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It's a shame that the Ilia costume isn't for Link. I mean, I want everyone to get some love and all but given that Link has the biggest selection of weapons, he also makes the best use of alternate costumes. Especially since one of these weapons happens to be Epona. I wish they would just use the costume for both, like they did with the Lana/Cia one.

Edited by BrightBow
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It's a shame that the Ilia costume isn't for Link. I mean, I want everyone to get some love and all but given that Link has the biggest selection of weapons, he also makes the best use of alternate costumes. Especially since one of these weapons happens to be Epona. I wish they would just use the costume for both, like they did with the Lana/Cia one.

So I take it that you have fantasies of Link cross-dressing as Ilia or something right?

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So I take it that you have fantasies of Link cross-dressing as Ilia or something right?

I'm not sure if it even qualifies as crossdressing if the appearance is changed completely. Like, I don't know about you but I don't consider female Robin in Smash Brothers a crossdressing male Robin. ...not sure about Villager, though. Would explain why they are all equally creepy.


And man, that last Skultula on the regular adventure map is driving me nuts. It's the second one of Lara's lv3 Summoning Gate stage. Something always goes wrong before I get the required kills. I also tried Co-Op mode but apparently it's important who actually gets the kills because the game didn't fall for that one. To think I would get stuck on that map yet again.

Edited by BrightBow
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With that skulltula it's important to remember you aren't timed, so long as you keep the base in okay condition you can just do hit and runs with your special meter and Argorok fly-bys (Strong attack until you summon Argorok, then X X X X Y

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It's nice that the game was this time installing the patch and the DLC right after each other. Makes things far less confusing then last time.

Also, yay for a raised level cap. I have no idea what a leveling system is even supposed to add to a game like this. The fun should come from blowing through enemies and not from watching numbers rise, listening to lv up jingles and collecting random crap. All this does is to make it harder to find a pleasant difficulty to play on since enemy stats are all over the place. Maybe enemies provide no challenge at all or you take like half an hour to kill a single officer. And that's before one even factors in Co-Op, were both players would like to play characters with a similar level. I wish you could at least lower your own level temporarily.

And I would assume that a raised level cap basically breaks hero difficulty. At least I got the impression that one was designed with capped characters in mind. Going past lv 99 will take all the fun out of those levels since you will just blow through everything.

Edited by BrightBow
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I'm not sure if it even qualifies as crossdressing if the appearance is changed completely.

It is.

Also, having Twili Midna whacking people with a bridge is fun.

Edited by NinjaMonkey
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Did...did...did I...did I seriously just get one rupee...?

"1 rupee"

wut ._.

edit: from my Marth amiibo


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Did...did...did I...did I seriously just get one rupee...?

"1 rupee"

wut ._.

edit: from my Marth amiibo


Okay, you are like, the third frikkin' person that I've read has gotten a single Rupee from their Marth Amiibo. What gives? XD

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Okay, you are like, the third frikkin' person that I've read has gotten a single Rupee from their Marth Amiibo. What gives? XD

Since you can get Amiibo rewards daily, I imagine some of them are less-than-impressive.
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Christ some of the new DLC maps are bullshit though, who thought it would be a good idea to let enemies do that much damage and keep the same A-cap for damage, even Sheik's water shield isn't enough anymore.

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  • 4 weeks later...

They're already out in some countries apparently?

Yeah, they are. I especially love going around levels killing things as Skyward Sword Zelda, Ocarina of Time Link and Twilight Princess Ganondorf.

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Supposedly the preorder costumes will be available for purchase soon. They're already out in some countries apparently?

After a quick check, they seem to be available in Europe and Japan. I imagine they'll come to North America as well, with pricing at $1 per set.
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Got this game for Christmas and holy crap this is so fun. I probably put in like 8 hours into the Legend Mode today.

Can someone tell me where you unlock the alternate weapons for everyone (Summoning Gate, Baton, Great Fairy, Gauntlet and Naginata are the ones I'm missing)? I'm assuming Adventure Mode for all of them but I'd like to get them as quickly as possible.

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You get them in adventure mode. Sadly, you can't unlock them quickly. You can get the gauntlets easily and naginata as well but the others require completion of story mode and are just a annoying to get to since there's like 50 challenges to get to them.

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After a quick check, they seem to be available in Europe and Japan. I imagine they'll come to North America as well, with pricing at $1 per set.

They're out in North America now.

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