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Favorite Chapter?


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Maybe it had a different name in Japanese or something.

Why would you be playing the Japanese version of it?

Just admit you made a mistake and were wrong, Ana. No one's going to report you for it. That's only if you get pedantic.

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Who said I was playing the Japanese version? I meant that perhaps "Incandescent Glow" is the Japanese name.

Narga: I don't remember. I'm bad at remembering chapter numbers. xP

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Honestly, I find almost every FE chapter annoying, apart from FE4 chapters.

FE4: All of them

FE5: None

FE6: None

FE7: Final

FE8: None

FE9: Endgame

FE10: Last 4 final chapters

FE11: None

FE12: Final

FE13: Apotheosis if it counts

Nope. I remember it clearly due to how much I liked it. It was titled "The Kauku Caves."

Maybe it had a different name in Japanese or something.

He's right.

Edited by Chiki
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It's Incandescent Glow. I'll never forget the chapter name because I fucking hate it.

EDIT: not the name, the chapter. the name is cool.

Edited by Integrity
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It's Incandescent Glow. I'll never forget the chapter name because I fucking hate it.

EDIT: not the name, the chapter. the name is cool.

I'm glad you clarified.

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Well then, how is it that "Incandescent Glow" is entirely unfamiliar to me while "The Kauku Caves" is the name I recall seeing on my chapter title screen?

But whatever, it's not like the title matters.

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FE6: None of the chapters were either memorable or interesting to me.

FE7: Cog of Destiny.
FE8: Scorched Sand.

FE9: Clash!

FE10: 3-E. Also, 4-2.

FESD: The game as a whole was rather unmemorable, so none.

FE13: Chapter 11, 19, 20 (Divine Decree), An Ill Presage (Chaos), Endgame

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Well then, how is it that "Incandescent Glow" is entirely unfamiliar to me while "The Kauku Caves" is the name I recall seeing on my chapter title screen?

But whatever, it's not like the title matters.

Human memory is faulty.

Edited by AMCC4728
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on the top of my head id say

FE4: chapter 5. chapter 9 was also good

FE6: the final chapter

FE7: can't remember

FE8: the final chapter. it's the only one i remember

FE9: the final chapter

FE10: chapter 3-13

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Well then, how is it that "Incandescent Glow" is entirely unfamiliar to me while "The Kauku Caves" is the name I recall seeing on my chapter title screen?

But whatever, it's not like the title matters.

Titles do matter when there as sweet sounding as that. Another great chapter title I like is Zephiel's chapter, The Never Ending Dream. Really conveys the sense of commitment and resolve to his cause.

Edited by Jotari
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lol FE7 has much worse chapter design than FE6

i like chapter 13 a lot. chapter 24 is also quite fun when you have a lot of boots.

I would agree, but in FE there are few really, really awful chapters (8, 16, 16x and few other). However, overall FE6 is more interesting to play.


FE5: Ugh, that will be hard...I love this game design! Really it's amazing. I like especially few ow those really big map like 24x, 21, 14. However my most favorite chapters are 4-7. IMO hardest in game, but I like them.

FE6:I don't know this game very well. I like 7.

FE7:23B because you get Wallance in this chapter and He is superOPunit!!!111, because you can end it in few turn(2?).

FE8:Desert Chapter. Only desert chapter, which I like.

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Posted · Hidden by Integrity, June 22, 2014 - yeah that's totally unnecessary
Hidden by Integrity, June 22, 2014 - yeah that's totally unnecessary

Well, this is true, admittedly.

So you admit to remembering wrong?

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FE1/11 : don't really have any

FE3/12 : I like the whole dragon trek, but especially 12

FE4 : 5, 9 and 10

FE5 : 5, 13, 14, 16A, 22

FE6 : I love those in Bern except the Dragon Shrine

FE7 : HHM 25, the one with the three forts

FE8 : Ephraim 14, which feels like a mini Bern Keep

FE9 : 21

FE10 : hard to mention only a few

FE13 : can't think of any, they feel really bland

Edited by Woodshooter
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FE 4: None. Terrible level design all around. Never managed to finish the game because I always fell asleep playing it.

FE5: All of them. If I had to choose... My top 3 picks would be Chapter 6: The Escape, Chapter 17B: The first rain of May and Chapter Final: An Undying Oath.

Chapter 6 for being the gold standard for escape maps: multiple escape routes, great risk reward mechanics, optional objectives, excellent reward for smart usage of your single flying unit and a built in mechanism to force the player to complete it as fast as possible.

Chapter 17B for having good risk reward mechanics (use civilians to make it easier or go for the promotion item), an optional mechanic to trade gold for another avenue of attack and having the best chapter name of all time.

Chapter Final for being a final chapter done right: a final test of teamwork and team composition, not only stats, with multiple fronts of battle and minibosses. The boss being weak but potentially dangerous is another plus.

FE6: Chapter 16: Retaking the capital. Solid chapter with lots of stuff going on... optional objectives, chests, 2 fronts, status effects, etc. Maps in general were too big, though.

FE7: Chapter 19xx: A Glimpse in Time (Hector mode exclusive). Getting to this is a pain, but it's worth it. Interesting FoG of war map with a dangerous boss and annoying thieves. Lot's of ways you can tackle this one. The plot development is also great.

FE8: Chapter 15: Scorched Sand. The best desert map in the series, easily. Multiple fronts, good terrain variety. Also a turning point in the game's plot, featuring two important bosses. One thing that could make this better is if the bosses became agressive in Hard mode after a certain number of turns.

FE9: Chapter Final: Repatriation. The second best final chapter of the series, mainly because of 3 things: the homecoming feeling, generic enemies having skills and Ashnard moving in hard mode. The laguz royal mechanic is also cool and offers replayability. Honorable mention for Chapter 22: Solo, for actually using the shove mechanic in a novel, interesting way.

FE10: Part 3: Chapter 3: River Crossing. Good map layout, an interesting objective with a turn limit, rewards smart usage of a flying unit and the senate guys mechanic. Oh, and an optional objective involving the freedom of horses. We need more of those. If all chapters had that level of care...

FE11: Bad level design all around. Somewhat forgivable, considering it was the first game in the series.

FE12: Slighty better than FE11, but still bad. Chapter 10x: The Mask Laughs was kinda funny though, with the Roro clones mechanic.

FE13: Not even worth talking about. Worst chapter / level design in the series together with Gaiden.

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My favorite chapters:

FE6: Chapter 10, Lalum's Route (The Rebel Forces)
FE7: Chapter 28x(H) (Night of Farewells)
FE8: Chapter 9, Ephraim's Route (Fort Rigwald)
FE9: Tie between Chapter 17 (Day Breaks) and Chapter 21 (Without a King)
FE10: Chapter 3-4 (The General's Hand)
FE11: Chapter 23 (Dark Pontifex)
FE12: Chapter 17 (Gra's Setting Sun)
FE13: Chapter 25 (To Slay a God)

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  • 4 weeks later...

Not quite a month, so I think I'll revive this~

FE6: Still need to finish it, but the chapter where you rescue Lillina is pretty cool in my opinion.

FE7: Cog of Destiny can drag on but it's pretty epic. I also like Final Chapter: Light.

FE8: Easily Scorched Sand, one of the better chapters I've played in the series and I don't even like Sacred Stones all that much. Phantom Ship is really frustrating, but at the same time I kind of like it, perhaps for being one of the few challenging chapters in the game (assuming no tower abuse)

FE9: Too many good chapters to list. Chapter 8 (Despair and Hope) for the atmosphere and the game finally opening up. Chapter 18 (Crimea Marches) is pretty great for a variety of things to deal with (recruiting Shinon, dealing with Naesela) and it has cool design. It's also when the game starts to feel like a true war.

The ship chapter with Gatrie and Astrid, as well as the one with all the priests, get points for being pretty unique.

FE10: Also too many good chapters. 2-E (Ellincia's Gambit) is awesome, although Haar sort of breaks it. Half of Part 3 has great chapters, specifically 3-E (In Pain, Awakening) for the atmosphere, 3-13 (Blood Contract) because I like defense maps, and 3-6 (A Reason to Fight) for reintroducing the Dawn Brigade, usually somewhat competent by this point.

3-7 (Rivals Collide) is also satisfying because you get to rip said Dawn Brigade to shreds. The fact that the goal is to "survive" is hilarious.

Finally, 4-E-2. Facing down the Black Knight, mano-a-mano. Doesn't get much better than that.

FE11: Meh.

FE13: Meh for the most part, much as I love the game itself. Chapter 22 (An Ill Presage) is cool though, being basically a boss rush.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Out of the entire series, my favorite chapter has to be FE8's rausten defense level. You have tons of threatening promoted enemies charging you, tons of deployment spaces and powerful lategame units to work with, and allies to "help". It's just a good chapter.

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