a million knockoffs for things like fanart, "favorite lists" and other redundant shit which could be talked about in the same thread

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Because fad threads get knocked off the 1st page fairly quickly after a week and the only two active chat threads are FE4 and HHH which don't have a million knockoffs for things like fanart, "favorite lists" and other redundant shit which could be talked about in the same thread

To be fair we're trying to get a subforum because Bal wants us to

I don't see how the threads are causing any trouble, though. They're just minding their own business. I know you don't like Touhou, but you seem to be getting pretty mad from something so minor.

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To be fair we're trying to get a subforum because Bal wants us to

I don't see how the threads are causing any trouble, though. They're just minding their own business. I know you don't like Touhou, but you seem to be getting pretty mad from something so minor.

Maybe not, but I still think its pointless and easier to discuss it all in one single thread rather than making several for people to track and therefore causing clutter

And just how is pointing out how redundant something even means I'm mad? I'm not the one who feels the need to jump in threads and make comments whenever someone says somethingly even remotely negative related to a series I like, but ok¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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