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Crusader Kings II - and how not to suck?


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Anyway, a chancellor with 13 dip is actually worthless. For someone to be my chancellor, he has to have at least 18 dip. My current chancellor is my landless brother who has 27 dip (his tutor, the previous emperor is a beast).

Wait, what.


I actually felt very lucky for having a Chancelor with 18 diplomacy once. How is that even possible?

I also noticed that marrying my vassals/courtesans with other nobles with high stats can be an easy way to netch a good Chancelor. Sounds like a thing.

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Wait, what.


I actually felt very lucky for having a Chancelor with 18 diplomacy once. How is that even possible?

I made my brother Chancellor once. He was Slow (like, the trait), and died of pneumonia at around 22. His statline read, no joke; 18/0/0/0/0.

Integrity can confirm.

RIP Robinho de Mourinho

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Sup, I bought EU4 on the steam sale, and am running into some troubles. Can I use this thread to ask for some advice?

Sure, I don't see why not. I got EU4 as well but haven't played too much of it.

Wait, what.


I actually felt very lucky for having a Chancelor with 18 diplomacy once. How is that even possible?

I also noticed that marrying my vassals/courtesans with other nobles with high stats can be an easy way to netch a good Chancelor. Sounds like a thing.

It's probably less likely for you to get good council members when you're a small count such as one of those in Ireland, your choices are likely to be pretty shit. That's one of the reason why the start can be so slow fabricating claims with a bad chancelor.

Once you start getting the ball rolling you can consistently get councilers with at least 16+ in their respective stat, and I haven't played till I got a big empire or anything but it would probably become much easier to find good stats when you expand.

I got the demon child event, who also had genius. She got the trait that give her +20 martial because "jesus gives martial advice." and ended up with like 43 martial.

Edited by Tryhard
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Wait, what.


I actually felt very lucky for having a Chancelor with 18 diplomacy once. How is that even possible?

I also noticed that marrying my vassals/courtesans with other nobles with high stats can be an easy way to netch a good Chancelor. Sounds like a thing.

1. Have a big enough land. Usually when you are the emperor of an empire.

2. Invite high stat people in your realm to your court. Or, snatch courtians from your vassals!

3. ????

4. Have profits.

5. If you are an Indian, just invite a guru and consider it done.

It's probably less likely for you to get good council members when you're a small count such as one of those in Ireland, your choices are likely to be pretty shit. That's one of the reason why the start can be so slow fabricating claims with a bad chancelor.

For Ireland, just smash everything you can with your army. Simple.

Anyway, have anyone have your wife suddenly lose genius trait? I was pretty sure genius trait cant simply be lost. I married 3 women, all of them are genius. Some years later, one of them lost genius trait. I was so furious that I had her killed instead of divorce her. Then I divorced the rest and married 16 years old girls. I have 3 genius sons and 7 genius daughters, it's time for my emperor to enjoy some fresh meat.

Edited by Magical Amber
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Okay, my question is this: I'm playing as France on my second game after a horrible failure in my first game. England has Brittany as well as a bunch of other provinces that have my name on them. I can take England easy, but they have been best buddies with Spain and Portugal all game and even when scorching all of my land in a defensive war, I just can't beat all of them combined.

Is there any way to drive a wedge between these three? Because that'd really help me out.

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Okay, my question is this: I'm playing as France on my second game after a horrible failure in my first game. England has Brittany as well as a bunch of other provinces that have my name on them. I can take England easy, but they have been best buddies with Spain and Portugal all game and even when scorching all of my land in a defensive war, I just can't beat all of them combined.

Is there any way to drive a wedge between these three? Because that'd really help me out.

Try making alliances and calling your allies to the battle as well? It helped me a lot when I had to face a Sulthanate when I had only 6k units and the enemy had the triple.

I'm playing as Portugal now, since I can't stop hopping from playthrough from playthrough without actually finishing. I'm in a situation where I can stomp Galicia anytime I want or I can spend my gold on mercenaries and laugh as my enemies fall against my army of 20k units, which is actually how I won two Holy Wars for two duchies. I'd never guess Portugal would be so overpowered.

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No one on the continent ever likes me enough to join a war against them. Burgundy and Austria permanenty hate France so they're out and the north african nations can't beat their navies so they're out, too. This leaves me with Denmark and the eastern european powers; I can ally them but fr some reason they never want to join.

Anway I played along and through sheer luck England and Spain at some point ended up warring over some small country, and at another time they were involved in some other big war. I took advantage of these to kick England mostly off the continent(they still own Brittany though) and one time Spanish troops got caught up or something and so I steamrolled them. I intended to force them to release Aragon but then some pretty fucking heavy rebellions started hitting me and I just let that go. It's unfortunate because Spain has as large an army as I do right now.

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I haven't had a chance to try the new DLC too much but from what I've seen there are a few bugs still popping up, at least I saw so on the CK2 subreddit.

From what little I've played I haven't noticed any though.

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I haven't had a chance to try the new DLC too much but from what I've seen there are a few bugs still popping up, at least I saw so on the CK2 subreddit.

From what little I've played I haven't noticed any though.

Hmm, from what I saw:

_The Satan spawn is way harder to deal with. I have the feeling that he's also smarter than before. With assassin button gone, he still managed to kill every single child his dad has.

_The Muslim is way too strong now. Well, they still fall apart after sometimes, as usual.

_The only one that hit hard by the removing of assassin button is the pagan, Gavelkind sucks. Elective Gavelkind....lol....

_Retinue is now more expensive than mercenary. Great work, Paradox.

_Tribal... a mess.

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Remember my Portugal playthrough? Yeah. Aztecs conquered France, then started attacking sulthanates south of the Iberian peninsula, then decided it'd be best to have my nation and Castille as their next meal. As I ponder how it is possible for Aztecs to be on Europe during the 12th century, my armies fall for their 100K soldiers coming from everywhere.

Meanwhile, fem!Julius is a thing in my Ireland playthrough.

Uh, any tips as to how to play as Norse pagans? I found them OPed until sucession crisis came and five rebel armies + two Christian countries rose against me.

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Remember my Portugal playthrough? Yeah. Aztecs conquered France, then started attacking sulthanates south of the Iberian peninsula, then decided it'd be best to have my nation and Castille as their next meal. As I ponder how it is possible for Aztecs to be on Europe during the 12th century, my armies fall for their 100K soldiers coming from everywhere.

Meanwhile, fem!Julius is a thing in my Ireland playthrough.

Uh, any tips as to how to play as Norse pagans? I found them OPed until sucession crisis came and five rebel armies + two Christian countries rose against me.

Norse Pagan in 867, I guess?

_Dont have too many sons.

_Dont give lands to your sons, except the one you want to be your heir.

_Try to be on the best term with your vassals.

_Your heir should have high diplomacy. If you cant tutor him yourself, let someone who has high diplomacy tutor him.

_Since you havent reformed yet, your land still does attrition damage against the Christian.

_Hire mercenary and destroy the rebel.

_In peace time, let your heir or you lead the raiding army. Destroy as many holding as you can. Viking trait is always good for Norse ruler.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Art of War is now additionally out for EU4, changing a lot of the map in the 1.8 patch.

I still haven't been able to play that much recently, but this is supposedly a pretty big changelist including significiant UI improvements.

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  • 3 weeks later...

abbasids blob so hard

I can't say I really saw the downgrade in performance in EU4 1.8 myself, my computer tends to run stuff pretty well, but I have heard that from others, yeah.

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It was very surprising and odd to find out that I managed to become King of Jerusalem on the first generation of my recent Ireland run, somehow. The problem is, my country is split by the sea and I am surrounded by blood lusty muslims. I just recently started distributing lands among vassals when three different leaders declared war on me. Help?

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I assume there was a Crusade and you joined in. The person who contributes most to the Crusade gets the land at the end. Anyways, keeping control of Jerusalem is tough if you don't have a good base since you'll have to deal with recently conquered, different religion, and different culture penalties. Ideally, you could ally yourself with someone like the ERE to help out. Prior to the retinue nerf, I would have advised placing some strong retinues there and using terrain/attrition to your advantage, but odds are there's not much you can do with retinues now. You're probably best just losing the territory/giving it away. It will be more pain than it will ever likely be worth. The Holy Land isn't great, except for RP purposes.

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It was very surprising and odd to find out that I managed to become King of Jerusalem on the first generation of my recent Ireland run, somehow. The problem is, my country is split by the sea and I am surrounded by blood lusty muslims. I just recently started distributing lands among vassals when three different leaders declared war on me. Help?

At least you are Ireland so your only problem is the Jihad. I suggest you to ally with someone strong and give them a land near your Kingdom of Jerusalem. The Byzantine is your best bet. Try to be on good term with the Byzantine is always good as I usually see Byzantine goes nuts on Jerusalem no matter if the holder is Catholic, Jew or Muslim.

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Which are good ways to reform the Norse faith? On my current run (I accidentally deleted all my other savefiles when messing around with mods, go me), I chose to play as Bjorn, then conquered Norway and Sweden (I only created the latter country, though) along the way. Norse moral authority is currently very low (2,5%), two holy sites are being held by me, another by Norse!Denmark, another by Lotharingia and I can't remember the other.

Can I just lolconquer all the holy sites counties, reform the faith, then give up on those who are too far and hard to maintain?

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