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Would you say SerenesForest's tastes in characters greatly differs from the rest of the fandom.


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Yeah, pretty much. lol

I do think he's really under-appreciated though. :(

Aw, I like Frederick. The first time I played that guy saved me so many times where I should've gotten a game over. He's a newbie's best friend!

Anyone who doesnt realize Severa is bloody useful is doing it wrong. Shes too good not to use. Its kinda irritating for someone like me who hates her. Shes so good (especially on my current run) that i end up pairing her with a good second gen guy and skip their supports with pressing start. But then i feel bad for the guy cuz Severa. lol Shitty little brat, but MAN shes good. Couple of her possible daddies make it so she can rock Galeforce and Dual Support + Combo with some Breaker skills. Yeaaaaahhh.... If im looking to roflstomp things, im gonna use whoever makes that easier regardless of their character sucking.

Some people will say "your opinion is wrong" in regards to other things around here. :P:

I agree with you 100%. When I first got her I couldn't stand her (still can't stand her) she comes off as too bratty for my tastes. When I tried building supports for her with her parents though, my god, she was a monster. Next playthrough if I needed to send out a solo unit she was the first to go out, just cause she's so great.

And lol yeah I see the "your opinion is wrong" arguments/debates around here, but I was thinking in comparison to other sites, this place isn't as bad with it if it does occur.

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There are very few characters I didn't enjoy either. Tharja is my most disliked, followed by Lucina, Sumia, and then Chrom.

I have no problem with Lucina (Laura Bailey bias), but I will agree she is kind of overrated. Chrom is boring, so I can't disagree there. Tharja is... a little different (I only married her because mage babies), but what is even wrong with Sumia? is it because one of her few ships is Frederick? The only thing I can think of is the clumsiness quirk, but it's not as noticable as some of the other ones (I.E, I love food! I love dancing!)

I also agree with Severa being a good unit, but tbh I don't really like Tsunderes, and Severa is bratty as hell.

Edited by Draco
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It's Frederick Emblem Awakening in Prologue to Chapter 4 of my Lunatic Classic run. And he has some hilarious supports with Chrom, Robin and Panne and an awesome critical hit/skill activation quote. I don't have much of a reason to dislike Frederick.

In regards to Owain, he is pretty funny and likable as a character but as a UNIT I find him rather unappealing. I had Lissa marry Henry so Owain doesn't have any negative mods while still be somewhat decent in my Lunatic+ Classic file.

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but what is even wrong with Sumia?


I like Frederick just fine as a character. I find him frustrating as a unit in post-game shenanigans. Hes gr9mazing early game and thats why he stays on my team. Hes delegated to support bot after a certain point though. (even on Lunatic)

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Strange, I find I'm the only big Frederick fan here...

Fred happens to be my favorite character in the game, I just tend not to use him because after chapter 4 or so I find him to be a lackluster unit. He has more depth than any other character in the game, and is the only one out of all of them that actually acts like a soldier. Soldiers are not unfeeling, boring, super 100% serious people every second of every day. Just when it comes to duty. If he were an unpromoted unit at the start with the same stats, I'd use him from the start of the game until the very end. If he didn't have the stats I don't see how Lunatic+ could be accomplished.

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I have no problem with Lucina (Laura Bailey bias), but I will agree she is kind of overrated. Chrom is boring, so I can't disagree there. Tharja is... a little different (I only married her because mage babies), but what is even wrong with Sumia? is it because one of her few ships is Frederick? The only thing I can think of is the clumsiness quirk, but it's not as noticable as some of the other ones (I.E, I love food! I love dancing!)

No, that isn't why, even though I DO dislike that pairing. I just found Sumia annoyingly dumb and her klutziness could've been written a lot better.

But yay for more Freddy fans! :D

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Not too much. Although I see your point with Owain.

His popularity is definitely massive. I'd argue he is the most popular Awakening character in the west period. Even here at serenes everyone loved him when the game first came out. People just don't feel the need to talk about him here. It helps that the Owain fangirls never really penetrated this site.

But he doesn't do well in the polls here.




Even after Smash hype for certain characters. Owain doesn't do as well on polls here.

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I like Owain. I think he's really funny hehe. I intend for his father to be Henry on my next playthrough, probably my most favourite character in the game. But I also intend to marry Chrom and Sumia, which makes me a sad-face, because the awesome duo of Cynthia/Owain will become forbidden. :P

I dislike Sully the most. She's just really crass and it disgusts me. She tries way too hard to beat the male knights in combat, and that just comes across as negatively feminist. It's the bench for her.

I must say, I did really enjoy one support of Sully's though. It spoke about war and ideology, which felt like a really accurate social commentary about religion. I'll have to find it again.

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I like Owain. I think he's really funny hehe. I intend for his father to be Henry on my next playthrough, probably my most favourite character in the game. But I also intend to marry Chrom and Sumia, which makes me a sad-face, because the awesome duo of Cynthia/Owain will become forbidden. :P

I dislike Sully the most. She's just really crass and it disgusts me. She tries way too hard to beat the male knights in combat, and that just comes across as negatively feminist. It's the bench for her.

I must say, I did really enjoy one support of Sully's though. It spoke about war and ideology, which felt like a really accurate social commentary about religion. I'll have to find it again.

That'd be Sully x Sumia A support, I think.

Sully: When I was a kid, I was taught that the gods made all the world's creatures. So then I asked who made the gods! ...Har! That shut 'em up right quick.

Sumia: Oh, I do so hate ponderous questions like that. They only serve to remind me how little we know about anything.

Sully: Yeah, I know how you feel. We make up all these stories and legends to explain crap we don't understand... But they usually make even less sense than just saying "we don't know"!

Sumia: That's how we end up fighting wars over ideas. Because no one knows who's right.

Sully: I guess war is inevitable when everyone has their own version of the truth.

Sumia: I'd like to think that one day we can live in a world that doesn't know war.

Sully: Know what? I think that day's coming. ...And maybe sooner than you think.

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I like Owain too. The fact that Lissa is his mother, in addition to his wide variety of parents, then getting the myrmidon class to start with gives him many unique capabilities, but can also make him completely underwhelming if he isn't trained properly.

Lissa and Vaike were a poor parenting choice for him, though I found Lissa and Kellam were a useful pairing for him.

I don't dislike many units in Awakening because with enough effort, they can be redeemable, unless they have few supports.

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That'd be Sully x Sumia A support, I think.

Sully: When I was a kid, I was taught that the gods made all the world's creatures. So then I asked who made the gods! ...Har! That shut 'em up right quick.

Sumia: Oh, I do so hate ponderous questions like that. They only serve to remind me how little we know about anything.

Sully: Yeah, I know how you feel. We make up all these stories and legends to explain crap we don't understand... But they usually make even less sense than just saying "we don't know"!

Sumia: That's how we end up fighting wars over ideas. Because no one knows who's right.

Sully: I guess war is inevitable when everyone has their own version of the truth.

Sumia: I'd like to think that one day we can live in a world that doesn't know war.

Sully: Know what? I think that day's coming. ...And maybe sooner than you think.

Aww, that's so kind!

That's the one thanks!! ^_^

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I dislike Sully the most. She's just really crass and it disgusts me. She tries way too hard to beat the male knights in combat, and that just comes across as negatively feminist. It's the bench for her.

I feel like this is a huge misunderstanding and misreading of Sully's character. I really never got the impression that Sully is all about being better than men. Shes more like "just treat me like a bloke and im happier for it." Its Kjelle that takes the "im better than the boys!" thing way too far.

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I feel like this is a huge misunderstanding and misreading of Sully's character. I really never got the impression that Sully is all about being better than men. Shes more like "just treat me like a bloke and im happier for it." Its Kjelle that takes the "im better than the boys!" thing way too far.

Kjelle's just always struck me as a little bit... misguided in her ideals.
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I feel like this is a huge misunderstanding and misreading of Sully's character. I really never got the impression that Sully is all about being better than men. Shes more like "just treat me like a bloke and im happier for it." Its Kjelle that takes the "im better than the boys!" thing way too far.

I actually felt like Sully was worse than Kjelle in that regard, Every time I look at either of the characters I think "penis envy". To me, a confident, independant woman doesn't feel the need to bring up her sex in reguards to anything pertaining to gender stereotypes. She wouldn't need too, because she is confident enough in herself that it doesn't cross her mind. Sully is like an alchoholic saying she doesn't have a problem because she sets limits for herself. Casual drinkers don't need to set limits because they don't have a problem, the thought of it never crosses their minds. I got the really strong impression that she wanted to be a man through most of her dialogue.

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I actually felt like Sully was worse than Kjelle in that regard, Every time I look at either of the characters I think "penis envy". To me, a confident, independant woman doesn't feel the need to bring up her sex in reguards to anything pertaining to gender stereotypes. She wouldn't need too, because she is confident enough in herself that it doesn't cross her mind. Sully is like an alchoholic saying she doesn't have a problem because she sets limits for herself. Casual drinkers don't need to set limits because they don't have a problem, the thought of it never crosses their minds. I got the really strong impression that she wanted to be a man through most of her dialogue.

I cannot begin to tell you just exactly what is wrong with this post. Wanting to be strong is not penis envy and wanting to achieve one's goals is not comparable to alcoholism.


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It's utterly insulting to call Sully's character "penis envy". When a woman acts in a conventionally masculine manner, more often than not it's just because that's who she is. There's no actual evidence of her ever saying she wanted to be a man. Sully wants to be the best that she can be, and yet is aware of the limitations her size can bring her. Sully appreciates people who are conventionally feminine. She's great friends with Sumia and she admires Cherche for her ability to be both feminine and powerful. Masculine women don't want to be men. Traits aren't inherently gendered. They are perceived to be gendered because society says so.

Yet even then sometimes, it's hard being a woman who just happens to not fit at all within society's acceptable definition of femininity when you're not trying and this is just who you are. It's sometimes fucking alienating and there's so much pressure for you to change who you are and act within those bounds. That's one possible reason she brings up gender, though it doesn't have to be, but it sure as fuck ain't penis envy.

Edit: I was reminded that Sully x Ricken explicitly states that Sully doesn't want to be a man, even when Ricken was trying to brew a potion that could actually do the job. Been a while since I read the supports, but there you go.

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But I've been visiting other Fire Emblem communities as of late and I was shocked to find out characters like Owain are OVERWHELMINGLY popular in several places like Tumblr, YouTube, Reddit, GameFAQs, etc. And even going through Fanfics and Rule 34 he is pretty damn popular.

Owain on Rule 34? Didn't know so many people were interested on the size of his Mystletainn...

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I cannot begin to tell you just exactly what is wrong with this post. Wanting to be strong is not penis envy and wanting to achieve one's goals is not comparable to alcoholism.


I apologize if my point came across as condescending, that was not my intention. and your right, wanting to be strong is not penis envy, but what I've seen from her character gives me the impression that she wants to be a man. I don't know if she does, and I don't necessarily believe that she does, I was simply stating my impressions of the character based on the dialogue that I have seen. The quip about alcoholism is an extreme example yes, but an example nonetheless. The point of my post was that I dislike Sully's character because she beats everyone over the head with the "women are just as good as men" mentality all the time when a woman more confident in herself and her own abilities doesn't need too. I just don't find her appealing as a character because of this.

It's utterly insulting to call Sully's character "penis envy". When a woman acts in a conventionally masculine manner, more often than not it's just because that's who she is. There's no actual evidence of her ever saying she wanted to be a man. Sully wants to be the best that she can be, and yet is aware of the limitations her size can bring her. Sully appreciates people who are conventionally feminine. She's great friends with Sumia and she admires Cherche for her ability to be both feminine and powerful. Masculine women don't want to be men. Traits aren't inherently gendered. They are perceived to be gendered because society says so.

Yet even then sometimes, it's hard being a woman who just happens to not fit at all within society's acceptable definition of femininity when you're not trying and this is just who you are. It's sometimes fucking alienating and there's so much pressure for you to change who you are and act within those bounds. That's one possible reason she brings up gender, though it doesn't have to be, but it sure as fuck ain't penis envy.

Edit: I was reminded that Sully x Ricken explicitly states that Sully doesn't want to be a man, even when Ricken was trying to brew a potion that could actually do the job. Been a while since I read the supports, but there you go.

You are correct, it is insulting to label a woman as "penis envy" and I would never do so, but this is not a woman, it's a video game character. You're right, there is no point where Sully says or implies directly that she wants to be a man, and as I stated above I don't necessarily believe that she is, I just got that impression from her dialogue. Yes, it's okay for traits stereotypically seen in one sex to be found in the other. A man who cooks and cleans is no more less a man, and a woman who fights wars or lifts weights at the gym is no less a woman. That was not the point of my argument, and i'm sorry if it came across that way. When someone is always talking about how women and men are equal to people who never implied otherwise it leads me to believe they aren't confident in their own sex, that is where the "penis envy" came from. It wasn't about the way she carries herself, almost every other woman in the game is a murdering badass and some of them are more macho that the men are, and that's okay. However, nobody but Sully and Kjelle feel the need to point this kind of thing out.

The bottom line. I don't like Sully or Kjelle as characters and their lack of confidence in themselves as women gives me the impression that they are unhappy with their gender. I apologize again to anyone who was offended by the way I worded my post, because that was certainly not my intention.

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Owain on Rule 34? Didn't know so many people were interested on the size of his Mystletainn...

Maybe you should read through some of his supports/lines again and see what happens when you take out the word "hand" from his lines.

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is there even a support where sully's gender is the main focus and the other party (miriel, lon'qu are the obvious ones) isn't the first one to bring it up?

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is there even a support where sully's gender is the main focus and the other party (miriel, lon'qu are the obvious ones) isn't the first one to bring it up?

indeed, Sully and Stahl's A support for one;


Oof! ...Yeah, I'll feel that one tomorrow.


Heh heh! Stahl the Panther strikes again! Still, I think I finally understand what you were getting at. The right attitude really does make a difference.


Well, don't think you'll ever be better than me. Because you won't.


Ha! I wouldn't dare suggest it.


But you know the others expect you to show me up someday.




It's okay. I'm used to it.


...Er, Sully? is everything all right? You're getting weird on me.


It's just... People look at me and all they see is a damn woman!


Um, okay? Not sure where this is coming from, but if I implied—


Not you, idiot. You treat me as an equal, and I've always respected that. I just worry that... Well, what happens if you do surpass me someday? People won't think it's because of hard work or skill or any of that. It'll just be another damn man beating a woman to the finish line again.


Now who's being wishy-washy?


Hey! Don't you lecture me, chump! I'll kick you right in the—


Ha ha! Now that's the Sully I know. A mighty Bull in the making! ...Or is it a mewling Sheep? We'd better go another round and find out.


Oh, I am so going to hand you your lunch in a second. Come on, tough guy! Show me what you're really made of!


Eep! M-maybe this was a bad idea...

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