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British Mafia - Game Over! Britain Wins!


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I heard this game needed to be more british so I joined.


You can be as not-RVS as you like, but if you don't say anything (idrc whether this is the case for this game), that is anti-town, because until someone begins discussion, the town is essentially whiling away the hours with nothing

Shows a good townie-based mindset here.

other than a few logic things (wrt which i really hope i never called that scummy because bad logic isn't scummy) my problems with makaze consist almost entirely on the "reaction testing" (i might have had more but i cbf to look up my notes and that was the biggest part)

Can you explain why reaction testing early on is scummy? One could argue that everything early on is a reaction test and RVS itself is designed to test reactions.

A million walls later

wait i had my vote on shinori wat

This raises flags as it shows his lack of value in his Shinori vote (and the only real thing I can see wrt Shinori is him calling Shinori lazy which isn't a tell so ???). I think this kinda sums up my only real problem with Cam in that his reads and votes just feel all over the place sometimes and it's hard to get a grasp of what he's actually thinking and keep track of his thought process. For example, there's Boron whom he wrote a whole wall of what was mostly criticisms, but then handwaves it off as null because of "confirmation bias" which read as a really weak dismissal. By doing so he leaves himself the option of pressuring her later when she is under more suspicion and is maybe a bigger ml candidate.

His attitude shows genuine desire and priority on scumhunting though and I feel like mafia!cam would've at least thrown one of PB/Psych under the bus but he was hesitant to go on either which is kinda risky. Of course he could still be SK but I'm pretty happy with him overall.

Out of interest did anyone ever prove Cam's role?

I want to be more succint on Darros, so overall let me say that I'm pretty happy with him. Evolving thought process, seems very intent on catching scum. Spends a little too long chasing Makaze maybe. Is being cocky really a scumtell and not just a jerktell? I question this because I'm a cocky shit all the time as all alignments, and his stuff on page 17-18 seems like it's more questioning Makaze's attitude rather than his alighnment. Kay accused him of being panicky, but it reads more like genuine townie frustration at being suspected to me (a good set of examples are #548-#550). #791 seems like an honest attempt at trying to consider different perspectives which is cool too. I really struggle to find anything anti-town so yeah pretty happy.

Prims is probably notmafia too based on PB interactions, but it's midnight and I want to sleep. This took way longer than it should've done (I blame SGDQ), but I'm free for most of tomorrow afternoon and there's nothing on SGDQ that I'm interested in tomorrow. One request: can people post a list of claims and their lynch priorities as it would make everything going on easier to handle.

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Can you explain why reaction testing early on is scummy? One could argue that everything early on is a reaction test and RVS itself is designed to test reactions.

it's not reaction testing itself and more about talking about reaction tests

it's one thing to run a reaction test silently (or at least not talk about it until results have come up) and it's completely another to defend yourself with "well it's just a reaction test duh"

This raises flags as it shows his lack of value in his Shinori vote- [sNIP]

if you look at the last votals post before that, you'll notice that my vote was not, in fact, on shinori (despite my having voted him before the fact)

hence "wait, I had my vote on Shinori. what?"

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But after Prims posted about how he's probably not scum then he's probably not sk because of me targeting him. I forgot about this.


How can you just forget about your night action?

We are losing time.

kirsche, I noticed you asked for others to claim but didn't claim yourself. Is there a reason for that?

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Me? No. I'm assuming this is some kind of Day Vig ability so when I flip town, please avenge me. It's my last request.

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Also I got bad vibes from Baldrick from their last several posts and was already building a scum read on them so there's that too.

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Also he's apparently more interested in revenge than lynching scum. I still think he's town based on what's been said, but next time, if you're going to push someone, you need to say more than

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Also he's apparently more interested in revenge than lynching scum. I still think he's town based on what's been said, but next time, if you're going to push someone, you need to say more than


Seriously though, if I'm dead due to that day vig (?) then none of my votes will count and I've already commented on all of the content I deemed important and asked questions about others. The rest would be up to the others. I guess my question right now is why would you day vig someone you think is town?

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