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FE7 LHM + HHM LTC Run COMPLETE - 179 Turns


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  1. 1. Who will have the most kills by the end of the playthrough?

  2. 2. Who will enter the most battles?

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Finally a moderately interesting chapter after Lyn Mode. Not gonna lie, not looking forward to chapter 15. Though I am definetely curious for Chapter 16. I'm guessing you'll robeflorina skip it.

Yeah 16 is probably going to be pretty boring since its just Florina dropping Marcus and Hector and stuff

I realized that if I want the silver card (which I'm not sure I do honestly) i'll have to give Matthew 2 levels (which wouldn't be hard but...) I want outside opinions on this before I have him kill a few enemies in chapter 15. Is it worth it? Will it cost a turn (my guess is yes)?

Also I could theoretically have three Paladins in 17x, although I doubt i'll promote Lowen early.

EDIT: just by counting squares, i'll be able to get the silver card. I'll find Matthew level 4 then.

Edited by General Horace
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i don't think silver card costs a turn, since espinosa 3-turned 19x with the silver card and i 3-turned it on 0% growths without the card.

but you don't really need it, especially if you manage your purchases well. you're probably going to spend all of your money at the chapter 22 secret shop, and then anything extra you get after that (i.e., louise's white gem) is more than enough to provide enough killers for the rest of the run.

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yeah its definately not required, but i'll probably get it anyway. I think Matt can get level 4 in chapter 15 by killing only three enemies anyhow.

Chapter 15 recorded, but I'm going to make dinner so it likely won't be up for a while Eliwood reaches level 8!

Edited by General Horace
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tonight turned into tomorrow

hopefully i'll get chapter 16 done soon.

EDIT: the ai seems to prioritize 11 defence Hector over 6 defence florina ragequit

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Lowen is on SPEED


got both villages, nobody died, 3 turns. Hopefully chapter 17 will be more interesting!

I've also opted to get the Knight Crest instead of the Hero Crest and the Unlock staff like Espinosa did, I'll want an unlock staff for endgame, but they're buyable in Eubans' chapter secret shop. This will let me promote Lowen much earlier than he did, and I don't intend on actually promoting any hero crest users (raven is a very long shot).

In any case it won't be needed for a long time. I'll do my comparison thing after chapter 17. The boss is a chump, I don't even use armourslaying or killer weapons!

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my guess is he is, but you miss out on the knight crest. My Marcus and Kent could both orko the boss with heavy spear, so they could go over and rescue the dudes out of the way for raven. I'm actually almost 100% sure its possible.

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my guess is he is, but you miss out on the knight crest. My Marcus and Kent could both orko the boss with heavy spear, so they could go over and rescue the dudes out of the way for raven. I'm actually almost 100% sure its possible.

Ah, I see. Now upload C17

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aaaand here's the actual chapter 17.


and a exp comparison from the other run too,

HECTOR     09.15 27 14 09 08 05 12 04
MARCUS  ??/04.XX 33 17 17 11 10 11 08
LOWEN      09.20 28 12 08 11 05 13 01
KENT       08.54 27 11 11 10 03 06 06
SAIN    13/03.16 31 19 09 20 08 13 03
FLORINA    08.87 27 10 12 14 13 07 05
ELIWOOD    06.81 22 10 06 11 11 10 02
PRISCILLA  04.33 too lazy

HECTOR     09.83 26 13 09 10 06 12 02
MARCUS  ??/04.07 33 18 16 14 10 12 10
LOWEN      12.40 32 12 08 16 08 11 03
KENT    12/03.11 34 17 18 18 04 13 05
SAIN       07.85 23 12 05 09 08 08 00
FLORINA    09.50 31 10 12 16 08 06 08
ELIWOOD    09.64 25 12 10 13 13 10 05
PRISCILLA  04.57 16 07 06 09 07 03 07

The only real big differences are Eliwood's and Lowen's huge level lead, and my Marcus is a lot better. Espi also funneled a lot more exp into Erk and Matthew (for some reason...), so that's where the outlying exp is probably.

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Man, FE7 is great. I haven't seen that Florina dialogue before. Maybe Wil, Sain, Kent, and Lyn can also trigger some conversations?

Anyway, fantastic chapters so far, Horace. Man, Lowen is so blessed.

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in my old S rank run, it took i think 27? turns in chapter 10 of nils dancing and tanking three enemies so yeah. Its honestly not that interesting of a chapter anyway, its just blitz the boss with a bunch of stupid poison weapons.

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