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Working on college scholarships is so much fun.


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Oh joy.

I have until the end of the month to get this all done, I have to talk to my most trusted teachers at school for recommendations, my parents are on my ass about all this, and I'm rather exhausted and worried.

...Thankfully I know things will turn out fine in the end.

*works on application*

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Also I have to take the ACT this Saturday. If I get a 32 or higher, my parents will get me a laptop. Whooo

I'm so tired right now. x_x

Scholarship applications are the worst... you'll get through it though!

I'll do my best, Darros. /o\

This is one of the reasons I decided college isnt for me...and went straight into the work force.

Good luck though :)

Haha, thank you.

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scholarships? They're important. Make sure you, like, actually get rest and not overwhelm yourself, dude, so that you can actually do stuff in school.

seriously though, glad you're doing good. :)

Of course.

Thanks buddy, I will. :)

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Oiii I want scholarships too D":

Anyway you're doing really great ZM ^-^~ You can do eeetttt

Poor Arya :c

Thanks. ^^

Just remember it'll be worth it in the end. personally I have more fun in college than I did in high-school

Of course.

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good luck zm and may you get many money.

also quick bit of advice taking the act/sat tests on 2 hours of sleep sucks so make sure your'e not going overboard/

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Good luck.

Thanks man.

Cool! Good job! I just read an email about 5 minutes ago inviting me to join Phi Theta Kappa. Apparently they have scholarships too! My first ones at this school I hope.

Heh, I see. Good luck yourself!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Good Luck. I had my orientation just this morning, I'll be starting Monday.

you start on monday? i've been on campus for a month+ already. damn you guys start late.

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The thing is, no matter what happens, I'll DEFINITELY get into a college just by participating in this program. So even if I don't win the big prize, it's still a win-win for me.

I'm just hoping I get the award.

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