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Anyone here use TVTropes?


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So basically T.V Tropes is an inaccurate website filled with lazy editors, fetishes, and is probably worse than 4chan?

Not even close lol, nothing can compare to 4chan. Or gamefaqs

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I have never visited the forum because of what I have been told about it.

I like to visit the main site and read stuff, I've learned a lot about movies, books and games through it, more useless knowledge than I need. I wish some entries were much less opinionated, but hoping for that on the Internet is like asking the ocean to be less wet.

Edited by Knight
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Oh my goodness. Just when I think I'm done I see another one that makes me think "people wouldn't actually have examples of THEMSELVES being this, would they?".

I've gone there a few times out of curiousity. Now I kind of want to visit the forums.

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Now I kind of want to visit the forums.

You don't want to do this.

Now granted this was about a year ago and it's allegedly been cleaned up since, but back in that day? If a guy openly stated he was a paedophile and you made any insult towards him about it, the mods would side against you.

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You don't want to do this.

Now granted this was about a year ago and it's allegedly been cleaned up since, but back in that day? If a guy openly stated he was a paedophile and you made any insult towards him about it, the mods would side against you.

There's having opinions then there's THIS shit. Thank goodness the fourm is so called "clean" now.

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gamefaqs would be worse if it weren't funnier/more entertaining than /v/. god, /v/ is awful.

/v/ was entertaining before everyone started migrating from /pol/, even if it felt like everyone was trying as hard as they could to hate all games. It's hard enough dealing with complaining about jews and blacks on one board, reading that shit when I just want to discuss RPGs or something is really annoying.

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There are definitely worse sites than 4chan, just like Reddit there's shit parts and for the most of it, good parts. Anything outside of /v/vg/a/b/ is fine and has what you would expect from a site with slightly more lenient rules.

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There are definitely worse sites than 4chan, just like Reddit there's shit parts and for the most of it, good parts. Anything outside of /v/vg/a/b/ is fine and has what you would expect from a site with slightly more lenient rules.


/pol/ seeps into other boards, spreading like a disease. soon there will be nothing but /pol/.

enjoy the last days.

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I've also seen pages of misanthropic garbage on adv, fit, co, tg, and probably others

I mean you can find a lot of, if not all the same sorts of repugnant things that get posted on 4chan elsewhere, but it seemed to me the last time I gave visiting a shot like the proper etiquette to responding to something misanthropic on 4chan was basically limited to trying to sarcastically one-up their misanthropy, non-sarcastically trying to one-up their misanthropy, or speaking out and getting thrown up on. like, honestly clueless posts seemed to be routinely called trolls

I had a hard time not seeing it as both a god-awful place for socially maladjusted people to go and a flytrap for them, like it reinforced being and feeling like an asshole

I've also heard some people say they can shrug it off, and acting like an abrasive asshole is just how people talk to each other there, but tbh I have a couple problems with that:

A)I've actually been in communities/social groups where that was sort of the case, and even in ones where things were more or less fine more often than not, big misunderstandings had a way of happening, and left a lot of people there worse off emotionally. and

B) about half of the shit like that I've seen on 4chan didn't really sound that self-aware, it just sounded angry and lost in its own awful self-reinforcing world

And honestly the thing that scares me most about it is that I know there are plenty of intelligent, creative, kind people on 4chan. I've seen plenty of thoughtful posts, and I've seen plenty of those get thrown up on

I feel like one of 4chan's problems is that without doing something like tracing somebody's IP address to be sure it's them, there is no real way to level with somebody without, like, leaving the website. There's no I have a hard time discerning one shitty, angry post from another in a sea of shitty, angry posts, no way to know if the person you were having a relatively cordial conversation with for a couple of posts is the same person who just told you to literally kill yourself or that you're everything that's wrong with whatever

Seems like it makes for a really bad place to have brain problems, much less "just" social problems

4chan culture(s) might just be all the things that fuel my social anxiety wrapped up into one package, though

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stormfront is literally all bad. i only name stormfront because it's popular; there's thousands, if not tens of thousands of sites like it. and for someone that's lurked both stormfront and /pol/, i can say confidently that pretty much almost exclusively really bored or really bad people go to those places.

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when a white supremacist website can be considered popular that makes me very sad (I had to look up what it was, though)

I can't imagine good things about /pol/, but I suppose I was considering 4chan as its one whole community.

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well, it's no reddit or 4chan, but lots of people know about stormfront. i don't think it's a popular place to be, though.

and yeah, true. as a community, 4chan isn't all bad. it's got /po/, papercraft and origami. they're all nice there.

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The amount of shit-filled and hateful comments can really drive one out of 4chan but then once in a while people have a polite fucking conversation and it's about the best discussion you can find on hugely popular sites.

Like, there was one thread on /sp/ about South America and it devolved into racist shit flinging between Chile, Argentina, Colombia, Brazil, etc. And then the next CONMEBOL thread is nothing but people sincerely discussing the sport and rooting for all other latin american sides.

But even then, there were people who randomly tried to start shit. There were multiple "who /anti-semite/ here" posts.

Some of its boards can be good at times is the take-away point here. But like all websites with a massive userbase, the collective community is fuck.

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Another part of the problem might be that I seem to catch it on a bad day more often than not

It'd be cool to hear when you're on/find a good thread, the sane people on 4chan can actually be quite nice to talk to, yes.

I remember having a very nice conversation with somebody in an lgbt thread

and then somebody came in and called some people faggots

except the implication was actually that they were the wrong kind of faggots, or whatever

an Ed, Edd n'Eddy memecap followed their post

basically a microcosm of my posting experience

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Now granted this was about a year ago and it's allegedly been cleaned up since, but back in that day? If a guy openly stated he was a paedophile and you made any insult towards him about it, the mods would side against you.

You know... as someone who actually saw a discussion on the TVT Final Fantasy thread involving the Dirge of Cerberus character Sheike the Translucent end when one of the Mods personally came in and told one of the people arguing to "stop supporting pedoshit" I am gonna have to call bullshit on that.

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Now granted this was about a year ago and it's allegedly been cleaned up since, but back in that day? If a guy openly stated he was a paedophile and you made any insult towards him about it, the mods would side against you.

read my posts before replying

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