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What other FMVs could there have been?

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I'm pretty sure I noticed this ages ago, but when I was looking at the FMVs for this game recently, I noticed they're not numbered in sequence internally and that got me thinking a bit.

What if there were more movies planned, but for some reason (budget or whatever) they were scrapped before they were even made?

Then the obvious question to follow: what would those movies have been about?

s01 is Ike and Greil sparring in the Prologue.

s02 is Greil dueling with the Black Knight in Chapter 7.

s03 is the Laguz gathering in Chapter 14.

Then we jump to s05 where the forums get revived in Chapter 17.

...and s08 which is the final scene during the epilogue, some ten chapters later.

If I was the director, s04 would be meeting Sanaki in Begnion (although the ordering doesn't make sense in the current timeline). s06 would have been Ike promoting or rallying the soldiers towards Daein and finally s07 would be Ashnard being badass.

Oh actually, they could totally have made a FMV of Ike rallying the soldiers in the final chapter. So maybe swap s06 with this or have it combined with s07, so you see both sides rallying their troops.

I don't have access to FE9's files to investigate, so I'm just guessing for fun here.

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I would have loved a scene where Rhys discovers Elincia by the thicket. Then Ike and the others come to take a look.

It would end with a zoom in on Elincia's face :3

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Haha, imagine Berserk Ashnard for an FMV.

But that would be detremental considering you'd have to unlock it via Difficult Mode.

I know to a lot of people here, Difficult Mode isn't that hard, but you have to remember that to people outside of the veterans, Fire Emblem is a BRUTAL series.

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File list (9 files):










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My idea for s04 would be a scene that shown the mercs arriving at Begnion and they look around and see the city, it's people and naturally the Tower of Guidance

Since Begnion's history, society and traditions are what drives the plot in the following chapters, I believe it would have been a good idea to start that part of the story by allowing players to really take in the city. Besides, it's a shame that this cool city design is only seen in a single low res image.

For the others, to be honest I think that these cutscenes might not have actually been intended to show anything that was in the finished game at all since I do find the story structure in PoR a bit weird. The revival of Serenes Forest should be the end of the second act of the story, leaving only the big finale. Yet there are still tons of chapters left. The game had a really tight story up to this point but after that chapter the game starts to really drag out.

A theory of mine is that Part 4 of Radiant Dawn is based on what was original intended to be the third act of PoR. Ashnard was originally going to be defeated earlier in the game. For example at the Daein capital since this is were the awakening of Yune and Ashera happened in RD. The real showdown would occur at the Tower of Guidance until it was decided to reserve that part for another console game, leaving PoR with a third act that is mostly filler and doesn't have a particular epic conclusion... and by extension Radiant Dawn with three parts that only seem to exist to get the story to a point were PoR already was.

So I could imagine that they planned cutscenes that show Ashera waking up and turning the people to stone or show the Tower of Guidance in it's golden light when the survivors approach it.

Edited by BrightBow
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That is an interesting theory, but it conflicts with the way the Galdr of Release is worked into the story in PoR. Having Elena know the song and sing it to Mist who has the medallion and knows the melody seems like too important a plot detail for so early in the story to have just been written into the narrative later on in development. It basically is proof of the fact you need a descendant of Altina (or at the least, someone specific) to be able to release Yune, since Mist has been doing it for ages without any side effects.

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