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Lucina and Robin CONFIRMED!


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I was hoping so bad for Lyn to be announced. Seems like she will simply be a trophy once again.

But still, although Lucina looks to be a total clone of Marth, Robin's gameplay with the sword/magic tomes looks awesome.

Kind of weird to see that they put so much efforts into one character to scamp the other one

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I wonder what the possibility of hooded robin being an alt is?

If the gender variant isn't considered Robin's alternate costume, I'd say it's 100% likely that Hooded Robin will be the alt, given Little Mac got the same treatment.

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What if.


Can you...




What if they were trolling us this whole time and Lucina actually has different set of abilities?

Because what I saw doesn't say Marth's skill set.

I'm dead serious.

Not the same.

Not even remotely the same. No matter how many time I see this, I see it as different from Marth's dual strike.

They're clone.

Lucina and Marth are not.

So, we have Famitsu confirming she's a complete clone with hitbox alterations.

Thank you for proving your hopes were just character bias.

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even if she's exactly the same thing down to hitboxes it's still cool because it's an action figures game with more action figures

Exactly! We have Marth, Ike and Robin; three unique fighters. Lucina may not have a unique moveset, but neither did Falco and Wolf... TWO clones of Fox in Brawl. It's more support and attention for Fire Emblem, which is brilliant. Especially considering the gradual decline of the series before Awakening.

Edited by Red Falcon
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Exactly! We have Marth, Ike and Robin; three unique fighters. Lucina may not have a unique moveset, but neither did Falco and Wolf... TWO clones of Fox in Brawl. It's more support and attention for Fire Emblem, which is brilliant. Especially considering the gradual decline of the series before Awakening.

Brawl's clones were different from Melee's. In Melee, characters shared exact animations, and only had various physical properties (weight, running speed, hitboxes and trajectories etc) changed. In Brawl, there were plenty of folks who shared similarities in the way they moved or attacked, but none with identical-looking moves. Actually, Wolf shares almost nothing with Fox other than his size, appearance and general manner of special moves. I don't get how you can possibly call that a clone. Dr.Mario was a Mario clone in Melee, Luigi wasn't. See the difference?

Anyway, Lucina is very definitely on the Melee side of how clones work. Apart from some slightly different balancing on her offensive hitboxes and being slightly shorter, she's even more of a Marth Clone then Melee's clone style.

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I remember hearing from people that played as Marth in the preview events during E3 that Marth was slower. So Lucina is probably going to be a faster Marth.

Yes, Marth is basically ass now (compared to his former self). This game's new physics engine really just doesn't seem to agree with him, and they shortened his sword. I really hope Marth didn't take a hit just because they were too fuckin' lazy to give Lucy her own moveset.

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I'm certain that they have a good enough understanding of clones by now that Lucina's and Marth's differences will be highlighted enough that they can have different playstyles and fill different roles. Clones don't necessarily mean one outclasses the other or is just a faster/stronger version of the other, anymore than two characters that have mostly the same role yet different moves can be outclassed by the one with better moves. I do hope he's not ass now though, he's been a favorite of mine since Melee and I plan on playing both of them a lot.

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Brawl's clones were different from Melee's. In Melee, characters shared exact animations, and only had various physical properties (weight, running speed, hitboxes and trajectories etc) changed. In Brawl, there were plenty of folks who shared similarities in the way they moved or attacked, but none with identical-looking moves. Actually, Wolf shares almost nothing with Fox other than his size, appearance and general manner of special moves. I don't get how you can possibly call that a clone. Dr.Mario was a Mario clone in Melee, Luigi wasn't. See the difference?

Anyway, Lucina is very definitely on the Melee side of how clones work. Apart from some slightly different balancing on her offensive hitboxes and being slightly shorter, she's even more of a Marth Clone then Melee's clone style.

I guess we have different definitions of clones. Whereas your definition demands an ouright duplicate, my definition includes fighters that are virtually identifcal in moves, but have been tweaked. Wolf might as well be a clone of Fox, he's that similar from my perspective. Slower gun that stuns. Slower movement. Landmasters. Diagonal side and B move instead of horizontal. etc. etc. Every move of theirs is virtually the same. Wolf was clearly a mutation of Fox during game development. A variation. In that respect I view him as a clone rather than a unique fighter. That's my opinion. Coming from someone who has used them both a TON.

Marth and Lucina are clones in the same vein as Fox and Falco. Minor minor differences. If Lucina was a little more different, I would compare her to Wolf. But Wolf is a further mutation from Fox than Falco hehe.

Edited by Red Falcon
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Wolf is no where close to being anything like Fox. Kindly actually play as Wolf before you make that ridiculous statement.

That's a bit hyperbolic, don't you think? The two characters are fundamentally very similar in movesets.
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I guess we have different definitions of clones. Whereas your definition demands an ouright duplicate, my definition includes fighters that are virtually identifcal in moves, but have been tweaked. Wolf might as well be a clone of Fox, he's that similar from my perspective. Slower gun that stuns. Slower movement. Landmasters. Diagonal side and B move instead of horizontal. etc. etc. Every move of theirs is virtually the same. Wolf was clearly a mutation of Fox during game development. A variation. In that respect I view him as a clone rather than a unique fighter. That's my opinion. Coming from someone who has used them both a TON.

Marth and Lucina are clones in the same vein as Fox and Falco. Minor minor differences. If Lucina was a little more different, I would compare her to Wolf. But Wolf is a further mutation from Fox than Falco hehe.

And aside from their specials, how many moves of theirs are remotely similar? One (Back air). Wolf's moveset is almost entirely based around his claws, fox is about kicks. Their smashes? Not remotely similar. Aerials? Not remotely similar. Jab? Not remotely similar. Just because two characters have similar body proportions doesn't mean they're clones. Wolf may have been initially based on Fox, but practically everything about him is different.

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Fox and Falco = Ryu and Ken. Same moves, different properties.

Fox and Wolf = Ryu and Sagat. Same fundamental moves, very different practical application.

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I never really used Sagat, sorry. :(

Wolf is no where close to being anything like Fox. Kindly actually play as Wolf before you make that ridiculous statement.

Firstly, a statement is fact. I was very clear that that was my opinion hehe. I love playing as Wolf, he's one of my favourites. I've played many games versus Fox and Falco using him. VERY competitive games with friends. We've exausted all of their moves trying to best each other. So please don't assume this opinion was formed on a whim.

And aside from their specials, how many moves of theirs are remotely similar? One (Back air). Wolf's moveset is almost entirely based around his claws, fox is about kicks. Their smashes? Not remotely similar. Aerials? Not remotely similar. Jab? Not remotely similar. Just because two characters have similar body proportions doesn't mean they're clones. Wolf may have been initially based on Fox, but practically everything about him is different.

Wolf's moves indeed substitute kicks for claws. But the moves still do virtually the same thing. Their smashes are not remotely similar? A cartwheel kick for a strong claw. Very similar effect! I'm not basing my clone definition on body proportions, but similar moves. Wolf is a clone for all intents and purposes in my opinion. He's just a mutation further away from Fox than Falco is. Which is why I compared Marth and Lucina in the next Smash game to Fox and Falco from Brawl. Not Wolf. Perhaps we could discuss this elsewhere if you want to continue the debate? Since this thread is supposed to be about Robin and Lucina, right?

They essentially have the same moves, but they operate differently enough that they feel like completely separate characters.

I think that's the best conclusion.

Edited by Red Falcon
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Not sure if this was discussed, but... one of Sakurai's comments on Miiverse had me thinking.

Robin doesn't actually use this ability [Nosferatu] in the original game, but we added that element to make the character unique. Who knows--the ideas we use in this game may contribute to the original series.

Umm, Reclass?

Or does he mean a Tactician that can use Dark magic? : P

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Not sure if this was discussed, but... one of Sakurai's comments on Miiverse had me thinking.

Umm, Reclass?

Or does he mean a Tactician that can use Dark magic? : P

Really just sounds like he had too much fun with Sorcerer in his playthrough of Awakening. If Awakening had Light Magic, Robin would probably use that too. lol

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Fox and Falco = Ryu and Ken. Same moves, different properties.

Fox and Wolf = Ryu and Sagat. Same fundamental moves, very different practical application.

That's a great comparison.

Not sure if this was discussed, but... one of Sakurai's comments on Miiverse had me thinking.

Umm, Reclass?

Or does he mean a Tactician that can use Dark magic? : P

It's not a reclass. Sakurai sometimes uses other character's attacks from a series to represent the whole series better. For example, both Lucas and Ness don't use PK Starstorm in the Mother series, but its those characters' final smash in Brawl. So the latter.

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