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The WORST parent combinations

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Lon'qu x ANYONE

Jk, but haircolor wise, I could never find myself to like Vaike x Cherche...shame that's where he's best. Or anything besides Libra x Lissa for Owain...

Statwise, I dunno. Every child unit can be amazing, some are just less awesome than others. Vaike x Miriel? I dunno...

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but I tried it and I just couldn't take it because Severa looked hideous.

Nei, she always looks hideous. It is known. Seriously, that stupid fucking look on her face exists no matter what her hair looks like. D:<

Fred!Cynthia is workable. Its not the best pairing for Sumia but goddamn if its not convenient.

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Statwise, I dunno. Every child unit can be amazing, some are just less awesome than others. Vaike x Miriel? I dunno...

I dunno indeed; the mod clash kinda hurts, and I seriously don't think that Laurent would get anything worthwhile out of Vaike's class pool...

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However, I'm getting doubts:

The children's stats are their mothers' stats + 1, thus they're always gonna be better in some way or another. Even if you have pairs with negative modifiers, some others will always sum up. I'm wondering... how can you get bad children to begin with?? They are better than the mothers by default.

Anyway, here's how I'd do it (? means I'm not sure about the choice, after all some children are really unscrewable):

  • Chrom x Maiden: Lucina is just Chrom + 1 in all mods.
  • Sumia can't marry someone.
  • Avatar can't marry or marries a really bad contender (can't think of anything).
  • Olivia x Donnel.
  • Nowi x Virion.
  • Panne x Gaius?
  • Cordelia x Gregor?
  • Cherche x Ricken??
  • Tharja x Libra?
  • Sully x Frederick.
  • Miriel x All the crap fathers for Laurent are taken, should I go with the Avatar for Gale Force waste? A +STR - MAG one.
  • Maribelle x Kellam????
  • Lissa x Vaike?
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Not quite about the mods- even if all total mods add up to something better, the important ones could all be worse (namely Spd). The worst Morgan is probably +Lck/-Spd Tiki!Morgan, as I said earlier. Virion!Nah is good, so don't do her. Gregor!Owain is probably worse than Vaike!Owain (double class overlap instead of single) but you'll need someone else for Cordelia (Kellam if possible, he'll trash Severa's Spd). Magical Gerome is viable, I'd give him Lon'qu instead (class overlap, no Faires on high-Str classes, and that Spd is wasted on a pairup). Another option for Lon'qu would be on Nowi, which would produce the mod clash of the century, have class overlap and not even give Nah a proc.

Oh, also children of different genders from their parents can't get the same Bride/DF access- I'd say Chrom is better then Maiden!Lucina because he gets Agg (and is force deployed).

If wrecking the children through stats and skills proves not very effective, try to wreck them aesthetically instead (hair color and bad/creepy supports).

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Cynthia, Morgan & Brady are so unfuckable it hurts.

Technically, so is Severa. Vengeance goes a really long way for the girl. You could pick a random dad out of a fucking hat and she could still make it work.

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Technically, so is Severa. Vengeance goes a really long way for the girl. You could pick a random dad out of a fucking hat and she could still make it work.

If including the hard supporters, so are Yarne, Laurent & Nah.
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If all the kids are recruited, I think this is looking like the list of "worst kids"













With Henry getting left single. It's pretty much impossible to fuck up M!Morgan, though.

Edited by Emerald Ink
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If all the kids are recruited, I think this is looking like the list of "worst kids"













With Henry getting left single. It's pretty much impossible to fuck up M!Morgan, though.

Virion gives Noire Tomefaire. Would she be worse with Henry instead?

I think the worst Noire might actually be Frederick!Noire, but he's currently occupied.

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  • 1 month later...

Before I start ranting, PLEASE don't take it seriously if I diss your OTP. This is my opinion and I am a tactical shipper. with that aside, let me share my opinion.

Chrom x Sumia- ughhhh, classes are horrible, except for knight and peg knight form Sumia and cavalier and archer (made completely useless in this pairing) from Chrom. I prefer Sniper Lucina w/ gf, leth., luna, RK, and Aether, but you can't get that here. shame. if Sumia had myrmidon instead of cleric, I wouldn't care about the game shipping Chrom and Sumia.


Donnel x Cordelia- no... just no. my headcannon says Cordelia and Stahl and I can't canvince myself otherwise. although I do switch it up when filling support log.

those are the ones that really bug me that are non-MU, but this is what I get from using calculations to do my shipping... (yes, I really did the math.)

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Chrom x Sumia- ughhhh, classes are horrible, except for knight and peg knight form Sumia and cavalier and archer (made completely useless in this pairing) from Chrom. I prefer Sniper Lucina w/ gf, leth., luna, RK, and Aether, but you can't get that here. shame. if Sumia had myrmidon instead of cleric, I wouldn't care about the game shipping Chrom and Sumia.

Going to have to disagree with you on this one. Lucina doesn't get anything she needs besides Peg Knight, but Peg Knight is the only thing she really needs. Lethality has too low of a proc rate to be very useful. I can see why you wouldn't want to use Sumia if you're going for physical Lucina though.

Cynthia also has almost everything she needs. She only needs to fill one more skill slot. With Chrom she fills that with Aether, which is pretty awesome. And Archer is pretty freaking awesome, though Cynthia doesn't need it. Bowfaire, Sniper, and Bow Knight!

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Incidentally, how awful does Inigo look with Stahl's hair? I know firsthand how awful Severa looks, and that's why my new favorite Severa is the awesome Vaike!Severa, but how bad does Stahl!Inigo look with that hair?

Also, I was reminded of something from Death Battle:

Wiz: Stahl is an excellent father for any physical unit, granting them luna, swordfaire, the archer line, and excellent physical mods, but all at a horrible price...

Boomstick: THAT HAIR!

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I have only ever gotten Inigo once so far, and his father was Stahl. I don't know if I'm just used to it (The save file in question clocks in at 110+ hours), or if it really does look ok, but I'm pretty much fine with how it looks.

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i'm not locking this since the thread was like a week past necro but

If a topic has not been posted in for 1 month AND has fallen outside the first page of a board, any posts made in that topic will be considered necroposting.

c'mon guys ;o

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