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SS Serenes: Election for Cook underway!


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  1. 1. Who makes good food?

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*✲゚*。✧ Congratulations to Captain Duck ! *✲゚*。✧

May he traverse the open seas with much glee, spreading joys wherever he be.

Now all he needs is his parrot Poly (ノ´ヮ´)ノ*:・゚✧

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Oi, cap'n, oi feel 's if ta other rats here don' have a true sailor's heart. B'ware of ey mutiny

Oi'm not cap'n o' this 'ere ship no more, but oi'll be keeping me oiyes peeled.

Anon is the fucking best hahahahahahahahaha


HAHAR! The praise be appreciated lads!

Too bad J isn't a nominee yet. Having her as Duck's parrot..lovely

'Ell, oi ain't got an oidea 'at to say tah that.

You know what, I'll join too, just for the heck of it. You have your fifth nominee Glac

Oi, a parrot o' that skill ain't somethin' ya can keep in a cage!


A pleasure, cap'n.

Can Kimberly be like second mate or something

Or she can be yer mate, YAHAHAR!

*✲゚*。✧ Congratulations to Captain Duck ! *✲゚*。✧

May he traverse the open seas with much glee, spreading joys wherever he be.

Now all he needs is his parrot Poly (ノ´ヮ´)ノ*:・゚✧

Oi don't believe Poly be around 'ere, lass.

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Can Kimberly be like second mate or something



Rogntudju !

I be gettin' back to meself's farm tah be milkin' mah goat, and I be missin' all dah fun again.

So... When dah weddin' will be hapenin' ?

Dammin' that slackin' young'un

I'd be bringin' a barrel full of fresh goat milk for dah Cap'n Duck.

Me be hopin' he'll be enjoyin' it whith his crew.

Me bring mah goat, so hopefoolishely, me no be missin' much.

Miss Glaceon, can you be helpin' me keepin' mah beasts safe ?

Be sure Babe be eatin' well.

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