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I'm sure no one cares but... this happened


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Vivian, duh.

All this drama is making me perpetually erect. I am so glad to see the internet saying strong in the face of continued resistance by these publications. Kotaku and their ilk are everything poisoning this industry, the sooner they are held to accountability the better

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All this drama is making me perpetually erect.

You should probably get that checked.

The one thing that I'll say is that gaming journalism has been in the decline for a while now, everyone loves IGN and Geoff "Mountain Dew and Doritos" Keighley as well as many others, but this seems to be the straw that broke the camel's back and put forth a huge amount of backlash which, as far as I know, has not been seen before. I wonder why that is, because I think this thing is overblown to a degree, but it is still worth discussing, absolutely. Is there any particular reason that this specific incident/controversy has caused the internet to lose its fudge at gaming journalism in droves now (it's not just 4chan)?

Edited by Tryhard
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Interfering? She made a pay-what-you-want game that got put on Steam as free. The closest thing to a corrupt benefit she even could have gotten out of schmoozing with anybody is exposure.

And yeah, videogame journalism is fucked, but it has so many problems orders of magnitude worse. Companies as big as Rockstar allegedly bullying publications wrt scores, widespread instances of "rewarding publications who gave (slash give) your shit good scores with preview feature story opportunities," publications making revenue bank on advertising games being intertwined with the games being advertised benefiting from it (not that I wouldn't believe it's not the only industry that happens in, but gaming sites can be really obnoxious with sidebar advertisements being up even as I read/watch a review tearing that game apart), Doritos.jpg.

(I also remember a screenshot of some post on a chan itself where somebody claimed to be a professional journalism evaluator or whatever, which said that on some rating system they used to evaluate whether a publication used acceptably ethical/verifiable/generally professional reporting practices, none of the biggest gaming outlets got much over 30-something out of a hundred, while Fox got in the seventies or sthg)

and the extent of the things I've even seen any of the Quinn 5 (some of whom I didn't even see that basically-a-macro claim were [romantic] partners, just that they were friends or friends-of-friends) say about her games was:

-it was listed among a bunch of things that got greenlit on a rockpapershotgun article?

-depression quest resonated with one of them or something

I actually do not know how many people got personally harassed on social media over the former bunch, so I can't quite say "clearly hypocritical actions" or whatever, but, like. I don't understand why anybody would even bother sticking their heads up in response to Quinn's whatever if the others didn't make them roll out of bed and get themselves a running start

Edited by Rehab
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Interfering? She made a pay-what-you-want game that got put on Steam as free.

It was popularized because of efforts from people she gave sexual favors to. There is a copious database which you can examine splattered on the front of /v/ at all times that explains exactly why the allegations leveled towards her are so serious.

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The Zoe Quinn thing is massively overblown hearsay being used to justify doxxing and scorched-earth harassment. That anybody cares about her sex life is a special kind of stupid on its own, but the guys they're so stubbornly saying she slept with didn't even directly review her bloody game, at least not in the "sit down and talk about it/give a statement of its perceived quality" sense. It's a fucking free/pay-what-you-want game in the first place, how could she even get like real substantial, corrupted benefit out of- ugh. muh corruption, muh games, muh muh

If some people on 4chan want to donate to a women's game jam to spite whoever, whatever. At least they've openly said they did it to thumb their noses, at, who, Anita Sarkeesian? It's not like you can lift a foot in /v/ without stepping in misanthropic, misogynist bile, and they don't try to hide it otherwise.

They gave publicity to her game, and they wrote articles about her doing a game jam shortly after she D-Dos-ed TFYC one and one other one that she didn't want to be a part of.

Also the doxxes linked to some place in Hawaii and a Motorbike shop, so it doesn't seem that valid.

Plus it was never entirely all about her sex life, you think if she slept with 5 random firefighters, or anybody else outside of the games industry people would care more than making the odd joke?

Plus on top of everything there's also the mass-censorship and the alleged wizard chan "attacks" which looks so much like it was a set up. Finally even if they were only close friends, siblings or flat-mates (like what they're reporting another journalist for now) they would probably have taken some issue with that although probably not to the same effect

Also I'm not going to say there isn't overly misogynistic people there and a lot of lewds posted, but for the most part they're content just to shit on each other's preferences, (the only time you can have a good Metroid thread is early in the morning because there isn't the constant Prime vs Super, and Other M was good because it wasn't Prime) but I will say it is being overplayed.

Also them sending the porn in with it was great, and Afterlife Empire because imagine the shitstorm and the tears when somebody accidentally kills Vivian in it, assuming she's an NPC that goes round the house.

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Publicity is very important. Publicity essentially increases future profits because it builds a name for the person getting publicity. Publicity is actually already working in Quinn's favor, as she pulled the harassment card once 'the news' came out, and a lot of people have donated to her Patreon account just because they feel sympathy for her. She has been accused of pulling the harassment card for sympathy before to get her game greenlit in the first place.

Obviously the censorship of criticism and the press completely taking Quinn's side has only made things worse. Many people on both sides have become frustrated to the extent that they've started harassing. Yes, both sides. It's not just people harassing Quinn et al., it's also Quinn's defenders constantly shouting lines as "misogynist" and "harasser" at honest people who just want to address the issue of journalistic integrity.

Personally I have a dislike of Quinn. People are saying: "It's her private life, you have no reason to hate her", but her actions have revealed her bad character, and what other valid reason is there to dislike a person than for their character? I think that at the very least the issue of journalistic integrity should be discussed and should be allowed to be discussed openly. I condemn harassment from both sides; in the end, it only hurts your argument.

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someone should explain this

in not 4chan terms

so i can have an opinion

because opinions are cool

I'm biased, but... this is what I know so far.

Once upon a time... long time ago.

In a galaxy far far far away...

There existed a plane called Gaming Journalism.

Their job was to report on games that came their way to apex on their curiosity.

One day, a creature of predefined gender approached them asked them to review on her game.

Depression Quest it was called.

Bad Reviews lay across her board.

Enraged by it. She decides to commit the unthinkable.

Using her gendered favors, she lured unsuspecting male one after another despite being in relationship with her beloved.

Suddenly, the reviews shifted from bad to good, and the journalism is under her control.

Many protests, but no, she did not submit, rather she claims to be a victim of all this situation.

Hiding behind her wall of her comrade of same ideal... The Feminism. But not just any Feminism... the Feminazi.

A faction within the religion that slowly overthrow the true equality between genders to turn toward opposing 'privileged white cis male'

Protected by such... men could not force her to reflect on her sins of upsetting the balance of gaming.

There came along an innocent company called TFYC who wants to truly create a game befitting female gamers. (whose term does not apply properly as gamers are of both gender and should not be corrupted to display own gender.)

They seek donation and support to create this game. The same creature as told before, Zoe Quinn, had previously told the person who is behind the face of TFYC to condemn the game as it is not worthy for the face of feminazi.

But on another alternative plane, one not fit to be seen, nor to be interacted with as it is on the highway to hell, a board, but not just any board, but a gaming board. /v/.

They conspired and decided to 'upset' Quinn and supported TFYC donating nearly 16 thousand dollar to the cause. TFYC baffled by their generosity offered them their very own representation within the game. They debated back and forth resulting in a civil war between their own kin. Finally, they came to an agreement. Vivian James was born, as a daughter to the /v/.

Happily sending the owner a copy of the information on their newborn. The very next day, TFYC was shut down for unknown reason other than to annoys the alternative board.

Angered by the hacker's effort to dispute the attempt at equality, TFYC turned to the donation board's director asking them to repair and restore the information to keep their development on board.

Again, hacked. /v/ and TFYC was baffled by the sheer stupidity of the hacker. To oppose a board within the alternative plane equal total destruction by the crushing force of a blood waterfall from hell. 4chan does not take these sort of things very kindly.

As I know, TFYC and /v/ are calm at the moment, but I really doubt /v/ will stand Zoe Quinn and her slaves to continue trying shut down the equality operation game devised for women.

(I exaggerated a bit. But a good story are always exaggerated.)

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The one thing that I'll say is that gaming journalism has been in the decline for a while now, everyone loves IGN and Geoff "Mountain Dew and Doritos" Keighley as well as many others, but this seems to be the straw that broke the camel's back and put forth a huge amount of backlash which, as far as I know, has not been seen before. I wonder why that is, because I think this thing is overblown to a degree, but it is still worth discussing, absolutely. Is there any particular reason that this specific incident/controversy has caused the internet to lose its fudge at gaming journalism in droves now (it's not just 4chan)?

I'm still wondering if this is going to be answered.

I clearly know that there is an issue here, but why this case, and why now? Is it because a feminist is involved? Why?

Edited by Tryhard
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The public at large has been growing less and less tolerable of the squalid state of gaming journalism, especially with the growing presence of social justice in most of their publications. This was more or less the last straw that broke the camel's back.

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It's a long tale to tell...

And most information out there is biased one way or the other. Prepare for a long post.

The whole thing started when Zoë Quinn's ex-boyfriend released a blog post (accessible here http://thezoepost.wordpress.com/) detailing... well, a lot of things.

Basically, she had cheated on him with five guys, among whom her married boss and Kotaku writer Nathan Grayson. Grayson has given her game Depression Quest publicity (allegedly he even wrote a favorable review of the game, but now such a review cannot be found). This raises the question of conflict of interests, breach of journalistic integrity and nepotism. The story blew up and on multiple websites people started criticizing and attacking Quinn, Grayson and the gaming press as a whole. These responded by censoring the discussion. This image (https://twitter.com/inawarminister/status/501750724980514816/photo/1) of a Reddit moderator asking for personal correspondence with Quinn has circulated the internet. Youtuber Mundane Matt uploaded a video which Quinn subsequently took down by means of a false DMCA (the video had a publicly available still image of Depression Quest in the background). 4Chan has been noted for not censoring the discussion.

Later, Quinn and Phil Fish, who was defending her on Twitter, were hacked. There have been allegations that they hacked themselves to victimize themselves (explained here: http://imgur.com/VeLuwV5). The whole controversy has brought to light some things from Quinn's past. She had (perhaps falsely, read: http://imgur.com/a/4VOcx) accused the board Wizardchan of harassing her and she is also held responsible for ruining a charity which wanted to help female game developers called The Fine Young Capitalists (http://wordofthenerdonline.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/20/V3nHOOI.jpg).

Things are quite messy now. Harassment from both sides is commonplace now, and hacking, also from both sides (allegedly), occasional. Harassment from the "pro-Quinn" side, though often not styled harassment, involves calling their opponents misogynists. 4Chan users decided to show the world they are not the misogynists they're made out to be by donating to The Fine Young Capitalists. 4Chan is the now the number 1 donator, and has created a character called Vivian James to represent their cause.

Some interesting videos (biased anti-Quinn) to check out would be:



And if you just want to laugh it off, there's this:


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Why did it blow up? Call it fate or coincidence, it's the same anyway. I have no idea why it blew up. "The last straw" could have been involved. But I think it didn't really blow up until criticism started being censored. That's what did it, I think.

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As I know, TFYC and /v/ are calm at the moment, but I really doubt /v/ will stand Zoe Quinn and her slaves to continue trying shut down the equality operation game devised for women.

(I exaggerated a bit. But a good story are always exaggerated.)

I'd say that /v/ will carry on funding it for a while for different reasons.

Some will do it because they've gone overboard with their daughterfu, Vivian.

Some will do it because they believe it's a good cause.

Some will do it just to see TFYC carry on delivering smackdowns on tumblr and twitter.

Then others will stop because they don't think it needs to be done.

Some will stay opposed.

Some have been complaining about the TFYC response to the Ariel Connor aftermath,

Also the main thing your post missed out was the dubious looking Wizardchan "raid", which really irked me.

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The public at large has been growing less and less tolerable of the squalid state of gaming journalism, especially with the growing presence of social justice in most of their publications. This was more or less the last straw that broke the camel's back.

See, that's what I thought at first and why I said it but like Rehab said there seems to be much 'worse' incidents of extreme corruption in gaming journalism already that didn't create nearly as much backlash, not to say this one isn't bad. I'm sure censorship has come up at least once before, and I never really saw anything like this. I don't know if it's because 4chan or "social justice" is involved but it seems to be overblown at least to that degree.

Not that I really care that people are angry, and they should be, because honestly it was very hard to see any serious convictions to stop or change the current state of gaming journalism. I think some of the people involved are angry for the wrong reasons - and are just trying to spite people; hopefully that is in the minority at least.

Additionally apparently this is a thing.


Also why does everyone always refer to 4chan as a "hivemind"?

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Yeah, but just because something is worse doesn't necessarily mean it's always going to cause a larger backlash. The community has bottled hate towards the state of affairs for awhile. Sometimes a dam breaks from simple erosion, it doesn't always take gale-force hurricanes.

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Also why does everyone always refer to 4chan as a "hivemind"?

I think it's because of the anonymity. You have a lot of posts being thrown around but not necessarily identities tied to those posts. Also I guess 4chan and anon have some kind of relationship, and anon is decentralized (I think?) so...

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Hivemind refers to organized system of group controlled by a being.

Think Ants, and Bees in real world.

Tyranids and Zergs in games.

4chan is most certainly not a hivemind.

If I had to compare 4chan to something.

I'd compare it to Deep Sea.

It's full of darkness, and unimaginable horrors.

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