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Who is the best General of the parent generation.

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Im doing this as a serious topic hecause I started thonking the other day, between Fred, Kellam and Sumia who is the bst general.

I figuered out, well, Kellam being the default option lets see what he's got:

First off, his modifiers are madre specifically for this, yet i think +1 Str is weak, skilwise, Renewal, Luna, Pavise... and tgat was all I could see for him.

Then Fred. Nice modifiers, Luna, Pavise, Aegis, and some Breaker skills from w. Rider

And then I tought, what about Sumia?

I was like, well, -2 Str and Def suck, and her speed is kinda wasted, but she has Lancefaire, Luna, Renewal, Pavise, Galforce, and maybe even Relief. I also tought, well, when the three are equipped with a Lance, Sumia has the highest.attack of the three because of Lancefaire. So yeah, I know Fred and Sumia haver vetter stuffto do, but are they the best Generals of the parent generation?

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The answer is none of them should be spending a prolonged period of time in this class. However since thats doesnt really seem lke the answer you want, the avatar(obvious) and then kellam assuming you go off growths and modifiers and not base stats.

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I think Sumia is the best. General is obviously not her best class, but still, she's pretty good as one. She'll have good STR, SPD and DEF. Kellam as a general has bad speed, and Fred's is even worse.

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I would actually Say Sumia, then Frederick, the Kellam, and I mean, yeah, the avatar might be the best general, but Meh, who would leave their avatar as General?. And actualllt my parameters are based mostly with Stat Caps and Skills, growth wise Kellam of course takes the first place.

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What about Tharja?

I've used General!Tharja before and it's actually p. legit if you get lucky with her Strength

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Nosferatu or Aversa's Night.

General can't use either of those.

Sumia has Galeforce so is automatically superior to the rest of them, ignoring the fact that Generals are slow and should stick to hard support. Even considering that, she has Lancefaire and is still the strongest.

Alternately, if the Spotpass Six count, behold the power of Basilio. Axefaire and Agg make him the strongest Support General for G1 by a very long shot compared to the normal parents. Walhart makes a cooler Morgan though and is only 2 Str behind Basilio thanks to better mods and Str+2. Walhart also has better +Hit options.

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General can't use either of those.

What he means is that Tharja is more durable as a sorcerer than as a general, because of AN/nos and sol.
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What he means is that Tharja is more durable as a sorcerer than as a general, because of AN/nos and sol.

TC asked for the best General, not the most durable unit. Generals are more often used for their 50 Str than their 50 Def anyway.

If it was just about durability with no care for class, Avatar would win... Actually, he/she's win as best General as well, assuming he/she count.

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