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The One Piece manga won't end until 2024.


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The series started in 1997 and has continued since. As of 2010 the series was at its halfway point. The creator himself, Eiichiro Oda, stated the series will go on for another 10 years. I'm 16. By the time One Piece ends I'll be 26 years old, married, and possible with children. What do you think of this?

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It needs to die and burn. Seriously. Even Bleach and Naruto are coming to a close.

Bleach should have died... Well, before the Aizen fight.

It lasted far longer than it should have.

(I dropped Naruto at some point, and never came back, because I only have limited interrest for it)

That One Piece can still be entertaining after all those years and didn't used bullshitty invincible villain like Naruto or Bleach did (Aizen, again, then a lot of other bosses afterwards.

They discarded all the interresting/cool characters, for basic shonen action.

Yeah, sorry for the bashing, just hearing about it makes me tired)

One Piece last so long because... Well.... It takes a lot of time to get from one point to another. Not that much happens on average on a tome, actually. (Not sure how to explain it exactly, because I'm not sure how it works myself, but it's more because of slow story telling)

It's the only long running shonen Manga I continue to enjoy (HxH is the best, obviously, but in number of tome and episode, it can't compare (yet).)

And let's put thing on context, Detective Conan will probably still be ruining when One Piece ends.

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Who the hell cares? Is there a reason it shouldn't go on? I don't understand. I never knew too much of a good thing was a bad thing.

Sure it may have gotten old or whatever, but how do you know it won't get better? Even if the ending in ten years ruins the entire story, I still wouldn't care. I'd just think about and remember the parts of it that I like and not give a shit about the other stuff. If I didn't do that, I probably would hate every anime ever created.

If you don't like it, don't read/watch it.


That wasn't directed towards anyone. (A general ramble)

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*shrug* there's no problem with it. The world and scale of One Piece is huge, much larger than other manga out there. That's why it's gone on for so long and will continue to go on as long as necessary. At no point did I ever feel that a certain element to the story was filler or unnecessary (in the manga) so it is not just extending it because they can or to milk the story.

Now if they found One Piece or whatever and the climax is over and they still kept the story going just to make money, that would be different. But we're not even close to that point. One Piece is long because it's incomparably deep.

It needs to die and burn. Seriously. Even Bleach and Naruto are coming to a close.

Also, just a little "fuck you" is in order just for being an asshole in a general sense. "Haters gon' hate" def applies here lol

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Yeah but the difference between Naruto/Bleach and One Piece is that One Piece doesn't take itself seriously. It takes pride in the fact that it's completely absurd, that's one of the comedy aspects. Naruto/Bleach were just kinda badly written.

One Piece going on doesn't surprise me in the slightest, I think Oda is going to die with a pen in his hand before One Piece finishes on its own.

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Also, just a little "fuck you" is in order just for being an asshole in a general sense. "Haters gon' hate" def applies here lol

Excuse me for having an opinion that a series is going on too long. Being a "hater" and genuinely hating something is very different.

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One Piece is definitely not going on for "too long". If you actually read the series, you'd understand why it's going on for as long as it is.

Yeah, I understand they've just touch the surface of the new world and there's several subjects to discover(Blackbeard Vs Luffy, Dragon's motives, etc).

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One Piece is definitely not going on for "too long". If you actually read the series, you'd understand why it's going on for as long as it is.

Yeah, I never got bored even once when reading it.

It is definitely one of my favourite shounen manga.

Creating a world as absurd as this one, and still making it feels lively and believable ; not taking itself very seriously, and still making compelling and enjoyable stories.

This is no small fits.

Oda has tons of talent, and works really hard on this (He told once he actually redraw the old panels from scratch when he reuse them many chapters later, so that we can't see the clash on his graphism change. And he adds tons of little details, because he knows his fans may be even more obsessive than him.).

One Piece is really a high quality manga. As long as it conserves this quality, I don't mind it continuing, no matter how long it take.

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It needs to die and burn.

unnecessarily disrespectful comment

Seriously. Even Bleach and Naruto

same as above

and you didn't even provide the slightest bit of reasoning

just wanting something to end because it has been going on for a while seems silly because it's not like, an actual reason lol

w/e tho

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that's pretty much why i'm not bothering with this series. i saw like 26 episodes and realized, i had like 300 more to go. so i gave up on it

That's why I always recommend people to read it instead, because even if the books take a long time, they don't take 600 episodes long.

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Seriously? I was thinking of getting back to reading it one day, but now it seems that'd be like chasing train that's going to Pluto. Wouldn't that turn off potential readers, having to read such a gargantuan story?

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Seriously? I was thinking of getting back to reading it one day, but now it seems that'd be like chasing train that's going to Pluto. Wouldn't that turn off potential readers, having to read such a gargantuan story?

I don't think so. The wheel of time and game of thrones series are quite popular even though the series are long and progress by the author is slow (or was, in the case of Wheel of Time).

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I feel bad for anyone who has gotten pretty far, sees this, and says "I didn't mean to commit to a relationship like this". Not that it shouldn't go on, but some people are probably ready to be done but can't get closure.

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