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British Mafia - Game Over! Britain Wins!


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I still think Makaze is scum but I'm gonna have to look into Cam now again because of how he was pushing Boron yesterday. I thought she was town before but now that she flipped..

Has anyone else been forced to vote someone in the game? Something about FFM is throwing me off.

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Sorry about the last few posts Makaze, I got a bit excited when I saw my primary scumread defend my secondary scumread for an incorrect reason.

Darros and Makaze (j00 to a lesser extent) are good based on the way they voted Psych. Hypothetical Mafia!Cam pretty much had to vote Psych otherwise they'd be given away (since someone would switch to secure a lynch if he didn't vote) and Shinori's disappearing after putting a weak vote on Psych could well be a bus.

FFM is good because it'd be pointless for Psych to switch like he did from his buddy to his other buddy.

Eury needs to explain herself

Need to reread Prims and Shinori. I'd add Kay to that list, but...

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Alright, apologies for having been gone for a while. Been busy with IRL matters and otherwise.

-> Some notes wrt those who are pinging me hardest currently:


- Purely consolidation vote on Paperblade D1.

- The Makaze/Psych notions sound weird to me, and Psych seems to get a free pass to GO on town laziness.

- Reaction + saying that Psych is newbtown comes off weird. You don't seem to take in consideration that he's an experienced player (once that fact was revealed).

- Hesitant to touch Psych lynch (and is pretty vague on the reasoning) + I don't know how people interrogating someone (Darros/Boron) = automatically townie/cleared? (Yes, by obvious flips now at least Boron's cleared, but the logic behind clearing them = feels/sounds weird.)

Turns out I've been forced to vote for Makaze based on my night results.

oh wait, guess blade targetted me last night

Care to elaborate on the former post? I understand how your vote being bound to Makaze (by that night action) is plausible, but you seemed to imply/be mentioning something else?

- Conclusion: Candidate for Psych/Paperblade scum buddy based on votes and gameplay.


- WRT Makaze/Baldrick/Psych interactions later on in the day phase:

~ Slightly bothered by this notion for some reason.

~ Despite feeling that Makaze's scummy, I don't like the tone/sound of this post.

~ One could argue that scum/town alike can easily claim that they do/don't do something "often", and unless someone takes the time to dig through old games, it's pretty hard to actually verify whether it's the truth or not. So I don't think him "claiming to soft-claim often" validates the fact that what he said/did = wasn't scummy/bad gameplay (when it obviously was from town-perspective).

~ Don't care for the tone. In addition: YES, Makaze asked for a claim/prodded for one (which in itself is TERRIBLE, imo). HOWEVER, Psych was the one who easily divulged said information, for no true townie intent/reason (and we can all see why he was that free with said info). Two-way street with the claiming issue (he could've easily declined saying anything).

- It's hard to read the interactions as a result for me (on Baldrick). Overzealous townie or scumbuddy bent on nailing Cam and/or Makaze (next day phase) with said lynch as opposed to Psych.


- My cases/points stand on him as they were last day phase (hence why my vote never really moved). I still stand that he's probably the ITP/SK in this game based on his gameplay.


- Similar to Makaze in the sense of my case/thoughts on him haven't changed much since I last posted wrt him.

- This post screams laziness in terms of reads (lack of depth), and no reads on Cam/Psych ever happened later on in the phase.

- Also had voted Paperblade purely for consolation in D1.

- Conclusion: Possible candidate of PB/Psych scumbuddy; not seeing him as ITP/SK material. Gut vibe's telling me he's just lazy town, but his gameplay doesn't tell me much as a whole.

Given the wagoning last day phase, I'm doubting that Cam is scum, unless they're taking another Scum gambit (like in training), but I don't think they'd risk doing so this game. Will look through his ISO more, but I don't see him as a priority/concern this day phase.

j00/Kay/Prims kinda poofed off my radar (in terms of thoughts), though Kay's more obvious of a reason why than the other two. I need to look into the other 2 in a bit.

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@Eury: My tone was caused by there being less than half an hour until phase end.

I took his statement about soft-claiming at face value because it's logical to me; he's an old player, and in my first games crumbing/soft-claiming was quite a common occurance. It seems to have gone out of fashion somewhat. Claiming was anti-town, but not necessarily scummy.

another Scum gambit (like in training)

Ah yes, I suppose Cam could have been technically telling the truth and seen Psych give the order when he said he saw Psych shooting someone N1 ???

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Going by connections, the following people make little sense as scum:

Cam and FFM - Psych's votes on them implies they were meant to be counterwagons.

Darros - Swingvote on Psych, could've gotten Cam lynched.

Makaze - Has been early on every scum wagon so far.

Shinori was also early on Psych but I'm not certain it wasn't a bus. His D2 play left a lot to be desired. I'm still certain the Junko/Baldrick slot is town on the Paperblade name mess-up.

This leaves us with j00, Kay and Eury. Gotta read up on them and scumnori.

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I'm tired so I'll post something not lazy as fuck in the morning but I'm hoping we get a sub for Kay sooner rather than later because there's almost nothing to read off of her. I can't get anything off what she's posting, it's too little and nonfrequent to be considered scummy.

wrt Makaze I'm pretty sure he is the ITP but spec isn't really needed right now, I think Makaze is hostile to town either way but it'd be better to hunt the third maf today because we have associative reads whereas an ITP wouldn't really have any association to speak of. That's why I haven't voted yet.

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##Vote: Eurykins

Walrein's play was lackluster. He dismissed Paper on meta that wasn't even true. If he were town he should've wanted to drag more content out of Paper if he agreed Paper's contributions weren't great.

Eury herself starts off D2 on Psych, but switches to Makaze once it's proven there's interest there (Darros). This post starts off by arguing that it's possible for Makaze to be mafia but switches to "nope, he's SK" over the course of the post. Why does Eury push Makaze as SK and not mafia? My thoughts are that she's scum (who would actively want to hunt the SK) and came to the conclusion Makaze was anti-town and as such decided to attack him. I could understand if she was just worried about it but she goes from thinking Makaze is scummy and possibly the SK to just hard pushing Makaze as our Serial Killer, which also conveniently keeps her off the Psych wagon.

This Kay post is hilariously scummy because she calls Eury "noncommittal" without citing examples while posting the least committal read I've ever seen on Psych. If there's a dayvig in this game, I'd appreciating them shooting Kay and saving us and the mod the trouble.

Every time j00 brings up Paper and Psych they're grouped together... Psych's vote on her here has me less inclined to think she's scum than the others - the case is awkward and not in a "confirmation bias, I know why my buddies are bad" way. Psych never discusses why j00 explicitly has scum intent and it looks like he's struggling to write a case on a townie.

I liked Shinori's D1 contentpost but in retrospect all the people he was on were likely town, so I don't know. I get the impression of a misguided townie rather than scum from his actions at D1 deadline because he gripes about the Paper wagon but does nothing to get another player lynched instead, leading me to believe he doesn't have scum intent. Psych's vote shows that scum -was- willing to start a counterwagon, so Shinori never switching shows a lack of coordination between him and other scum.

I agree Makaze is the most likely ITP. Second pick would be Cam, because Nexus is a functional ascetic which is the most ITP claim in existence.

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Here; sorry for the delay. Nature called (had to eat).

My biggest concerns right now are Eurykins, Baldrick and Cam.

Eurykins has been hunting for the ITP and voted their ITP suspicions instead of mafia suspicions. That could be an ITP tell.

Cam's weird prodding and voting habits set off red flags, including the late vote on Psych. Same as before but now with refusal to vote scum until the last minute twice in a row.

Baldrick refused to vote Psych and got very adamant in the last few seconds. Reads like a possible gambit to get me to change my vote at the last second, leading to a no-lynch. Not enough time to form a new wagon on me. Doesn't make sense.

wrt Makaze I'm pretty sure he is the ITP but spec isn't really needed right now, I think Makaze is hostile to town either way but it'd be better to hunt the third maf today because we have associative reads whereas an ITP wouldn't really have any association to speak of. That's why I haven't voted yet.

I get how asking for the role was anti-town, but I've been force for good. My methods may be unorthodox but you can't deny I have been effective.

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I agree Makaze is the most likely ITP. Second pick would be Cam, because Nexus is a functional ascetic which is the most ITP claim in existence.

What is an ascetic in mafia context?

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How did that term come about? What does it have to do with the word ascetic?

Voting my most consistent read for now.

##Vote: Cam

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@Makaze: if Cam is scum, then his refusal to vote Psych is pointless if he doesn't push another counterwagon (eg. you) because the day is ending in a scum lynch (him or Psych) anyway. I'd go as far as to argue that he'd want to bus Psych as scum to cement his status in town's eyes as "town counterwagon to flipped scum". Do you think he makes sense as scum in spite of this?

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