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I was without internet for two days


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~°∆°[[bizz- oh hay] "I'm ever so clever!" says:

Oh. Yeah, I was rotting in my room eating honey nut Cheerios and playing Wind Waker (yey boyfriend who likes Zelda that had his friend let me borrow it), Pikmin and FE9. Lol I have no life

~°∆°[[bizz- oh hay] "I'm ever so clever!" says:

It was fun, even though I heard my biology homework curse at me. But I got it done.

~°∆°[[bizz- oh hay] "I'm ever so clever!" says:

In art class

-From MSN conversation with Cym-

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That's what I did during the beginning of my summer.

Beat Pikmin 2 (Not all of it but the main story of 10,000 is done.), FE9 twice, Wind Waker, then FE10.

I'm on day 196 and have all treasures and everything :'D

And Pikmin 1 is so fun and I'm reminded of why I love the boss battle music with the huge spider. It should've been in Brawl.

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Pikmin 1 had more epic boss battles. They made King Bulblax such a wimp compared to its monstrous counterpart of the first game.

But I have yet faced Titan Dweevil, which I should get back to if Senior year would stop killing me.

I think I'm stuck in Hole of Heroes, I forget.

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Pikmin 1 had more epic boss battles. They made King Bulblax such a wimp compared to its monstrous counterpart of the first game.

But I have yet faced Titan Dweevil, which I should get back to if Senior year would stop killing me.

I think I'm stuck in Hole of Heroes, I forget.

In Pikmin 2, I found the EMPRESS Bulbax harder than the wimply Emperor one... lol "omg i'm gunna spit out 8,000 babies to eeet ur soulz"

Pikmin 1 DID have more epic boss battles! Dude, that game freaked me out more than Pikmin 2 did kinda (I mean I know I played Pikmin 1 first but it had like creepier enemies, kinda...), and some stuff made Pikmin 2 sorta easy towards the end of the game. Pikmin 1 was way harder in my opinion... but I love both games to death.

The Titan Dweevil was kinda hard but not rly, it depends on which parts you rip off of the monster first...

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Yeah, its babies get annoying but one punch from Olimar/Louie knocks them out. I think I had my Pikmin split up, 80 in the back, 15 sent to fight, I send Louie up there first to smack a ton of babies, switch to Olimar, move up a little, switch to Louie, kill more babies, repeat until Olimar reaches Queen, use a petrify spray, steroids and beat her from there D:

lol long sentence.

I didn't even use Pikmin to fight the double Emperor in that one cave because it was swarming with bombs. Getting them to eat all the bombs leaves them with such little life. Barraging them with blue Pikmin afterwards is instant win.

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Yeah, its babies get annoying but one punch from Olimar/Louie knocks them out. I think I had my Pikmin split up, 80 in the back, 15 sent to fight, I send Louie up there first to smack a ton of babies, switch to Olimar, move up a little, switch to Louie, kill more babies, repeat until Olimar reaches Queen, use a petrify spray, steroids and beat her from there D:

lol long sentence.

I didn't even use Pikmin to fight the double Emperor in that one cave because it was swarming with bombs. Getting them to eat all the bombs leaves them with such little life. Barraging them with blue Pikmin afterwards is instant win.

Olo, that's kinda what I did, except pueplr Pikmin are made of win EVERYWHERE

And the potions in that game made it extra easier... and I love like fighting itty-bitty Bulborbs everywhere with purple Pikmin and bringing them all back to the ship.

Also, the Hole of Heroes has this watery place with pretty music in it...

OH, have you noticed that blue Pikmin act as lifeguards, kinda? When you throw one to a Pikmin that is drowning, the blue throws it back to land. It's so cool. I did it in Pikmin 1, too.

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I've never noticed, but I'll try that when I get back into Pikmin.

I barraged with blue because the area had little puddles and I'm like one of those guys who refuse to let Pikmin die unless I put a lot of effort on that floor. I remember resetting a couple of times because I accidently killed 20 White Pikmin on electric gates.

Do you miss that in Pikmin 1, Yellow Pikmin can hold and chuck bombs, but that was removed in Pikmin 2. ;_;

Atleast in Multiplayer, Olimar/Louie can pick up bombs. >:D

itt: taken over by Pikmin.

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I've never noticed, but I'll try that when I get back into Pikmin.

I barraged with blue because the area had little puddles and I'm like one of those guys who refuse to let Pikmin die unless I put a lot of effort on that floor. I remember resetting a couple of times because I accidently killed 20 White Pikmin on electric gates.

Do you miss that in Pikmin 1, Yellow Pikmin can hold and chuck bombs, but that was removed in Pikmin 2. ;_;

Atleast in Multiplayer, Olimar/Louie can pick up bombs. >:D

I refuse to let either white or purple Pikmin die (I have a shitload of the others now lol, but yeah othewise I'm like that, too) because they're a bitch to find. And olo, electricity PISSED ME OFF in Pikmin 2 because they all just die instantly out of nowhere and it's like "WTF"

AND I MISS IT TOO. I remember someone on IGN or something like that commenting on how they tried to pick up a bomb rock and ended up getting exploded (and said that "Pikmin ghosties are kind of pretty when all five varieties die" which I kinda find true olo) everywhere.

... And I don't think I knew that o___o

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Yes, I let my cousin start out with 50 Pikmin while I had 5 when we chose Hostile Territory.

I left my Pikmin behind, ran near his Onion as he decimated monsters near him. To pick up a bomb, run into it for 3 seconds or so, A to throw it. It was really fun blowing up all 50 in one go.

I still need 35 Purple Pikmin for that Dumbell. D:

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Yes, I let my cousin start out with 50 Pikmin while I had 5 when we chose Hostile Territory.

I left my Pikmin behind, ran near his Onion as he decimated monsters near him. To pick up a bomb, run into it for 3 seconds or so, A to throw it. It was really fun blowing up all 50 in one go.

I still need 35 Purple Pikmin for that Dumbell. D:

I'll remember that next time I play with my sister then 8D

And getting that Dumbell was a pain in the ass. The purple Pikmin were all slow in carrying it, too... but at least I got it 8D

Also I <3 yellow Pikmin and their cutes earssss

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Blue is my favorite just because blue is my favorite color, but they all are awesome.

blargh, I procrastinated too much on my college essay draft, which was due hours ago but I skipped class. @_@

My habits this year are horrid.

Kay, done hijacking your thread, Bizz.

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