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Bravely Default Draft


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jesus the random encounters in the granship engine room are brutal as fuck

maybe i should stop trying to keep my 1-turn Hero active

Chaugmar FINALLY died because of Lambent Hat + Pantheon's Wrath OP

Kamiizumii was easy

Ninja was irritating but not really difficult

Fun fact: You can fight the ninja without having to sit through the longass cutscene if you walk upstairs to the corpse and talk to it 15 times

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jesus the random encounters in the granship engine room are brutal as fuck

maybe i should stop trying to keep my 1-turn Hero active

Chaugmar FINALLY died because of Lambent Hat + Pantheon's Wrath OP

Kamiizumii was easy

Ninja was irritating but not really difficult

Fun fact: You can fight the ninja without having to sit through the longass cutscene if you walk upstairs to the corpse and talk to it 15 times

Knew this

I'm struggling a bit with Eternia and its outside areas.


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has anyone else encountered a bug where enemies randomly get +1 BP when using SP

I was beating the Behemoth pretty handily and was about to finish him off when I got a bad speed roll, he randomly had +1 BP, double roared me and i just died instantly


ok the behemoth fight in general is stupid as fuck because i literally cannot survive two roars, even with default + protect

if he ever roars two turns in a row i basically can't recover from it because that's guaranteed kill on two of agnes + ringabel + edea and leaves tiz at like 100 health and roar isn't telegraphed like rusalka/chaugmar's fucktard moves

i'd forgotten how retarded the midgame bosses are

Edited by CT075
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yeah I knew the Ninja thing. Doing that also means that both Neuer and Steiner survive.

I'm at Behemoth too; he's wrecking me pretty hard although I'm not running into that bug. idk how to survive Roar consistently either because it's not predictable asfsagf

But the encounters in Grandship were pretty easy; SPELL FENCER + PERFORMER OP

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i'm literally just playing ai roulette and hoping he doesn't roar on a turn when i'm not covered in default

i'm so frustrated i'm probably just gonna stop playing and go play like SMTIV or something instead for a while


as i say this i get a lucky streak and manage to cheese it with special chains

10k gold from beating that shit awwww yeaaaaa

I'm probably going to have to grind a little before I enter Eternia; I can't see myself getting through Victor/ia with these levels

Tiz L37 L10 Monk L2 Freelancer

Agnes L37 L9 WM L9 Merchant (MORE MONEY~~~~~)

Edea L36 L9 Valk L9 Thief L3 Freelancer

Ringabel L10 BM

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Beat BEHEMOTH; basically I grinded a little to get Agnes to BM level 6 for Silence Immunity so that she could equip Hermes Sandals instead of White Cape and outspeed Behemoth, and also Damage Dispersion prevented her from being OHKOd by Toothy Rend. Then I made sure to have Tiz keep Defence up all the time, and also Speed as much as possible to ensure Tiz and Agnes outsped Behemoth.

Ice Golem was lol; just gave everybody Ice Charms or the Iceflame Shield. The robot should technically be easier than Behemoth but still having trouble with it. ;_; Maybe I'm being too reckless.

Also Cam stop making me feel bad I was level 45 against Behemoth. Seriously how are your levels so low? That was like the only time I've grinded (and I don't think anybody gained more than 1 level).

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for the most part i get fed up and turn encounters off at certain points (i left them off during underflow, for example), it's come back to bite me because i can't even handle random encounters in eternia

my levels are low because I have so much money that my equipment is (was) so far ahead of the curve that it evened out, but i can't do that any more :(

(i've also elected to take a break from bravely default for a bit in lieu of playing DEVIL SURVIVOR)

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I beat the robot and then the Dragon Zombie and then on my way back to heal I got wiped out by a random encounter gg. Luckily I'd saved between the robot and the Dragon Zombie, so I just beat him again. Also beat Victor/Victoria; wasn't very difficult with 4x Star Pendants negating the Poison/Exterminate combo.

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finally made progress

Made it through the entire eternian central command, gearing up for everlast tower.

Name		Level	FL	Monk		BM		WM		Thief		Valk		Merchant	Templar
Tiz		48	2	11		0		0		0		0		0		0
Agnes		49	2	0		0		11		0		0		9		2
Edea		48	3	0		0		0		10		7		0		0
Ringabel	50	2	2		11		0		0		0		0		0
I'm using Monk/FL on Tiz, Templar/WM on Agnes, Thief/Valk on Edea (don't ask) and BM/WM on Ringabel. Edited by CT075
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