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Frederick's Family Run: The Bear Meat-Filled Journey!


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I don't LIKE the concept that he got his heart broken. Let's ignore the fact that it's been like five chapters and a few skirmishes and Kelli and Frederick are happily hitched and Chrom is in "love" with her. Basically, Chrom is acting like he lost the fucking love of his life when he probably didn't know her at all and he's acting like an overdramatic teenager who's all "MY LIFE IS OVER BECAUSE SHE DOESN'T LOVE ME BACK".

It feels OOC of Chrom is what I'm saying.

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I don't LIKE the concept that he got his heart broken. Let's ignore the fact that it's been like five chapters and a few skirmishes and Kelli and Frederick are happily hitched and Chrom is in "love" with her. Basically, Chrom is acting like he lost the fucking love of his life when he probably didn't know her at all and he's acting like an overdramatic teenager who's all "MY LIFE IS OVER BECAUSE SHE DOESN'T LOVE ME BACK".

It feels OOC of Chrom is what I'm saying.

You raise a good point. Now I feel really bad for my heartless comment.

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I don't LIKE the concept that he got his heart broken. Let's ignore the fact that it's been like five chapters and a few skirmishes and Kelli and Frederick are happily hitched and Chrom is in "love" with her. Basically, Chrom is acting like he lost the fucking love of his life when he probably didn't know her at all and he's acting like an overdramatic teenager who's all "MY LIFE IS OVER BECAUSE SHE DOESN'T LOVE ME BACK".

It feels OOC of Chrom is what I'm saying.

Uh, wow. Firstly, you're taking this WAY too seriously. This dialogue is for shits and giggles. It's not REALLY how I would write a novelization of Awakening. Second, heartbreak is a thing of life, deal with it. Not everyone who loves someone will win that person's love. Thirdly, heartbreak is difficult to get over and deal with. I know, because I've had to do it myself. More than once.

And imo, sometimes Chrom is overdramatic in-game.

Edited by Anacybele
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Uh, wow. Firstly, you're taking this WAY too seriously. This dialogue is for shits and giggles. It's not REALLY how I would write a novelization of Awakening. Second, heartbreak is a thing of life, deal with it. Not everyone who loves someone will win that person's love. Thirdly, heartbreak is difficult to get over and deal with. I know, because I've had to do it myself. More than once.

For being dialogue that's supposed to be for shits and giggles, I'm really not laughing. Your dialogue feels too serious to be funny. Also, I am saying that Chrom being in heartbreak feels OOC for him because logically it doesn't make to see him falling for Kelli that fast with barely a C support. Chrom shouldn't BE in heartbreak because he shouldn't have discovered his feelings for her that soon.

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It seems like Chrom is taking this worse than Emmeryn's death though. The fact that love (or more likely in this case: attraction) doesn't always work out has nothing to do with it.

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I'm sure Sumia will be there to pick up the pieces and then something actually meaningful will develop, I'm sure Chrom can get over what's essentially a pre-teen crush.

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For being dialogue that's supposed to be for shits and giggles, I'm really not laughing. Your dialogue feels too serious to be funny. Also, I am saying that Chrom being in heartbreak feels OOC for him because logically it doesn't make to see him falling for Kelli that fast with barely a C support. Chrom shouldn't BE in heartbreak because he shouldn't have discovered his feelings for her that soon.

Well duh, it's not ALL supposed to be funny. I don't laugh at every single piece of your dialogue either.

And I don't care what you think, this is how I chose to do things.

I'm sure Sumia will be there to pick up the pieces and then something actually meaningful will develop, I'm sure Chrom can get over what's essentially a pre-teen crush.

Uh, Sumia has nothing to do with this run. Chrom is marrying Olivia.

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Uh, Sumia has nothing to do with this run. Chrom is marrying Olivia.

Doesn't matter either way. I'm sure Chrom's going to get over whatever short-lived thing he had when he meets someone more suited for him. Whilst you're entitled to do the run the way you like, it may be beneficial to be less hostile towards people reading it. It doesn't bode well if you scare the readers away!

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It also doesn't bode well if someone comes in complaining and ruining my fun. I'm starting to not feel like continuing this anymore.

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It also doesn't bode well if someone comes in complaining and ruining my fun. I'm starting to not feel like continuing this anymore.

Well, sometimes you need to break down what someone's saying and see why they're saying it - it's seldom that someone is nasty just for the sake of it. Do continue this run, but try and see what people think about it, it'll help you and them have more fun.

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It also doesn't bode well if someone comes in complaining and ruining my fun. I'm starting to not feel like continuing this anymore.

Please don't start with this. Look, people like and dislike things differently. That doesn't give you a reason to up and quit because someone "ruins the fun." I'm not taking sides here, either. If they complain, they'll complain. It's better to shrug it off than to say "Forget it. there's no point in doing this anymore." My project may not be popular, but I don't give a damn if that ends up being the case. That's why I wait. Otherwise, if someone starts to complain, I'll tell them "Great! Nice talking! Bye!" There's never a reason to give up on anything in this world. Listen to Shin as well.

Edited by mercilesscharizard
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Well, sometimes you need to break down what someone's saying and see why they're saying it - it's seldom that someone is nasty just for the sake of it. Do continue this run, but try and see what people think about it, it'll help you and them have more fun.

Except it's not fun to read complaints, especially about something that's part of my personal headcanon. My headcanon is my headcanon and I'm not going to change it just because one person doesn't like it.

It's not that someone not liking what I'm writing is ruining my fun. It's that they're complaining that they don't like it. I really don't care that they don't like it. I just want them to keep it to themselves.

Mercilesscharizard: I know full well that people like and dislike different things. As I said above, that's not the issue.

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Except it's not fun to read complaints, especially about something that's part of my personal headcanon. My headcanon is my headcanon and I'm not going to change it just because one person doesn't like it.

It's not that someone not liking what I'm writing is ruining my fun. It's that they're complaining that they don't like it. I really don't care that they don't like it. I just want them to keep it to themselves.

It's not the content which people are having problem with, it's the way you're presenting it. You're fully entitled to your headcanon, you don't need to change that. Whilst it's great to receive praise, it's not the end of the world when it's not quite as positive.

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It's not the content which people are having problem with, it's the way you're presenting it. You're fully entitled to your headcanon, you don't need to change that. Whilst it's great to receive praise, it's not the end of the world when it's not quite as positive.

Well, I felt that now was a good time to do what I did. And I actually could've S-supported Frederick and Kelli sooner, truth be told. I waited because I knew having them marry and break Chrom's heart THAT fast would indeed be entirely unrealistic and unentertaining.

But It's too late to change it though, as I already saved. The supports are stuck as they are. And I sure as hell won't start over. xP

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Well, I felt that now was a good time to do what I did. And I actually could've S-supported Frederick and Kelli sooner, truth be told. I waited because I knew having them marry and break Chrom's heart THAT fast would indeed be entirely unrealistic and unentertaining.

But It's too late to change it though, as I already saved. The supports are stuck as they are. And I sure as hell won't start over. xP

You don't need to start over, that's not it at all. Sangyul's having issue with your characterisation of Chrom, which perhaps comes across as too teenage. Keep going with it, I'm sure with a little thinking before it, you'll be well on your way to something interesting.

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I thought Chrom was like 17? And doesn't that qualify as teenager?

He is, but then again, I don't recall him being so soft in the game. Whilst I appreciate you have your own take, it's fairly different to what he's normally like, so it come across as somewhat strange.

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Uh, wow. Firstly, you're taking this WAY too seriously. This dialogue is for shits and giggles. It's not REALLY how I would write a novelization of Awakening. Second, heartbreak is a thing of life, deal with it. Not everyone who loves someone will win that person's love. Thirdly, heartbreak is difficult to get over and deal with. I know, because I've had to do it myself. More than once.

And imo, sometimes Chrom is overdramatic in-game.


If anything, Chrom isnt dramatic enough when the situation actually calls for it.

The point is, Chrom being written completely out of character is actually bothersome to some fans. And trust me, that dialogue bit at the end there is really freaking out of character. If you are going to write fanfiction or do something like a run in a game and it not being an Alternate Universe, keep the original characterization straight, for Odin's sake! Consistency is key. Why are Boron's dialogue (which btw, you are sorta ripping off, or at least trying to capture the same sort of vibe) bits so well received and hilarious? Because the characters are in-character! Why is this so hard to grasp?

It also doesn't bode well if someone comes in complaining and ruining my fun. I'm starting to not feel like continuing this anymore.

If anything, you are ruining other people's fun by ruining their favorite characters with wrong characterization. (Not to mention that this run is moving at snail's pace and it becomes unfun to read when nothing is happening.)

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Except it's not fun to read complaints, especially about something that's part of my personal headcanon. My headcanon is my headcanon and I'm not going to change it just because one person doesn't like it.

It's not that someone not liking what I'm writing is ruining my fun. It's that they're complaining that they don't like it. I really don't care that they don't like it. I just want them to keep it to themselves.

I'd just let it go, personally; comments from the peanut gallery are a part of life when you put yourself out there. The audience has no power over you except that which you give them. It's perfectly acceptable to just ignore people, especially when they are being rude.

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Except it's not fun to read complaints, especially about something that's part of my personal headcanon. My headcanon is my headcanon and I'm not going to change it just because one person doesn't like it.

It's not that someone not liking what I'm writing is ruining my fun. It's that they're complaining that they don't like it. I really don't care that they don't like it. I just want them to keep it to themselves.

Critique, whether good or bad, is a natural part of a public run. It doesn't mean you're a bad person.

People may disagree with your interpretation(s); if you can't handle that, then I suggest making sure that no one can comment on it. A blog with comments turned off might work (but then there's the risk of someone linking to it, opening a thread, and then discussing it without your express consent). A forum will not.

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Thing is, I still don't understand how Chrom is out of character. How is heartbreak out of character for ANYONE, really? Anyone can have it happen to them.

Sorry, but I just don't see it.

I also don't see how this run is moving at a snail's pace. I'm updating almost every day.

But you know what? Fuck it. I'm tired of hearing complaints. I didn't make this thread to get "critiqued" on writing. I made it so people could follow along with a Frederick-themed run. If no one likes what I'm doing, why bother doing it? Lock this thread please.

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