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Best skillset for Inigo?


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So, my friend mentioned before that if Chrom is the father of Inigo, and with a certain moveset given to him, he can become the most broken character in the game. He said that Inigo must have Rightful King (passed down from Chrom), as well as the Lethality skill from the Assasian class. Inigo must be equipted with the Mystletainn sword, and must be an Assasian. Inigo must (obviously) have Limit Breaker, All Stats+2, and Skill+2. Finally, if given a Rally in Skill, he claims this will be a Lethality kill almost every turn. I HAVE NOT tested this, but I was wondering if anyone else has? Are there any holes in this? Thanks :)

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How 'bout the fact that Lethality's activation rate is Skill/4, thus making it a pretty low shot no matter what?

Here's more math:

Assassin base Skill: 48

With modifiers: 51

With Mystletainn: 56

With Limit Break: 66

All Stats +2: 68

Skill +2: 70

Rally Skill: 74

Now, let's pretend your friend knows what Rally stacking is, and add a bit more:

Skill Tonic: 76

Rally Spectrum: 80

Pair-ups: 88

(Rally Heart makes no difference)

That comes out to a whopping 22% Lethality proc. With Rightful King, that's 32%. Honestly, you're better off with Luna.

EDIT: Math corrections welcome.

Edited by eclipse
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So, my friend mentioned before that if Chrom is the father of Inigo, and with a certain moveset given to him, he can become the most broken character in the game. He said that Inigo must have Rightful King (passed down from Chrom), as well as the Lethality skill from the Assasian class. Inigo must be equipted with the Mystletainn sword, and must be an Assasian. Inigo must (obviously) have Limit Breaker, All Stats+2, and Skill+2. Finally, if given a Rally in Skill, he claims this will be a Lethality kill almost every turn. I HAVE NOT tested this, but I was wondering if anyone else has? Are there any holes in this? Thanks :)

There's one - Lethality's Skill/4 activation rate, to say nothing of the setup required for this tomfoolery. To put it into perspective, after all that, you'd have only a marginally higher chance of getting Lethality off than you would of hitting with an OHKO move in Pokemon. Never mind the part where by this point, the game essentially doesn't really pose much of a threat other than Apo, where Lethality's a wasted skill slot anyways. I'll just back eclipse up and say you'd be better off with Luna.

Edited by Levant Caprice
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This only gets him a mediocre% for Lethality. The biggest flaw of this set is that in the only place where any of this matters (Apotheosis), all the enemies have a skill that will essentially negate your entire set.

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There's one - Lethality's Skill/4 activation rate, to say nothing of the setup required for this tomfoolery. To put it into perspective, after all that, you'd have only a marginally higher chance of getting Lethality off than you would of hitting with an OHKO move in Pokemon. Never mind the part where by this point, the game essentially doesn't really pose much of a threat other than Apo, where Lethality's a wasted skill slot anyways. I'll just back eclipse up and say you'd be better off with Luna.

That, and StreetPass battles, where the fun is REALLY at.

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That, and StreetPass battles, where the fun is REALLY at.

I'm not even going to dignify Streetpass with a response since it's a joke. (Translation: You'll likely just get dismissed)

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I'm not even going to dignify Streetpass with a response since it's a joke. (Translation: You'll likely just get dismissed)

Don't tell me you play this game NOT to have fun...honestly, Apotheosis isn't that fun to begin with. It's such a headache. All those marriages you gotta plan, all the people you gotta max out, all that planning and timing...and for what? A unit that you can only use IN THAT SAME LEVEL? Or what about the Surpreme Emblem? A lot of good that'll do ya, considering it doesn't unlock much that you could already get. Honestly the only thing that I would ever use it for is to get that second pair of boots, which, by the way, would probably take less time if I just get the renown points neccesasry to get it. Apotheosis and Gale Force, that's all the FEA community ever thinks about...never talking about how some enemies are more fun than others. If I didn't come here to have fun, I would have left a long time ago.

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ON THE UPSIDE, I realized that your friend made a critical error. Namely, using Mystletainn. If he wants to up his odds, he'd be better served using a Brave Sword, and having something with Rally Heart. This drops the individual chance of Lethality to 31%, but assuming two attacks total, the odds of getting it once, on average, jumps to 52.4%. Assuming he gets four attacks off, the odds of getting a single Lethality jumps even further, to 77.34%.

Still sucks, because Luna's activation rate, with the exact same setup, is 97.75% and 99.95%, respectively.

EDIT: No one checked my math. :(:

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I questioned him why any of this was even neccasary? I mean, I could just whip out my Silver Sword and deal the same amount of damage. Seems like a lot of work for something I could do with just an activated Ignis. Or Astra. Or Luna.

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Don't tell me you play this game NOT to have fun...honestly, Apotheosis isn't that fun to begin with. It's such a headache. All those marriages you gotta plan, all the people you gotta max out, all that planning and timing...and for what? A unit that you can only use IN THAT SAME LEVEL? Or what about the Surpreme Emblem? A lot of good that'll do ya, considering it doesn't unlock much that you could already get. Honestly the only thing that I would ever use it for is to get that second pair of boots, which, by the way, would probably take less time if I just get the renown points neccesasry to get it. Apotheosis and Gale Force, that's all the FEA community ever thinks about...never talking about how some enemies are more fun than others. If I didn't come here to have fun, I would have left a long time ago.

The fuck?? Where the hell did that come from?? Where I live, I don't have anyone to Streetpass with - not that I care, given that RF4's been my main timesink as of late - well, as far as 3DS games are concerned, at least. And I'm serious when I say that a team like that would likely just get dismissed. Oh, and by the way, I don't care for Galeforce either, so there.

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I try to fight anyone and everyone who I pass by, good or bad. Sadly, though, I've ran into a lot more people who seem like they just started the game. I've only ran into one person in my last few months on FEA who was actually maxed. A very good opponent, but used the classic and overused Grandmaster class on all her children and herself. *siiiggghhh*

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Posted (edited) · Hidden by Florete, July 29, 2014 - No reason given
Hidden by Florete, July 29, 2014 - No reason given

UGH I'm so sorry for the double post, my internet went sort of crazy while posting this and it apparently went through twice?? Bah.

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I find Lethality is generally a waste of time unless it's the next class up from your current one and you just don't feel like reclassing for something better (though this is honestly only applicable to Gaius). It has its uses as a filler skill, but most characters can generally grab something with more inherent use, especially Inigo.

But yeah, stuff that's already been said goes here; Lethality's activation rate is stupidly low, so your friend's plan is decent, but certainly not the best choice when there are things like Luna or even Astra (x2 higher activation chance than Lethality).

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Assuming he gets four attacks off, the odds of getting a single Lethality jumps even further, to 77.34%.

I've... Never seen something without Dragonskin survive four hits from a LB-capped unit before, outside of Lunatic+ Skirmishes when fighting unpaired and without Rallies, and it was on EP so no Agg too.

I try to fight anyone and everyone who I pass by, good or bad. Sadly, though, I've ran into a lot more people who seem like they just started the game. I've only ran into one person in my last few months on FEA who was actually maxed. A very good opponent, but used the classic and overused Grandmaster class on all her children and herself. *siiiggghhh*

Most of those are probably Outrealm Orders (randomly generated teams from people with no Awakening Streetpass data). You're essentially fighting Spotpass teams with Awakening's portraits instead of legacy art. An easy way to check is to look at the cards of the Avatars in your logbook- if their difficulty isn't listed, they're almost definitely an OO.

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The reason no one talks about streetpass here is that any competent player will wipe out your team in one turn regardless of your setup.

Sure, if you're paired up. But that's why I don't do that. If I just paired everyone up, then the battles would be beyond easy. You could probably take down a maxed team if you just paired 2 units together.

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I questioned him why any of this was even neccasary? I mean, I could just whip out my Silver Sword and deal the same amount of damage. Seems like a lot of work for something I could do with just an activated Ignis. Or Astra. Or Luna.

No. And here's the reason why:

Base Silver Sword has 11 MT. Base Brave Sword has 9 MT. Brave Sword ALWAYS hits twice.

9 * 2 = 18

18 > 11

All the activation rates and weapon data are on the site, and the math isn't particularly challenging. When in doubt, look stuff up!

EDIT: The existence of the Brave Sword in my calculations is to provide more opportunities for Ignis/Astra/Luna/Sol/Vengeance to hit. Oh, and Aether, but not too many people get that. :P:

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I only use the Brave Sword when my speed is lower than the enemy. If it's higher, I know that the silver sword will hit higher, so I'll just go with that. I generally prefer the silver sword more, though, as so many other people are using brave swords, I like to make a change. And Mercerius, but it sounds important.

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EDIT: No one checked my math. :(:

I got... 77.33% LOL

Because that .01% is SO important.

Here's a more organized calculation.

Unit of measure: Skill

Assassin: 48

Mods (+3): 51

Limit Breaker (+10): 61

Skill +2 (+2): 63

All Stats +2 (+2): 65

Rally Heart, Spectrum, Skill (+10): 75

Tonic (+2): 77

Pair-up (+8): 85

Lethality Proc Rate (/4): 21.25%

Rounded Down: 21%

Rightful King: 31% = 0.31 = x

Formula: 1- (1-x)^n

1 - (1 - 0.31)^4 ; 4 = # BraveSword hits


1-.2267 = .7733 = 77.33%

Good job on the calculations! :D

The proc rate is decent at best. After playing Lunatic+, 77.33% hit rate can really screw you over, but since it's StreetPass, you are not at risk of losing anything, so I guess that does not matter. The conclusion would be that yes, the proc rate for a lethality is relatively high, but it's not as crazy as your friend makes it seem. Also note this set-up requires All Stat +2, Skill +2, Rightful King, and Lethality. All Stat +2 and Skill +2 together make a 1.3% difference, if you have 4 hits. Grandmaster Morgan with a skill set like Ignis, Luna, and Rightful King not only gives you an extra slot for a survival skill, Aggressor, or -faire, you also have a near 100% proc rate, as well as reliable high damage (especially Ignis+Aggressor).

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All the activation rates and weapon data are on the site, and the math isn't particularly challenging. When in doubt, look stuff up!

Hey, I just spent 4 hours tonight pouring over the Class Bases chart and Parent Mods chart putting together a team in Notepad. Calculations are fun!

Almost more fun than actually playing the game...

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