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FE13 Lunatic Classic "Blind" Playlog


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[spoiler=Chapter List]

Premonition to Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Paralogue 1

Chapter 5, 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Paralogue 2, 3
Chapter 9

Paralogue 4, Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Paralogue 12

Paralogue 9

Paralogue 10

Chapter 14

Chapter 15

Paralogue 5, Chapter 16

Chapter 17

Chapter 18

Paralogue 17, Chapter 19

Chapter 20

Chapter 21

Chapter 22

Chapter 23

Chapter 24 to Final

I think I need to do this in order to actually reasonably beat the game and sort of contain frustration/get help instead of shitting up The Lunatic Club thread all the time because it makes me feel guilty. And I like doing playlogs, even if nobody is going to read them. I welcome general advice but I would ask you stay clear of anything really huge unless it's potentially going to really murder me (already know I need to be in shape by C12)

So here's a brief summary:

  • First run crashed and burned in C5 because I spread exp to thinly and had a shitty Frederick who'd taken tons of EXP and gotten total junk growths.
  • Second/Third runs I quit because Robin ended up being too stupid/overleveled and I rigged growths like crazy w/Bookmark Backups. I got up to C6. Have the save, unlikely to return.
  • Still don't really know what I'm doing and am feeling a little bitter about the fact there doesn't appear to be a seize objective in the game.
  • But I'm resolving myself; I'm just going to accept I suck too much to do proper deployment and stick to 3 to 5 total pairs, and I won't restart this run no matter what.
  • And I'll finish. Because I do finish playlogs. They motivate me to finish!

Full recruitment, no deaths.

Standard stuff.

No DLC/Spotpass weapons nonsense.

Risen grinding seems kind of retardedly hard but someone told me it gets viable in lategame so if I get really stuck I might do that.

Merchants/Barracks/Event Tiles are fair game.

If I need too I'll fuck around to get a Second Seal or Master Seal. I don't actually know when they normally come in/when you can buy them. If I have enough renown to actually buy things I will. I only have 50 right now <_<

However I won't use any of the dumb good special weapons they give unless I get really stuck.


+HP -SKILL Female Avatar (Robin)

I like HP because having 100% HP procs is nice. She'll probably reclass into Mercenary to keep her Sword Rank and go Hero, potentially using Levin Swords (those exist right?) and Hand Axes. I don't really care about minmaxing all the skills as long as the lack of 1-2 isn't going to kill me until she promotes.


F-Avatar x Lon'qu

  • VA shipping, the weeb in me squees at Sawashiro x Koyasu
  • Lon'qu seems decent as a Myrmidon from what I used of him. IDK what I would do about reclassing. Wyvern seems cool but loses sword rank.

Sumia x Chrom

  • Don't like his other possible wives. Plus she has that whole CG with him and everything C3, it's canon guize
  • Chrom seems good. I really like Bow Knights but I get the feeling it's probably better to be a Cav/Pally. OTOH, I don't think you get Aether unless you're a Great Lord and infantry units that can use lances are my favourite thing ever so uh...that might be complicated. No idea if I can let him be Cavalier for any reasonable amount of time then manage to get into Great Lord.
  • Sumia seems like the bog standard Peg. Apparently Falcos get staves in this game though, but I still don't know about classes for her.

Lucina x Morgan (?)

  • I have no clue about anything with these two besides the fact they exist so that's probably subject to change! Don't even know when you recruit them, but don't tell me

I'll use Cordelia because Pegasus Knights are the best, but I don't know who her husband would be.

I heard Panne is good but needs a second seal.

Fred has to get used to some degree but I don't know if it's worth giving him a wife or how long he can stay good.

Lissa and Maribelle beacuse you need more staffbots. Probably.

NFI about the others/don't know who they are.


Durr hurr, pair up Robin to Chrom, ORKO w/Silver Sword.


Relatively simple chapter. Fred weakens Barbarians, OHKO's Mages and Myrmidons, but some good positioning can allow Robin and Chrom to soak Myrmidon kills, and a little luck with AI means they can get the mages. I aimed to give Robin all of the Barbarian kills and a Myrmidon. Fred should get 1 Myrmidon and 2 Mages. Chrom gets 1 Myrmidon and the Boss + Various chips.

However, I can only assume that Gamble decided to make an enemy Barb go after Fred instead of Robin when he was already chipped, so Fred ended up getting a Barb kill. Oh well.

I got a Ladle ( <_< ) and 19EXP for Chrom from the Event Tiles.

14 Turns.


UNIT       CLASS       LEVEL       HP    ST    MG    SK    SP    LK    DF    RS       WPNLVL                     SUPPORT

Chrom      Lord        02.26       21    08    01    09    08    05    07    01       E SWORD 
Robin    Tactician     03.98    (+)26    07    06 (-)05    07    04    07    05       E SWORD E TOME 
Fred     G.Knight     ??/01.64     28    13    02    12    10    06    14    03       B LANCE D AXE D SWORD 
Lissa     Cleric       02.70       17    02    06    05    05    08    03    04       E STAFF 

[spoiler=Chapter 1]

Robins growths weren't amazing so Fred's going to have to do the heavy lifting this chapter. Fred pairs up with Robin and goes to the top fort w/Silver Lance equipped. Chrom positions so Sully can pair up w/him and then grab 2 kills from the 2 enemies weakened by Fred on Turn 1 EP. He can survive both the Merc and the Fighter and finish them off as long as he got either HP or defence on Chapter 1 w/Sully's Pair Up bonus.

After that, Fred equips the Bronze Sword and weakens as many things as possible for Chrom, and Robin switches in when it's safe to do so. Virion + Chrom can lure Archer.

First time I did this, Fred got hit by the hammer at like 23% disp hit....

Event Tiles were + Support for Robin and Fred (pretty sure I capped out by battles anyway) and Weapon EXP for Robin.

I forgot to note the turns. I think it was 10?


UNIT       CLASS       LEVEL       HP    ST    MG    SK    SP    LK    DF    RS       WPNLVL                     SUPPORT

Chrom      Lord        03.56       22    08    01    10    09    06    07    02       E SWORD                    C SULLY
Robin    Tactician     06.26    (+)30    08    07 (-)05    08    07    07    05       D SWORD D TOME             C FRED
Fred     G.Knight     ??/02.07     30    13    02    13    11    06    15    03       B LANCE D AXE D SWORD      C ROBIN
Lissa     Cleric       03.55       17    02    07    06    06    09    04    05       D STAFF

[spoiler=Chapter 2]

Robin's only procced def once so Fred will have to carry again. Virion and Fred aggro the majority of enemies whilst Chrom and Robin take a few from the left. Fred manages to get hit a bunch of times whilst on a forest wielding a sword by the Barbs...I have to use two Elixirs to keep him alive. Funnily enough, the Ladle comes in handy, the Soldiers can only do like 2 damage to my Fred when he's on a Forest with it.

Robin and Chrom take some of the kills once the enemy density is down. Chrom gets the event tile for 17 EXP.

Vaike and Frederick grab the top event tile for Hector's Axe and pull everything. Robin and Chrom pull some of the other enemies. Chrom didn't finish his lunch and missed his ticket to level 5. Robin took it instead.

I forgot to unequip Vaike when Fred was chipping the boss so Fred stole the bosskill. Massive waste of exp. Oh well. :\

Fred actually has B Swords before A Lances. That's kinda hilarious. Lissa still hasn't procced HP. Good thing she never needs to take hits.

Turns 12

UNIT       CLASS       LEVEL       HP    ST    MG    SK    SP    LK    DF    RS       WPNLVL                     SUPPORT

Chrom      Lord        04.77       23    08    01    10    10    07    07    03       D SWORD                    C ROBIN C SULLY
Robin    Tactician     08.25    (+)32    10    07 (-)06    10    09    08    06       D SWORD D TOME             C FRED
Fred     G.Knight     ??/03.78     31    14    02    13    12    06    16    03       B LANCE B SWORD D AXE      C ROBIN C VIRION
Lissa     Cleric       04.23       17    02    08    06    07    09    04    06       D STAFF

[spoiler=Chapter 3]

Sumia + Fred can ORKO one of the archers to the left and weaken the Knight. The Soldier goes after Robin w/Chrom instead.

Soldier dies to chip + Chrom, whilst the Knight dies to Robin's Thunder. Other Archer is killed by Fred. Fred gets the Javelin and pairs up with Kellam, chips the archer from the right with Javelin then kills it on EP. Everything else is weakend for Sumia, Chrom, Robin and Fred to finish off.

Sumia picks up Eliwood's Blade from the Event Tile.

I miscounted tiles because I'm an idiot and Doors confuse me so I ended up not feeding the Knight past the left door to Chrom, Avatar took it instead.

Fortunately her level up was good (although balanced out by a HP only level up later...)

Second Event tile Sumia Chrom Support UP (yesss)

Fred @ Iron Sword w/Kellam was actually tanky enough to withstand the Hammerguy hitting him along with a bunch of other shit when pulling everything over. Sumia, Chrom and Robin got some kills. Chrom took the boss kill. Virion chipped his way into a level up (speed res...good thing he's not long term).

Turns, god dammit I forgot to check again. Uh, 11. I think.

Stats, Chrom's def sucks. I think everything else is fine though. Avatar's Mag is a little behind average maybe.

UNIT       CLASS       LEVEL       HP    ST    MG    SK    SP    LK    DF    RS       WPNLVL                     SUPPORT

Chrom      Lord        07.02       26    10    01    12    12    09    08    03       D SWORD                    C SUMIA/ROBIN/SULLY/LISSA
Robin    Tactician     10.17    (+)35    11    08 (-)07    10    10    09    07       D SWORD D TOME             C CHROM/FRED/LISSA
Fred     G.Knight     ??/04.77     32    15    02    13    12    07    16    03       A LANCE B SWORD C AXE      C ROBIN/LISSA/VIRION
Lissa     Cleric       05.76       18    03    09    06    07    10    04    07       D STAFF                    C CHROM/ROBIN/FRED
Edited by Irysa
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I dunno if I can fit another kid in though. Oh well. I guess I'll try. I also forgot Sumia has her own daughter so that's another thing that has be thought about.

[spoiler=Chapter 4]

Fred + Sumia kill the left side. Chrom + Avatar kill the right. Threw some strength and def tonics around to secure a few things. Managed to snag Sumia a kill on a Fighter and give her the boss kill on Marth.

First event tile was 14 EXP for Chrom. Couldn't reach the second.

Chrom's def still sucks. Fred is so good this time around, holy shit.

Afterwards: Barracks - Glass Lance

Turns 6

UNIT       CLASS       LEVEL       HP    ST    MG    SK    SP    LK    DF    RS       WPNLVL                     SUPPORT

Chrom      Lord        08.06       27    11    01    13    13    10    08    04       C SWORD                    B ROBIN C SUMIA/SULLY/LISSA
Robin    Tactician     10.94    (+)35    11    08 (-)07    10    10    09    07       D SWORD D TOME             B CHROM C FRED/LISSA
Fred     G.Knight     ??/05.19     33    15    02    14    13    08    17    04       A LANCE B SWORD C AXE      C ROBIN/LISSA/SUMIA/VIRION
Sumia    P.Knight      02.93       19    06    03    12    12    09    05    07       D LANCE                    C CHROM/FRED
Lissa     Cleric       06.58       19    03    09    06    07    11    04    08       D STAFF                    C CHROM/ROBIN/FRED

Okay, so Paralogue 1 now. Not sure how much EXP should Lon'qu and Sumia be getting on it really, or whether to just funnel it into Robin and Chrom. Undecided if Fred will tank C5 or if I can maybe get Robin or Chrom to do it instead.

Probably just let Fred do it, look at that defence. Phoaaar.

EDIT: Shit, there's a Risen on the Def/Str Tonic shop. Do those guys go away?

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-If you want a largish team, you may want to consider using the first guaranteed Master Seal (C8) on Robin. One of the limiting factors in a largish team is the number of early Second Seals, rather than pure exp considerations. If you have/are allowing the Renown one, that helps, but otherwise the next guaranteed one after C8 is C12 (when more promoted units are showing up). Robin obviously likes one also, but Veteran mitigates issues there. Plus Rally Spectrum

-Levin Swords are pretty limited if you’re not allowing spotpass. Armsthrift helps tho.

-I usually drop Frederick, but him+Cordelia is a decent option. Frederick gives okay Pair Up, good Weapon Ranks for effective damage/etc, and possibly Dual Guard+. Sevara's bases might suffer tho.

- A non-Frederick unit can tank the middle of C5 (figure out a safe way onto the fort) if they have the avoid vs Dark Magic and Axes. So any decently leveled Sword user (high weapon rank + avoid skills + at least C support for the avoid). I would spend P1 trying somewhat to train one.

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Had to wait a day for that stupid Risen to get off the str tonic shop, and then after I beat Paralogue 1 he came back again.


I really wish you could just retreat from skirmishes like in FE8 if you wanted to make them go the hell away.

I'm also miffed because somehow Robin and Lon'qu didn't hit C support after P-1, despite it happening in the other runs. I think maybe Barracks must have pushed them into it before I guess.

Anyway, P-1.


Anna spawned with a Wyrmslayer so I bought that to help out later.

I spent so long waiting for that stupid risen to go away that Chrom and Lon'qu got dumb bonuses from Barracks. Chrom got +4 str/skl which means paired up with Sumia he can ORKO the first archer near the start of the map, which is kinda like, amazing. Means I didn't have to have Fred+Lon'qu/Sumia or use a Glass Lance or something.

Robin is a point short of doubling even paired up with Lon'qu. Luckily Lon'qu got +4 spd/skl so he could double fine by himself for some pretty consistent ORKOs on Barbs with his Killing Edge. Lon'qu w/Robin @Killing Edge whack Barbs from the upper half whilst Fred w/Virion choke the bottom entranceway. Def tonic makes Thief go for Chrom instead of Lon'qu, which lets Sumia finish the thief off next turn. Robin positions w/Fire on forest tile so she can spam out the Short Axe Barbs and other Archer, then everybody else cleans up.

From there on it's just a matter of properly pulling groups of enemies. The bottom left group goes down easily because of the doubling power I have, and the Killer Lance Thief is dealt with before running off the map by Sumia again.

I boxed in archers for Donnel to whack until he gets his level up. Not that I plan to use him, just 100% recruitment and all.

The boss kill goes to Robin.

Event tiles were WEXP twice for Robin. I was hoping for a support tile but oh well. It helped her reach C Swords and Tomes.

Fred soaked very little exp on this map, He probably only took like 2 Barbs from the start, so that's good. Chrom got a level, Sumia and Sumia got 2 levels (technically they were both about to level up though so. it's more like 1), Lon'qu got 3 levels. I'm hoping by the time the Risen goes away again Lon'qu and Avatar will luck out with a support bonus from Barracks to get to C, otherwise I'll try to use Chrom to tank the middle of C5. I have a decent idea of what I can do to try to get someone up there quickly now.

Tentatively fun things I could have done involve putting Lon'qu at the bottom choke instead of Fred and having all the Barbs prioritise hit him at 1 range instead of throwing axes at him, since he was OHKO'd without a def tonic by their steels. Rig consecutive crits (doubling at 51% is pretty reliable tho) to kill them all on turn 1 ep. But whatever, this was more consistent.

UNIT       CLASS       LEVEL       HP    ST    MG    SK    SP    LK    DF    RS       WPNLVL                     SUPPORT

Chrom      Lord        09.13       28    12    01    14    14    11    09    04       C SWORD                    B SUMIA/ROBIN C SULLY/LISSA
Robin    Tactician     12.70    (+)38    12    10 (-)08    12    10    10    07       C SWORD C TOME             B CHROM C FRED/LISSA
Fred     G.Knight     ??/05.62     33    15    02    14    13    08    17    04       A LANCE B SWORD C AXE      C ROBIN/LISSA/SUMIA/VIRION
Sumia    P.Knight      05.03       22    08    04    15    15    10    06    09       D LANCE                    C CHROM/FRED
Lon'qu   Myrmidon      07.30       23    09    01    15    16    09    09    03       C SWORD
Lissa     Cleric       07.86       20    03    10    07    08    12    04    09       C STAFF                    C CHROM/ROBIN/FRED

Also, autocombine is REALLY ANNOYING. I had a 1 use Bronze Sword I wanted to keep around in case I could do something funky with it (being able to negate doubling sometimes is really handy) but it autofused into my existing one.

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If you don't want to autocombine items, I'd say have someone that you're not going to be using carry them. Autocombine shouldn't work in their inventory.

Otherwise, good job so far. Sucks about that str tonic shop enemy occupation. I guess it's meant to limit your resources/make you think on your toes about what to do (always keep a healthy stock in convoy?).

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Well, no luck with the extra Barracks for Robin and Lon'qu. In retrospect though, Chrom w/Sumia is somewhat better anyway given Chrom ORKO's Wyverns so easily and Sumia gives him extra Res that means I can pull the mages off them (who are the only ones who really do significant damage/have significant hitrate).

[spoiler=Chapter 5]

I really hated this chapter the first time I did it but it's not too bad after all I guess. STR and DEF tonics to Robin and Chrom.

Turn 1, Fred chips a Barb to the northern choke, Virion chips the Myrmidon next to him from behind in the choke, and then Ricken w/Maribelle chip the Myrmidon too. After that, Sumia flies Chrom in so he can finish off the myrmidon.

I initially tried to get Lon'qu to tank all the enemies at the bottom but the Hex/Anathema stuff the Dark Mage has combined with the high hitrate of the Myrmidon and the fact I didn't manage to get a C support meant I had to put Robin in the lead since she was tanky enough to absorb the hits, and strong and fast enough with a Killing Edge and Tonic to ORKO the Barbs.

After that, the northern Barb suicides to Chrom, then the Dark Mage goes for Virion, which leaves Chrom free to park himself on the center fort and kill the Mage. Virion pairs up with Fred and they move back a bit and basically choke the point whilst luring some enemies to prevent Chrom from being overwhelmed. Despite Fred's high defence the hitrates on Chrom are so bad that enemies will aim for Fred if they can.

Sully blocks the bottom left fort. Depending on enemy movement, Robin w/Elwind or Lon'qu w/Wyrmslayer kills the Wyvern that comes down on the left. After that, it's merely a case of Chrom chugging vulneraries in the middle and Robin and Lon'qu killing stuff on the left side of the map w/Miriel and Ricken chipping in and Fred eventually coming along to assist until all the reinforcements stop.

Then position Fred on the right to pull 1 Wyvern, Chrom and Sumia get the top center fort in the middle of 3 enemies, and Lon'qu and Robin take the left fort. Mop up the rest of the remaning enemies and hey presto, map's clear. Wyrmslayer makes this map considerably more flexible since you don't need to pass the Elwind around as much.

Lon'qu took the bosskill. Sumia did not find much of a chance to soak exp unfortunately but she scraped C Lances via DS.

Event Tiles were + Support for Chrom and Sumia (they definitely maxed out on battles anyway...) and + 21 EXP for Chrom.


UNIT       CLASS       LEVEL       HP    ST    MG    SK    SP    LK    DF    RS       WPNLVL                     SUPPORT

Chrom      Lord        12.57       31    13    01    16    16    14    10    05       B SWORD                    A SUMIA B ROBIN C SULLY/LISSA
Robin    Tactician     14.42    (+)41    13    11 (-)08    13    11    13    07       C SWORD C TOME             B CHROM C LON'QU/FRED/LISSA
Fred     G.Knight     ??/06.28     34    16    02    15    14    09    18    04       A LANCE A SWORD C AXE      B VIRION C ROBIN/LISSA/SUMIA
Sumia    P.Knight      05.68       22    08    04    15    15    10    06    09       C LANCE                    C CHROM/FRED
Lon'qu   Myrmidon      09.84       25    10    01    17    17    10    10    03       C SWORD                    C ROBIN
Lissa     Cleric       08.86       21    05    11    07    08    13    04    10       C STAFF                    C CHROM/ROBIN/FRED
Mari     Troubador     03.44       18    00    05    04    06    05    03    06       D STAFF

Chrom's def is still lagging behind, but he;s admittedly blessed in offensive parameters. Lon'qu's is 420Blazing. Robin is skill screwed, even as a flaw it should be at least 10 by now. Lissa has a bizzarely high amount of str.


Chapter 6 probably the easiest map so far, if only because Lucina solos half of it. Bought a heal staff. Regretted it because I got one in the chapter anyway. Oh well.

[spoiler=Chapter 6]

Robin w/ Lon'qu go right, along with Fred w/ Virion. Maribelle heals.

Chrom w/Sumia go left, along with Ricken, Miriel and Lissa.

Lucina basically handles the middle mostly by herself.

Right side can handle themselves pretty capably, Fred's Hand Axe and speed lets him deal with a good amount of enemies whilst.Chrom and Sumia kill as many things as possible with Falchion and Rapier use. Pillar use and Vulnerary chugging hold off enemies long enough. PannexGaius lure a few enemies into the choke at Emmeryn's room, Gaius gets the secret book.

Fred and Robin eventually go left to help out Chrom and Sumia. Boss rushes up and Sumia takes the kill.

Event tiles were Shockstick and Tincture.

Sumia hits S support with Chrom. Lon'qu Avatar is still C :(

Chrom is actually looking really good now. Avatar is kinda underwhelming in this run, since Chrom is soaking so much exp. Sumia keeps proccing str because she's a good girl, Lon'qu has a kinda dumb amount of def.

UNIT       CLASS       LEVEL       HP    ST    MG    SK    SP    LK    DF    RS       WPNLVL                     SUPPORT

Chrom      Lord        13.43       32    14    01    17    16    14    11    05       B SWORD                    S SUMIA B ROBIN C SULLY/LISSA
Robin    Tactician     15.69    (+)42    13    12 (-)09    14    12    14    07       C SWORD C TOME             B CHROM/FRED C LON'QU/LISSA
Fred     G.Knight     ??/06.85     34    16    02    15    14    09    18    04       A LANCE A SWORD C AXE      B VIRION/ROBIN C LISSA/SUMIA/MARI
Sumia    P.Knight      07.26       23    10    04    16    16    11    06    11       C LANCE                    S CHROM C FRED
Lon'qu   Myrmidon      11.20       27    10    02    19    19    12    11    03       B SWORD                    C ROBIN
Lissa     Cleric       09.02       22    05    12    08    09    14    04    11       C STAFF                    C CHROM/ROBIN/FRED
Mari     Troubador     04.17       19    00    05    04    06    06    03    06       D STAFF                    C FRED

Should I be using Panne? I've heard she's good but...

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Good grief, Chapter 7 was even easier than Chapter 6!

[spoiler=Chapter 7]

Str and Def tonic to Chrom.

Chrom + Sumia fly over to the middle of the map near the event tile and ORKO an archer. He massacres enemies on EP, easily ORKOing even without any DS.

Fred chips a Barb for Robin + Lon'qu to KO with Elwind, positioned to ORKO two Wyverns on EP.

Lon'qu KO's the thief that Chrom weakened on EP, Chrom goes to the bottom Forest tile and chugs another vulnerary. Fred kinda just stands around giving bonuses and lures a Wyvern (somehow)

EP, Chrom handles himself fine as before, whilst Lon'qu kills a Wyvern and Fred chips one. Then Robin positions to lure the boss and an archer whilst also ORKOing the Wyvern Fred chipped last EP with Elwind. Cordelia pairs up with Fred. Chrom chugs another vulnerary on the forest tile and kills the remaining Barbs (except the Short Axe one) and procs a DS with Sumia to get the last thief.

Boss is reduced to 2 HP from attacking Robin, the Archer died to a DS. Cordelia takes the boss kill whilst Chrom kill a Wyvern (help, my memory is already fuzzy).

I could have had Robin KO the short axe barb but I let him waste his time chucking an axe at Cordelia so I could let her chip and then let Sumia take a kill.

5 Turns (I only remember because the turn number isn't double digit lol). I didn't hit any of the event tiles. :S


UNIT       CLASS       LEVEL       HP    ST    MG    SK    SP    LK    DF    RS       WPNLVL                     SUPPORT

Chrom      Lord        15.44       34    16    02    18    18    15    12    05       B SWORD                    S SUMIA B ROBIN C SULLY/LISSA
Robin    Tactician     17.03    (+)44    15    12 (-)11    15    14    16    07       C SWORD C TOME             B LON'QU/CHROM/FRED C LISSA
Fred     G.Knight     ??/06.96     34    16    02    15    14    09    18    04       A LANCE A SWORD C AXE      B VIRION/ROBIN C LISSA/SUMIA/MARI
Sumia    P.Knight      08.01       24    10    05    17    17    12    06    12       C LANCE                    S CHROM C FRED
Cordelia P.Knight      07.77       25    09    03    13    12    09    08    09       C LANCE                    
Lon'qu   Myrmidon      12.16       28    11    02    19    20    13    11    04       B SWORD                    B ROBIN
Lissa     Cleric       09.32       22    05    12    08    09    14    04    11       C STAFF                    C CHROM/ROBIN/FRED
Mari     Troubador     04.51       19    00    05    04    06    06    03    06       D STAFF                    C FRED

Chrom is kind of walloping. Unlimited Falchion really helps on dealing with Wyvern spam. Not all that above avg though.

Robin is pretty much mostly average, which is still good. Mag is a little iffy but w/e, Def blessing makes up for it.

Fred now has his own pair up speedbot in Cordelia now yay!

Hmm, I reckon I can go try Paralogue-2 now, soak some more exp into Cordelia hopefully. Fred being her husband seems like an all round good idea for now. BTW, what's the policy on early promoting staffers in this game?

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Lissa/Maribelle have seriously low bases so they aren’t very good at combat. You'd like to early promote them to pick up skills asap and get into classes like Falcoknight. Or even just drop them for Libra/Anna (still, getting Owain/Brady’s chapter for the exp, if nothing else, is still useful).

Probably not worth the early Master Seals, regardless.

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Hmm. I think my Lissa might be salvagable but it does demand a Master Seal like you said. Anna did spawn with one that I bought yesterday just in case though.

I opted to do Chapter 8 first because I decided I wanted to use Gregor and make him Cordelia's husband + soak exp and supports in the Paralogues. That and C8 enemies are kinda weak anyway so Cordelia gets EXP fine on this map anyway. Fred is moving into support unit territory incredibly quickly too. <_<

I was thinking about training Nowi but decided against it. My unit usage is probably gonna be something like;

Chrom x Sumia

Robin x Lon'qu

Cordelia x Gregor

Lucina (x Morgan?)



Morgan (x Lucina?)

Lissa (maaaaybe getting used, maybe she can get married to Fred or Libra lol. If that actually happens then I could probably bench a parent use Owain)



Olivia (I heard dancers arent that great in this game for w/e reason tho)

Lack of magic or bow users a problem? I guess there's always reclass but out of these units only a few are magically inclined.

Anyhoo, Chapter 8; aka Sumia Javelin Dual Strike obliteration.

[spoiler=Chapter 8]

A desert map this early is somewhat annoying, but with 2 Pegasus Knights and 2 Mages (sadly Tactician's tome use doesn't make it count as a mage) and a Cleric by now along with Pair Up makes it pretty managable. Deployed Ricken and Miriel to let Robin and Lon'qu navigate the map faster, whilst Cordelia w/ Fred (and later, Gregor), and Sumia w/ Chrom can fly around in good EP positions.

The main reason Sumia obliterates stuff on this map is because she has an 81% chance or something ridiculous to get Chrom to proc a DS, due to S Support, high skill, and DS+. She doubles everything on the map (even the Myrms!) with Chrom's + Speed, and with a str tonic only needs a single DS to proc to secure ORKOs on Myrms and Dark Mages with a Javelin, which is frankly fantastic.

I open by sending Cordelia to ORKO a Dark Mage to the left. She needs a str tonic to secure the KO, and also needs a res tonic to not be finished off by the other Dark Mage in range. If he doesn't get Anathema then he'll go for Robin instead on EP. Robin pairs up to Ricken and chips a Fighter with Thunder. I could have used an Elwind to secure a 2RKO but I think conserving it will be prudent. Sumia ORKO's a Myrm with Chrom @ Javelin and blocks a Dark Mage from being able to reach Lon'qu, who paired up with Miriel to chip the Fighter to the top right of the map. Gregor pairs up with Nowi and they run north to a convenient square of safety.

Sumia secures the ORKO on a Dark Mage on EP, whilst Robin chips both a Dark Mage and Fighter. Lon'qu finishes off the fighter he chipped. Cavalier movement changes what I have to do.

Cordelia finishes off the Dark Mage with a Javelin, positioned to also lure another Dark Mage on EP, Lissa heals. Robin kills the Fighter, Maribelle positions so she can do some transferring shenanigans next turn. Nowi chips a Cavalier for Sumia. Pathing god smiles on me, the positioning allows Sumia to be in range of another Dark Mage that she can take out on EP. Lon'qu heads south and switches.

Cordelia chips her Dark Mage, Sumia ORKO's hers. Nowi passes Gregor to Cordelia and swaps to Fred near that Hill in the middle of the map, Cordelia finishes off the Dark Mage with Javelin, then Lissa swaps her back to an Iron Lance and heals. Robin moves two tiles, switches, then gets transferred to Maribelle. Miriel seperates Lon'qu onto a tile in range of a Fighter, then Maribelle moves to the right of Lon'qu and gives him Robin. Sumia can once again ORKO a Myrmidon with her Javelin whilst flying over the bones and being safe from the other enemies.

Cordelia lures a Myrmidon, Fred chips a Cavalier, Lon'qu and Avatar kill the Fighter. I got DS procs but if not I could have pretty easily just kited enemies for a bit. Ricken and Miriel chip Cavaliers to secure non KO's for Sumia and Lon'qu, whilst Cordelia finishes off her Myrm. Cavalier is blocked by Fred, who gets cleaned up by Cordelia.

Yadda yadda, Sumia visits Rescue Village, Cordelia or Sumia can tank the Wind magic Dark Mage at the Master Seal village easily so that's fine. Used Ricken and Miriel to get Robin and Lon'qu into position to get the Barb in 1 turn. Last group I used Sumia to ORKO the other Wind magic Dark Mage, whilst Cordeia gets the Nosferatu one. Both stay the hell away from the KE Myrm. Lon'qu w/Robin lure the Fighter and other Myrm. Lon'qu actually doubles Myrmidons on this map with Robin, pretty awesome. Although what actually went down was funny, he got hit by the Barb at like 10% disp hit and I was panicking, but activated Vantage and crit the Myrm to keep himself safe. Finsh off on PP, then chip the KE Merc down to safely kill him. Robin sits to chip the boss on EP, then Lon'qu takes the boss kill.

Speed tonics are now available to buy, whoo!

Event tiles were Orsin's Hatchet and WEXP for Cordelia.

UNIT       CLASS       LEVEL       HP    ST    MG    SK    SP    LK    DF    RS       WPNLVL                     SUPPORT

Chrom      Lord        15.76       34    16    02    18    18    15    12    05       B SWORD                    S SUMIA B ROBIN C SULLY/LISSA
Robin    Tactician     18.08    (+)45    16    13 (-)11    16    14    16    07       C SWORD C TOME             B LON'QU/CHROM/FRED C LISSA
Fred     G.Knight     ??/07.01     35    17    03    15    15    09    18    04       A LANCE A SWORD C AXE      B VIRION/ROBIN C CORDELIA/LISSA/SUMIA/MARI
Sumia    P.Knight      10.38       26    11    05    19    19    13    07    12       C LANCE                    S CHROM C FRED
Cordelia P.Knight      10.10       28    12    03    15    15    12    10    09       C LANCE                    C FRED
Lon'qu   Myrmidon      14.11       30    13    02    21    22    15    12    04       B SWORD                    B ROBIN
Gregor   Mercenary     10.05       31    13    00    14    12    08    11    02       C SWORD
Lissa     Cleric       10.22       23    05    12    09    09    15    05    12       C STAFF                    C CHROM/ROBIN/FRED
Mari     Troubador     05.23       20    00    06    04    07    07    03    07       D STAFF                    C FRED

Lon'qu is stoopid good. I'm really torn on how to use these 2 master seals and second seal right now. I do want Robin to be a Hero but Rally Spectrum does seem pretty baller. I'd miss out on Armsthrift by going Grandmaster > Hero though. Morgan can't get Galeforce unless I get Robin to pass it down but IDK how big a deal that is, and I might end up passing down Veteran just so he doesn't suck up another second seal.

Chrom might want to go Cavalier to grab Discipline and work on his Lance rank before he promotes and goes back into Great Lord at some point, but missing out on Aether for a while sux, plus I can probably work on it in Great Lord anyway.

Lissa probably wants a promotion to kind of stay relevant, but Sage kind of looks better idea than War Cleric. It REALLY blows that Sage don't get at least D tomes on promotion. :\

[spoiler=Lissa stats if she got instapromoted]

Lissa     War Cleric       10/01.00       31    10    14    11    11    15    10    12       E AXE C STAFF                    C CHROM/ROBIN/FRED
Lissa     Sage             10/01.00       27    06    16    12    12    15    08    11       E TOME C STAFF                    C CHROM/ROBIN/FRED

Lon'qu could potentially become a Wyvern right now and be sick good, but he loses all that Sword Rank. I mean, I have enough sword users, it just seems kinda daunting to go back to Bronze Axes.

I have no clue how potentially fast that OP as shit Galeforce skill I've heard about can be accquired or whether or not trying to force Cordelia and Sumia into it ASAP is worth it but I'm guessing not considering it hinders their growth.

EDIT: I technically have 2 second seals since I have enough for one via renown now.

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AT isn't that big of a deal, and Spectrum is crazy good as you say. I reccomend going GM->Dark Knight though honestly, because Magic is nice, and 8 move is awesome.

The Lon'qu problem could be solved with the Arms Scroll you get in Paralogue 4 which opens after you beat Chapter 9.

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Decided to promote Lissa to Sage. She has C staves for Physic from P-2 so that will be handy for a while at least. Hitting res with okay mag can help with chipping a bit (been using nonleveled Miriel and Ricken for this a lot actually), wheras War Cleric is nothing but staffbotting. Rally Magic is also undoubtedly more useful than Rally Luck. Not worth going for Tomefaire since I plan to put her back into Falcoknight to staffbot and have Rally Speed, unless I end up putting her back to Sage again but that's just kind of dumb and requires a ton of EXP. Dark Flier robs her of her staff rank so that's never happening.

I decided not to reclass Lon'qu to Wyvern. It might be a really useful class but aesthetically I think it looks kind of gross in this game, and his outfit as a Myrmidon/Swordmaster is really cool, so I'll...make it work somehow. (fuck Assassin outfit too, holy shit)

Decided not to reclass Chrom to Cavalier for the same reasons. Toilet Bowl armor, plus I don't get Aether or RFK for probably ages!

[spoiler=Paralogue 2]

Threw Cordelia w/Gregor and Sumia w/Chrom up to the village ASAP to clear stuff out. Anna has a nasty tendancy to die horribly before you can reach the village but at the least her dying doesn't really matter. In fact, it came in handy, because her getting hit by the archer twice caused the archer to prioritise attacking her for a certified KO instead of Sumia, since Sumia's avo was significantly higher. This let me save the village in time, although Sumia still had a good chance of dodging the archer anyway so w/e

Gregor and Cordelia didn't get to soak that much EXP unfortunately, mostly since Robin w/Lon'qu mopped up most of the left and bottom parts of the map. Robin made it to level 20. Veteran is REALLY stupid, I hate how a level 18 and 19 Robin is getting significantly more EXP off these level 6 enemies than a level 14 Lon'qu. Lon'qu killed the boss and got a godlike level up again though.

Event tiles were EXP for Lissa and Gregor x Cordelia support up.

7 Turns.

I'll post stats after Paralogue 3. Robin promoted to Grandmaster right after this map. Virion somehow chipped his way into another level.

I thought Paralogue 3 would be easy but those villagers apparently love suiciding into the enemy PKs so I'm working on something different.

EDIT: Cleared it, but I kind of want to redo it so I can distribute EXP a little better. I need to buy a Str Tonic though and of course, there is a Risen on it. T_T

EDIT2: Turns out I didn't need a str tonic after all but at least all that waiting got me to do something else productive. <_<

[spoiler=Paralogue 3]

Villagers love suiciding so the enemies to the left of the map have to die pronto. Fortunately this is another time for Chrom and Sumia to shine!

Sumia to one of the bottom left deployment slots. Chrom pairs up and she kills one of the Pegasus Knights (high speed + S support pair up bonus make doubling all these fast enemies easy!), I want Chrom to ideally trigger his 81% DS on the first attack so Sumia doesn't eat a counter. After that she's in range of 2 other PK's but they only have about 45% disp hit on her so the fact she's 2HKO'd is not that big a deal, just have to dodge at least one. The kills are clean even without DS anyway.

But, she will be in range of an archer. So I have Gregor pair up with Cordelia and move to a convenient mountain tile one space below the archer, swap to Gregor and have him ORKO the archer with a steel sword. The nearby fighter will suicide onto him on EP. Str tonic to Gregor to secure this as a ORKO, although Cordelia DS'd so it wasn't neccessary. Oh well.

Fred w/Virion sit on a tile one out of range of the top left archer and chip both the Merc and the Fighter. Mari pairs up with Lissa who moves to a forest tile to kill the top Knight on EP.

Lon'qu goes with Robin, then she ORKO's one of the Knights who could shortspear a Villager with Magic. Positioned to kill a further truckload of enemies on EP from the right side by themselves.

After that, Sumia can full move south onto another convenient mountain tile to let Chrom kill the bottom Knight with his Rapier, though at least one DS needs to happen to make sure this is clean. Then Chrom will clean up the bottom fighter on EP. Mountain avo helps. Gregor moves to the river to let Cordelia Javelin a Merc for a kill, Fred chips the Archer and Lissa KO's it. The remaining fighter only has about 40% disp hit on Lissa on a forest and the Knight before had about the same, meaning I should dodge at least once.

Robin w/Lon'qu kill the last Knight with Magic again and pop the first event tile for Katarina's Bolt. Robin kills more things on EP. Next turn, move and swap to Lon'qu in a good spot to grab 2 fighters and a merc for him in kills, whilst Gregor chips the another fighter, then I do some transferring to let Cordelia snag the kill. Maribelle visits for the Blessed Bow (Lissa's been dolling out Kneader heals).

Lon'qu chips the boss down for Cordelia to take the kill. The second event tile was Kris's Confect.


UNIT       CLASS       LEVEL       HP    ST    MG    SK    SP    LK    DF    RS       WPNLVL                     SUPPORT

Chrom      Lord        16.64       35    16    02    19    19    15    13    05       A SWORD                    S SUMIA B ROBIN C SULLY/LISSA
Robin   Grandmaster   20/02.29  (+)52    20    18 (-)14    18    16    20    12       B SWORD B TOME             A LON'QU B CHROM/FRED C LISSA
Fred     G.Knight     ??/07.22     35    17    03    15    15    09    18    04       A LANCE A SWORD C AXE      A VIRION B ROBIN C CORDELIA/LISSA/SUMIA/MARI
Sumia    P.Knight      11.99       27    11    07    20    20    13    08    13       B LANCE                    S CHROM C FRED
Cordelia P.Knight      11.80       29    12    03    16    16    13    10    10       C LANCE                    C GREGOR/FRED
Lon'qu   Myrmidon      14.11       30    13    02    21    22    15    12    04       B SWORD                    B ROBIN
Gregor   Mercenary     12.23       33    15    00    16    14    09    12    02       C SWORD                    C CORDELIA
Lissa      Sage       10/02.30     28    07    17    12    13    16    08    12       B STAFF E TOME             C CHROM/ROBIN/FRED
Mari     Troubador     05.23       20    00    06    04    07    07    03    07       D STAFF                    C FRED
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The only thing the end of C9 is missing...

Is a resounding splat and music cut out right at the end.

I'm actually surprised they didn't have the usual anime anguished scream thing from Chrom. But yeah overall that scene was really good and I have no clue why I've heard people complain about "Your choice doesn't matter, why have it?". Like I didn't have the context beforehand, I'd just heard that as a complaint against the game.

The whole point is that the game is taking away player agency there, it's not SUPPOSED to be your choice to make! That's what makes it a noble sacrifice, no matter what you choose you're screwed, but Emm gives you the best outcome she can selflessly. Having the choice beforehand reinforces this; It takes the power of making a meaningful decision away from the player because you don't HAVE the ability to make that decision. I'll admit the plan itself was kinda dumb and Risen appearing out of nowhere is a contrivance, but hindsight is 20/20 in all respects anyway. I have to give the game respect if only beause you can see it it coming and still have the appropriate response of NO, SHIT, FUCK, WHY, etc.

The only problem is the fucking support convos I had to go trigger after the map, like Lon'qu getting married to Robin. VERY NOT FITTING GUYS. But only FE9 managed to get around that problem by actually timing their support conversations via deployment to coincide with plot events.

probably overdiscussed but I had to comment.

I'm probably going to redo the map anyway so yeah....sorry for an emptyish update, but I did edit in P-3 yesterday on the previous post.

Also Sage Lissa is somewhat important for the map so I'm glad I promoted her since it means I can actually get EXP onto units that aren't Robin lol.


Okay here Chapter 9.

[spoiler=Chapter 9]

Another desert map...the enemies aren't so easy to ORKO here either and there's a new unit in Libra to recruit. (Honestly, had I known there was another Lucius in this game I would have tried to marry Libra instead of Lon'qu, but I've already gotten S with Lon'qu so w/e, his confession was cute. Subsequent replays no doubt)

I dislike how difficult it is to immediately see what tiles are plains and what are desert. I assumed everything was desert initially and my opening strategies were much worse as a result, until I finally realised the right side of the start is all plains, letting Robin reach the right Wyvern by herself on turn 1.

To open with, I have a pretty neat layout. Chrom pairs up with Sumia, who javelins a mage directly above the middle wyern near the start. Ideally their 80% ds activates on the first attack so she doesn't eat a counter. Gregor pairs up with Cordelia, who ORKO's the archer with steel lance. I threw her a str tonic to secure this, and a def tonic so she didn't get 2HKO'd by the soldiers (although their hitrate is quite bad, but whatever).

Then comes the neat part. Lon'qu, who is furthest back pairs up with Miriel, who transfers him to Lissa, and pairs up with Robin. Robin ORKO's a Wyvern easily with a non wind tome, whilst Lissa with Lon'qu can move into the clump with Sumia/Cordelia, and swap either Cordelia or Sumia to steel/iron lances (if Cordelia procs defence on her level up, the first soldier goes for Sumia instead of Cordelia. So much for the def tonic.) Then she can just barely ORKO the Wyvern with wind and Lon'qu's speed bonus. Although considering the promotion, a magic tonic would have done fine in most scenarios too.

Robin ORKO's a Wyvern she can just about reach by following the plains tiles near the wall, whilst Fred w/Virion chucks a hand axe at one of the soldiers on the left. As long as at least one of Luna, a Dual strike (high chance, they're A support) or a crit happen on this or the ep following attack, it's a KO. Maribelle pairs with Ricken and moves to the tip of enemy range.

EP, Cordelia got defence so the middle Soldier went for Sumia, he gets obliterated by their Dual Strikes. The other one goes for Lissa, who dodges and chips him down with wind. The short spear soldier hilariously opts to throw his Javelin which will do 0 damage to Fred instead of the Short Spear, since his hitrate is a bit better with it. Jerks attack Libra and he heals himself.

After that, depending on who got hit or not, heals have to be doled out. Ricken is exactly far enough from Lissa to give her a top up once Cordelia moves out of the way, Lissa could have healed Cordelia or Sumia had they needed it. Robin transfers Miriel to Lissa and takes Lon'qu, positioning so she can move to the fort next turn. Sumia flies Chrom down to KO an Archer with Chrom at the front so Libra can recruit himself. Cordelia takes away Fred's Hand Axe and KO's the remaining Soldier so she can take his Javelin drop and convoy it, so Libra can take it later.

Lissa didn't need to actually heal anyone so I just had her move down with Miriel to help out on hitting the Dark Mage, plus leeching her exp and tome rank helps.

Anyway following this, in general layout is; Lissa and Libra get the remaining enemies to the bottom left of the map (Libra grabs some weapons and shit from the Convoy too), Chrom lures a Wyvern whilst Robin gets on the event tile fort (+ support, probably not neccessary but welcome anyway). The other guys mostly stay out of the way, Cordelia and Gregor hang around near the start of the map to farm off the Wyvern reinforcements that come on turn 5. Robin obliterates things on the fort whilst also being pretty much invincible, then Chrom moves onto the fort the next turn and soaks a bit of exp from enemies who'd rather hit him than Robin, which Robin kills the rest. Lissa and Libra get some opportunities to heal and take some kills, Chrom recruits Tharja who doesn't stand a chance in hell of hitting him on the fort considering all the bonuses being stacked, Lon'qu finishes off an archer.

Gregor and Cordelia mop up the Wyvern reinforcements with some combinations of Wyrmslayer , Dual Strikes and regular ol' Iron Sword whacking. Cordelia grabs 2 of the last ones as well, which drags the turns out but who cares. Robin killed the boss whilst Lissa got + wexp from the event tile, which put her to D tomes!

11 turns

Stats. I think I fucked up on Lon'qu's stats on the last post but w/e, this is accurate.

UNIT       CLASS       LEVEL       HP    ST    MG    SK    SP    LK    DF    RS       WPNLVL                     SUPPORT

Chrom      Lord        17.32       36    17    02    19    20    16    14    05       A SWORD                    S SUMIA B ROBIN C SULLY/LISSA
Robin   Grandmaster   20/04.62  (+)54    22    20 (-)15    19    17    22    14       B SWORD B TOME             S LON'QU B CHROM/FRED C LISSA
Sumia    P.Knight      12.96       28    12    08    21    21    14    08    14       B LANCE                    S CHROM C FRED
Cordelia P.Knight      13.20       31    13    04    18    18    14    11    10       B LANCE                    B GREGOR C FRED
Lon'qu   Myrmidon      16.16       32    15    02    23    24    17    13    04       A SWORD                    S ROBIN C LISSA
Gregor   Mercenary     13.93       34    16    02    17    15    09    13    03       C SWORD                    B CORDELIA
Lissa      Sage       10/03.30     28    08    17    13    13    17    08    13       B STAFF D TOME             C CHROM/ROBIN/FRED/LON'QU
Libra    War Monk     ??/01.38     40    15    16    13    14    11    12    17       C STAFF C AXE              

Mari     Troubador     05.23       20    00    06    04    07    07    03    07       D STAFF                    C FRED
Fred     G.Knight     ??/07.39     35    17    03    15    15    09    18    04       A LANCE A SWORD C AXE      A VIRION B ROBIN C CORDELIA/LISSA/SUMIA/MARI
Virion    Archer       04.14       20    07    00    10    06    07    07    02       C BOW                      A FRED
Ricken     Mage        03.66       20    03    08    06    05    10    06    03       D TOME
Miriel     Mage        02.71       18    00    07    06    08    06    04    04       D TOME                     C ROBIN/STAHL (lol Barracks)

It's highly unlikely that I will use use Tharja, I'd rather reclass Libra to Sorcerer than use her. I felt the utility units and chippers like Virion and the Mages probably deserved the recognition of being posted in terms of stats this time since they're likely going to start seeing far less use from here on out in the utility tier. Funny how useful these kinds of units can be at near base even in lunatic though!

Ah....thematically, C10 is the most fitting to go to, I really wish Paralogue 4 wasn't even an option. Just messes with the tone a lot :\

Regardless, have to decide what I'm going to tackle next. Having a high mov rescue staffer in anna may be useful on the next map, plus there's probably good loot in the chests.

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I dislike how difficult it is to immediately see what tiles are plains and what are desert. I assumed everything was desert initially and my opening strategies were much worse as a result, until I finally realised the right side of the start is all plains, letting Robin reach the right Wyvern by herself on turn 1.

I hate that too in this game. Even Chapter 1 had that issue where some of the tiles that look like they could be Forest tiles were actually Plains tiles.

Not sure how you figured out which are Plains and Desert in this Chapter but I find it helps if you look at the bottom screen map. The darker orange-like squares are Desert; light colored is Plains; green dots are Forest.

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Curses. I did Chapter 10 but I accidentally used Rescue with Anna when I wanted to heal. It turned out to not matter, and I guess I probably won't miss that 1 Rescue charge since I know I can buy it later.

The bigger problem is Lon'qu is 12 EXP from level 20 >_< I guess I'll try to promote him in chapter next map...

[spoiler=Paralogue 4]

Obligatory complaint that this Paralogue doesn't belong here.

Opening turn is the only thing that's going to cause a fuss. The thief to the top left slowly moves for the Arms Scroll chest but I can intercept him in time pretty easily with Chrom/Sumia.

Anyway, Speed Tonic to both Fred and Libra. Fred's turned out to be not neccessary since I ended up making his pair up bot Panne (who also gives speed) instead of Virion so Anna would have enough str on turn 2 to secure a ORKO but w/e.

Fred + Panne ORKO an Archer on the left. Gregor + Cordelia kill a Barb on the right. Gaius pairs up to Libra, and Lissa Wards Libra, who ORKO's a Mage. Lissa's positioning lures an Archer that she 2HKO's with Tharja's pair up. Robin + Lon'qu double the myrm to the middle (<3) and are positioned to kill the entire middle house of mooks as they come out. Chrom pairs into Sumia who flies him to the mage closest to Anna.

Fred chips both a Barb and a Myrmidon. Anna manages to dodge the Archer, so instead of healing herself on EP she KO's a Barb Fred would have otherwise taken. This is neat since it allows Fred to unequip on that tile instead so more exp doesn't get wasted into him. Warded Libra has enough HP to survive the counterdamage he took from the Mage, the Myrmidon, and the Archer, so the Archer goes for Lissa instead (less def).

Lissa KO's the Archer. Lon'qu KO's the Hand Axe Barbarian to the center. Chrom recruits Anna, swaps to Sumia who Javelin KO's the Myrmidon who went after Anna. Anna takes Panne from Fred then ORKO's the archer. Center is clear. Libra ORKO's the other mage on the right, whilst Gregor gets the Myrmidon. Right is clear.

After that, Sumia flies up next to the thief, Chrom KO's it (doubling these high speed enemies is so baller), and he has enough hp/defres to survive the Archer and the Mage (the Barb has 0% hit heh) I let Lon'qu and Robin get the stragglers from the right, and after that it's mostly a case of healing up and grabbing loot. Then I get Fred + Anna and Panne + Gaius positioned so that they can loot both top right chests in one stroke from the top of the enemy mage's range. Fred gives +1 mov so Anna can reach the furthest chest, whilst Gaius also gives +1 mov so Panne can reach the closer one and swap to him.

Lon'qu annihilates most of the final boss clump of enemies. Chrom takes a straggler or two, chip the boss down and Lon'qu finishes him off. Libra and Lissa kill the mage blocking the way into the chest room, and Cordelia kills the final mage.

Since I took a break in the middle to regroup and heal up, this took 16 turns.

[spoiler=Chapter 10]

This music on this map :(

Gregor and Chrom pair up into their Pegasus partners. Have to rig a crit with Gregor +on turn 1 so that the Wyrmslayer thief dies in one hit, str tonics wouldn't have cut it. On the plus side, the crit chance is 32% and the DS chance is 50% so it's pretty likely to happen.

Fred pairs into Anna, who rescue staves Sumia as far as she can to the left. Sumia flies around to the left of the Master Seal thief, which is exactly 5 tiles from the Seraph Robe thief. Chrom KO's since it's dangerous where they are.

Lon'qu and Robin can't fly so they take the closest path. Full moving twice will let Robin KO the thief on turn 2, so that gets every thief dead.

Gaius into Libra, Mari into Lissa, Virion hangs around and does nothing.

Most of the rest of the map is just a case of running Chrom and Robin towards the boss, killing as many things as I can in the way whilst everyone else at the back kills the remaining enemies. As I outlined, I accidentally wasted a Rescue Staff Charge, but worse things could happen I guess. Boss is dead on turn 5.


UNIT       CLASS       LEVEL       HP    ST    MG    SK    SP    LK    DF    RS       WPNLVL                     SUPPORT

Chrom      Lord        19.49       38    18    02    21    21    18    15    05       A SWORD                    S SUMIA B ROBIN C SULLY/LISSA
Robin   Grandmaster   20/08.36  (+)58    24    24 (-)17    23    20    24    16       B SWORD A TOME             S LON'QU B CHROM/FRED C LISSA
Sumia    P.Knight      14.69       30    13    09    22    23    16    09    14       B LANCE                    S CHROM C FRED
Cordelia P.Knight      15.21       33    14    04    19    19    16    13    10       B LANCE                    A GREGOR C FRED
Lon'qu   Myrmidon      20.00       35    16    03    26    26    19    14    05       A SWORD                    S ROBIN C LISSA
Gregor   Mercenary     15.78       36    18    03    19    17    10    15    03       B SWORD                    A CORDELIA
Lissa      Sage       10/04.56     29    08    17    13    13    17    09    13       B STAFF D TOME             C CHROM/ROBIN/FRED/LON'QU
Libra    War Monk     ??/02.27     41    16    17    14    14    11    12    17       C STAFF C AXE              C GAIUS
Anna     Trickster    ??/02.14     38    14    19    23    23    28    10    11       C SWORD D STAFF 

I suppose I could just attempt to redo chapter 10 and soak another kill into into Lon'qu. Or something. God.

Redid Ch10 to get Lon'qu to 20. 6 turns cause of the extra reinforcement kill he needed. Now I'm still torn about Second Sealing or Master Sealing.

Also lol, holy shit the promoted enemy stats in chapter 11. <_<

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Fake update, only musings, sorry! I have a pretty good strat for CH11 (read, Lon'qu/Avatar solo half the map <_<) already, just contemplating stuff now like exp distribution and the future.

Chrom promotes easily midchapter in 11 but both Pegasus Knights and Gregor are ways off hitting level 20, and just looking at promoted enemy stats on CH11 makes me worry about how effectively I can sink EXP into them if promoted enemies are going to start becoming commonplace from that point - they're rather strong. Farming reinforcements in CH11 is a bit difficult to do effectively because of the staggered waves leaving most units vulnerable to getting hit by Wyverns if trying to fight infantry, meaning I can only soak a few kills here and there into them (plus Chrom is trying to build Lance Rank ASAP to get to Javelins).

Speaking of Javelins, I'm wondering about Robin's role as a Hero, Second Seal at 15 or just take the extra levels? Problem I feel is that delaying the reclass means potentially gimping myself really hard whilst I try to work up to hand axes. Not to mention forfeiting her A Tome Rank seems really shitty :\

And then there's Lon'qu's skill passing. Since Morgan will start as a Myrmidon, given his father, I want to be able to pass a skill down that he won't already obviously have, so the closest thing available is Astra; but that does mean delaying Robin's reclass/Rally Spectrum given how awkward it is to actually spread EXP in this game a lot of the time. Robin is obviously passing down Veteran.

Anyway, back to Morgan. I was planning on second sealing him into a Fighter immediately so he could work on Axe Rank to at least D before promoting to Hero ASAP, since he should start with C Swords. Fighter Skills are more than a little lacklustre compared to what Merc offers though...

Lastly, looking at it, the planned makeup of my army seems to pretty much entirely consist of Heroes and Falcoknights. I hope that isn't a problem.


Promoted Lon'qu is quite baller.

Lon'qu   Swordmaster   20/01.00       39    19    04    28    29    19    16    08       A SWORD                    S ROBIN C LISSA
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Ward Cordelia/Sumia can take on all the mages for quite a bit of exp. They're still viable. Though you should start finding ways to feed them a lot pronto, by Chapter 12's end they should be ready to promote. Usually I promote one of them by Chapter 10 (I rarely use Avatar so they get the first master seal) and the other by the end of Chapter 11. The choice of promotion is up to you. Galeforce is pretty abusable when you do get it, Falcos can use Rescue but since both Sumia and Cordelia have low magic...it does help train them by way of Rescue spam though. There's Rally Speed too. I usually make Sumia Falco for Rally Speed and easy Rescue spam and I make Cordy pure attacker in Dark Flier until she reaches Galeforks.

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Well what I was doing to deal with the mages was Ward Libra, Pair up to Sumia, then rescue Sumia and get Libra onto a fort in the middle of the mage/sage clump immediately. Str tonic handaxe, he ORKO's all the mages there and tinks them and barely takes any damage from the Sage. I'm pretty sure Cordelia/Sumia are liable to just die even if Warded to Arcwind and shit there.

EDIT: Oh my oh my. I had Fred and the Cavaliers block the top left reinforcements intiially but apparently they spawn with some pretty fat loot so I can't pass those up.

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all that beautiful experience though ;_;

But yeah, need to start promoting or getting ready to. More and more promoted enemies will show up and as you've seen, they're quite scary at first.

You'll also need good exp allocation and a lot of paralogue exp to keep all the parent characters your're using relevant. It's more likely that some'll probably become pair-up bots for the children.

For reclasses, unpromoted ones are more important to do early (like Chrom to Cavelier would have been a good one) so you preserve the fast leveling. For Robin weapon rank, there's always arms scrolls.

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Well, I took all your advice on better exp allocation instead of just leting Robin and Libra soak so much. The right side of the map does not need to be cleared out immediately compared to the left, where it's important to be able to kill the Thief after he opens the chest, so I rethought out my strategy a bit. Still...I can see why people prefer lowmanning not just in the effectiveness sense, 2 pairs really does seem like it would be a nice balance.

Had to make rough guesses on the amount of EXP actually available in the chapter, for a slightly more tedious affair. I'm not going to lie, I had to bookmark backup rig a crit on the reinforcement Hero in order to make sure I could do it too but I managed to get both Gregor and Sumia to level 20 in that one chapter. Cordelia is close to 18, but I know that the next chapter fortunately you get a Beastkiller Lance, so I envision I can use that to let her sneak in a few promoted enemy kills for her to get her into promotion afterwards. I'm even lucky enough to have 2 Anna's with Master Seals on my World Map, and I can certify that Gregor and Cordelia are going to get married after the next map. Oh right, and Chrom is only a few attacks away from Javelins.

[spoiler=Chapter 11]

So my earlier strategy was almost somewhat LTCish, and mostly involved Robin+Lon'qu slaughtering fools on the left side of the map, whilst Libra and Sumia murdered all the Mages. Meanwhile Fred and 2 Cavaliers blocked the top left Forts and I soaked a bit of EXP here and there.

But I'm really adamant about using more than a few units this run (and hopefully keeping parents viable in the long term) so I worked out some requirements to spread EXP better.

The opening turn has Cordelia and Gregor pair into Fred and Sully, who drop them both on that conveniently placed forest tile on the tip of a Merc's range (and 6 tiles from the fort). Chrom goes to Sumia who gets Warded and positions to lure a mage and the sage. Everyone else mostly moves to the left except Libra who's nearby Sumia to heal her if neccessary. Chrom's super high DS chance is invaluable when dealing with mage type enemies. DS chips also allow him to reach level 20 without stealing more than 1 kill on a Wyvern or so too.

After this, I dance Robin and Lon'qu onto the Event Tile fort (I think Lon'qu got EXP, don't remember), since Lon'qu has a pretty good shot of ORKOing the enemy Hero. Cordelia positions Gregor to pull a fighter from the group so Lon'qu isn't taking too much EXP. Kind of wanted Gregor to take the bulk of the EXP in this group, but the Hero really needs to die on that turn since I have to kill some Wyverns immediately following this, and it's far more difficult to rig a crit on enemy phase compared to player phase.

Sumia positions Chrom so he can kill one of the bottom right Wyverns who have moved up (only 1 tile is safe to all the mages and reachable for him!). Lissa can position herself almost slap bang in the middle of the map to lure one Short Axe Wyvern with her Elwind (this is also a one tile requirement, can't believe I ended up utilising two in the same map). I could have had Lissa ORKO it with just Thunder with an Anna pair up but I had another dumb plan about getting more EXP.

Following this, Lon'qu KO's the Short Axe Wyvern from the Left, taking care to avoid Gangrel's group, which all pull at once if you activate them. Here comes the silly part; Cordelia attacks Wyvern Lissa weakened. Gregor HAS to proc a DS here to follow up to secure the KO, but since she doubles and the chance is something like 55% it's not too bad. The positioning is also somewhat leniant since it doesn't matter if I have to throw a Javelin or not. After that, Lissa Rescue Staves Cordelia out of the Danger Zone then gets Danced to position so that Gregor can fight both center fort reinforcements and the Silver Axe Wyvern. Sumia positions with her Javelin to kill both the reinforcement mages.

Cordelia finishes off the Wyvern, then gets Danced to position Gregor to fight the top left reinforcements. Lon'qu mops up the leftmost reinforcement fighter. Chrom has chipped his way to level 20 so he promotes on the fort, grabbing the Master Seal dropped by the enemy hero out of the convoy to do so.

Gregor KO's the Merc reinforcement on EP but the Fighter uses a Short Axe. Rescue staffing to get Enemy phase with both the Hero and the Merc is risky seeing as their hitrates are quite respectable, so the Hero does not get any EP action. I bookmark backuped so I could make sure Gregor crits the Hero immediately after clearing the Fighter out of the way. I have some flexability in rigging this since I have a few instances of possible combat that can occur in different ways (Chrom and Sumia fighting mages, the thief dying to Lon'qu or Robin at point blank or not point blank range, etc)

In my case, i was able to get all 3 of those enemies into Gregor's exp pool but I had some flexability in potentially letting Anna, Lissa and Libra help to clear the fighter up to potentially give Gregor two chances to crit the hero, seeing as he wouldn't need to be danced after killing the fighter anymore. Anyway, I transfer drop Cordelia a bit of a distance away after Gregor takes the KO so I can position her close enough that Gregor can pair up into her next turn to fight more central fort reinforcements immediately after this (this is why the Hero really needed to die in 1 turn).

Sumia throws Javelins to KO more mages whilst Chrom works on his Lance Rank with supporting attacks (Javelin + Bronze Lance is a KO which is quite nice) Lon'qu and Robin are trying to avoid combat to make sure Gregor and Cordelia can get as much exp as possible, but Lon'qu did manage to get 1 level in total. I'm hoping I can get Astra before I recruit Morgan.

Gregor once again manhandles central fort reinforcements and one of the reinforcement Wyverns, Sumia and Chrom fight more reinforcement mages. The right reinforcement Wyvern dies to them afterwards. (kinda stupid how how her avo is with her husband, getting 80% avo vs lunatic enemies who have WTA is dumb)

And repeat for the last waves of reinforcements, except the second wave from the top left is far easier to kill and I kite the Mage around a bit with Libra so Sumia can take the kill. Gregor ends on 19.99 (lol) after killing mostly everything, and Sumia ends on 18.something which is just about enough to get her to hit 20 off 4 enemies and the boss. The second event tile giving EXP helped. I bookmark rigged Gregor to proc a DS with Cordelia so he would hit 20, and Sumia annihilated most of Gangrel's group (she actually doubled and then successfully ORKO'd him @ Javelin with Chrom DSing with a BRONZE LANCE). Anna gets the chest and I mop up the final enemy with Cordelia.

15 turns!


UNIT       CLASS       LEVEL       HP    ST    MG    SK    SP    LK    DF    RS       WPNLVL                     SUPPORT

Chrom   Great Lord    20/01.99     44    22    03    24    24    18    18    08       A SWORD E LANCE            S SUMIA B ROBIN C SULLY/LISSA
Robin   Grandmaster   20/08.68  (+)58    24    24 (-)17    23    20    24    16       B SWORD A TOME             S LON'QU B CHROM/FRED C LISSA
Sumia    P.Knight      20.00       34    17    12    27    27    19    12    18       A LANCE                    S CHROM C FRED
Cordelia P.Knight      17.82       35    16    04    21    20    16    14    11       A LANCE                    A GREGOR C FRED
Lon'qu  Swordmaster  20/02.05      40    20    04    29    30    20    16    08       A SWORD                    S ROBIN C LISSA
Gregor   Mercenary     20.00       41    21    02    22    20    12    18    03       B SWORD                    A CORDELIA
Lissa      Sage       10/05.39     30    09    18    14    14    18    09    14       B STAFF D TOME             C CHROM/ROBIN/FRED/LON'QU
Libra    War Monk     ??/02.34     41    16    17    14    14    11    12    17       C STAFF C AXE              C GAIUS
Anna     Trickster    ??/02.80     38    14    19    23    23    28    10    11       C SWORD D STAFF

The only conundrum now is, what to promote Sumia and Gregor to?

Gregor to Hero seemed like a no brainer but I'm not a fan of how he looks as a Hero (he doesn't look great as Bow Knight either admittedly), and I might actually want a Bow User. Sol is a supremely good skill though, and Gregor is my second bulkiest unit after Robin, so keeping him as a frontliner with handaxes makes way more sense. I've just heard Bows are pretty useful so...

Gregor     Hero       20/01.00     45    24    03    25    23    12    21    06       B SWORD E AXE              A CORDELIA
Gregor   B.Knight     20/01.00     47    24    02    24    23    12    19    05       B SWORD E BOW              A CORDELIA

Sumia got great final level ups, including in particular magic. Her Mag is actually not insignificant so Dark Flier may not be a terrible idea. Also since I'm comitted to attempting to get Lissa into Falcoknight she'll more than likely be the actual Rally Speed bot. Hmm.

Sumia    F.Knight     20/01.00     38    19    13    30    30    19    14    21       A LANCE E STAFF            S CHROM C FRED
Sumia    D.Flier      20/01.00     37    18    16    28    29    19    13    21       A LANCE E TOME             S CHROM C FRED
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Promoted Sumia to FalcoKnight and Gregor to Hero. Gregor really has no better choice, but, what sealed the deal (HEH) on Sumia and Cordelia's promotion was undoubtedly the presence of buyable rescue after Chapter 12. I initially powered through it but then realised you could buy rescue after doing it and my god, it's even dirt cheap. So I redid 12 from a prior save and spent all the spare turns I could spamming Rescue with Sumia and Lissa, although I only had 7 uses left. Regardless, this makes LIssa's potential salvagability significantly higher!

Also I'd kinda like to use Cherche but I'm using way too many units as it is already and if I did want to use her I'd probably have to do something dumb like rescue staff abuse her as a Troubador or something given how sparse EXP is when trying to train 6 units right now. Although admittedly the EXP splitting is going to go down a lot when any FalcoKnight can just keep using Rescue forever. Regardless, I still have mostly stuck to full deployment so far, even though usually that involves staffbots not really doing much and Fred + a Filler unit kind of standing around most of the time...

Oh right, Gregor and Cordelia got married. I like that Cordelia actually confesses to him instead of the other way around (I read a few of her alternatives and the ones where the dude has to go "I'm not Chrom but..." are seriously facepalmworthy), and I thought it was nice how the there was actually an inkling of romantic interest prior to the S support, which is mostly absent in other support lines.

[spoiler=Chapter 12]

The amount of enemy Beast Killer lances on this chapter makes me pretty glad I didn't make Chrom a Paladin, since I'd have had to turn him into a pair up bot for someone else instead. However the prevelance of Lances made this a great chapter to start building Gregor's Axe Rank on, and since an enemy Knight drops a Beast Killer, the promoted enemies aren't troublesome at all and are effectively free killsteals for Cordelia.

I let Robin and Lon'qu handle the left side of the map themselves, since they have the best Avo/Def combination combined with raw firepower through Armorslayer/Killing Edge/Magic. Gregor w/ Cordelia can facetank a lot of the enemies whilst building Axe Rank, whilst Chrom w/Sumia can handle anyone else who wants to avoid WTD by attacking him whilst he's using a Lance. Chrom hits D Lances on this chapter which is good, Gregor is one attack from A Swords and D Axes, which is also good.

As outlined, I let Lissa and Sumia spam the rescue staff as much as possible, and Olivia helps to facilitate this. Lissa actually ORKO's Knights with a Mag pair up and Elthunder, which is pretty impressive since she still isn't OHKO'd. I'm thinking about maybe letting her reach Tomefaire since Rescue Staff EXP looks trivial to accumulate and she might be better off in Valkyrie than Falcoknight if I'm certified to already have two of them so Rally Speed is likely to not be quite as important (not to mention there's potentially Cynthia)

When it comes to the top right Bow Knight group, I did something pretty cute and had Gregor lure a Short Spear Knight onto the only tile the Bow Knight could attack me from. Meanwhile, the rest of the Cavaliers would charge into him and die one by one. Lissa got an EXP event tile and a + support with Libra tile. I ferried her around to grab them with Maribelle and Cherche since they weren't doing anything else. The boss kill went to Lon'qu; I'm banking on him getting Astra before I recruit Morgan. Cordelia just about managed to squeak her way to level 20 through stealing promoted kills with Beast Killer and chipping whilst Gregor tanked. Chrom got a decent amount of tanking EXP too,

6 Turns.

I'm beginning to contemplate not letting Morgan and Robin be Heroes in the long run. I don't mind how Robin looks as one since mine is female but I can imagine Morgan looking stupid. That and I actually quite like how Dark Knight's look now that I messed around with second seals since Robin is 10 promoted...of course I suppose there's more the problem of the pair up bonuses being useful or not. Bah I dunno I still have to think about it. There's the possibility I pass down Rally Spectrum instead of Veteran and reclass Morgan to Tactician immediately so he learns Veteran naturally but passing down Veteran just seems like a more sensible choice.


UNIT       CLASS       LEVEL       HP    ST    MG    SK    SP    LK    DF    RS       WPNLVL                     SUPPORT

Chrom   Great Lord    20/03.66     45    23    04    26    25    20    19    08       A SWORD D LANCE            S SUMIA B ROBIN C SULLY/LISSA/FRED
Robin   Grandmaster   20/10.97  (+)60    26    25 (-)19    24    21    24    17       B SWORD A TOME             S LON'QU B CHROM/FRED C LISSA
Sumia    F.Knight     20/02.60     39    20    13    31    31    20    14    21       A LANCE E STAFF            S CHROM C FRED
Cordelia F.Knight     20/01.00     42    21    07    27    26    18    19    15       A LANCE E STAFF            S GREGOR C FRED
Lon'qu  Swordmaster   20/04.33     42    21    04    31    32    21    17    08       A SWORD                    S ROBIN C LISSA
Gregor     Hero       20/02.87     46    24    03    26    23    13    22    06       B SWORD E AXE              S CORDELIA
Lissa      Sage       10/07.05     32    09    19    16    16    19    09    15       B STAFF D TOME             B MARI C CHROM/ROBIN/FRED/LON'QU/LIBRA
Libra    War Monk     ??/02.55     41    16    17    14    14    11    12    17       C STAFF C AXE              C LISSA/GAIUS
Anna     Trickster    ??/03.18     39    14    20    23    23    28    10    11       C SWORD C STAFF

Anna hit C Staves so I can stop focusing on her Staff Rank since she's Physic ready. I forgot to put Mari in Lissa's support stats before but she's been a preffered Mag pair up for Lissa since she offers some extra mov and speed rather than somewhat useless Skill. Fred actually chipped another level but the only difference it makes is he has 10 luck now, so as far as pair up botting goes theres that? Seeing as I have all my planned marriages done, it might be prudent to start letting Sumia and Cordelia have fun with Fred's bonuses instead of staying with their husbands. Or just anyone else really I suppose, just that Fred can actually provide a Dual Attack that isn't total garbage at this point in the game.

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Chapter 13 did not offer any chance for Sumia or Cordelia to abuse the Rescue Staff. Oh well. Also the game's plot is beginning to really confuse me.

[spoiler=Chapter 13]

There's a really braindead 1 turn available thanks to Rescue but I decided to grab all the items. I REALLY HOPE none of the reinforcements on this map had any good loot like the Ch11 reinforcements since I skipped all of them. <_<

Gregor needed one extra attack to get to D axes for Optimal EP engagement on turn 1 so I had Cordelia attack the Longbow archer to the left, and Gregor's DS puts him to D. Then Anna rescues them back, they get danced and Gregor positions with Hand Axe for great EP coverage right below the Fort. Unfortunately, being ON the fort means he can't tag the Fighters. On the right, Chrom is luckier since Sumia can just fly him up there with a Javelin and he can obliterate everything pretty easily after taking out the Longbow archer. Lon'qu and Robin go south for the clump of enemies and Libra and Lissa spam Rescue on each other.

After that, Lon'qu kills one of the archers, gets rescued by Anna, danced then walks into range of the top clump of enemies with Robin leading. Cordelia kills the Sniper on the left who is pretty heavily weakened. It's possible to squeak in an extra Myrmidon kill for this EP but I gave te kill to Cordelia instead of Hand Axe Gregor. Left, Chrom also kills a Sniper for the Silver Bow and gets the event tile for WEXP. Lissa rescues Libra and positions to lure the remaining bottom archer, Libra rescues Lissa etc.

Cordelia kills the Longbow Archer and gets his drop. Robin barely missed a KO on the Warrior so I rescued Cordelia to let Gregor take the kill, and he hits A swords too. Sumia kills some other archer, Lissa rescues Libra and Libra KO's the archer.

Elthunder Robin and Silver Sword Lon'qu dodge counter and get a nice and easy ORKO on the boss. I only missed one myrmidon in terms of rout, which would have been doable if this was rout if I took a bit of a gamble.


UNIT       CLASS       LEVEL       HP    ST    MG    SK    SP    LK    DF    RS       WPNLVL                     SUPPORT

Chrom   Great Lord    20/05.20     47    25    04    27    27    22    20    09       A SWORD D LANCE            S SUMIA B ROBIN C LUCINA/LISSA/FRED/SULLY
Lucina     Lord        10.00       34    16    06    22    22    18    13    08       C SWORD                    C CHROM/SUMIA
Robin   Grandmaster   20/12.25  (+)62    27    26 (-)20    25    23    25    18       B SWORD A TOME             S LON'QU B CHROM/FRED C LISSA
Sumia    F.Knight     20/03.25     40    20    14    31    32    21    14    21       A LANCE E STAFF            S CHROM C LUCINA/FRED
Cordelia F.Knight     20/01.86     42    21    07    27    26    18    19    15       A LANCE E STAFF            S GREGOR C FRED
Lon'qu  Swordmaster   20/05.34     43    21    04    32    33    22    18    09       A SWORD                    S ROBIN C LISSA
Gregor     Hero       20/04.01     49    25    03    28    25    13    22    07       A SWORD D AXE              S CORDELIA
Lissa      Sage       10/08.08     33    09    20    16    16    19    09    15       B STAFF D TOME             B MARI C CHROM/ROBIN/FRED/LON'QU/LIBRA
Libra    War Monk     ??/03.38     42    17    17    14    15    11    13    18       C STAFF C AXE              C LISSA/GAIUS
Anna     Trickster    ??/04.20     40    14    21    24    23    29    10    11       C SWORD C STAFF
Olivia    Dancer       05.08       20    05    04    11    10    08    04    03       D SWORD

Lucina bases are sick good for her level, holy shit. Considering she inherits Aether naturally, I'm guessing it's more beneficial to just instant second seal her and let her accumulate EXP like nuts as opposed to letting her level up normally? Though, Cavalier seems like the only particularly useful reclass right now since otherwise she loses her Sword Rank (and her Falchion is awesome too so that'd be a no, heh). Having seen how Paladins look I'm not so opposed to Cavaliers anymore.

Morgan's paralogue seems like it would be pretty easy to do immediately, so I'll probably go grab him, esp since Lon'qu passes down Astra right now. Cynthia and Severa's not so much. Severa's might be possible given the somewhat low enemy density but I'd rather wait till Gregor gets Sol to pass down to her anyway. Cynthia's has too many superenemies in balls to survive at this point...

Oh right, may as well list kid stats from what I can see right now. Obviously Cynthia and Severa are probably subject to change.

Morgan   Myrmidon      10.00       40    17    14    22    24    17    15    10       C SWORD
Cynthia  P.Knight      10.00       33    15    07    22    24    20    12    14       C LANCE
Severa   Mercenary     10.00       37    17    02    21    19    12    16    05       C SWORD

I'm seriously having reservations about Morgan's class options. I'm grossed out by Male Heroes now seeing how bad Gregor looks as one, but since he starts with C Sword Rank he should probably be hanging around in a class that actually uses that. Considering Assassins are Fugly, Bow Knights are lol, and crappy Tome rank + not so great mag growth might make Dark Knight/Grandmaster meh. Paladin again? <_<

Also, wondering about letting Lissa get to Tomefaire and being a Valkyrie instead of flying staffbot so she can keep her tomes...

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  • 2 months later...

This is a thing again~

Finally went and finished Paralogue 12 after a lot of articulated segmented planning on how to maximise EXP gain for Lucina and Morgan. I opted NOT to Second Seal Lucina to Cavalier because upon testing outfits on Robin, I realised female Paladins are in their pants for no reason and don't even have a proper tunic. Actually that's a problem for a bunch of female mounted units. It looks alright in combat cause they're on the horse so you can't really see it but in cutscenes it looks really stupid especially from behind (which I'll be seeing a lot of, and she'll doubtless be in many of them). So for this playthrough...nothing that'll make people look dumb in cutscenes. Plus her Lord design is one of my favourite outfits in the series anyway, and Rightful King is a good skill to aim for anyway.

Morgan however was second sealed to Cavalier. I was contemplating making him a Dark Mage for Hex/Anathema (which I can see being REALLY useful later in the game), promoting to Dark Knight or Sorc, then digging back into Grandmaster for Ignis/Rally Spectrum (tbh, I'm wishing I'd done that now) but decided not to do that at the time for more beneficial pair up bonuses, and a better growth spread. Having Lon'qu as a father didn't do his Mag growths any favours.

I also insta promoted Cherche for an extra flier for this map with good pair up bonuses. She hits 20 str and def with promo with her Lunatic bases which combined with her class makes her a huge str and def bot. If Fred manages to chip his way to level 10 I might Second Seal him into a Wyvern Lord too, who knows! Also I bought a Beastkiller and an Arms Scroll from Anna before starting the map, should be handy.

[spoiler=Paralogue 12]

So...awkwardly I don't really remember most of my early strategy too well since I was mostly just trying out a ton of things and various permuations that could lead to the best end result. And when I felt comfortable I'd bookmark backup that point then come back to it later so I wouldn't have to redo it again (since a bit of it is random anyway).

What I do remember mostly centers around Anna immediately Rescuing Morgan on Turn 1, who talks to Robin, Second Seals to Cavalier, and teams up with Lon'qu to double and ORKO Myrmidons. Lucina was with Cherche and dumped in the middle of the map immediately to murder a lot of Wyverns with her P.Falchion (amazing weapon). Cordelia and Gregor pull one immediately aggressive Wyvern from the left, whilst Sumia and Chrom go to the right chest to clear out a few enemies, including a thief who'd be pilfering stuff otherwise. Libra and Lissa are spamming rescue on each other. Cordelia actually uses rescue a little bit whenever she can too for some exp.

After that, it's a case of choking the first aggressive group from the top whilst Morgan deals with most of them with either Frederick or Lon'qu helping him, whilst Lucina continues to stand in good positions to murder incoming Wyverns. Chrom/Sumia let the right thief pick the chest so they can kill him to save Anna getting over there. Anna instead rescues Cordelia/Gregor after they KO the second thief who pilfered the top left chest.

After all the immediately aggressive enemies are dead, Robin pairs into Sumia to KO the top right Griffon Rider with Elwind, whilst Lucina will kill his buddies. This group aggros when the reinforcements start, on turn...5 is it? Something like that. So anyway they need to be dead first. Then they get Rescued out and transfered around and separated after pulling those guys so Robin/Lon'qu can kill a reinforcement Griffon Rider when he first spawns, and everyone is safely out of range. Lucina continues to kill all the reinforcement Wyverns, Sage Lissa working as an effective Lure due to her really low defence. The Swordmaster reinforcements cross the water and are duly dealt with by the Pegasus duo and their Husbands, rescued out again, and Fred blocked the bottom stairs reinforcement. The other infantry reinforcements go the long way around and are basically all fed to Morgan.

The final mass pull is handled by pairing Lucina into Sumia and going onto a single tile very near the boss (I love single tile positioning possibilities!) that let her kill pretty much all the Wyverns, whilst Morgan with Lon'qu sat activated the lower group, ORKOing the Myrmidons and pulling the mages, who were then mopped up on PP.

After that, all the rescue spam and a few kills resulted in Cordelia being 10~ exp off level 5, so I had her pair into Morgan to hopefully get a DS whilst he whacked a Wyvern with his Lance, worked out. Lissa and Libra and Anna all are gaining levels via spamming Rescue for all it's worth, Lissa Second Seals to FalcoKnight mid map and continues to spam Rescue.

Lon'qu chips the boss and Robin KO's, although I played around a bit with him since he had Lancebreaker, meaning I could slighty increase Lissa's Lance rank from her whiffing in the back repeatedly whilst I whiffed attacks with Chrom and Cordelia. Too bad there's a WEXP cap per enemy in this game like FE12. I also used a Seed of Trust to get Morgan and Lucina (who were paired up for a lot of kills) to C support since they capped out normally and needed that extra boost to make it to C.

Both event tiles were Roy's Blade.

UNIT       CLASS       LEVEL       HP    ST    MG    SK    SP    LK    DF    RS       WPNLVL                     SUPPORT

Chrom   Great Lord    20/06.61     48    26    04    28    28    23    21    09       A SWORD C LANCE            S SUMIA B ROBIN C LUCINA/LISSA/FRED/SULLY
Lucina     Lord        18.04       42    22    08    29    29    25    17    11       C SWORD                    C MORGAN/CHROM/SUMIA
Robin   Grandmaster   20/14.17  (+)64    29    27 (-)21    27    24    26    19       B SWORD A TOME             S LON'QU B CHROM/FRED C LISSA/MORGAN
Morgan   Cavalier     10/14.15     53    27    15    26    29    24    25    15       C SWORD D LANCE            C LUCINA/ROBIN/LON'QU
Sumia    F.Knight     20/05.18     42    21    14    33    33    23    15    22       A LANCE E STAFF            S CHROM C LUCINA/FRED
Cordelia F.Knight     20/05.01     46    24    08    30    30    20    22    17       A LANCE E STAFF            S GREGOR C FRED
Lon'qu  Swordmaster   20/06.01     43    22    05    33    34    22    18    10       A SWORD                    S ROBIN C MORGAN/LISSA
Gregor     Hero       20/05.02     50    26    03    29    25    14    23    07       A SWORD D AXE              S CORDELIA
Lissa    F.Knight   10/10/02.26    35    16    19    24    23    22    12    20       A STAFF E LANCE (D TOME)   B LIBRA/MARI/ROBIN C CHROM/FRED/LON'QU
Libra    War Monk     ??/06.09     45    18    19    15    17    13    14    20       C STAFF C AXE              B LISSA C GAIUS
Anna     Trickster    ??/06.05     42    15    22    26    25    31    11    12       C SWORD C STAFF
Olivia    Dancer       08.34       23    08    05    13    13    10    05    03       D SWORD

Cherche   W.Lord      12/01.00     38    20    02    16    15    10    20    05       C AXE E LANCE
Fred     G.Knight     ??/08.13     36    18    03    16    15    10    18    04       A LANCE A SWORD B AXE      A VIRION B ROBIN C CORDELIA/LISSA/SUMIA/MARI

Quick show of instant promo Cherche compared to Fred at the end. Every Parent has made it to their level 5 Promoted Skills now. Cordelia's stats are....really good.

Morgan is capped in Str Skl Spd and pretty close to cap on def so he's undoubtedly getting promoted to Paladin. He's by far my best unit right now. Here's what his stats would look like.

Morgan   Paladin    10/14/01.00    60    30    16    28    31    24    28    21       C SWORD D LANCE            C LUCINA/ROBIN/LON'QU

I'm still hoarding statboosters because I am an idiot, including this amazingly sick Naga's Tear thing. Who knows, maybe I'll do something silly like throw them all into Owain (if I get him) or something and attempt to power him through Dark Mage for those HexAnathema bonuses.

Lucina will probably aim to get to level 20 before promoting in the next chapter.

Edited by Irysa
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