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Customization Speculation Thread


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Win Waker HD has Hero Mode? Dammit, me want.

Yuuss, do eet do eet, buy MK8, register the code at Club Nintendo account and get free one of WWHD, Pikmin 3, NSMBU or Wii Party U (or wii unparty whatev) as downloadable. This is up to July 31st iirc.

edit: I did this btw :awesome:

Edited by Quintessence
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Maybe for Peach's down special, she could pull multiple turnips, but have them weaker. And the other option that it takes longer to pull them out, but they're super strong (or just pull out items constantly; beam sword, bomb-omb)

Idk what they'll do for Zero Suit, but I hope it has something to do with her jump.

In one of her pictures...

[spoiler=zero suit]screen-6.jpg

It looks like Zero Suit isn't jumping, but hovering. Hopefully one of Up Specials will be hovering with the Jet Boots, instead of just kicking straight up.

Maybe Peach will have less chance in her down B yeah.

Also I can't be sure with Zamus she may be in a jump animation there but I dno for sure, also her neutral b could be evil if the alternate stuns are somehow better lol

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Some THUNDAH on Luigi would be nice, yes

Seeing some other weapons from Uprising for Pit would be nice hopefully at least one for each type besides the ones he already has (Palutena Bow, Guardian Orbitars, Upperdash Arm, I think?)

I'd really like seeing Twinbellows canon in some way

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Some more robot master weapons would be cool for Megaman.

Wave and Ice beam variants for Samus' power beam as well as perhaps the multi-missile thing from Prime 2 and 3. Space Jump + Screw Attack too op

Multi-boomerang for Link, as well as Hurricane Spin, Bomb Arrows, Bomchu's maybe?

Take advantage of Charizard's and Lucario's movepool, give Lucario Flash Cannon and Shadow Ball, Charizard could have Shadow Claw, Outrage, Earthquake maybe.

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Sadly we know already that our B moves won't be completely changing with customization. They will have the same base but work and maybe look somewhat different

Only peoples B's who will change completely on customization are Miis and Palutena

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Going back to Marth for a moment.

Plus you could Shoryuken stuff with that xD.

Also I'm curious to Marth and Ikes counter variations. Timing? Different kind of counter? No clue

It would be great if I can make Ike's counter have it's frames occur immediately like with Marth's. But no way would anyone do vice versa.

I'm hoping for Fire and Ice Arrows for Tlink, maybe Fire would be faster but less damaging and Ice would be slower but freeze the opponent if it catches them. I'm also hoping for a Project M-like Aerial upb for toon link, in which it's just 1 hit that kills and not multihit in the air. I think we saw Marth doing a dash shield breaker in the vid where Sakurai revealed Pac-Man and Mario's customization.

Yep. When I saw it, I was disappointed that they didn't revert SB to his Melee version. Here's hoping that it's his other alteration. And even if not, I'm still curious what that third alteration will be.

For his Up-B Dolphin Slash, I'm predicting the alterations will be: Slow and powerful but doesn't carry him quite as high (like Roy's); or faster execution and carries him higher, but no invincibilty frame at the start like the normal version. I have no idea what they might do for Side-B Dancing Blade.

Since we're talking about customizing moves, we can't forget about the Mii Fighters. Though actually, while I am excited about customizing their entire moveset, I'm more interested in the fact that their page on the main site shows that their series symbol is Smash Bros. This made me wonder (and I've pondered this many times before) if we might be able to choose a series symbol for each of our Mii Fighters to tie them to a particular represented series, which in turn would have them adopt that series' victory theme. Or otherwise, keeping the Smash Bros symbol for your original and/or personal Mii's if you wish (unless you want your personal Mii to be tied to a series. I know I'd tie mine to Fire Emblem in a heartbeat :D: And if it weren't obvious, mine will be a swordfighter, hands down). Which seems like it'll be a possibility either way. In any case, we actually have playable Smash Bros series characters (though technically not), probably with a Smash Bros victory fanfare for the first time in the series. Unless they recycle the "ending" fanfare for Classic/All-Star/ (Melee) Adventure Mode. But I'd be fine with that.

Edited by Baron the Shining Blade
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Miis look fun to mess with but I'll probably not be using them much myself, also you know this customization thing may bring us back Roy in spirit. Maybe Marth can get his style of Bs

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm kind of curious to see how customizable moves will be used (or not used) in like tournaments and stuff. I assume if you are just playing with your friends on the same wii u that you can use custom moves. Some of them seem pretty cool and could lead to different strategies and play styles, etc.

Also, Jedi mentions that Pauletena's custom moves are quite different from each other. So would she be able to use custom moves for online play 'with anyone' mode or whatever its called? (not that anyone could have the answer atm but I just think it is an interesting point)

I would be pretty shocked if they didn't have link and/or tlink arrows change to fire and ice.

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I'm kind of curious to see how customizable moves will be used (or not used) in like tournaments and stuff. I assume if you are just playing with your friends on the same wii u that you can use custom moves. Some of them seem pretty cool and could lead to different strategies and play styles, etc.

Also, Jedi mentions that Pauletena's custom moves are quite different from each other. So would she be able to use custom moves for online play 'with anyone' mode or whatever its called? (not that anyone could have the answer atm but I just think it is an interesting point)

I would be pretty shocked if they didn't have link and/or tlink arrows change to fire and ice.

I'm guessing Palutena will have a standard set of B's or she wouldn't be allowed online with anyone like Miis

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Also I can't be sure with Zamus she may be in a jump animation there but I dno for sure, also her neutral b could be evil if the alternate stuns are somehow better lol

After watching a couple of ZSS videos, I realized you're right.

Oh well, it's not like it would happen anyways. I'd remembered that it had to be variations, not complete changes in movesets (unlike Palutena + Mii Fighters).

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Well, the pattern of customization looks pretty straightforward. Most of the moves we've seen so far have an option that makes it stronger and slower, and one that makes it faster and weaker. I imagine most attacking moves will have this treatment, but some gimmick moves (like Kirby's Inhale) will get new gimmick effects, by the look of it.

Things like Fire and/or Ice Arrows for Link seem pretty likely, especially considering Fire Arrows are a throwback to Young Link in Melee haha.

Maybe for Peach's down special, she could pull multiple turnips, but have them weaker. And the other option that it takes longer to pull them out, but they're super strong (or just pull out items constantly; beam sword, bomb-omb)

Idk what they'll do for Zero Suit, but I hope it has something to do with her jump.

In one of her pictures...

[spoiler=zero suit]screen-6.jpg

It looks like Zero Suit isn't jumping, but hovering. Hopefully one of Up Specials will be hovering with the Jet Boots, instead of just kicking straight up.

Solid theory, you might be right there.

Some more robot master weapons would be cool for Megaman.

Wave and Ice beam variants for Samus' power beam as well as perhaps the multi-missile thing from Prime 2 and 3. Space Jump + Screw Attack too op

Multi-boomerang for Link, as well as Hurricane Spin, Bomb Arrows, Bomchu's maybe?

Beh. HurricaneSpinshouldhavebeenFS Bombchus are an item so we know that's not happening, but I'm sure we'll see some kind of variation on the bombs. Bomb Arrows sound like a good idea to me. Beam variants sound great for Samus as well.

As for Megaman, I know we aren't getting extra alternate moves on him like we are with Palutena and the Miis (which is bullshit by the way, if that kind of moveset treatment is appropriate for ANYONE, it's Megaman), BUT it's important to note that a lot of Robot Master weapons behave rather similarly, which I THINK leaves open the possibility that we can get extra Robot Master weapons with slightly different effects.


Metal Blade => Shadow Blade, Rolling Cutter, Quick Boomerang, etc.

Crash Bomb => Drill Missile, Dive Missile, Napalm Bomb, (lots of different horizontal bombing moves), etc.

Rush Coil => Rush Jet and stuff

Leaf Shield => Star Crash, Plant Barrier, Skull Barrier, Jewel Satellite, etc.

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Maybe for Samus neutral B we will get some different beam types. Or maybe a rapid fire beam. Seems like the most obvious options. Side B could maybe be seeker missiles (the 5 shot burst from Prime series.) Or perhaps the beam variations of super missile. i suppose maybe boost ball or spider ball could be used for down B or recovery... But that probably varies too much from mines or screw attack. Maybe we'll get a charge up down B that becomes a power bomb. Or death ball from Echoes multi-player :p

I would love if Ike got a ranged attack too. I like playing as the FE characters, but it would be nice to have more options. I actually wanna see more special move variations. Hopefully we'll see some more in the PotDs. Although I don't mind seeing the costumes.

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These are all great ideas, but in a lot of cases, I think the most likely thing is that it'll just be the base attack with modified properties. After all, Mario's Ice Flower powerup wasn't anywhere to be seen in his neutral-B special alts. As much as I like these ideas, most of them (including my own) are probably less likely than the Mario treatment. Well, we can hope, eh?

Edited by BANRYU
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