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Robin Williams dies at 63


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I'm not joking about this, people. This amazing guy is gone. ;_; And very suddenly. They think it was a suicide because he'd been battling depression. I just...I can't believe this. I've been a huge Robin Williams fan since I watched the Aladdin movies and Hook. And all of a sudden... *sniff*

He wasn't even as old as my grandma when she died last year. He was just too young.

Williams is probably most famous for voicing the Genie in Disney's Aladdin movies (though I heard he skipped voicing him in the second one, The Return of Jafar) and playing Peter Pan in the live action movie Hook. He was also the star of the movie Flubber, another Disney film.

I also know that much later on, he played Teddy Roosevelt in the Night at the Museum movies. He was awesome in that role too.

Lastly, he loved the Legend of Zelda games and even named his daughter after Princess Zelda herself.

I can't believe this has happened... WHY? First Casey Kasem, now this guy! Why am I losing my favorite actors all of a sudden?! D:

Edited by Anacybele
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Did anyone besides me see Hook? Or loved it? It's still one of my favorite movies of all time, mainly because of Robin Williams. :( He was such a hilarious Peter Pan...

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I saw that ad. It was funny yet awesome. lol

Hook was g8

Jumanji scared me though. I'm surprised it wasn't categorized as horror. :<


And yeah, I know, right? I only saw the previews and it freaked me out. ._.

But such a sad summer overall for me, with Casey Kasem and Robin Williams both passing away... :(

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As someone who has lost family to suicide,i feel so awful knowing that such a great actor died;no matter what he took on,he always melded into his characters so well;I really hope they find that the cause wasn't suicide

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Oh yeah, one more thing about Williams. He also got a role in a Law & Order: SVU episode as the perpetrator. I didn't actually like it, but not because of Williams, it was because of part of the plot... But it was still amazing to see him in the show!

Did anyone like the Night at the Museum movies (even though Williams's role as Teddy Roosevelt was kinda minor)?

And also, I can imagine how Zelda Williams must feel now, the poor girl. Losing my grandma last year was almost like losing a parent because she was like a second mom to me...

Edited by Anacybele
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I'd never heard of either of those movies... ._.

But no matter how much I loved Hook and the Night at the Museum films, this is still the number one Robin Williams role for me:


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The last thing I saw him in was an episode of Homicide where he makes a guest appearance as the husband of a woman who gets killed during a mugging. That was a few months ago. It was a good episode. RIP.

Edited by SeverIan
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