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Will affinities ever return?


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Meet Raigh and Lugh.

Raigh and Lugh are twins.

Raigh and Lugh have different affinities.

Maybe it was around midnight on the last day of a month when they were born? Sometimes if that happens, twins can have different birthdays. Like if one was born at 11:55 pm, and 5 minutes later the other one came out. The second one, since midnight starts the next day, will have a different birthday.

Pretty rare for that to happen though. That's why my two sets of twin OCs would have the same affinity. Cerai and Leo are both thunder. Haven't decided about Jess and Jak yet.

Edit- Okay what gives? Fire and ice aren't right beside each other on the birthmonth thing...crazy.

Edited by Dragoncat
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I'd like to see them return, especially with stat-bonuses. Maybe instead of making it so each affinity gives certain bonuses make it so that the bonuses are relative to the support element?

I.E. Let's take a Fire element character. If you paired them with another fire element character they might get a huge boost to one stat, but nothing else. Pair them with a water element and they would get bonuses across the board, but nothing outstanding, and wind/thunder would offer medium-level bonuses to others.

Course, that might just over-complicate the issue and it would be better to just use hard-bonuses instead.

Maybe instead of +hit they could offer +crit instead for the hit-focused elements? Also, NERF THE AVOID ELEMENTS! 1/2.5, not 2.5/5!

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The stat-bonuses were always a nice perk, but I honestly don't feel that they should make or break a character. Course, I'm a 'casual' player of FE, and outside of the Mia/Zihark debates I don't really care THAT much about tiers or stats (even then it's a long history and my main grudge against tiers is how LTC focused they are).

Would affinities returning be nice? Yes.

Would stat-boosts to supports be nice? Yes.

Would the return result in a lot of tier-list alterations that would probably drive me nutty? Yes.

Meh. I want them back and would like for them to be more than just a tiny nod on the characters screens, but I'm worried that they'd end up being either meaningless or too defining.

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I dunno. I never cared much for affinities. I mean I liked them, they're nice but meh. When playing GBA FE, I generally don't care about affinities. I don't even care much for supports bc in the long run. you really don't even need them to trivialize the games. To me, the boosts they gave weren't all that worth the trouble when I could easily clear the chapters regardless. There wasn't much incentive. Of course I did it for canon (lolwut? Most pairings don't have canon) but that's really it.

In PoR/RD, I was too noob and didn't even know what they even did.

In Awakening however, supports gave stat boosts, hit/evade/crit/etc. and increased dual strike/guard. IMO, that gave me a clear incentive to go for supports (which wasn't even hard because lol pair up, which you should be doing anyways). Although there's unlimited supporting so you only have to think about your s support. And just support with as many random people as possible. GBAFE did better in that aspect by limiting supports. You actually have to think about who to support with. Still, I find the new system better.

That being said if affinities returned with a more useful, practical effect, I would love that.

Amina Affinity.

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Here's a bunch of headcanons I compiled for the Tellius saga with relation to affinites ( I got one for innate skills as well ):

1) Soren and Titania: Dark and Light respectively. It also represents their outlook on in-game situations: Soren's cynicism and Titania's more positive attitude. Same with Edward ( Light affinity ). He could be a bit rash and over-eager at times, though. So Leonardo's calm Water affinity balances that out.
2) Sisters Micaiah and Sanaki: Dark and Light again. I'm not sure why Micaiah as Dark as her affinity, when she is a Light Sage, but it could be that she was originally intended to be a Shaman. I dunno... Maybe that's why she's a Dark Sage in FE13.
3) Zelgius and Sephiran ( Dark and Light ).
4) Fiery, hotheaded Boyd and calm Earth-based Oscar. The same goes for Fire-based Mia and Earth-based Lucia. ( Swordmasters ). Even sibling yin-yang, with Geoffery's Fire alternating with Lucia's Earth. Marcia and Makalov to an extent, but based off personality only. Or Oscar and Kieran ( Paladins ).
5) Serious, Earth-based Tanith and funny, Fire-based Marcia ( Pegasus Knights). Again, the Fire and Earth affinites ( which are complementary affinites, not opposites ).
6) Again, serious, cynical Soren and chipper Bastian ( Wind Sages ). Personalities only. I prefer the latter. Never liked Soren.
7) Backstabbing Kilvas (Naesala/Dark) and honourable Phoenecis (Tibarn/Heaven).
8) Elincia always struck me as a Water type. It would have rounded off this set very nicely: Fire - Geoffrey, Earth - Lucia, Wind- Bastian. Four primary elements in nature. When I hacked RD I gave her that affinity for laughs.
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