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Which should I pick????



17 members have voted

  1. 1. Which should i join?

    • The helping children from Africa group
    • The Marketing group
    • Ultimate Frisbee

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i have signed up for 3 student organizations, but unfortunately i don't have time to do all 3 of them. can you help me choose?

1.) I forgot the name, but its an student group in which they do many activities to raise funds for children in Africa. I would absolutely love to be a part of this group, and it looks very interesting.

2.) Its some Marketing student group. its kinda cool, since it might help me get a marketing minor if i ever decide to pursue one it looks like it'll be fun, too!

3.) Ultimate FRISBEE~! its sounds cool, because i like Frisbee, and it has the word ULTIMATE before it!!!!

i was thinking about joining 2....

Edited by Crystal Chanda Leir
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Hard to say.

Personally, I wouldn't do the african thing, because I'm a hateful, degenerate, republican, bastard, demon spawn, but I could see you doing something like that Bianchi.

The marketing thing sounds boring, but if you're minoring in it, you might find it somewhat interesting. So maybe it would work for you.

And I've actually played Ultimate Frisbie before and it's loads of fun. If it were me in this, I would pick that. But, the helping african people is more satisfing emotionally cause your helping people and the marketing thing might prove to be useful eventually. The frisbie thing is just loads of fun.

So, I can't really help you to pick one, but no matter what you chose I still love you. *Hugs.*

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Hard to say.

Personally, I wouldn't do the african thing, because I'm a hateful, degenerate, republican, bastard, demon spawn, but I could see you doing something like that Bianchi.

The marketing thing sounds boring, but if you're minoring in it, you might find it somewhat interesting. So maybe it would work for you.

And I've actually played Ultimate Frisbie before and it's loads of fun. If it were me in this, I would pick that. But, the helping african people is more satisfing emotionally cause your helping people and the marketing thing might prove to be useful eventually. The frisbie thing is just loads of fun.

So, I can't really help you to pick one, but no matter what you chose I still love you. *Hugs.*

lol! don't be to hard on yourself! XD

i want to do all! which to pick?

*waits for enlightenment*

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i say the marketing one, it seems like the only choice that that acaully help you suceed in like and almost all jobs you need some marketing skills, if not that then the frisbee one

Agreed, choose the Marketing one...I am not sure what number 2 is really about but it seems it will help you alot in the business/finiance and shall give you the experince to help you in the long run. Choosing number 2 I think will help you to open many career paths, from the experince you gained.

Edited by Dark Sage
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lol! don't be to hard on yourself! XD

i want to do all! which to pick?

*waits for enlightenment*


Well, it's hard to say. I don't do it too often, but I love it when I play ulitmate frisbie with my friends in new york. BUT! You can do that in your spare time if you really wanted to. For the african one, you could always just give money to charity and that would satisfy your humanitarian side, and the marketing thing would just be boring in my eyes.

Technically, the marketing thing is the only one that you couldn't just do on the side.

But for some reason I can really see you helping the african people. But I guess I just view you as a caring person like that.

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Well, it's hard to say. I don't do it too often, but I love it when I play ulitmate frisbie with my friends in new york. BUT! You can do that in your spare time if you really wanted to. For the african one, you could always just give money to charity and that would satisfy your humanitarian side, and the marketing thing would just be boring in my eyes.

Technically, the marketing thing is the only one that you couldn't just do on the side.

But for some reason I can really see you helping the african people. But I guess I just view you as a caring person like that.

I don't think the fressbee one will help her that much...number two does sound boring but I think you should go for it. Choose the one which you will benefit the most!!!

Edited by Dark Sage
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In the end it's really your choice.

Personally I wouldn't go for number three. . . but both one and two have pros and cons.

For number one, you get to help people, which is always a plus in my opinion. The con is that it doesn't necessarily look as though it would help you later on.

For number two, it could help you should you ever decide to get marketing as a minor course. There isn't really a con for this one, however. The only thing I can think of is that it isn't helping people, unlike number one.

Edited by Cymbeline
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Hmmm, #1. You'll come out of the group happy that you have helped MILLIONS in need.

#2-That is more personal, plus you said you might not pursue one so 2 is pointless....

#3-Unless you mean joining a team, you can do this on your own.

PS:Ultimate Frisbeee IS FUN, it is just like football, except you don't tackle and you can't run with the frisbee.

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I say you make your own group. It shows that you have leadership skills for future employers.

But since that's not the question, I say marketing if you're planning to go into that field after college.


i won't have time to be my own group! i'm even seriously doubting that i'll have time to even be a member of one!

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