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Using few units

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So my first run was a total bomb. I got stuck on Chapter 10 due to poorly leveled units.

From what I've noticed, the cavalry units did absolutely nothing for me besides die.

I was thinking it would be better to just level up a few units.









Would this team be able to take to endgame? Or should I at least have Frey/Abel/Cain and a few more units?

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if you thought cain/abel/frey were kinda useless you're in for a surprise for the rest of the game....

Try to pick one in the prologue and pump them with levels if you had issues, they should come out of it extremely overlevelled and should just steamroll the game. The units you listed up above are all pretty good (Minerva is pretty ehhh but she's one of the better prepremotes). Like the above user said, Barst is really strong, and Hardin is really good too. Feena isn't in fe11 though, no dancers.

But if you're deadset on using nobody else but the units you listed in the OP, you should be fine. Generally you have an easier time beating FE games with a smaller team than a bigger one.

Navarre is pretty mediocre too. I'd use someone like Barst or Hardin instead, and just give his sword to Ogma, who's pretty much better forever. The ballisticians you get later in the game are pretty overpowered too, even if their stats are poor.

Edited by General Horace
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Like Horace said, pick one cav to focus on in the prologue (Ive always felt that Frey is the best). Marth and Frey can both come out of the prologue around LV 6-7 if you milk every enemy as much as possible.

Boss abuse with 2 range weaponry when possible. Chapters 1 and 4 are good ones early on.

Caeda has the W!nspear. Forge it.

Barst has amazing bases, use him. Merc!Barst with an iron sword forge until he hits D rand sword for Steel is extremely deadly. Or keep him a Fighter or Pirate, hes great either way.

Ogma is pretty inferior to Barst but he starts with C rank Swords and enough SPD to double most enemies which makes him really good in Chapters 2 and 3.

Merric and Linde have extremely powerful tomes that make them good to use.

Wendell has an amazing SPD base. Reclass him to Sniper or Dracoknight and he is pretty good.

Wolf and Sedgar are really good. Reclass one of them to General and then warp them into enemy territory and watch every enemy tink them on enemy phases as the gain LVs.

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Would Sedgar and Wolf be able to cover General and Berserker(?) by themselves?

I was planning to take Ogma instead of Barst, but everyone seems to like Barst more. I supposed he should turn into a Berserker?

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certain classes in this game (dracoknight/paladin in class A, and Hero in class B) are a LOT stronger than other classes, due to having better stats (especially in hero's case) so don't be afraid to have some of the same units in the same class. Unless you want to for fun or just like having one of each class, almost all of class B will be at their best in the hero class.

General isn't that bad for class B either, and Wolf and Sedgar make excellent generals. if you want one of them to be a berserker, you'll probably want a few levels in Hero or General first since their bases as a Berserker are really bad.

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Caeda will be a Falcon Knight and Minerva will be a Dracoknight. I love these two classes, but I hate the fact that they are weak to arrows. So those two will probably my only two fliers.

Would it be alright to make Wolf AND Sedgar both Generals? It seems silly, but I really like the class. Ogma will be a Hero and Barst will be a Berserker.

I just noticed I don't have a bow user on my current team.

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Generals use bows in this game.

It's fine making them both generals, it's probably their best class.

The default bow users are pretty weak in general. You could probably just used Jeorge (prepremoted sniper that joins in chapter 9) if you're really desparate. He's not that good statistically, but he has a really high bow rank so he still hits pretty hard. Or you could make Ogma a Horseman or something.

Is the wifi shop still open for Elysian whips?

Edited by General Horace
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you don't have to lock any character in a certain class. one of the strongest advantages for class set A units is that they can change between dracoknight and paladin, with both offering 10 mov and the former granting flying vs. the latter's lack of bow weakness and extra res. the sentence "caeda will be my falcoknight" makes little sense in this game because you can just switch her into paladin if you are concerned about a bow weakness in a particular map.

caeda is actually much better as a dracoknight because they have a high base str that helps fix one of her biggest problems.

Bow is actually a completely game changing weapon in DSFE and kinda broken for casual plays. DSFE AI tends to aim for unit who can't counter IIIRC so bows are a huge priority for them.

this is false. in FE12, they care about maximizing damage, not avoiding counters.

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If you're making Caeda a dracoknight, it's probably better to give her one sooner rather than later since she'll likely be speed capped and her growths in other stats are so bad you might as well just get the huge strength boost now. Otherwise, you can probably wait to be honest. Just promote somebody if you start having issues.

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Level 20 is the level cap for units that aren't marth, Julian, Rickard and the ballisticians. It is generally recommended not to wait that long to promote a unit. Especially if the unit is starting to get real weak and the promotion would fix them.

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