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British Mafia - Game Over! Britain Wins!


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Shinori and Eury, I see you both there.

Yeah, I'm here (half-dozing off at the compy since I'm dead tired), but not awake enough to say/contribute anything more, sorry. ;/

I need to head to sleep- got an Aquarium shift tomorrow morning, and should be back in the afternoon (2:30~3pm PST). Be back later.

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I feel like Psych's softclaim seemed like scum trying to get towncred but then again it's Psych. Boron vs Maka is probably town infighting. Makaze is obvnoobtown, his frustration is totally understandable. Eury's stuff seemed generally noncommittal as of skimreading so I'll go with that as my best current "scumread"

##Vote: Eurykins

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What do you think about Prims or Cam or Darros? Or even FFM from D1 stuff? Is Eury your only scum read right now or just the best?

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Yay weekends. But holy crap it's already at 24 pages. So I'm going to TRY and get a post out tonight, might have to wait until tomorrow (A bit late in the day phase for my liking but there are so many posts to go through that I'm not sure I'll be able to do it tonight...)

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i'm also not seeing anything particularly pro-town about darros; "stop rolefishing" is too easy to say

If that's all you're getting out of my entire D2 is suggest to read more. Also I asked you a question and I'd like an answer. ((I'd dig it up again but mobile browsing before work))

Do you have no opinion on the reason for his being confirmed town or are you just ignoring it?

It's not the best idea to throw confirmed around like that when people aren't actually confirmed.
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"Did you watch Eastenders last night? It was a right old mess, with Frank's evil half-step cousin coming to visit and all, pretending to be him whilst Frank's in the nick. It's like it could happen to anyone!"

Psych (3): Boron, Makaze, Shinori
Cam (2): FFM, Prims
Makaze (2): Darros, Eury
Eury (1): Kay
Junko (1): Cam
Not voting: Some tossers
Big Ben says there are 57 hours left in the phase! With 13 alive, 5 votes are required for a lynch and 8 for the hammer! Phase ends at 16/6 23:00 GMT+0.
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all i want for christmas is energy

i don't really know what i'm supposed to say to defend myself (sans travelling back in time to suddenly be convinced of the paperblade wagon!!!!!)

junko has been asking a lot of questions without actually doing anything with the answers, many of which are rhetorical or don't obviously lead anywhere; the number of open-ended questions asked without a particular purpose serves to get people talking, which would be okay if he ever followed them up with anything. his non-question posts are either not game-related or are have nothing to do with anything he's been asking about. he's just being inquisitive for the sake of being inquisitive, which makes him look like a more active contributor than he's really being

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all i want for christmas is energy

i don't really know what i'm supposed to say to defend myself (sans travelling back in time to suddenly be convinced of the paperblade wagon!!!!!)

junko has been asking a lot of questions without actually doing anything with the answers, many of which are rhetorical or don't obviously lead anywhere; the number of open-ended questions asked without a particular purpose serves to get people talking, which would be okay if he ever followed them up with anything. his non-question posts are either not game-related or are have nothing to do with anything he's been asking about. he's just being inquisitive for the sake of being inquisitive, which makes him look like a more active contributor than he's really being

I have a problem with the lack scum tells in this. I feel that your reasons for finding specific less active people scummy over people who more obvious scum tells bothers me. Your reasons for not voting Paper are especially weak. Your reasons for voting Junko are weak. Even your reasons for not voting me were weak despite an awful lot of prodding without actually contributing.

I am still okay with a Psych lynch, but I can't say that you are just making poor decisions (like he could be) because you have clearly thought about them and changed your behavior from earlier in the game. You are putting your money where your mouth is now... And it doesn't make sense.

##Unvote: Psych

##Vote: Cam

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Ugh, what is it with all these subouts and none of them being bladescape?

I'm not interested in pursuing Junko, but I would like to hear Baldrick's thoughts and reads. While I'm happy Kay exists and did something, I feel that she avoided giving an opinion on a lot of the major things that happened in the thread (or one that barely scratches the surface).

Cam, is there seriously no one else besides Junko you find voteworthy at this point in the game? What do you think of Prims? You asked other people for an opinion on him but you've never mentioned what you think about him or anything else following that. What was the point of that line of questioning? If you don't know what to think of me and you find some things that I'm doing to be scummy, then why are you avoiding talking about specific things I've done other than that one FFM vote and trying to get a better read on me?

FFM, where did you go? You can't just drop a vote and disappear for the rest of the phase. Even if Cam is a good lynch, you look like you're just parking your vote and trying to avoid contribution, which looks scummy.

Psych, get back here and scum hunt :|

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@Darros -

gut town on makaze is exactly what it sounds like and i'm not really sure what you want me to say?

what I had on boron was specifically posts like this which seems too easy (especially since there were other things to go on at the time), i cbf to remember what else i had

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Blah... finally home. Afternoon traffic can kiss mah ass. Cali drivers are so bad sometimes. >_>

I feel like Psych's softclaim seemed like scum trying to get towncred but then again it's Psych. Boron vs Maka is probably town infighting. Makaze is obvnoobtown, his frustration is totally understandable. Eury's stuff seemed generally noncommittal as of skimreading so I'll go with that as my best current "scumread"

##Vote: Eurykins

1. For someone claiming that my own cases/thoughts are noncommital (which they actually aren't, just sayin'), your Psyche read's terrible. "It seems like a scum move, but then again it's him." Pot meet kettle?

2. As a whole, your comments/reads on people are shallow and otherwise lack any sort of effort. Not really impressed, especially given lack of gameplay as a whole from your player slot.

@ Shinori, Baldrick, and Bladescape: Content/thoughts/reads/etc. please and thanks.

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what I had on boron was specifically posts like this which seems too easy (especially since there were other things to go on at the time), i cbf to remember what else i had

So one of the reasons you suspect(ed) me is because of a vote that was made when we were breaking out of RVS, when the only other thing that was actually going on was Junko's "inquisitiveness"? You've also not given any real updated thoughts on me, you say "I don't know what to think" but manage to avoid talking about other things, such as whether you think Paper and I had been bussing each other and how I'm the only person who's doing a lot of the "general" things you accuse me of and if I'm not the only one why I am worse and scummiest.

Your constant "cbf" attitude makes me think that you don't actually care about pushing your case at all. You're still not actually doing anything with your Junko read and it feels like you're just paying "lip service" to your suspicions. Don't like at all. Would not object to lynching. I'm going to keep my vote on Psych though because I still don't like Psych either, he's avoiding the game (which is scummy), and I would not object to lynching him either.

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Sorry, I walked to the store.

Cam's attitude rubs me the wrong way and I don't like how much he's ignoring things, but I felt the same way last night considering I had like a migraine and just couldn't do anything after like 11.

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whoa post explosion wow

Not convinced Makaze/Psych are scum. Makaze is a new player and I'm not sure he would be this collected if he were scum and under fire and Psych oozes town laziness.

I'm comfortable with where my vote is right now - Cam focusing on Junko to the exclusion of other scum suspects seems strange.

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Not convinced Makaze/Psych are scum. Makaze is a new player and I'm not sure he would be this collected if he were scum and under fire and Psych oozes town laziness.

But why is Psych lazy town as opposed to lazy scum?

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