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FE7 LHM + HHM LTC Run COMPLETE - 179 Turns


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in my old S rank run, it took i think 27? turns in chapter 10 of nils dancing and tanking three enemies so yeah. Its honestly not that interesting of a chapter anyway, its just blitz the boss with a bunch of stupid poison weapons.

Yeah, I remember unlocking 19xx once and regretting it. It really wasnt worth the dance grinding and Kishuna killing for me.

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They're buyable in chapter 21, then not till endgame. Chapter 21 is theoretically 1 turnable, but it needs a crit, which seems lame.

I honestly don't think I need all that many if any more pure waters though. Barrier staves should be enough.

Edited by General Horace
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They're buyable in chapter 21, then not till endgame. Chapter 21 is theoretically 1 turnable, but it needs a crit, which seems lame.

I honestly don't think I need all that many if any more pure waters though. Barrier staves should be enough.

Rig that crit.

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^ Actually, most people 5 turn. It's usually viewed as lame because doing the 4 turn usually results in others having to rig it too and it needlessly makes the very first chapter incredibly annoying for everyone that wants to try and beat the other :P. But this is another case entirely. I'm sure no one will mind the rig. Except Espinosa if he wants to beat your TC in the future.

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I could, but hacking the game isn't really true to the spirit of the run. It'd only make it easier, since the enemies there are a very high level, and there's an extra statbooster there (dracoshield i think) and a gem too, so yeah.

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I think i'm going to 5 turn dragon's gate, I think the member card saves the one turn it costs, plus i'll get Legault and his stuff too, and I won't have to promote Florina.

19x in 3 turns with a bunch of stuff.

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its just stuff like getting canas to warp without extra staves, getting priscilla to promote without barrier/physic spam, and stuff like that. It also has chest keys, which may or may not be useful, and I'm pretty sure the unlock staff saves a turn in endgame anyway, and I didn't get the one in Chapter 17.

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chapter 20!

I was going to give Marcus the bosskill here so he could have 3% more crit on the boss next chapter over Kent (since Kent doesn't have S Lances) but i decided it wasn't worth it.

I'm also failing to see a way to do chapter 22 in 2 turns even if i rig florina javelin crits. And thats not even worrying about getting Rath.

Also I went ahead and did the 1 turn clear of chapter 21. It took surprisingly little RN burning.

EDIT: I'm actually 99% sure a 2 turn isn't possible, have to move too far.

Also my Heath is screwed one point of skill, speed and res, and blessed in one point of Strength ;/ I might rig his stats to be better though.


I could rig another crit, but i'm not sure if I want to have to rig low% crits every chapter. Opinions?

ok, so here's the lowdown

If i rig a crit on Eubans, I'm able to visit the secret shop, recruit heath, and recruit rath

Marcus can do it with 8% crit. I miss out on the braveaxe and 10000g though, the brave axe might be needed for genesis, but I doubt it honestly.

Should I rig the crit? You guys seemed in favour of the Chapter 21 one, but i'm not sure if the opinion will be the same.

There's also a chance that I can 2 turn living legend, but I doubt I'd be able to reach 700 exp,

Edited by General Horace
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On Low% crit rigging. On efficiency runs rigging anything is bad (though I would do it to hit a lulzy 99% miss or something). But when you try to LTC you pretty much have to rig. Just don't make it over the top BS-y. Not like those tool assisted runs where enemies always miss and your units always crit.

As for chapter 22. Can't you ferry Ninian over so she can dance for Isadora on turn 2 for a handaxe crit BS finish?

Edited by Silith
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Hmm even with the books he would need to be level 15 on average. a steep amount of exp is required to have him so far this early. It's a bit ironic how skill is such an important stat on him.

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i still haven't used my secret books tbh, I was saving them in case I spent too much money somewhere and I needed something to sell.

Marcus is only level 4, and I think he's sitting at 16 skill, so two books would bring him up to 10 crit on Eubans, which isn't too bad really. I think I'll do that.

I have to kill Eubans on the EP, so Isadora can't attack him with the hand axe. Thanks for the feedback guys.

Someone one youtube posted something that might allow me to 4 turn chapter 20, so i'm gonna look into that first.

EDIT: Successfully 4 turned chapter 20, with everything acquired except the blue gem. Thanks to lapogn36 on youtube for pointing out it was possible (also if you're an SF user say so too!)

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