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What if children were linked to the fathers?

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What if the 12 children were tied to the father?

If needed, alter the child's personality a little, as long as their main quirk stays intact

I think:









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Spot on with Inigo-Virion.

I can't really see the connection between Gerome and Kellam, but perhaps that's just me. And to be fair, I can't really think off the top of my head of anyone else fitting the role as Gerome's linked father particularly well.

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It was tough, but I came up with this:

Owain - Kellam
Kjelle - Stahl
Laurent - Frederick
Cynthia - Gregor
Brady - Ricken
Severa - Lon'qu
Inigo - Libra
Gerome - Gaius
Noire - Henry
Nah - Vaike
Yarne - Virion

I decided to assume for the fun of it that Nah and Yarne aren't necessarily manaketes or taguel. Same goes for Gerome and his connections to Minerva.

It's hard since some fit pretty well, and others are really just leftovers. Kjelle is a nice foil to Stahl, because Stahl is considered so average. I'd like to think that maybe Kjelle would view the constant training as necessary to counteract that. Laurent goes with Fred so well because they're both very concerned with the logistics of the army. Ricken with Brady was sort of a joke to me at first, but makes sense. Maribelle is overly regal, but she comes from the right place. Ricken's constant moaning about "MUH FALLEN HOUSE" might just drive Brady into giving up nobility altogether. I could see Lon'qu as Severa's father because his problems with girls would really aggravate her issues. Gaius is the only character I could really see who isn't really connected to the conflict as a whole, so having him father someone like Gerome who is so pessimistic about the whole thing is understandable. He also teases people a lot, so I could see him being brusque with him about Minerva. Yarne with Virion makes sense based on his history of supposed cowardice, and the fact that Yarne is scared of his father cheating on Panne would really only work with Virion.

The tough ones were Owain, Cynthia, Inigo, Noire, and Nah. I had trouble with Noire because Henry was the only one that could really fit with her, but I actually had him pegged for Nah. I felt like he would be the most likely one to run off and get himself killed right after his kid was born. With that, I had to put her with my second choice of an ever-arrogant THE VAIKE. The rest were really just leftovers. Passable, and I sort of like them, but I felt like Owain, Cynthia, and Inigo, can go with almost any parent and make some sense. Owain is just as awesome no matter who his dad is, a guy wanting to be a pimp is pretty normal. Come to think of it, Gregor is also a nice foil to Cynthia, with his focus on the bottom line and money, in comparison to her heroics.

Edited by Vitezen
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Posted · Hidden by Integrity, June 14, 2014 - spam
Hidden by Integrity, June 14, 2014 - spam

This thread again?

INB4 everyone gangs up to point and laugh at Ana

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It was tough, but I came up with this:

Owain - Kellam

Kjelle - Stahl

Laurent - Frederick

Cynthia - Gregor

Brady - Ricken

Severa - Lon'qu

Inigo - Libra

Gerome - Gaius

Noire - Henry

Nah - Vaike

Yarne - Virion

I think most of those are pretty good, with several of them being very interesting, such as Gregor!Cynthia and Gaius!Gerome. I would, however, switch Kellam and Vaike. In my opinion, Owain needs either Vaike or Henry to inherit his theatrics from, and Henry is a perfect fit for Noire. Kellam could also be interesting as Nah's parent, since he could vanish without anybody noticing, thus leaving Nah alone.

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I think most of those are pretty good, with several of them being very interesting, such as Gregor!Cynthia and Gaius!Gerome. I would, however, switch Kellam and Vaike. In my opinion, Owain needs either Vaike or Henry to inherit his theatrics from, and Henry is a perfect fit for Noire. Kellam could also be interesting as Nah's parent, since he could vanish without anybody noticing, thus leaving Nah alone.

Lol that's true, I never thought of Kellam being Nah's father who's MIA. Could be Owain picked up naming weapons to help his dad remember to bring them too. :P

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Have you read Laurent's supports with Kjelle and Lucina? Laurent acts more like Frederick than anyone else in the army!

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I'm actually amused by the idea of Frederick being Cynthia's father, partly because her zealousness had to come somewhere. No matter who her father is, in her paralogue she's quite dedicated to the man she believes is Chrom. "All those who would dare to impersonate my lord Chrom shall pay!" or something like that. At the end of the paralogue Frederick immediately starts talking about how he will make sure no one ever mistakes another for Chrom again. (This is something I actually hadn't thought of until my avatar run, but after I did it made perfect sense.)

Other than that, I feel that Ricken or Libra might make sense for Brady. Ricken for the example that someone else gave earlier in this thread, Libra because it'd make sense that a priest would raise his son to follow the priestly ways. Not sure of the others yet.

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Off the top of my rusty head. . .

Severa - Vaike. Cordelia shows off a slightly bitchier side of herself in that support. I can see how Severa would end up as her pain-in-the-ass self if she had someone as strong as Vaike vanish off the face of Ylisse.

Noire - Henry. Henry comes off as extremely child-like in his supports with Tharja, which seems to freak her out. Perhaps those hexes on Noire are actually to keep her in check. . .

Eh, that's all I got for now.

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I could easily see Inigo being the son of Virion, since they're both quite the ladiesmen, but that's too obvious. Also I feel like Noire would be the daughter of Kellam, can't put my finger on it but they both seem to match up to me, maybe because they're both timid?

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Gregor for Brady. What with his speech not being up to Maribelle's standards, the personalities seem to match a fair bit. Also, they kinda look the same.

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Brady - Donnel: Would explain his slang and lack of proper skills.

Gerome - Lon'qu: Both are strong and silent, while showing as little emotion as possible.

Kjelle - Kellam: Realizes her father's mistake in being too meek and unnoticeable, takes up his armor and fights to stand out. Both names start with K.

Laurent - Frederick: Lacking the physical abilities of his father, he takes up magic. He looks up to his father, taking up his studious personality.

Noire - Henry: She grew up with a meek personality, due to her lack of physical and engaging activities. However, she wants to be like her father, who has lots of friends. Thus she tends to act like a dark mage, yelling evil spells and curses.

Severa - Any kind father: With Cordelia out of the picture, she no longer has to live in her shadow, and lives off of her providing father (much like her father support). I guess I'd go with Stahl.

Cynthia - Vaike: Cynthia grew up believing her father's stories of how great he was, claiming to have beaten even the great King Chrom himself. She longs to live up to his legendary status.

Yarne - Panne. There aren't any male taguels.

Nah - Bantu. Don't deny it.

Inigo - Virion

I can't think of Owains...

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Vaike is totally Owain's father. Owain's personality is basically Vaike's "I gotta be the very best like no one ever was so I'll act like I'm the best" personality combined with Lissa's ditziness. Also, the theory behind Vaike's caterwauling (which is brought up in his supports with Miriel) could easily be translated into Owain's catchphrase sprouting.

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I'm thinking Virion for most of these.

Inigo and Yarne for reasons already given

Brady - Being the unrefined son of a noble/duke makes too much sense for him. His penchant for crying fits with Virion's "you wound me" sensitivity.

Kjelle - Dedicates herself to proving women's strength and equality as a reaction to his womanizing.

Cynthia and Owain - Inspired to be a hero by all his (no doubt exaggerated) tales of his own heroic exploits

Severa - He seems wealthy enough to allow her to develop a shopping habit, even in wartime. Inferiority complex remains because he's the archest of archers, albeit less so. Also Miku hair

Nah - Virion rushed into marriage because he got a manakete pregnant.

Laurent - Fastidiousness is a reaction to Virion's general silliness and detachment; he takes it upon himself to monitor everyone in the army.

Noire - His assertiveness with women conditions her to be meek and passive. Archer access.

Gerome - Virion's detachment but with a serious tone. Avoids hitting on women because it reminds him of his late father (sorry, Inigo).

Some of these may be a stretch, but Virion Emblem.

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