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beat vestment cave; Dragon was a massive asshat

luckily the fact that I have a lot of people in Norende meant both my Monks had Bastet Claws and Red Caps. Tiz was kind of useless; Blizzard did like 300 compared to the Monks doing 700 with an Invigorated Strong Strike and 500 with a regular SS. He was good for reviving Agnes when she died though. Man I really want Angelic Ward.

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Orthrus took a few tries because I was trying to whittle down the health of one of the heads while keeping HP high, but they simply have too much offence for such a strategy to work, especially with Blazzard when both heads are up. So I had Tiz/Ringabel/Edea attack one of the heads for two turns and then on the 3rd turn they all braved to max and took it out (the Bastet Claws were what made this strat possible, since they're SE against beasts). When there's only one head left, the fight becomes pretty trivial.

Khint and Khamer were also pretty easy; only had to restart once because I forgot to buy more Phoenix Downs when I ran out and Khint got a lucky crit on someone. But still way more manageable than Khint/Jackal or Khint/Profiteur; Khint doesn't get any stronger, while you're like 5 levels higher. And Khamer just kind of sucks. He only gets annoying if he manages to Stop your healer, but they have the highest resistance to status effects so it doesn't happen too often. The dungeon was actually more annoying because of the stupid Thugs with Psych Up/Strong Strike.



Tiz (Level 20): Level 6 Black Mage, Level 3 Freelancer

Agnes (Level 20): Level 6 White Mage, Level 2 Freelancer

Ringabel (Level 20): Level 1 Spell Fencer, Level 6 Monk

Edea (Level 20): Level 1 Spell Fencer, Level 6 Monk

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The dragon was less of a dick than I expected, other than its weird insistence on killing edea so I had to wait to revive her before killing it (and I ran out of phoenix downs regardless)

also did i mention how much it sucks to only have one villager? because it sucks

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net friend invites bro; I have 21

When you're at an Adventurer, on the Save screen there should be an option called Update Data; once a day it gets you 3-4 villagers usually, as well as a bunch of Nemeses but whatever.

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i'm aware of how net invites work, the option is also on the world map save menu (i really don't have the patience to have beaten this game normally with only one villager kthx) but it doesn't work for me because fuck comcast

orthrus sucks because whenever i get in range to chinggis it i get hellfire crit

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ugh I hate Mephilia; on NM she was the boss that took me the most tries to beat. On HM she's dumb as fuck because I can't take out the Legion soldiers in one turn even if I Bravex3 with Edea, Ringabel, AND Tiz. And then of course GIRTABLUBLU every three turns fffffff.

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of the three i honestly left mephilia for last

the silence traps are a pain in the ass since i need ringabel and agnes to be able to wipe out hordes of alraune for me

oh yeah stats; I beat Artemia and am about to return to Yulyana

Tiz L21 L7Monk L2Freelancer

Agnes L21 L7WM L2Freelancer

Ringabel L21 L7BM L2Freelancer

Edea L21 L6Thief L3Freelancer

will probably swap one of the former two to merchant eventually for MORE MONEY

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so the merchant pick is working

it's great having enough money to buy the endgame-level norende weapons in c2

The bloodrose sisters were pretty straightforward, PIERCING BOLT did 1.2k by itself then rod of fire + fira would do 850 a pop


TIL more money doesn't stack


Fiore dead, just charging my specials and waiting for Norende before I take on Rusalka (because fuck that Seep/Dark Flow combo seriously)

i think after the first time he cast fear, edea never went past -1 BP (it was on a turn when i bravex3'd and then she kept dying)... i got fed up and ulted him and crit him for 4k damage

moonbeam op

Edea L30 Valk L7/Thief L8 -- Freelancer L3

Tiz L31 Monk L9/Freelancer L2 -- Merchant L6

Agnes L31 White Mage L9/Merchant L4

Ringabel L31 Black Mage L8/White Mage L1

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I was busy and also kept trying to beat Mephilia... I even managed it once but Ringabel died that same turn so I decided not to keep it. >_> In the end I decided to put it off. Beat Artemia and DA TURTLE. Spell Fencer OP. I guess DeRosa is next.

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finished basically everything up before chaugmar (energy burst OHKOs my team through a default...); I actually didn't know that you could kill Qada before rescuing Egil

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DeRosa was really difficult because I kept getting really unlucky and gave him a BP like every other hit and he kept healing for 2k+ HP like every 3 turns or so. Finally I got fed up and did Einheria's dungeon and beat her. Then I went and beat Mephilia (the 3 extra levels gave me enough power to kill the Archers much more reliably and quickly). After that I beat DeRosa in a fight where I got incredibly lucky and he only procced Revenge twice even though I must have hit him at least 30 times. I also gave Tiz WM subjob since his shit damage was hurting more than helping against DeRosa. So now I'm at the Twilight Ruins. Imps are the worst.

EDIT: Since I had my Special Move Shop at level 9 and all the Parts Shops at level 5, I put Aquatic Slaying on Edea and Ringabel's Thunderburst, and Thunder-type and Aquatic Slaying on Tiz's Holy Weapon. Basically I had all three of them use their specials and go to -3 to unload as much as possible on Rusalka, who was left with a little more than 2k HP (so I did ~38k damage). Everybody survived 1 Dark Flow because Agnes had Abate Water, Tiz had Water Charm, and Edea/Ringabel had a lot of HP.

Before that I tried another, slower, strategy, where I would have Edea and Ringabel Blizzara up for the Magic Armor resist just before Dark Flow and then switch back to Thundara afterwards. However that ran into problems with MP management (in hindsight using Blizzard would have slowed this down if nothing else) and an unlucky crit on Agnes screwed me over when Rusalka was at around 20k hp.

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Oh yeah, the team:

Tiz: Level 6 Freelancer, Level 9 Black Mage

Agnes: Level 9 White Mage, Level 1 Freelancer

Ringabel: Level 8 Monk, Level 7 Spell Fencer

Edea: Level 8 Monk, Level 7 Spell Fencer

Everybody's Level 30.

I figure that Tiz is going to just be Freelancer/Performer by the end of the game and Agnes will be WM/Conjurer and nobody will be BM because it's kind of bad at that point. But Agnes might find Groupcast-All from BM to be handy so she'll probably level that.

Also wtf Cam's job levels wreck mine. ;_;

EDIT: Barbarossa was relatively easy; Automatons went down pretty fast to special spam. My god; specials are OP. In my NM run I never leveled my Special Move shop and therefore rarely had Specials to use.

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i haven't been changing jobs that often lol

i usually will change one or two while walking, then put them back to mains for a big dungeon/bossfight


chaugmar is still dumb; i'm just waiting for norende to upgrade

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PRALINE was super annoying, mainly because my strategery was to leave the Blade alive so she wouldn't keep summoning soldiers as soon as I killed them. Unfortunately I only had one Peace Ring so I kept getting confused, which combined with all the LOVE POWER and ONE MORE FOR HIM and most of my specials being down resulted in a very long and drawn out battle where I used up a ton of Ethers.

but oh well PERFORMER GET

EDIT: Cam why don't you use all your Merchant money to buy a ton of Pantheon's Wraths? No Attack Item Amp and HM means you can't OTK him but if you have 3 dudes throwing Pantheon's Wraths at him each turn and then a WM Protecting everybody while the shield is up, you can probably finish him by using specials on him while the shield is down and then throwing more Pantheon's Wraths at him after it comes back up.

EDIT2: unless that's what you're waiting for in Norende

EDIT3: finished Mythril Mines and also fought Mammon, who's the level 25 Nemesis. Unfortunately I don't have Thief because she has a 25k item you can steal but it was decent EXP anyways and not a very difficult fight, although that might have been the AI being bad because Mammon definitely has the moveset to be a pain. She only used her leech moves once each and didn't Blizzaja x 4 after she got 3 BP from Greed. It was a little annoying that she kept Dispelling my fists of fire though.

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that's what i was waiting for tbh

i also just flat out die when he energy bursts (tiz is the only one who can survive it and he doesn't do enough damage to kill after the shield goes down)

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Protect + Default isn't enough? good thing I have PERFORMER that was a good pick

beat Qada btw; currently in Underflow

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possibly, I'm level 38 and I'm in the middle of Underflow atm (speaking of which, stupid Fahrenheit 451 Flare Lanterns)

I tried another Nemesis fight (level 30 Khint + Profiteur). At the beginning, Profiteur's Takeover was doing a laughable 300 damage, so I went for Khint first. But once he left, Profiteur took steroids or something and went from level 6 to level 40, because his Takeovers suddenly started doing like 2000 damage and he started using Large BP Drink to boost himself to 3 BP. He never Takeover x 4'd, but the Takeover x 2 three turns in a row was pretty much enough to fuck me after a few cycles considering only my Monks have more than 2k HP (and just barely) and he had like 80k hp.

Next time I'll go for Profiteur first so that by the time he can do serious damage he's already at half HP. Khint's Sleep Sword was annoying but easily dealt with since the damage was not very high.

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holy shit Chaugmar got WRECKED

I took him down in two shield cycles without even using specials; it was great. Tiz boosted everybody's DEF up to 150% and then the party Defaulted. They all barely survived, Tiz boosted everybody's ATK up to 150%, and then the Monks fired 4 Thundara-powered Hidden Dragons. Then they got in another Strong Strike before he put the shield up. Repeat cycle; Chaugmar dead.

EDIT: beat Kamiizumi as well, although the first battle went something like this:

Ringabel/Edea Hidden Dragon; Ringabel gets KOed through Know Thine Enemy.

Kamiizumi Braves 3 times and attacks my entire party, OHKOing Tiz and Agnes and 2HKOing Edea

the second battle I was careful to Default the turn after someone got knocked out so I wouldn't get OHKOd again, and to try and guess when he wasn't going to use Nothing Ventured to minimize counterkills and it went fairly smoothly.

Completed the Egil thing as well, so NINJA is up next.

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