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Beat Part 2. Aside from Geoffrey, nobody promoted, and Elincia only got to level three, I think? Maybe five. Wasn't paying too much attention when I realized the Greil Mercenaries were coming up.

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In part 3 you start with the Greil's Mecenaries, but in part 3 chapter 2 some people of part 2 and one unit from part 1 will return.

I finally beat Part 1. I'm just kind of miffed that Micaiah wasn't promoted sooner.

Micaiah was promoted at level 20, Aran at twenty-one, Nolan at twenty-one, Edward at twenty-one, Laura at twenty-one. Sothe is at level sixteen, and Tormod saw some use, enough to put him at level twenty-seven. Now to drop these guys for Crimea.

You're doing easymodo amirite?

Hmm, ok. That might explain why your DBers (specially Sothe) are quite high levelled. Is the color of the file green or blue?

Ok, this explains it.

Be prepared that Sothe won't get any experience, if he has reached level 20. So you shouldn't use him too much in the following Dawn Brigade chapters.

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So, upon starting part 3 I've decided that I'm pretty much gonna stick with Mist, Titania, and Ike, at the very least. Hence why Ike now has Adept and Provoke, and Mist now has Counter and Vantage. Call me crazy, I guess.

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He's only at level fifteen. He's not at twenty, yet.

What I meant, is that you should use Sothe barely in the following chapters. There are four chapters till his promotion, so he should get only one level up in each chapter.

So, upon starting part 3 I've decided that I'm pretty much gonna stick with Mist, Titania, and Ike, at the very least. Hence why Ike now has Adept and Provoke, and Mist now has Counter and Vantage. Call me crazy, I guess.

Adept on Ike is pretty good, because it works on speed. He has a base speed of 23, so his chance of activation is 23%. Provoke is ok, because Ike's defense is good enough.

In general I don't recommend to use Mist for fighting. Her base stats are too weak. Two hits will kill her, a swordmaster would kill her instantly, because of her low speed base. In the beginning she's only useful for healing or giving the final blow. Even after some levels she cannot survive two hits, so be aware of her!

Skills on Mist are kinda pointless. Shade or blossom would be useful for her.

Edited by TalesOf Hysteria
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Shade on Mist is like the best option on the first chapters, but once Ike's Sp catches up, Adept can go to her to increase her chances for killing enemies. The only way she can be fed kills in early P3 is weakening opponents and relying on Bond Florette Crtkills. Once she gets nice levels and enough Str, you can lessen any tension on her, though she's not the best combat unit, but managable and more in EM.

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I've promoted Titania to a Gold Knight, and Mist into a Valkyrie, both on the chapter that is like, loaded with Dragonmasters, I forget the name. Ike's like...almost at level 20.

Edit: It was chapter two.

Edited by Dai
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Oscar's a Silver Knight, now. I managed to get Haar to level 19, too(only six points away from leveling again, no less. Friggin' tease of a game. Some BEXP will remedy that, at least.). However, they were not the MVP. Heather was, in that I used her to pluck a few good riches from the fleeing senators, and some weapons before the turn limit was up.

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I've had Haar, Oscar, Gatrie, and Shinon on the side, more or less. Huh. Counter works at range. I did not know that. Oscar's a Silver Knight, now. I managed to get Haar to level 19, too(only six points away from leveling again, no less. Friggin' tease of a game. Some BEXP will remedy that, at least.). However, they were not the MVP. Heather was, in that I used her to pluck a few good riches from the fleeing senators, and some weapons before the turn limit was up.

Sry for being the square, but double posts aren't good. If a moderator will see it, you could get anger.

I just say it, because it happened to me as well! I double posted and was warned after that.

If you want to add something, just edit your previous post. It makes a better overview and it's easier for us to reply.

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True, I could've done that, but that kind of thing slips my mind after work. Not to mention, I think it's marginally okay to do so in a topic you've made yourself? Probably. I'll try not to do that again, though.

Also, I'm actually kind of stunned. Even though I was expecting it, it's still a bit of a blow to find out that I'm controlling Micaiah and attempting to wipe out the Laguz. Wasn't quite expecting her to be a bit of a Camus archetype. That is the archetype, right?

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I'm actually not using Micaiah as much as I'd like to be in this chapter. Granted, she's doing a lot of healing, but yeah. Sothe's getting more use, but only because I'm just having him do a little clean-up.

Edit: Easy Mode feels more like a harder difficulty to me sometimes. XD But man...I just got lucky with Micaiah pulling off Vantage, Resolve, AND a Critical all at once. She almost got killed by a tiger after being ravaged by three other felines beforehand.

Double Edit: I am so glad that the battle ended as abruptly as it did. XD I thought for sure that I was going to lose Nolan and Volug, if not Edward, too.

Edited by Dai
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So, now I'm at Kaoku Caves. I kind of wish I could have gotten Ike to take out Micaiah, but the Black Knight was being a royal pain.

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This reminds me how I killed the Black Knight on my current run because I forgot that having him survive this chapter is a requirement for Ike's memory scene. To think I miss out on that one yet again. I always screw something up.

Anyway, I usually simply have Ulki or Janaff lure the Black Knight to the north. Afterwards I have them fly around him to block him from going back. They don't need to worry about Eclipse since the BK will always attack them at range. That gives more then enough time to clean up the rest of the Dawn Brigade.

But that's in the past. Now you have to face the wrath of Septimus and his weird movement patterns.

You better have made Ike fight BK

Ike's memory scene can only be unlocked on a second run anyway.

Edited by BrightBow
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I fought him, but Ike was no match for him. XD Well, fight's the wrong word. More like, try and have Ike forge his way through a bunch of insane halberdiers, only to take more than half his health in damge from a ranged Alondite strike, and then have Haar carry him faaar away. It was turn twelve anyway.

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Lol yeah, Septimus's move pattern is kinda weird but I think that's just in EM, because in NM and HM he rushes to SD.

I think he does it in NM too. But of course it's a moot point since Dai is playing Easy mode.

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And I'm sucking even in easy mode, so that's a great sign for any time I do a harder difficulty. XD

I am having fun, though. It's also the first time I've really been actually limiting the number of people I use. I think I tend to have at least two or more spaces left open when choosing units.

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