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FE7 Inverse Growths Playthrough


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Hello, Serenes Forest! Today I will bring you the story of my FE7 Inverse Growths% playthrough. It’s not the longest or most elaborate story but I do have a couple of screenshots to share.

Inverse Growths is my latest cure for boredom. Like 0% growths, 100% crit, Tedious Mode and 255% growths, it’s just a simple modification of the game using Nightmare to change the gameplay experience. Inverse Growths works as the name suggests: you take all the growths from player characters, and you substract them from 100 to get their new growths.

For example, Dorcas normally has:

80% HP, 60% Str, 40% Skl, 20% Spd, 45% Luk, 25% Def and 15% Res

With Inverse Growths, this becomes:

20% HP, 40% Str, 60% Skl, 80% Spd, 55% Luk, 75% Def and 85% Res

In theory, this causes units to be the opposite of what they normally are once they’ve gained a significant amount of levels. In practice, it turns everyone into low HP/high def/res units and base stats are still very important.

I did the same for enemy class growths, but this turned out to be a rather bad idea because they have such terrible growths.

For example, your average Archer has:

70% HP, 35% Str, 40% Skl, 32% Spd, 15% Def and 20% Res (Enemy Luk is always 0)

But now he has:

30% HP, 65% Str, 60% Skl, 68% Spd, 85% Def and 80% Res

You can imagine what went wrong there. At least the enemy HP isn’t too outrageous so it’s still possible to kill them in a reasonable time frame.

So I have a bunch of screenshots to share, uploaded to imgur and all, but I can't really figure out how to post a bunch of screenshots in one post. When I use [ IMG ] on all of them, it only shows some of them. Is there some hidden trick I'm not aware of?

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Are you sure your urls are all appropriate? You may be using an imgur URL that is actually the link to the page that has the image, as opposed to the image's direct url. If you can paste it straight ouf of Imgur's own prebuilt [ img ] tagged stuff there should be no problems.

This sounds pretty fun, but Marcus is going to even more stupid with growths that high across the board!

Edited by Irysa
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People are just going to be insanely durable because everyone has tiny Def/Res growths but super HP growths, so applying the Inverse will just mean that everyone will ramcap Def/Res and HP will be meh. Offense won't change /that/ much over the board.


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Marcus is already a top tier unit.

Now his growths are going to be...

HP: 35#

Str: 70%

Skl: 50%

Spd: 75%

Lck: 65%

Def: 85%

Res: 65%

Haha. His Averages at level 20.

38 hp

29(capped at 24) str

25 skl

26(capped at 24) spd

26 luck

27 (capped at 25) def

21 res.

Slap the angelic robes on him and watch him solo.

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When I saw the title I thought that you would have people's stats decreasing somehow after every level up.

I agree that Marcus will probably stomp it. Lowen will probably be pretty ridiculous too.

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I think it would've been a better idea to reassign the growths in reverse rank order. Dorcas, for example, has the following "ranks:"

1. 80% HP

2. 60% Str

3. 45% Luk

4. 40% Skl

5. 25% Def

6. 20% Spd

7. 15% Res

His growths would then become:

1. 80% Res

2. 60% Spd

3. 45% Def

4. 40% Skl

5. 25% Luk

6. 20% Str

7. 15% HP

Edited by chococoke
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I just realized something. In a game like FE 7 inverse growths are fine. But make a game like Gaiden or FE 6 or 1/3 a lot easier. It's quite fascinating to think of the possibilities that await but haven't been discovered. This also makes Matthew a Dorcas nearly.

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I think it would've been a better idea to reassign the growths in reverse rank order. Dorcas, for example, has the following "ranks:"

1. 80% HP

2. 60% Str

3. 45% Luk

4. 40% Skl

5. 25% Def

6. 20% Spd

7. 15% Res

His growths would then become:

1. 80% Res

2. 60% Spd

3. 45% Def

4. 40% Skl

5. 25% Luk

6. 20% Str

7. 15% HP

Good idea, this.

Ninian/Nils: Masters of Strength.

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Hector is better. Just not my Hector specifically. Marcus is good for surviving harder modes. But he isn't amazing in a normal playthrough.

i don't think you understand how to play this game properly


i have been informed that general hector in fe6 is better in the trial maps than marcus

i now stand corrected

Edited by CT075
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All Marcus really needs is a speedwings to be strong and usable throughout the entire game.

Too bad my Rings can't be thrown. Man, if only...

Then you'd have some sort of defense against Nergal!

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you have no idea what you're talking about

I only speak for a casual playthrough and not a ranked run. I mean a Marcus compared to other units isn't as good. I mean no disrespect. Edited by WaluigiWeegee
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I only speak for a casual playthrough and not a ranked run. I mean a Marcus compared to other units isn't as good. I mean no disrespect.

i don't understand how you can say this when marcus has better stats than the rest of the party basically forever

i mean sure, a level 20/1 hector has better stats than base marcus, but why does hector get to have 19 levels when marcus gets nothing

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