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Stupid things you did in Fire Emblem when you were young


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The first time I played FE 8 HM when I was around 10 years old I used Seth to destroy just about everything throughout the game. I even gave him the Audhulma and almost wasted all of it's uses before I even got to Lyon. Luckily, my other units like Ephraim, Ross, and Lute were trained enough to take out any other enemies that were annoying. I did lose Seth to the Demon King because I didn't have the Audhulma equipped and didn't use an Elixir before enemy phase, so Lute had to use the Excalibur tome to do the finishing blow. I lost around 7 units including my trooper Seth playing on Hard Mode. (Lost the dancer because I put her in a bad place.) Personally, I felt that was not bad for my first Fire Emblem game and playthrough especially when I learned picking Ephraim's route was the harder route.

Edited by VoltStrike
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I absolutely did not give a shit about stats. Like I would press R and immediately move the screen to inventory. This led to me deploying the characters I liked, mixing it up a lot of the time and not really focusing on a few to be my main core of the army. Granted that probably allowed for a more innocent and enjoyable experience with the game but oftentimes that would lead me to deploy unpromoted characters late game and screwing myself over.


Thank God it was FE8

Aren't most of the FEs that made it to the western shores easy enough to use basically whoever you want though? I've played 7, 8, 9, and 13, and never really had to worry too much about stats or anything. I don't usually play hard mode though, so maybe I should pay attention to stats more.

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Aren't most of the FEs that made it to the western shores easy enough to use basically whoever you want though? I've played 7, 8, 9, and 13, and never really had to worry too much about stats or anything. I don't usually play hard mode though, so maybe I should pay attention to stats more.

Pretty much, but when you're about 9 years old at the time and using a level 8 Artur on that desert chapter just because it hinted the usage of magic units is a different circumstance :P like yeah they're easy to not really worry too much about stats, but you gotta have some levels put into your people regardless

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Awakening was my first game and I have to say playing it blindly, in general, was my dumbest mistake.
Gaius got killed, I made horrible decisions in reclassing (at least in my opinion I did), and the final nail on the coffin was when my avatar was accidentally married to Chrom. At that point I really wanted her to marry Lon'qu and didn't like Chrom like that -at all- so I deleted the file because it got awkward.

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This is probably a good showcase on just how easy FE13's Normal Mode is.

Lol you got that right. He had so many sacrificial lambs...

I remember my first playtrough of FE7, I tried to train EVERYBODY, so when picking units to go out to battle I would go, "Oh I haven't used you in a while. I need to train you." I ended up sending out Lucius as a Lv 5 Monk into Chapter 20 and wondering why he kept dying.

Fuckin' this. I don't like leaving people behind. Heck even limited deployment slots bothered me at first. I like ALL the characters, why can I only use 25% of them :(

I got used to it though. Now I just like characters based on their bases and growths, lol. Saves me the guilt of leaving people behind.

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I figured out since Cavaliers are so damn broken, since they have high movement and ridiculous stats. they all must be jeigan that shouldn't be trained

Yes apparently being good = should not be used. Nice logic by me there

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I didn't understand or give a damn about stats at all.

I'll let that sink in for a moment.

So it was like, I just attack, thinking, "Ah, Nolan's probably gonna survive this." And every single Jeigan was abused. Oh, so very much...Well, I'd forgive not getting Supports, Affinities, Formulas and the like, but ignoring battle calculations? Damn you younger-me. I'm also pretty sure I missed Aran and Haar. As you know, Haar is one of the best units from FE10, and IMO Aran is a Dawn Brigade powerhouse. I guess skipabble in easy (Which I was playing at that time.) But a great help for Normal. Somehow I managed to beat that. My second game was FE7, and that was quite recent when I rediscovered the series, so I did OK in there...except for some reason, most of my units were in their levels 7-12 by Chapter 20. Arena Abused saved that, thankfully

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I tried to train everybody to the same level, while at the same time refusing to use prepromotes or promote anybody before level 20. The result was that I had an army full of level 15-16 weaklings at Kinship's Bond. I also once managed to reach the Rausten level in FE8 with everybody a few levels away from promotion.

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Sacred Stones boogaloos:

I gave all my Angelic Robes to Myrrh.

I didn't give my Secret Books to Lute.

I used all the trainees because people said they were good.

I made Ewan a mage knight.

I didn't use the Lords when they promoted because I thought mounted units were bad b/c low caps *muffled laughter in the background*

But who cares, I played on easy! Wahahah!

Strangely, I didn't make awful mistakes... it makes me sad because I've got nothing funny to tell :(

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I didn't have any sense of preserving my units. I just kind of... let people die willy-nilly. And then I wondered why I couldn't beat Shadow Dragon.

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I picked up the mechanics rather quickly, although there was a lot of little stuff I missed. Like, when playing Sacred stones, I didn't realize thieves could ACTUALLY STEAL THINGS until my third or fourth run.

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Not so much young, as I played FE8 for the first time 2 years ago when I was 14, but hindsight can still you bite you hard in a series like this.

I actually used Colm as a combat unit and got him all the way to lvl 16. Then he died on the penultimate turn of a defend chapter when something finally managed to actually hit him. On the bright side, I got Cormag as a result of wickedly lucky positioning from Eirika.

I thought promotional items would eventually become bountiful, allowing me to promote damn near anyone I wanted. I was wrong. This meant I did things like promote Kyle over Forde, even though the latter had better stats at the time, because I didn't want Kyle to lag behind. I also held off on promoting certain characters, because I didn't want to choose. I ended up making Gilliam a General right before the start of Chapter 19. He still managed to double a few slower monsters somehow.

Also remember Aias? The boss of Eirika's Chapter 13? He was holding a Knight Crest. I didn't realise that Knight Crests were in short supply yet, nor did I realise that the chapter could be ended early if I killed him. But all I did was...surround him. I defeated almost every enemy except the one that give me the best exp, and best item on the map. I still don't know why.

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My first FE4 run went pretty well;

- I didn't get the Hero Axe

- For some reason I thought Ayra and Alec having the same skills meant they'd pair well together.

- I assumed Pursuit would pass down as a class skill, how wrong I was.

- I thought Sylvia's son would be able to fight, so I paired her with Noish

- I didn't realise that it was possible to save midmap until like half way through chapter 2.

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Is it bad that I use Jeigans almost exclusively for meat-shielding? Maybe it's because I don't care about efficiency, because that's pretty much all I use them for. Only exceptions are things like getting to Priscilla's village in time in FE7, as using characters other than Marcus for things like that can have a low success rate.

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Is it bad that I use Jeigans almost exclusively for meat-shielding? Maybe it's because I don't care about efficiency, because that's pretty much all I use them for. Only exceptions are things like getting to Priscilla's village in time in FE7, as using characters other than Marcus for things like that can have a low success rate.

Man, how can you play FE9 without using Titania? The early maps are like totally designed to let her deal with half the map herself whilst your other forces handle the other half. Plus by using her its way easier to hit the BEXP requirements which means your units get more exp anyway if you're scared about her leeching exp!

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Man, how can you play FE9 without using Titania? The early maps are like totally designed to let her deal with half the map herself whilst your other forces handle the other half. Plus by using her its way easier to hit the BEXP requirements which means your units get more exp anyway if you're scared about her leeching exp!

Is that so? Haven't played Tellius yet but I didn't think about it like that.

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Man, how can you play FE9 without using Titania? The early maps are like totally designed to let her deal with half the map herself whilst your other forces handle the other half. Plus by using her its way easier to hit the BEXP requirements which means your units get more exp anyway if you're scared about her leeching exp!

...Huh, I never thought about the BEXP thing that way. Next time I play PoR I might focus on turn counts a bit more. I do tend to use Titania more than Marcus, Frederick, and Sothe though.

I never use Seth either because he kinda breaks the game :XD:

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